#include "caffe/net.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/insert_splits.hpp"
+#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/upgrade_proto.hpp"
-using std::pair;
+using std::make_pair;
using std::map;
+using std::pair;
using std::set;
namespace caffe {
DLOG(INFO) << "Memory required for data: " << memory_used_ * sizeof(Dtype);
const int blobs_lr_size = layers_[layer_id]->layer_param().blobs_lr_size();
- CHECK(blobs_lr_size == layers_[layer_id]->blobs().size() ||
- blobs_lr_size == 0) << "Incorrect blobs lr size: should be either 0 "
+ const int num_param_blobs = layers_[layer_id]->blobs().size();
+ CHECK(blobs_lr_size == num_param_blobs || blobs_lr_size == 0)
+ << "Incorrect blobs lr size: should be either 0 "
<< "or the same as the number of the layer's parameter blobs.";
if (blobs_lr_size) {
// Check if this layer needs backward operation itself
// learning rate to be 1. Thus we will need to perform backward.
need_backward = true;
+ const int blob_name_size = layer_param.blob_name_size();
+ CHECK(blob_name_size == num_param_blobs || blob_name_size == 0)
+ << "Incorrect blob_name size: should be either 0 or the same as "
+ "the number of the layer's parameter blobs: " << num_param_blobs;
+ const int blob_share_mode_size = layer_param.blob_share_mode_size();
+ CHECK(blob_share_mode_size == num_param_blobs || blob_share_mode_size == 0)
+ << "Incorrect blob_share_mode size: should be either 0 or the same as "
+ "the number of the layer's parameter blobs: " << num_param_blobs;
+ for (int param_id = 0; param_id < num_param_blobs; ++param_id) {
+ AppendParam(param, layer_id, param_id);
+ }
// Finally, set the backward flag
if (need_backward) {
template <typename Dtype>
+void Net<Dtype>::AppendParam(const NetParameter& param, const int layer_id,
+ const int param_id) {
+ const LayerParameter& layer_param = layers_[layer_id]->layer_param();
+ const int blob_name_size = layer_param.blob_name_size();
+ string param_name;
+ if (blob_name_size) {
+ param_name = layer_param.blob_name(param_id);
+ }
+ const int net_param_id = params_.size();
+ params_.push_back(layers_[layer_id]->blobs()[param_id]);
+ param_net_indices_.push_back(make_pair(layer_id, param_id));
+ if (!blob_name_size || !param_name.size() || (param_name.size() &&
+ param_names_index_.find(param_name) == param_names_index_.end())) {
+ // This layer "owns" this parameter blob -- it is either anonymous
+ // (i.e., not given a param_name) or explicitly given a name that we
+ // haven't already seen.
+ param_owners_.push_back(-1);
+ if (blob_name_size) {
+ param_names_index_[param_name] = net_param_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Named param blob with name we've seen before: share params
+ const int owner_net_param_id = param_names_index_[param_name];
+ param_owners_.push_back(owner_net_param_id);
+ const pair<int, int>& owner_index =
+ param_net_indices_[owner_net_param_id];
+ const int owner_layer_id = owner_index.first;
+ const int owner_param_id = owner_index.second;
+ LOG(INFO) << "Sharing parameters '" << param_name << "' owned by "
+ << "layer '" << layer_names_[owner_layer_id] << "', param "
+ << "index " << owner_param_id;
+ Blob<Dtype>* this_blob = layers_[layer_id]->blobs()[param_id].get();
+ Blob<Dtype>* owner_blob =
+ layers_[owner_layer_id]->blobs()[owner_param_id].get();
+ const int blob_share_mode_size = layer_param.blob_share_mode_size();
+ if (blob_share_mode_size > param_id &&
+ (layer_param.blob_share_mode(param_id) ==
+ LayerParameter_DimCheckMode_PERMISSIVE)) {
+ // Permissive dimension checking -- only check counts are the same.
+ CHECK_EQ(this_blob->count(), owner_blob->count())
+ << "Shared parameter blobs must have the same count.";
+ } else {
+ // Strict dimension checking -- all dims must be the same.
+ CHECK_EQ(this_blob->num(), owner_blob->num())
+ << "Shared parameter blobs must have the same num.";
+ CHECK_EQ(this_blob->channels(), owner_blob->channels())
+ << "Shared parameter blobs must have the same channels.";
+ CHECK_EQ(this_blob->height(), owner_blob->height())
+ << "Shared parameter blobs must have the same height.";
+ CHECK_EQ(this_blob->width(), owner_blob->width())
+ << "Shared parameter blobs must have the same width.";
+ }
+ layers_[layer_id]->blobs()[param_id]->ShareData(
+ *layers_[owner_layer_id]->blobs()[owner_param_id]);
+ }
+template <typename Dtype>
void Net<Dtype>::GetLearningRateAndWeightDecay() {
LOG(INFO) << "Collecting Learning Rate and Weight Decay.";
for (int i = 0; i < layers_.size(); ++i) {
vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& layer_blobs = layers_[i]->blobs();
- for (int j = 0; j < layer_blobs.size(); ++j) {
- params_.push_back(layer_blobs[j]);
- }
// push the learning rate mutlipliers
if (layers_[i]->layer_param().blobs_lr_size()) {
CHECK_EQ(layers_[i]->layer_param().blobs_lr_size(), layer_blobs.size());
template <typename Dtype>
void Net<Dtype>::Update() {
+ // First, accumulate the diffs of any shared parameters into their owner's
+ // diff. (Assumes that the learning rate, weight decay, etc. have already been
+ // accounted for in the current diff.)
for (int i = 0; i < params_.size(); ++i) {
- params_[i]->Update();
+ if (param_owners_[i] < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const int count = params_[i]->count();
+ const Dtype* this_diff;
+ Dtype* owner_diff;
+ switch (Caffe::mode()) {
+ case Caffe::CPU:
+ this_diff = params_[i]->cpu_diff();
+ owner_diff = params_[param_owners_[i]]->mutable_cpu_diff();
+ caffe_add(count, this_diff, owner_diff, owner_diff);
+ break;
+ case Caffe::GPU:
+ this_diff = params_[i]->gpu_diff();
+ owner_diff = params_[param_owners_[i]]->mutable_gpu_diff();
+ caffe_gpu_add(count, this_diff, owner_diff, owner_diff);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown caffe mode: " << Caffe::mode();
+ }
+ }
+ // Now, update the owned parameters.
+ for (int i = 0; i < params_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (param_owners_[i] < 0) {
+ params_[i]->Update();
+ }
// Copyright 2014 BVLC and contributors.
#include <string>
+#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/net.hpp"
+#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"
#include "caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp"
#include "caffe/test/test_caffe_main.hpp"
template <typename Dtype>
class NetTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ NetTest() : seed_(1701) {}
virtual void InitNetFromProtoString(const string& proto) {
NetParameter param;
CHECK(google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(proto, ¶m));
+ virtual void InitUnsharedWeightsNet() {
+ const string& proto =
+ "name: 'UnsharedWeightsNetwork' "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'data' "
+ " type: DUMMY_DATA "
+ " dummy_data_param { "
+ " num: 5 "
+ " channels: 2 "
+ " height: 3 "
+ " width: 4 "
+ " data_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 0.01 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " top: 'data' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 10 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'unsharedweights1' "
+ " bottom: 'data' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct1' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct2' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 10 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'unsharedweights2' "
+ " bottom: 'data' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'loss' "
+ " type: EUCLIDEAN_LOSS "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} ";
+ InitNetFromProtoString(proto);
+ }
+ virtual void InitSharedWeightsNet() {
+ const string& proto =
+ "name: 'SharedWeightsNetwork' "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'data' "
+ " type: DUMMY_DATA "
+ " dummy_data_param { "
+ " num: 5 "
+ " channels: 2 "
+ " height: 3 "
+ " width: 4 "
+ " data_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 0.01 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " top: 'data' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 10 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'sharedweights' "
+ " bottom: 'data' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct1' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct2' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 10 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'sharedweights' "
+ " bottom: 'data' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'loss' "
+ " type: EUCLIDEAN_LOSS "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} ";
+ InitNetFromProtoString(proto);
+ }
+ virtual void InitDiffDataUnsharedWeightsNet() {
+ const string& proto =
+ "name: 'DiffDataUnsharedWeightsNetwork' "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'data' "
+ " type: DUMMY_DATA "
+ " dummy_data_param { "
+ " num: 10 "
+ " channels: 10 "
+ " height: 1 "
+ " width: 1 "
+ " num: 10 "
+ " channels: 10 "
+ " height: 1 "
+ " width: 1 "
+ " data_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 10 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " top: 'data1' "
+ " top: 'data2' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'constant' "
+ " value: 0.5 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'unsharedweights1' "
+ " bottom: 'data1' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct1' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct2' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'constant' "
+ " value: 0.5 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'unsharedweights2' "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'loss' "
+ " type: EUCLIDEAN_LOSS "
+ " bottom: 'data2' "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} ";
+ InitNetFromProtoString(proto);
+ }
+ virtual void InitDiffDataSharedWeightsNet() {
+ const string& proto =
+ "name: 'DiffDataSharedWeightsNetwork' "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'data' "
+ " type: DUMMY_DATA "
+ " dummy_data_param { "
+ " num: 10 "
+ " channels: 10 "
+ " height: 1 "
+ " width: 1 "
+ " num: 10 "
+ " channels: 10 "
+ " height: 1 "
+ " width: 1 "
+ " data_filler { "
+ " type: 'gaussian' "
+ " std: 10 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " top: 'data1' "
+ " top: 'data2' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'constant' "
+ " value: 0.5 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'sharedweights' "
+ " bottom: 'data1' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct1' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'innerproduct2' "
+ " type: INNER_PRODUCT "
+ " inner_product_param { "
+ " num_output: 10 "
+ " bias_term: false "
+ " weight_filler { "
+ " type: 'constant' "
+ " value: 0.5 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " blob_name: 'sharedweights' "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct1' "
+ " top: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} "
+ "layers: { "
+ " name: 'loss' "
+ " type: EUCLIDEAN_LOSS "
+ " bottom: 'data2' "
+ " bottom: 'innerproduct2' "
+ "} ";
+ InitNetFromProtoString(proto);
+ }
+ int seed_;
shared_ptr<Net<Dtype> > net_;
EXPECT_EQ(true, bottom_need_backward[3][1]);
+TYPED_TEST(NetTest, TestUnsharedWeightsDataNet) {
+ this->InitUnsharedWeightsNet();
+ vector<Blob<TypeParam>*> bottom;
+ TypeParam loss;
+ this->net_->Forward(bottom, &loss);
+ EXPECT_GT(loss, 0);
+TYPED_TEST(NetTest, TestSharedWeightsDataNet) {
+ this->InitSharedWeightsNet();
+ vector<Blob<TypeParam>*> bottom;
+ TypeParam loss;
+ this->net_->Forward(bottom, &loss);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(loss, 0);
+TYPED_TEST(NetTest, TestUnsharedWeightsDiffNet) {
+ this->InitUnsharedWeightsNet();
+ vector<Blob<TypeParam>*> bottom;
+ Net<TypeParam>* net = this->net_.get();
+ net->Forward(bottom);
+ net->Backward();
+ Layer<TypeParam>* ip1_layer = net->layer_by_name("innerproduct1").get();
+ Layer<TypeParam>* ip2_layer = net->layer_by_name("innerproduct2").get();
+ const int count = ip1_layer->blobs()[0]->count();
+ const TypeParam* grad1 = ip1_layer->blobs()[0]->cpu_diff();
+ const TypeParam* grad2 = ip2_layer->blobs()[0]->cpu_diff();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_GT(fabs(grad1[i]), 0);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-1 * grad1[i], grad2[i]);
+ }
+TYPED_TEST(NetTest, TestSharedWeightsDiffNet) {
+ this->InitSharedWeightsNet();
+ vector<Blob<TypeParam>*> bottom;
+ Net<TypeParam>* net = this->net_.get();
+ TypeParam loss;
+ net->Forward(bottom, &loss);
+ net->Backward();
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(loss, 0);
+ Layer<TypeParam>* ip1_layer = net->layer_by_name("innerproduct1").get();
+ Layer<TypeParam>* ip2_layer = net->layer_by_name("innerproduct2").get();
+ const int count = ip1_layer->blobs()[0]->count();
+ const TypeParam* grad1 = ip1_layer->blobs()[0]->cpu_diff();
+ const TypeParam* grad2 = ip2_layer->blobs()[0]->cpu_diff();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, grad1[i]);
+ EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, grad2[i]);
+ }
+TYPED_TEST(NetTest, TestSharedWeightsUpdateCPU) {
+ Caffe::set_random_seed(this->seed_);
+ Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::CPU);
+ this->InitDiffDataSharedWeightsNet();
+ vector<Blob<TypeParam>*> bottom;
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[1], "innerproduct1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[2], "innerproduct2");
+ Blob<TypeParam>* ip1_weights = this->net_->layers()[1]->blobs()[0].get();
+ Blob<TypeParam>* ip2_weights = this->net_->layers()[2]->blobs()[0].get();
+ // Check that data blobs of shared weights share the same location in memory.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ip1_weights->cpu_data(), ip2_weights->cpu_data());
+ // Check that diff blobs of shared weights are at different locations in
+ // locations. (The diffs should be accumulated at update time.)
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff(), ip2_weights->cpu_diff());
+ this->net_->Forward(bottom);
+ this->net_->Backward();
+ // Compute the expected update as the data minus the two diffs.
+ Blob<TypeParam> shared_params;
+ const bool reshape = true;
+ const bool copy_diff = false;
+ shared_params.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, copy_diff, reshape);
+ shared_params.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, !copy_diff, reshape);
+ const int count = ip1_weights->count();
+ // Make sure the diffs are non-trivial.
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i], ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ }
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(1), ip2_weights->cpu_diff(),
+ shared_params.mutable_cpu_diff());
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(-1), shared_params.cpu_diff(),
+ shared_params.mutable_cpu_data());
+ const TypeParam* expected_updated_params = shared_params.cpu_data();
+ this->net_->Update();
+ const TypeParam* actual_updated_params = ip1_weights->cpu_data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_updated_params[i], actual_updated_params[i]);
+ }
+ // Check that data blobs of shared weights STILL point to the same memory
+ // location (because ... who knows).
+ EXPECT_EQ(ip1_weights->cpu_data(), ip2_weights->cpu_data());
+ Caffe::set_random_seed(this->seed_);
+ this->InitDiffDataUnsharedWeightsNet();
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[1], "innerproduct1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[2], "innerproduct2");
+ ip1_weights = this->net_->layers()[1]->blobs()[0].get();
+ ip2_weights = this->net_->layers()[2]->blobs()[0].get();
+ // Check that data and diff blobs of unshared weights are at different
+ // locations in memory.
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_data(), ip2_weights->cpu_data());
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff(), ip2_weights->cpu_diff());
+ this->net_->Forward(bottom);
+ this->net_->Backward();
+ // Compute the expected update.
+ Blob<TypeParam> unshared_params1;
+ unshared_params1.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, copy_diff, reshape);
+ unshared_params1.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, !copy_diff, reshape);
+ Blob<TypeParam> unshared_params2;
+ unshared_params2.CopyFrom(*ip2_weights, copy_diff, reshape);
+ unshared_params2.CopyFrom(*ip2_weights, !copy_diff, reshape);
+ // Make sure the diffs are non-trivial and sum to the diff in the shared net.
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i], ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i] + ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i],
+ shared_params.cpu_diff()[i]);
+ }
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(-1), ip1_weights->cpu_diff(),
+ unshared_params1.mutable_cpu_data());
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(-1), ip2_weights->cpu_diff(),
+ unshared_params2.mutable_cpu_data());
+ const TypeParam* expected_updated_params1 = unshared_params1.cpu_data();
+ const TypeParam* expected_updated_params2 = unshared_params2.cpu_data();
+ this->net_->Update();
+ const TypeParam* actual_updated_params1 = ip1_weights->cpu_data();
+ const TypeParam* actual_updated_params2 = ip2_weights->cpu_data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_updated_params1[i], actual_updated_params1[i]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_updated_params2[i], actual_updated_params2[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(actual_updated_params1[i], actual_updated_params2[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(expected_updated_params, expected_updated_params1);
+ }
+TYPED_TEST(NetTest, TestSharedWeightsUpdateGPU) {
+ Caffe::set_random_seed(this->seed_);
+ Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::GPU);
+ this->InitDiffDataSharedWeightsNet();
+ vector<Blob<TypeParam>*> bottom;
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[1], "innerproduct1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[2], "innerproduct2");
+ Blob<TypeParam>* ip1_weights = this->net_->layers()[1]->blobs()[0].get();
+ Blob<TypeParam>* ip2_weights = this->net_->layers()[2]->blobs()[0].get();
+ // Check that data blobs of shared weights share the same location in memory.
+ EXPECT_EQ(ip1_weights->cpu_data(), ip2_weights->cpu_data());
+ // Check that diff blobs of shared weights are at different locations in
+ // locations. (The diffs should be accumulated at update time.)
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff(), ip2_weights->cpu_diff());
+ this->net_->Forward(bottom);
+ this->net_->Backward();
+ // Compute the expected update as the data minus the two diffs.
+ Blob<TypeParam> shared_params;
+ const bool reshape = true;
+ const bool copy_diff = false;
+ shared_params.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, copy_diff, reshape);
+ shared_params.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, !copy_diff, reshape);
+ const int count = ip1_weights->count();
+ // Make sure the diffs are non-trivial.
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i], ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ }
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(1), ip2_weights->cpu_diff(),
+ shared_params.mutable_cpu_diff());
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(-1), shared_params.cpu_diff(),
+ shared_params.mutable_cpu_data());
+ const TypeParam* expected_updated_params = shared_params.cpu_data();
+ this->net_->Update();
+ const TypeParam* actual_updated_params = ip1_weights->cpu_data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_updated_params[i], actual_updated_params[i]);
+ }
+ // Check that data blobs of shared weights STILL point to the same memory
+ // location (because ... who knows).
+ EXPECT_EQ(ip1_weights->cpu_data(), ip2_weights->cpu_data());
+ Caffe::set_random_seed(this->seed_);
+ this->InitDiffDataUnsharedWeightsNet();
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[1], "innerproduct1");
+ EXPECT_EQ(this->net_->layer_names()[2], "innerproduct2");
+ ip1_weights = this->net_->layers()[1]->blobs()[0].get();
+ ip2_weights = this->net_->layers()[2]->blobs()[0].get();
+ // Check that data and diff blobs of unshared weights are at different
+ // locations in memory.
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_data(), ip2_weights->cpu_data());
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff(), ip2_weights->cpu_diff());
+ this->net_->Forward(bottom);
+ this->net_->Backward();
+ // Compute the expected update.
+ Blob<TypeParam> unshared_params1;
+ unshared_params1.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, copy_diff, reshape);
+ unshared_params1.CopyFrom(*ip1_weights, !copy_diff, reshape);
+ Blob<TypeParam> unshared_params2;
+ unshared_params2.CopyFrom(*ip2_weights, copy_diff, reshape);
+ unshared_params2.CopyFrom(*ip2_weights, !copy_diff, reshape);
+ // Make sure the diffs are non-trivial and sum to the diff in the shared net.
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(0, ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i], ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ip1_weights->cpu_diff()[i] + ip2_weights->cpu_diff()[i],
+ shared_params.cpu_diff()[i]);
+ }
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(-1), ip1_weights->cpu_diff(),
+ unshared_params1.mutable_cpu_data());
+ caffe_axpy(count, TypeParam(-1), ip2_weights->cpu_diff(),
+ unshared_params2.mutable_cpu_data());
+ const TypeParam* expected_updated_params1 = unshared_params1.cpu_data();
+ const TypeParam* expected_updated_params2 = unshared_params2.cpu_data();
+ this->net_->Update();
+ const TypeParam* actual_updated_params1 = ip1_weights->cpu_data();
+ const TypeParam* actual_updated_params2 = ip2_weights->cpu_data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_updated_params1[i], actual_updated_params1[i]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_updated_params2[i], actual_updated_params2[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(actual_updated_params1[i], actual_updated_params2[i]);
+ EXPECT_NE(expected_updated_params, expected_updated_params1);
+ }
} // namespace caffe