QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete())), "No trace received in time.");
- qDebug() << "XXX" << m_client->traceMessages.count();
// check that at least one frame was rendered
// there should be a SGPolishAndSync + SGRendererFrame + SGRenderLoopFrame sequence
// since the rendering happens in a different thread, there could be other unrelated events interleaved
int loopcheck = 0;
foreach (const QQmlProfilerData &msg, m_client->traceMessages) {
- qDebug() << (msg.messageType == QQmlProfilerClient::SceneGraphFrame) << msg.messageType << msg.detailType;
if (msg.messageType == QQmlProfilerClient::SceneGraphFrame) {
if (loopcheck == 0 && msg.detailType == QQmlProfilerClient::SceneGraphContextFrame)
loopcheck = 1;