float *Hs[2];//thread updatable copies
pa_aupdate *a_H;
pa_memchunk conv_buffer;
- pa_memblockq *rendered_q;
+ pa_memblockq *input_q;
pa_dbus_protocol *dbus_protocol;
char *dbus_path;
void interpolate(float *signal, size_t length, uint32_t *xs, float *ys, size_t n_points);
static void array_out(const char *name, float *a, size_t length);
static int is_monotonic(uint32_t *xs, size_t length);
-static void process_samples(struct userdata *u);
+static void process_samples(struct userdata *u, pa_memchunk *tchunk);
static void input_buffer(struct userdata *u, pa_memchunk *in);
static void save_profile(struct userdata *u,char *name);
static void save_state(struct userdata *u);
if (PA_MSGOBJECT(u->master)->process_msg(PA_MSGOBJECT(u->master), PA_SINK_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY, &usec, 0, NULL) < 0)
usec = 0;
- //usec+=pa_bytes_to_usec(u->latency * fs, ss);
- //usec+=pa_bytes_to_usec(u->samples_gathered * fs, ss);
- usec += pa_bytes_to_usec(pa_memblockq_get_length(u->rendered_q), ss);
+ //usec += pa_bytes_to_usec(u->latency * fs, ss);
+ //usec += pa_bytes_to_usec(u->samples_gathered * fs, ss);
+ usec += pa_bytes_to_usec(pa_memblockq_get_length(u->input_q), ss);
/* Add the latency internal to our sink input on top */
usec += pa_bytes_to_usec(pa_memblockq_get_length(u->sink_input->thread_info.render_memblockq), &u->master->sample_spec);
*((pa_usec_t*) data) = usec;
pa_assert_se(u = s->userdata);
+ //pa_memblockq_drop(u->input_q,pa_memblockq_get_length(u->input_q));
/* Just hand this one over to the master sink */
- pa_sink_input_request_rewind(u->sink_input, s->thread_info.rewind_nbytes + pa_memblockq_get_length(u->rendered_q), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ pa_sink_input_request_rewind(u->sink_input, s->thread_info.rewind_nbytes+pa_memblockq_get_length(u->input_q), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
/* Called from I/O thread context */
-static void process_samples(struct userdata *u){
- pa_memchunk tchunk;
+static void process_samples(struct userdata *u, pa_memchunk *tchunk){
size_t fs=pa_frame_size(&(u->sink->sample_spec));
- while(u->samples_gathered >= u->R){
- float *dst;
- //pa_log("iter gathered: %ld", u->samples_gathered);
- //pa_memblockq_drop(u->rendered_q, tchunk.length);
- tchunk.index=0;
- tchunk.length=u->R*fs;
- tchunk.memblock=pa_memblock_new(u->core->mempool, tchunk.length);
- dst=((float*)pa_memblock_acquire(tchunk.memblock));
- for(size_t c=0;c < u->channels; c++) {
- dsp_logic(
- u->work_buffer,
- u->input[c],
- u->overlap_accum[c],
- u->H,
- u->W,
- u->output_window,
- u
- );
- pa_sample_clamp(PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE, dst + c, fs, u->work_buffer, sizeof(float), u->R);
- }
- pa_memblock_release(tchunk.memblock);
- pa_memblockq_push(u->rendered_q, &tchunk);
- pa_memblock_unref(tchunk.memblock);
- u->samples_gathered-=u->R;
+ pa_assert(u->samples_gathered >= u->R);
+ float *dst;
+ tchunk->index=0;
+ tchunk->length=u->R*fs;
+ tchunk->memblock=pa_memblock_new(u->core->mempool, tchunk->length);
+ dst=((float*)pa_memblock_acquire(tchunk->memblock));
+ for(size_t c=0;c < u->channels; c++) {
+ dsp_logic(
+ u->work_buffer,
+ u->input[c],
+ u->overlap_accum[c],
+ u->H,
+ u->W,
+ u->output_window,
+ u
+ );
+ pa_sample_clamp(PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE, dst + c, fs, u->work_buffer, sizeof(float), u->R);
+ pa_memblock_release(tchunk->memblock);
+ u->samples_gathered-=u->R;
typedef float v4sf __attribute__ ((__aligned__(v_size*sizeof(float))));
struct userdata *u;
- pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);
- pa_assert_se(u->sink);
+ pa_assert(u = i->userdata);
+ pa_assert(u->sink);
size_t fs = pa_frame_size(&(u->sink->sample_spec));
- //size_t samples_requested = nbytes/fs;
- size_t buffered_samples = pa_memblockq_get_length(u->rendered_q)/fs;
pa_memchunk tchunk;
chunk->memblock = NULL;
if (!u->sink || !PA_SINK_IS_OPENED(u->sink->thread_info.state))
return -1;
- /* Hmm, process any reweind request that might be queued up */
+ /* Hmm, process any rewind request that might be queued up */
pa_sink_process_rewind(u->sink, 0);
//pa_log("start output-buffered %ld, input-buffered %ld, requested %ld",buffered_samples,u->samples_gathered,samples_requested);
struct timespec start, end;
- if(pa_memblockq_peek(u->rendered_q, &tchunk)==0){
- *chunk = tchunk;
- pa_memblockq_drop(u->rendered_q, chunk->length);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set the H filter
- */
- unsigned H_i = pa_aupdate_read_begin(u->a_H);
- u->H = u->Hs[H_i];
- pa_memchunk *buffer;
size_t input_remaining = u->target_samples-u->samples_gathered;
//collect samples
- buffer = &u->conv_buffer;
- buffer->length = input_remaining*fs;
- buffer->index = 0;
- pa_memblock_ref(buffer->memblock);
- pa_sink_render_into(u->sink, buffer);
- //if(u->sink->thread_info.rewind_requested)
- // sink_request_rewind(u->sink);
- //pa_memchunk p;
- //buffer = &p;
- //pa_sink_render(u->sink, u->R*fs, buffer);
- //buffer->length = PA_MIN(input_remaining*fs, buffer->length);
- //debug block
- //pa_memblockq_push(u->rendered_q, buffer);
- //pa_memblock_unref(buffer->memblock);
- //goto END;
+ //buffer = &u->conv_buffer;
+ //buffer->length = input_remaining*fs;
+ //buffer->index = 0;
+ //pa_memblock_ref(buffer->memblock);
+ //pa_sink_render_into(u->sink, buffer);
+ while(pa_memblockq_peek(u->input_q, &tchunk) < 0){
+ pa_sink_render(u->sink, input_remaining*fs, &tchunk);
+ pa_memblockq_push(u->input_q, &tchunk);
+ pa_memblock_unref(tchunk.memblock);
+ }
+ tchunk.length = PA_MIN(input_remaining*fs, tchunk.length);
+ pa_memblockq_drop(u->input_q,tchunk.length);
//pa_log("asked for %ld input samples, got %ld samples",input_remaining,buffer->length/fs);
- //copy new input
+ /* copy new input */
- input_buffer(u, buffer);
+ input_buffer(u, &tchunk);
//pa_log("Took %0.5f seconds to setup", tdiff(end, start)*1e-9);
+ pa_memblock_unref(tchunk.memblock);
+ }while(u->samples_gathered < u->R);
- pa_memblock_unref(buffer->memblock);
- pa_assert_se(u->fft_size >= u->window_size);
- pa_assert_se(u->R < u->window_size);
- //process every complete block on hand
- gettime(start);
- process_samples(u);
- gettime(end);
- //pa_log("Took %0.5f seconds to process", tdiff(end, start)*1e-9);
- buffered_samples = pa_memblockq_get_length(u->rendered_q)/fs;
- }while(buffered_samples < u->R);
+ pa_assert(u->fft_size >= u->window_size);
+ pa_assert(u->R < u->window_size);
+ /* set the H filter */
+ unsigned H_i = pa_aupdate_read_begin(u->a_H);
+ u->H = u->Hs[H_i];
+ gettime(start);
+ /* process a block */
+ process_samples(u,chunk);
+ gettime(end);
+ //pa_log("Took %0.5f seconds to process", tdiff(end, start)*1e-9);
+ pa_aupdate_read_end(u->a_H);
- //deque from rendered_q and output
- pa_assert_se(pa_memblockq_peek(u->rendered_q, &tchunk)==0);
- *chunk = tchunk;
- pa_memblockq_drop(u->rendered_q, chunk->length);
- pa_assert_se(chunk->memblock);
+ pa_assert(chunk->memblock);
//pa_log("gave %ld", chunk->length/fs);
//pa_log("end pop");
return 0;
if (u->sink->thread_info.rewind_nbytes > 0) {
size_t max_rewrite;
- max_rewrite = nbytes + pa_memblockq_get_length(u->rendered_q);
+ //max_rewrite = nbytes;
+ max_rewrite = nbytes + pa_memblockq_get_length(u->input_q);
+ //PA_MIN(pa_memblockq_get_length(u->input_q), nbytes);
amount = PA_MIN(u->sink->thread_info.rewind_nbytes, max_rewrite);
u->sink->thread_info.rewind_nbytes = 0;
if (amount > 0) {
//pa_sample_spec *ss = &u->sink->sample_spec;
- //pa_memblockq_seek(u->rendered_q, - (int64_t) amount, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE, TRUE);
+ //invalidate the output q
+ pa_memblockq_seek(u->input_q, - (int64_t) amount, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE, TRUE);
+ //pa_memblockq_drop(u->input_q, pa_memblockq_get_length(u->input_q));
+ //pa_memblockq_seek(u->input_q, - (int64_t) amount, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE, TRUE);
pa_log_debug("Resetting equalizer");
u->samples_gathered = 0;
pa_sink_process_rewind(u->sink, amount);
- //pa_memblockq_rewind(u->rendered_q, nbytes);
+ pa_memblockq_rewind(u->input_q, nbytes);
/* Called from I/O thread context */
if (!u->sink || !PA_SINK_IS_LINKED(u->sink->thread_info.state))
- pa_memblockq_set_maxrewind(u->rendered_q, nbytes);
+ pa_memblockq_set_maxrewind(u->input_q, nbytes);
pa_sink_set_max_rewind_within_thread(u->sink, nbytes);
if (!u->sink || !PA_SINK_IS_LINKED(u->sink->thread_info.state))
- size_t fs = pa_frame_size(&(u->sink->sample_spec));
//pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->master->thread_info.min_latency, u->latency*fs);
//pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->latency*fs, u->latency*fs );
pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, i->sink->thread_info.min_latency, i->sink->thread_info.max_latency);
pa_sink_set_rtpoll(u->sink, i->sink->rtpoll);
- size_t fs = pa_frame_size(&(u->sink->sample_spec));
+ //size_t fs = pa_frame_size(&(u->sink->sample_spec));
//pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->latency*fs, u->latency*fs);
//pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->latency*fs, u->master->thread_info.max_latency);
//TODO: setting this guy minimizes drop outs but doesn't get rid
//of them completely, figure out why
- pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->master->thread_info.min_latency, u->latency*fs);
+ //pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->master->thread_info.min_latency, u->latency*fs);
//TODO: this guy causes dropouts constantly+rewinds, it's unusable
- //pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->master->thread_info.min_latency, u->master->thread_info.max_latency);
+ pa_sink_set_latency_range_within_thread(u->sink, u->master->thread_info.min_latency, u->master->thread_info.max_latency);
/* Called from main context */
u->target_samples = 1*u->R;
u->samples_gathered = 0;
u->max_output = pa_frame_align(pa_mempool_block_size_max(m->core->mempool), &ss)/pa_frame_size(&ss);
- u->rendered_q = pa_memblockq_new(0, MEMBLOCKQ_MAXLENGTH, u->target_samples*fs, fs, fs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ u->input_q = pa_memblockq_new(0, MEMBLOCKQ_MAXLENGTH, 0, fs, 1, 1, 0, NULL);
u->a_H = pa_aupdate_new();
u->conv_buffer.memblock = pa_memblock_new(u->core->mempool, u->target_samples*fs);
u->latency = u->R;
- if(u->conv_buffer.memblock)
- pa_memblock_unref(u->conv_buffer.memblock);
- if (u->rendered_q)
- pa_memblockq_free(u->rendered_q);
+ pa_aupdate_free(u->a_H);
+ pa_memblock_unref(u->conv_buffer.memblock);
+ pa_memblockq_free(u->input_q);