// the only method that adds values to the Dictionary. For more details on
// Dictionary versus Hashtable thread safety:
// See code:Dictionary#DictionaryVersusHashtableThreadSafety
- private static Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType> s_pca;
- private static int s_pcasCount;
+ private static readonly Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType> s_pca = CreatePseudoCustomAttributeDictionary();
#region Static Constructor
- static PseudoCustomAttribute()
- {
- RuntimeType[] pcas = new RuntimeType[]
- {
- // See //depot/DevDiv/private/Main/ndp/clr/src/MD/Compiler/CustAttr.cpp
- typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute) as RuntimeType, // field
- typeof(SerializableAttribute) as RuntimeType, // class, struct, enum, delegate
- typeof(MarshalAsAttribute) as RuntimeType, // parameter, field, return-value
- typeof(ComImportAttribute) as RuntimeType, // class, interface
- typeof(NonSerializedAttribute) as RuntimeType, // field, inherited
- typeof(InAttribute) as RuntimeType, // parameter
- typeof(OutAttribute) as RuntimeType, // parameter
- typeof(OptionalAttribute) as RuntimeType, // parameter
- typeof(DllImportAttribute) as RuntimeType, // method
- typeof(PreserveSigAttribute) as RuntimeType, // method
- typeof(TypeForwardedToAttribute) as RuntimeType, // assembly
+ static Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType> CreatePseudoCustomAttributeDictionary()
+ {
+ Type[] pcas = new Type[]
+ {
+ // See https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/src/md/compiler/custattr_emit.cpp
+ typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute), // field
+ typeof(SerializableAttribute), // class, struct, enum, delegate
+ typeof(MarshalAsAttribute), // parameter, field, return-value
+ typeof(ComImportAttribute), // class, interface
+ typeof(NonSerializedAttribute), // field, inherited
+ typeof(InAttribute), // parameter
+ typeof(OutAttribute), // parameter
+ typeof(OptionalAttribute), // parameter
+ typeof(DllImportAttribute), // method
+ typeof(PreserveSigAttribute), // method
+ typeof(TypeForwardedToAttribute), // assembly
- s_pcasCount = pcas.Length;
- Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType> temp_pca = new Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType>(s_pcasCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < s_pcasCount; i++)
+ Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType> dict = new Dictionary<RuntimeType, RuntimeType>(pcas.Length);
+ foreach (RuntimeType runtimeType in pcas)
- VerifyPseudoCustomAttribute(pcas[i]);
- temp_pca[pcas[i]] = pcas[i];
+ VerifyPseudoCustomAttribute(runtimeType);
+ dict[runtimeType] = runtimeType;
- s_pca = temp_pca;
+ return dict;
bool all = caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(object) || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(Attribute);
if (!all && !s_pca.ContainsKey(caType))
- return Array.Empty<Attribute>();
+ return null;
- List<Attribute> pcas = new List<Attribute>();
+ Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[all ? 2 : 1];
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(SerializableAttribute))
if ((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Serializable) != 0)
- pcas.Add(new SerializableAttribute());
+ pcas[count++] = new SerializableAttribute();
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(ComImportAttribute))
if ((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Import) != 0)
- pcas.Add(new ComImportAttribute());
+ pcas[count++] = new ComImportAttribute();
- count = pcas.Count;
- return pcas.ToArray();
+ return pcas;
internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType)
bool all = caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(object) || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(Attribute);
if (!all && !s_pca.ContainsKey(caType))
- return Array.Empty<Attribute>();
+ return null;
- List<Attribute> pcas = new List<Attribute>();
+ Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[all ? 2 : 1];
Attribute pca;
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(DllImportAttribute))
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(PreserveSigAttribute))
if ((method.GetMethodImplementationFlags() & MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig) != 0)
- pcas.Add(new PreserveSigAttribute());
+ pcas[count++] = new PreserveSigAttribute();
- count = pcas.Count;
- return pcas.ToArray();
+ return pcas;
internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType caType)
if (!all && !s_pca.ContainsKey(caType))
return null;
- Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[s_pcasCount];
+ Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[all ? 4 : 1];
Attribute pca;
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(InAttribute))
if (!all && !s_pca.ContainsKey(caType))
return false;
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(InAttribute))
if (parameter.IsIn) return true;
if (!all && !s_pca.ContainsKey(caType))
return null;
- Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[s_pcasCount];
+ Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[all ? 3 : 1];
Attribute pca;
if (all || caType == (RuntimeType)typeof(MarshalAsAttribute))