void HBoundsCheck::InferRepresentation(HInferRepresentation* h_infer) {
- Representation r;
HValue* actual_index = index()->ActualValue();
HValue* actual_length = length()->ActualValue();
Representation index_rep = actual_index->representation();
- if (!actual_length->representation().IsSmiOrTagged()) {
- r = Representation::Integer32();
- } else if ((index_rep.IsTagged() && actual_index->type().IsSmi()) ||
- index_rep.IsSmi()) {
- // If the index is smi, allow the length to be smi, since it is usually
- // already smi from loading it out of the length field of a JSArray. This
- // allows for direct comparison without untagging.
- r = Representation::Smi();
- } else {
+ Representation length_rep = actual_length->representation();
+ if (index_rep.IsTagged()) index_rep = Representation::Smi();
+ if (length_rep.IsTagged()) length_rep = Representation::Smi();
+ Representation r = index_rep.generalize(length_rep);
+ if (r.is_more_general_than(Representation::Integer32())) {
r = Representation::Integer32();
UpdateRepresentation(r, h_infer, "boundscheck");