Tensor floor() const;
Tensor & floor_();
Tensor ger(const Tensor & vec2) const;
- std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> gesv(const Tensor & A) const;
Tensor fft(int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false) const;
Tensor ifft(int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false) const;
Tensor rfft(int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized=false, bool onesided=true) const;
std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor,Tensor> svd(bool some=true, bool compute_uv=true) const;
Tensor cholesky(bool upper=false) const;
Tensor cholesky_solve(const Tensor & input2, bool upper=false) const;
+ std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> solve(const Tensor & A) const;
Tensor potri(bool upper=true) const;
std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> pstrf(bool upper=true, Scalar tol=-1) const;
std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> qr() const;
inline Tensor Tensor::ger(const Tensor & vec2) const {
return type().ger(*this, vec2);
-inline std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> Tensor::gesv(const Tensor & A) const {
- return type().gesv(*this, A);
inline Tensor Tensor::fft(int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized) const {
return type().fft(*this, signal_ndim, normalized);
inline Tensor Tensor::cholesky_solve(const Tensor & input2, bool upper) const {
return type().cholesky_solve(*this, input2, upper);
+inline std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> Tensor::solve(const Tensor & A) const {
+ return type().solve(*this, A);
inline Tensor Tensor::potri(bool upper) const {
return type().potri(*this, upper);
virtual Tensor floor(const Tensor & self) const = 0;
virtual Tensor & floor_(Tensor & self) const = 0;
virtual Tensor ger(const Tensor & self, const Tensor & vec2) const = 0;
- virtual std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> gesv(const Tensor & self, const Tensor & A) const = 0;
virtual Tensor fft(const Tensor & self, int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized) const = 0;
virtual Tensor ifft(const Tensor & self, int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized) const = 0;
virtual Tensor rfft(const Tensor & self, int64_t signal_ndim, bool normalized, bool onesided) const = 0;
virtual std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor,Tensor> svd(const Tensor & self, bool some, bool compute_uv) const = 0;
virtual Tensor cholesky(const Tensor & self, bool upper) const = 0;
virtual Tensor cholesky_solve(const Tensor & self, const Tensor & input2, bool upper) const = 0;
+ virtual std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> solve(const Tensor & self, const Tensor & A) const = 0;
virtual Tensor potri(const Tensor & self, bool upper) const = 0;
virtual std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> pstrf(const Tensor & self, bool upper, Scalar tol) const = 0;
virtual std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> qr(const Tensor & self) const = 0;
_(aten, _cast_Short) \
_(aten, _cat) \
_(aten, _ceil) \
-_(aten, _cholesky_helper) \
-_(aten, _cholesky_solve_helper) \
_(aten, _convolution) \
_(aten, _convolution_double_backward) \
_(aten, _convolution_nogroup) \
_(aten, _floor) \
_(aten, _fused_dropout) \
_(aten, _ger) \
-_(aten, _gesv_helper) \
_(aten, _indexCopy) \
_(aten, _indices) \
-_(aten, _inverse_helper) \
_(aten, _linspace) \
_(aten, _local_scalar) \
_(aten, _local_scalar_dense) \
_(aten, geometric) \
_(aten, geqrf) \
_(aten, ger) \
-_(aten, gesv) \
_(aten, get_device) \
_(aten, glu) \
_(aten, glu_backward) \
_(aten, softshrink) \
_(aten, softshrink_backward) \
_(aten, softshrink_forward) \
+_(aten, solve) \
_(aten, sort) \
_(aten, sparse_coo_tensor) \
_(aten, sparse_mask) \
// Define the per-batch functions to be used in the main implementation of the batched
// linear algebra operations
template<class scalar_t>
-void lapackGesv(int n, int nrhs, scalar_t *a, int lda, int *ipiv, scalar_t *b, int ldb, int *info) {
- AT_ERROR("gesv only takes float or double Tensors");
+void lapackSolve(int n, int nrhs, scalar_t *a, int lda, int *ipiv, scalar_t *b, int ldb, int *info) {
+ AT_ERROR("solve only takes float or double Tensors");
template<class scalar_t>
-template<> void lapackGesv<double>(int n, int nrhs, double *a, int lda, int *ipiv, double *b, int ldb, int *info) {
+template<> void lapackSolve<double>(int n, int nrhs, double *a, int lda, int *ipiv, double *b, int ldb, int *info) {
dgesv_(&n, &nrhs, a, &lda, ipiv, b, &ldb, info);
-template<> void lapackGesv<float>(int n, int nrhs, float *a, int lda, int *ipiv, float *b, int ldb, int *info) {
+template<> void lapackSolve<float>(int n, int nrhs, float *a, int lda, int *ipiv, float *b, int ldb, int *info) {
sgesv_(&n, &nrhs, a, &lda, ipiv, b, &ldb, info);
// Below of the definitions of the functions operating on a batch that are going to be dispatched
// in the main helper functions for the linear algebra operations
-// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gesv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ solve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
template<typename scalar_t>
-static void apply_gesv(Tensor& b, Tensor& A, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
+static void apply_solve(Tensor& b, Tensor& A, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
#ifndef USE_LAPACK
- AT_ERROR("gesv: LAPACK library not found in compilation");
+ AT_ERROR("solve: LAPACK library not found in compilation");
auto A_data = A.data<scalar_t>();
auto b_data = b.data<scalar_t>();
int info;
if (b.dim() == 2) {
- lapackGesv<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_data, n, ipiv.data<int>(), b_data, n, &info);
+ lapackSolve<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_data, n, ipiv.data<int>(), b_data, n, &info);
infos[0] = info;
} else {
auto A_mat_stride = matrixStride(A);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
scalar_t* A_working_ptr = &A_data[i * A_mat_stride];
scalar_t* b_working_ptr = &b_data[i * b_mat_stride];
- lapackGesv<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_working_ptr, n, ipiv.data<int>(), b_working_ptr, n, &info);
+ lapackSolve<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_working_ptr, n, ipiv.data<int>(), b_working_ptr, n, &info);
infos[i] = info;
if (info != 0) {
-std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> _gesv_helper_cpu(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
+std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> _solve_helper_cpu(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
auto self_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(self);
auto A_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(A);
std::vector<int64_t> infos(batchCount(self), 0);
- AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(self.scalar_type(), "gesv_cpu", [&]{
- apply_gesv<scalar_t>(self_working_copy, A_working_copy, infos);
+ AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(self.scalar_type(), "solve_cpu", [&]{
+ apply_solve<scalar_t>(self_working_copy, A_working_copy, infos);
if (self.dim() > 2) {
- batchCheckErrors(infos, "gesv_cpu");
+ batchCheckErrors(infos, "solve_cpu");
} else {
- singleCheckErrors(infos[0], "gesv_cpu");
+ singleCheckErrors(infos[0], "solve_cpu");
return std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor>(self_working_copy, A_working_copy);
// Supports arbitrary batch dimensions for self and A
-std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> gesv(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
+std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> solve(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
AT_CHECK(self.dim() >= 2,
"B should have at least 2 dimensions, but has ", self.dim(), " dimensions instead");
AT_CHECK(A.dim() >= 2,
"A should have at least 2 dimensions, but has ", A.dim(), " dimensions instead");
Tensor self_broadcasted, A_broadcasted;
std::tie(self_broadcasted, A_broadcasted) = _linear_solve_broadcast_args(self, A);
- return at::_gesv_helper(self_broadcasted, A_broadcasted);
+ return at::_solve_helper(self_broadcasted, A_broadcasted);
-std::tuple<Tensor&,Tensor&> gesv_out(Tensor& solution, Tensor& lu, const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
- AT_CHECK(self.dim() == 2 && A.dim() == 2,
- "torch.gesv() with the `out` keyword does not support batching. "
- "b.dim() (", self.dim(), ") and A.dim() (", A.dim(), ") must both be 2.");
+std::tuple<Tensor&,Tensor&> solve_out(Tensor& solution, Tensor& lu, const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
Tensor solution_tmp, lu_tmp;
- std::tie(solution_tmp, lu_tmp) = at::_gesv_helper(self, A);
+ std::tie(solution_tmp, lu_tmp) = at::_solve_helper(self, A);
return std::tuple<Tensor&, Tensor&>(solution, lu);
-// Validates input shapes for linear solve methods (gesv, cholesky_solve)
+// Validates input shapes for linear solve methods (solve, cholesky_solve)
static inline void linearSolveCheckInputs(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
AT_CHECK(A.size(-1) == A.size(-2),
"A must be batches of square matrices, "
#ifdef USE_MAGMA
template<class scalar_t>
-void magmaGesv(
+void magmaSolve(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, scalar_t* dA, magma_int_t ldda,
magma_int_t* ipiv, scalar_t* dB, magma_int_t lddb, magma_int_t* info) {
- AT_ERROR("gesv only takes float or double Tensors");
+ AT_ERROR("solve only takes float or double Tensors");
template<class scalar_t>
-void magmaGesvBatched(
+void magmaSolveBatched(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, scalar_t** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
magma_int_t** dipiv_array, scalar_t** dB_array, magma_int_t lddb,
magma_int_t* dinfo_array, magma_int_t batch_count, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
- AT_ERROR("gesv only takes float or double Tensors");
+ AT_ERROR("solve only takes float or double Tensors");
template<class scalar_t>
-void magmaGesvBatched<double>(
+void magmaSolveBatched<double>(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, double** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
magma_int_t** dipiv_array, double** dB_array, magma_int_t lddb,
magma_int_t* dinfo_array, magma_int_t batch_count, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
-void magmaGesvBatched<float>(
+void magmaSolveBatched<float>(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, float** dA_array, magma_int_t ldda,
magma_int_t** dipiv_array, float** dB_array, magma_int_t lddb,
magma_int_t* dinfo_array, magma_int_t batch_count, const MAGMAQueue& magma_queue) {
-void magmaGesv<double>(
+void magmaSolve<double>(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, double* dA, magma_int_t ldda,
magma_int_t* ipiv, double* dB, magma_int_t lddb, magma_int_t* info) {
magma_dgesv_gpu(n, nrhs, dA, ldda, ipiv, dB, lddb, info);
-void magmaGesv<float>(
+void magmaSolve<float>(
magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs, float* dA, magma_int_t ldda,
magma_int_t* ipiv, float* dB, magma_int_t lddb, magma_int_t* info) {
magma_sgesv_gpu(n, nrhs, dA, ldda, ipiv, dB, lddb, info);
auto storage_##name = pin_memory<type>(size, dummy_tensor); \
name = static_cast<type*>(storage_##name.data());
-// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gesv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ solve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
template <typename scalar_t>
-static void apply_gesv(Tensor& b, Tensor& A, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
+static void apply_solve(Tensor& b, Tensor& A, std::vector<int64_t>& infos) {
#ifndef USE_MAGMA
-AT_ERROR("gesv: MAGMA library not found in "
+AT_ERROR("solve: MAGMA library not found in "
"compilation. Please rebuild with MAGMA.");
auto A_data = A.data<scalar_t>();
if (b.dim() == 2) {
auto ipiv = at::empty({n}, at::kInt);
magma_int_t info = 0;
- magmaGesv<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_data, n, ipiv.data<magma_int_t>(),
+ magmaSolve<scalar_t>(n, nrhs, A_data, n, ipiv.data<magma_int_t>(),
b_data, n, &info);
infos[0] = info;
} else {
MAGMAQueue magma_queue(b.get_device());
- magmaGesvBatched<scalar_t>(
+ magmaSolveBatched<scalar_t>(
n, nrhs, A_array, n, ipiv_array, b_array, n,
info_array, batch_size, magma_queue);
-std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> _gesv_helper_cuda(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
+std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> _solve_helper_cuda(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A) {
auto self_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(self);
auto A_working_copy = cloneBatchedColumnMajor(A);
std::vector<int64_t> infos(batchCount(self), 0);
- AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(self.scalar_type(), "gesv_cuda", [&]{
- apply_gesv<scalar_t>(self_working_copy, A_working_copy, infos);
+ AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(self.scalar_type(), "solve_cuda", [&]{
+ apply_solve<scalar_t>(self_working_copy, A_working_copy, infos);
if (self.dim() > 2) {
- batchCheckErrors(infos, "gesv_cuda");
+ batchCheckErrors(infos, "solve_cuda");
} else {
- singleCheckErrors(infos[0], "gesv_cuda");
+ singleCheckErrors(infos[0], "solve_cuda");
return std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor>(self_working_copy, A_working_copy);
- func: ger(Tensor self, Tensor vec2, *, Tensor(a!) out) -> Tensor(a!)
matches_jit_signature: True
-- func: gesv(Tensor self, Tensor A) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
- matches_jit_signature: True
- variants: function, method
-- func: gesv(Tensor self, Tensor A, *, Tensor(a!) solution, Tensor(b!) lu) -> (Tensor(a!), Tensor(b!))
- matches_jit_signature: True
-# gesv handles broadcasting of arbitrary batch dims while _gesv_helper does not.
-- func: _gesv_helper(Tensor self, Tensor A) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
- matches_jit_signature: True
- variants: function
- dispatch:
- CPU: _gesv_helper_cpu
- CUDA: _gesv_helper_cuda
- func: group_norm(Tensor input, int num_groups, Tensor? weight=None, Tensor? bias=None, float eps=1e-05, bool cudnn_enabled=True) -> Tensor
matches_jit_signature: True
CPU: _cholesky_solve_helper_cpu
CUDA: _cholesky_solve_helper_cuda
+- func: solve(Tensor self, Tensor A) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
+ matches_jit_signature: True
+ variants: function, method
+- func: solve(Tensor self, Tensor A, *, Tensor(a!) solution, Tensor(b!) lu) -> (Tensor(a!), Tensor(b!))
+ matches_jit_signature: True
+- func: _solve_helper(Tensor self, Tensor A) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
+ matches_jit_signature: True
+ variants: function
+ dispatch:
+ CPU: _solve_helper_cpu
+ CUDA: _solve_helper_cuda
- func: potri(Tensor self, bool upper=True, *, Tensor(a!) out) -> Tensor(a!)
matches_jit_signature: True
.. automethod:: sinh_
.. automethod:: size
.. automethod:: slogdet
+ .. automethod:: solve
.. automethod:: sort
.. automethod:: split
.. automethod:: sparse_mask
.. autofunction:: potrs
.. autofunction:: pstrf
.. autofunction:: qr
+.. autofunction:: solve
.. autofunction:: svd
.. autofunction:: symeig
.. autofunction:: trtrs
'tall_all', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack], lambda usv: (usv[0][:, :(S - 2)], usv[1], usv[2])),
('svd', lambda: random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(M), NO_ARGS,
'large', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack]),
- ('gesv', (S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(
+ ('solve', (S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(
S, silent=True),), '', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack]),
- ('gesv', (S, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, S, silent=True),),
+ ('solve', (S, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, S, silent=True),),
'batched', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack]),
- ('gesv', (2, 3, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, 2, 3, silent=True),),
+ ('solve', (2, 3, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, 2, 3, silent=True),),
'batched_dims', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack]),
- ('gesv', (2, 2, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, 1, silent=True),),
+ ('solve', (2, 2, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, 1, silent=True),),
'batched_broadcast_A', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack]),
- ('gesv', (1, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, 2, 2, silent=True),),
+ ('solve', (1, S, S), (random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(S, 2, 2, silent=True),),
'batched_broadcast_b', NO_ARGS, [skipIfNoLapack]),
('fill_', (S, S, S), (1,), 'number'),
('fill_', (), (1,), 'number_scalar'),
_TestTorchMixin._test_det_logdet_slogdet(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
@unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MAGMA, "no MAGMA library detected")
- def test_gesv(self):
- _TestTorchMixin._test_gesv(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
+ def test_solve(self):
+ _TestTorchMixin._test_solve(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
@unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MAGMA, "no MAGMA library detected")
- def test_gesv_batched(self):
- _TestTorchMixin._test_gesv_batched(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
+ def test_solve_batched(self):
+ _TestTorchMixin._test_solve_batched(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
@unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MAGMA, "no MAGMA library detected")
- def test_gesv_batched_dims(self):
- _TestTorchMixin._test_gesv_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
+ def test_solve_batched_dims(self):
+ _TestTorchMixin._test_solve_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t.cuda())
@unittest.skipIf(not TEST_MAGMA, "no MAGMA library detected")
def test_cholesky_solve(self):
self.assertEqual(torch.cuda.HalfTensor(10).is_signed(), True)
- def _test_gesv(self, cast):
+ def _test_solve(self, cast):
a = cast(torch.Tensor(((6.80, -2.11, 5.66, 5.97, 8.23),
(-6.05, -3.30, 5.36, -4.44, 1.08),
(-0.45, 2.58, -2.70, 0.27, 9.04),
(-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86),
(9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99)))).t()
- res1 = torch.gesv(b, a)[0]
+ res1 = torch.solve(b, a)[0]
self.assertLessEqual(b.dist(torch.mm(a, res1)), 1e-12)
ta = cast(torch.Tensor())
tb = cast(torch.Tensor())
- res2 = torch.gesv(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
- res3 = torch.gesv(b, a, out=(b, a))[0]
+ res2 = torch.solve(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
+ res3 = torch.solve(b, a, out=(b, a))[0]
self.assertEqual(res1, tb)
self.assertEqual(res1, b)
self.assertEqual(res1, res2)
self.assertEqual(res1, res3)
# test reuse
- res1 = torch.gesv(b, a)[0]
+ res1 = torch.solve(b, a)[0]
ta = cast(torch.Tensor())
tb = cast(torch.Tensor())
- torch.gesv(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
+ torch.solve(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
self.assertEqual(res1, tb)
- torch.gesv(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
+ torch.solve(b, a, out=(tb, ta))[0]
self.assertEqual(res1, tb)
- def test_gesv(self):
- self._test_gesv(self, lambda t: t)
+ def test_solve(self):
+ self._test_solve(self, lambda t: t)
- def _test_gesv_batched(self, cast):
+ def _test_solve_batched(self, cast):
from common_utils import random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value
- # test against gesv: one batch
+ # test against solve: one batch
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 1))
b = cast(torch.randn(1, 5, 10))
- x_exp, LU_exp = torch.gesv(b.squeeze(0), A.squeeze(0))
- x, LU = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x_exp, LU_exp = torch.solve(b.squeeze(0), A.squeeze(0))
+ x, LU = torch.solve(b, A)
self.assertEqual(x, x_exp.unsqueeze(0))
self.assertEqual(LU, LU_exp.unsqueeze(0))
- # test against gesv in a loop: four batches
+ # test against solve in a loop: four batches
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 4))
b = cast(torch.randn(4, 5, 10))
x_exp_list = []
LU_exp_list = []
for i in range(4):
- x_exp, LU_exp = torch.gesv(b[i], A[i])
+ x_exp, LU_exp = torch.solve(b[i], A[i])
x_exp = torch.stack(x_exp_list)
LU_exp = torch.stack(LU_exp_list)
- x, LU = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, LU = torch.solve(b, A)
self.assertEqual(x, x_exp)
self.assertEqual(LU, LU_exp)
# basic correctness test
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(5, 3))
b = cast(torch.randn(3, 5, 10))
- x, LU = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, LU = torch.solve(b, A)
self.assertEqual(torch.matmul(A, x), b)
# Test non-contiguous inputs.
from numpy.linalg import solve
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(2, 2)).permute(1, 0, 2)
b = cast(torch.randn(2, 2, 2)).permute(2, 1, 0)
- x, _ = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
self.assertEqual(x.data, cast(x_exp))
- def test_gesv_batched(self):
- self._test_gesv_batched(self, lambda t: t)
+ def test_solve_batched(self):
+ self._test_solve_batched(self, lambda t: t)
- def _test_gesv_batched_dims(self, cast):
+ def _test_solve_batched_dims(self, cast):
if not TEST_NUMPY:
# test against numpy.linalg.solve
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 2, 1, 3))
b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 4, 6))
- x, _ = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
self.assertEqual(x.data, cast(x_exp))
b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 6, 4)).transpose(-2, -1)
assert not A.is_contiguous()
assert not b.is_contiguous()
- x, _ = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
self.assertEqual(x.data, cast(x_exp))
# broadcasting b
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 2, 1, 3))
b = cast(torch.randn(4, 6))
- x, _ = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
self.assertEqual(x.data, cast(x_exp))
# broadcasting A
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4))
b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 4, 2))
- x, _ = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
self.assertEqual(x.data, cast(x_exp))
# broadcasting both A & b
A = cast(random_fullrank_matrix_distinct_singular_value(4, 1, 3, 1))
b = cast(torch.randn(2, 1, 3, 4, 5))
- x, _ = torch.gesv(b, A)
+ x, _ = torch.solve(b, A)
x_exp = torch.Tensor(solve(A.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy()))
self.assertEqual(x.data, cast(x_exp))
- def test_gesv_batched_dims(self):
- self._test_gesv_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t)
+ def test_solve_batched_dims(self):
+ self._test_solve_batched_dims(self, lambda t: t)
def test_qr(self):
self: grad.mv(vec2)
vec2: grad.t().mv(self)
-- name: gesv(Tensor self, Tensor A)
- self: gesv_backward_self(grad, self, A)
- A: gesv_backward_A(grad, self, A, result0)
- name: indices(Tensor self)
output_differentiability: [False]
self: slogdet_backward(grad, self, result0, result1)
output_differentiability: [false, true]
+- name: solve(Tensor self, Tensor A)
+ self: solve_backward_self(grad, self, A)
+ A: solve_backward_A(grad, self, A, result0)
- name: sort(Tensor self, int64_t dim, bool descending)
self: index_select_backward(grad, dim, result1, self.sizes(), true)
'_indexCopy_', 'max_values', 'min_values', 'argmax', 'argmin',
'_cumsum.*', '_cumprod.*', '_sum.*', '_prod.*',
'_th_.*', '_thnn_.*',
- 'arange.*', 'range.*', '_gesv.*', '_getri.*', '_inverse.*',
- '_potrs.*', '_cholesky.*', '_btrifact.*',
+ 'arange.*', 'range.*', '_solve.*', '_getri.*', '_inverse.*',
+ '_cholesky.*', '_btrifact.*',
'slice', 'randint(_out)?',
'item', '_local_scalar_dense',
'max_pool1d', 'max_pool2d', 'max_pool3d', 'linear', 'to',
return cumprod_backward(grad.to(input.scalar_type()), input, dim);
-Tensor gesv_backward_self(const Tensor & grad, const Tensor & self, const Tensor & A) {
- return std::get<0>(at::gesv(grad, A.transpose(-2, -1)));
+Tensor solve_backward_self(const Tensor & grad, const Tensor & self, const Tensor & A) {
+ return std::get<0>(at::solve(grad, A.transpose(-2, -1)));
-Tensor gesv_backward_A(const Tensor & grad, const Tensor & self, const Tensor & A, const Tensor & solution) {
- Tensor grad_self = gesv_backward_self(grad, self, A);
+Tensor solve_backward_A(const Tensor & grad, const Tensor & self, const Tensor & A, const Tensor & solution) {
+ Tensor grad_self = solve_backward_self(grad, self, A);
if (self.ndimension() == 2 && A.ndimension() == 2) {
return -at::mm(grad_self, solution.transpose(-2, -1));
auto P = phi(at::matmul(L, Lbar));
Tensor S;
- std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::gesv(P + P.transpose(-1, -2), L);
- std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::gesv(S.transpose(-1, -2), L);
+ std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::solve(P + P.transpose(-1, -2), L);
+ std::tie(S, std::ignore) = at::solve(S.transpose(-1, -2), L);
S = phi(S);
if (upper) {
S = S.transpose(-1, -2);
See :func:`torch.ger`
-gesv(A) -> Tensor, Tensor
+solve(A) -> Tensor, Tensor
-See :func:`torch.gesv`
+See :func:`torch.solve`
[ 4., 8., 12.]])
-torch.gesv(B, A, out=None) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
+torch.solve(B, A, out=None) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
This function returns the solution to the system of linear
equations represented by :math:`AX = B` and the LU factorization of
`LU` contains `L` and `U` factors for LU factorization of `A`.
-`torch.gesv(B, A)` can take in 2D inputs `B, A` or inputs that are
+`torch.solve(B, A)` can take in 2D inputs `B, A` or inputs that are
batches of 2D matrices. If the inputs are batches, then returns
batched outputs `X, LU`.
-.. note::
- The :attr:`out` keyword only supports 2D matrix inputs, that is,
- `B, A` must be 2D matrices.
.. note::
Irrespective of the original strides, the returned matrices
>>> B = torch.tensor([[4.02, 6.19, -8.22, -7.57, -3.03],
[-1.56, 4.00, -8.67, 1.75, 2.86],
[9.81, -4.09, -4.57, -8.61, 8.99]]).t()
- >>> X, LU = torch.gesv(B, A)
+ >>> X, LU = torch.solve(B, A)
>>> torch.dist(B, torch.mm(A, X))
tensor(1.00000e-06 *
>>> # Batched solver example
>>> A = torch.randn(2, 3, 1, 4, 4)
>>> B = torch.randn(2, 3, 1, 4, 6)
- >>> X, LU = torch.gesv(B, A)
+ >>> X, LU = torch.solve(B, A)
>>> torch.dist(B, A.matmul(X))
tensor(1.00000e-06 *
OperatorSet cannot_propagate_shape_by_running_it = {
- "aten::gesv(Tensor self, Tensor A) -> (Tensor, Tensor)",
+ "aten::solve(Tensor self, Tensor A) -> (Tensor, Tensor)",
"aten::inverse(Tensor self) -> Tensor",
- 'potrs',
+ 'potrs',
+ 'gesv',
r"""Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite
matrix :math:`A`.
- For more information, regarding :func:`torch.potrf`, please check :func:`torch.cholesky`.
+ For more information regarding :func:`torch.potrf`, please check :func:`torch.cholesky`.
.. warning::
:func:`torch.potrf` is deprecated in favour of :func:`torch.cholesky` and will be removed
r"""Solves a linear system of equations with a positive semidefinite
matrix to be inverted given its Cholesky factor matrix :attr:`u`.
- For more information, regarding :func:`torch.potrs`, please check :func:`torch.cholesky_solve`.
+ For more information regarding :func:`torch.potrs`, please check :func:`torch.cholesky_solve`.
.. warning::
:func:`torch.potrs` is deprecated in favour of :func:`torch.cholesky_solve` and will be
"in the next release. Please use torch.cholesky instead and note that the "
":attr:`upper` argument in torch.cholesky_solve defaults to ``False``.", stacklevel=2)
return torch.cholesky_solve(b, u, upper=upper, out=out)
+def gesv(b, A, out=None):
+ r"""This function returns the solution to the system of linear equations represented
+ by :math:`AX = B` and the LU factorization of A, in order as a tuple `X, LU`.
+ For more information regarding :func:`torch.gesv`, please check :func:`torch.solve`.
+ .. warning::
+ :func:`torch.gesv` is deprecated in favour of :func:`torch.solve` and will be removed in the
+ next release. Please use :func:`torch.solve` instead.
+ """
+ warnings.warn("torch.gesv is deprecated in favour of torch.solve and will be removed in the "
+ "next release. Please use torch.solve instead.", stacklevel=2)
+ return torch.solve(b, A, out=out)
"to ``False``.", stacklevel=2)
return super(Tensor, self).cholesky_solve(u, upper=upper)
+ def gesv(self, A):
+ r"""See :func:`torch.solve`"""
+ warnings.warn("torch.gesv is deprecated in favour of torch.solve and will be removed in the "
+ "next release. Please use torch.solve instead.", stacklevel=2)
+ return super(Tensor, self).solve(A)
def stft(self, n_fft, hop_length=None, win_length=None, window=None,
center=True, pad_mode='reflect', normalized=False, onesided=True):
r"""See :func:`torch.stft`