--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright © 2011 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
+ * of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Li Xiaowei <xiaowei.a.li@intel.com>
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "intel_batchbuffer.h"
+#include "intel_driver.h"
+#include "i965_defines.h"
+#include "i965_structs.h"
+#include "gen75_vpp_vebox.h"
+#define PI 3.1415926
+extern VAStatus
+i965_MapBuffer(VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID buf_id, void **);
+extern VAStatus
+i965_UnmapBuffer(VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID buf_id);
+extern VAStatus
+i965_DeriveImage(VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID surface, VAImage *out_image);
+extern VAStatus
+i965_DestroyImage(VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageID image);
+int format_convert(float src, int out_int_bits, int out_frac_bits,int out_sign_flag)
+ unsigned char negative_flag = (src < 0.0) ? 1 : 0;
+ float src_1 = (!negative_flag)? src: -src ;
+ unsigned int factor = 1 << out_frac_bits;
+ int output_value = 0;
+ unsigned int integer_part = floor(src_1);
+ unsigned int fraction_part = ((int)((src_1 - integer_part) * factor)) & (factor - 1) ;
+ output_value = (integer_part << out_frac_bits) | fraction_part;
+ if(negative_flag)
+ output_value = (~output_value + 1) & ((1 <<(out_int_bits + out_frac_bits)) -1);
+ if(out_sign_flag == 1 && negative_flag)
+ {
+ output_value |= negative_flag <<(out_int_bits + out_frac_bits);
+ }
+ return output_value;
+VAStatus vpp_surface_copy(VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID dstSurfaceID, VASurfaceID srcSurfaceID)
+ VAStatus va_status = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ VAImage srcImage, dstImage;
+ void *pBufferSrc, *pBufferDst;
+ unsigned char *ySrc, *yDst;
+ va_status = vpp_surface_convert(ctx, dstSurfaceID, srcSurfaceID);
+ if(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS){
+ return va_status;
+ }
+ va_status = i965_DeriveImage(ctx, srcSurfaceID, &srcImage);
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ va_status = i965_DeriveImage(ctx, dstSurfaceID, &dstImage);
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ if(srcImage.width != dstImage.width ||
+ srcImage.height != dstImage.height ||
+ srcImage.format.fourcc != dstImage.format.fourcc) {
+ }
+ va_status = i965_MapBuffer(ctx, srcImage.buf, &pBufferSrc);
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ va_status = i965_MapBuffer(ctx, dstImage.buf, &pBufferDst);
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ ySrc = (unsigned char*)(pBufferSrc + srcImage.offsets[0]);
+ yDst = (unsigned char*)(pBufferDst + dstImage.offsets[0]);
+ memcpy(pBufferDst, pBufferSrc, dstImage.data_size);
+ i965_UnmapBuffer(ctx, srcImage.buf);
+ i965_UnmapBuffer(ctx, dstImage.buf);
+ i965_DestroyImage(ctx, srcImage.image_id);
+ i965_DestroyImage(ctx, dstImage.image_id);
+ return va_status;;
+VAStatus vpp_surface_convert(VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID dstSurfaceID, VASurfaceID srcSurfaceID)
+ VAStatus va_status = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ struct object_surface* src_obj_surf = SURFACE(srcSurfaceID);
+ struct object_surface* dst_obj_surf = SURFACE(dstSurfaceID);
+ assert(src_obj_surf->orig_width == dst_obj_surf->orig_width);
+ assert(src_obj_surf->orig_height == dst_obj_surf->orig_height);
+ VARectangle src_rect, dst_rect;
+ src_rect.x = dst_rect.x = 0;
+ src_rect.y = dst_rect.y = 0;
+ src_rect.width = dst_rect.width = src_obj_surf->orig_width;
+ src_rect.height = dst_rect.height = dst_obj_surf->orig_height;
+ struct i965_surface src_surface, dst_surface;
+ src_surface.id = srcSurfaceID;
+ src_surface.type = I965_SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE;
+ src_surface.flags = I965_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAME;
+ dst_surface.id = dstSurfaceID;
+ dst_surface.type = I965_SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE;
+ dst_surface.flags = I965_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAME;
+ va_status = i965_image_processing(ctx,
+ &src_surface,
+ &src_rect,
+ &dst_surface,
+ &dst_rect);
+ return va_status;
+VAStatus vpp_surface_scaling(VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID dstSurfaceID, VASurfaceID srcSurfaceID)
+ VAStatus va_status = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ int flags = I965_PP_FLAG_AVS;
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ struct object_surface* src_obj_surf = SURFACE(srcSurfaceID);
+ struct object_surface* dst_obj_surf = SURFACE(dstSurfaceID);
+ assert(src_obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'));
+ assert(dst_obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'));
+ VARectangle src_rect, dst_rect;
+ src_rect.x = 0;
+ src_rect.y = 0;
+ src_rect.width = src_obj_surf->orig_width;
+ src_rect.height = src_obj_surf->orig_height;
+ dst_rect.x = 0;
+ dst_rect.y = 0;
+ dst_rect.width = dst_obj_surf->orig_width;
+ dst_rect.height = dst_obj_surf->orig_height;
+ va_status = i965_scaling_processing(ctx,
+ srcSurfaceID,
+ &src_rect,
+ dstSurfaceID,
+ &dst_rect,
+ flags);
+ return va_status;
+void hsw_veb_dndi_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int* p_table ;
+ /*
+ VAProcFilterParameterBufferDeinterlacing *di_param =
+ (VAProcFilterParameterBufferDeinterlacing *) proc_ctx->filter_di;
+ VAProcFilterParameterBuffer * dn_param =
+ (VAProcFilterParameterBuffer *) proc_ctx->filter_dn;
+ */
+ p_table = (unsigned int *)proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.ptr;
+ *p_table ++ = 0; // reserved . w0
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 24 | // denoise STAD threshold . w1
+ 128 << 16 | // dnmh_history_max
+ 0 << 12 | // reserved
+ 8 << 8 | // dnmh_delta[3:0]
+ 0 ); // denoise ASD threshold
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 30 | // reserved . w2
+ 16 << 24 | // temporal diff th
+ 0 << 22 | // reserved.
+ 8 << 16 | // low temporal diff th
+ 0 << 13 | // STMM C2
+ 0 << 8 | // denoise moving pixel th
+ 64 ); // denoise th for sum of complexity measure
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 30 | // reserved . w3
+ 4 << 24 | // good neighbor th[5:0]
+ 9 << 20 | // CAT slope minus 1
+ 5 << 16 | // SAD Tight in
+ 0 << 14 | // smooth mv th
+ 0 << 12 | // reserved
+ 1 << 8 | // bne_edge_th[3:0]
+ 15 ); // block noise estimate noise th
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 31 | // STMM blending constant select. w4
+ 64 << 24 | // STMM trc1
+ 0 << 16 | // STMM trc2
+ 0 << 14 | // reserved
+ 2 << 8 | // VECM_mul
+ 128 ); // maximum STMM
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 24 | // minumum STMM . W5
+ 0 << 22 | // STMM shift down
+ 0 << 20 | // STMM shift up
+ 7 << 16 | // STMM output shift
+ 128 << 8 | // SDI threshold
+ 8 ); // SDI delta
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 24 | // SDI fallback mode 1 T1 constant . W6
+ 0 << 16 | // SDI fallback mode 1 T2 constant
+ 0 << 8 | // SDI fallback mode 2 constant(angle2x1)
+ 0 ); // FMD temporal difference threshold
+ *p_table ++ = ( 32 << 24 | // FMD #1 vertical difference th . w7
+ 32 << 16 | // FMD #2 vertical difference th
+ 1 << 14 | // CAT th1
+ 32 << 8 | // FMD tear threshold
+ 0 << 7 | // MCDI Enable, use motion compensated deinterlace algorithm
+ 0 << 6 | // progressive DN
+ 0 << 4 | // reserved
+ 0 << 3 | // DN/DI Top First
+ 0 ); // reserved
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 29 | // reserved . W8
+ 0 << 23 | // dnmh_history_init[5:0]
+ 10 << 19 | // neighborPixel th
+ 0 << 18 | // reserved
+ 0 << 16 | // FMD for 2nd field of previous frame
+ 25 << 10 | // MC pixel consistency th
+ 0 << 8 | // FMD for 1st field for current frame
+ 10 << 4 | // SAD THB
+ 5 ); // SAD THA
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 24 | // reserved
+ 0 << 16 | // chr_dnmh_stad_th
+ 0 << 13 | // reserved
+ 0 << 12 | // chrome denoise enable
+ 0 << 6 | // chr temp diff th
+ 0 ); // chr temp diff low
+void hsw_veb_iecp_std_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int *p_table = proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr + 0 ;
+ //VAProcFilterParameterBuffer * std_param =
+ // (VAProcFilterParameterBuffer *) proc_ctx->filter_std;
+ if(!(proc_ctx->filters_mask & VPP_IECP_STD_STE)){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 29 * 4);
+ }else{
+ *p_table ++ = 0x9a6e39f0;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x400c0000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00001180;
+ *p_table ++ = 0xfe2f2e00;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x000000ff;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00140000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0xd82e0000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x8285ecec;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00008282;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x02117000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0xa38fec96;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x0000c8c8;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x01478000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x0007c306;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x1c1bd000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x0007cf80;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x1c080000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ }
+void hsw_veb_iecp_ace_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int *p_table = (unsigned int*)(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr + 116);
+ if(!(proc_ctx->filters_mask & VPP_IECP_ACE)){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 13 * 4);
+ }else{
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000068;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x4c382410;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x9c887460;
+ *p_table ++ = 0xebd8c4b0;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x604c3824;
+ *p_table ++ = 0xb09c8874;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x0000d8c4;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ }
+void hsw_veb_iecp_tcc_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int *p_table = (unsigned int*)(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr + 168);
+// VAProcFilterParameterBuffer * tcc_param =
+// (VAProcFilterParameterBuffer *) proc_ctx->filter_iecp_tcc;
+ if(!(proc_ctx->filters_mask & VPP_IECP_TCC)){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 11 * 4);
+ }else{
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x1e34cc91;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x3e3cce91;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x02e80195;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x0197046b;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x01790174;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x03030000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x009201c0;
+ }
+void hsw_veb_iecp_pro_amp_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int contrast = 0x80; //default
+ int brightness = 0x00; //default
+ int cos_c_s = 256 ; //default
+ int sin_c_s = 0; //default
+ unsigned int *p_table = (unsigned int*)(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr + 212);
+ if(!(proc_ctx->filters_mask & VPP_IECP_PRO_AMP)){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 2 * 4);
+ }else {
+ float src_saturation = 1.0;
+ float src_hue = 0.0;
+ float src_contrast = 1.0;
+ float src_brightness = 0.0;
+ float tmp_value = 0.0;
+ VAProcFilterParameterBufferColorBalance * amp_param =
+ (VAProcFilterParameterBufferColorBalance *) proc_ctx->filter_iecp_amp;
+ VAProcColorBalanceType attrib = amp_param->attrib;
+ if(attrib == VAProcColorBalanceHue) {
+ src_hue = amp_param->value; //(-180.0, 180.0)
+ }else if(attrib == VAProcColorBalanceSaturation) {
+ src_saturation = amp_param->value; //(0.0, 10.0)
+ }else if(attrib == VAProcColorBalanceBrightness) {
+ src_brightness = amp_param->value; // (-100.0, 100.0)
+ brightness = format_convert(src_brightness, 7, 4, 1);
+ }else if(attrib == VAProcColorBalanceContrast) {
+ src_contrast = amp_param->value; // (0.0, 10.0)
+ contrast = format_convert(src_contrast, 4, 7, 0);
+ }
+ tmp_value = cos(src_hue/180*PI) * src_contrast * src_saturation;
+ cos_c_s = format_convert(tmp_value, 7, 8, 1);
+ tmp_value = sin(src_hue/180*PI) * src_contrast * src_saturation;
+ sin_c_s = format_convert(tmp_value, 7, 8, 1);
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 28 | //reserved
+ contrast << 17 | //contrast value (U4.7 format)
+ 0 << 13 | //reserved
+ brightness << 1| // S7.4 format
+ 1);
+ *p_table ++ = ( cos_c_s << 16 | // cos(h) * contrast * saturation
+ sin_c_s); // sin(h) * contrast * saturation
+ }
+void hsw_veb_iecp_csc_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int *p_table = (unsigned int*)(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr + 220);
+ float tran_coef[9] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
+ float v_coef[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ float u_coef[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ int is_transform_enabled = 0;
+ if(!(proc_ctx->filters_mask & VPP_IECP_CSC)){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 8 * 4);
+ return;
+ }
+ VAProcColorStandardType in_color_std = proc_ctx->pipeline_param->surface_color_standard;
+ VAProcColorStandardType out_color_std = proc_ctx->pipeline_param->output_color_standard;
+ assert(in_color_std == out_color_std);
+ if(proc_ctx->fourcc_input == VA_FOURCC('R','G','B','A') &&
+ (proc_ctx->fourcc_output == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2') ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_output == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','1','2') ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_output == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','Y','2') ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_output == VA_FOURCC('A','Y','U','V'))) {
+ tran_coef[0] = 0.257;
+ tran_coef[1] = 0.504;
+ tran_coef[2] = 0.098;
+ tran_coef[3] = -0.148;
+ tran_coef[4] = -0.291;
+ tran_coef[5] = 0.439;
+ tran_coef[6] = 0.439;
+ tran_coef[7] = -0.368;
+ tran_coef[8] = -0.071;
+ u_coef[0] = 16 * 4;
+ u_coef[1] = 128 * 4;
+ u_coef[2] = 128 * 4;
+ is_transform_enabled = 1;
+ }else if((proc_ctx->fourcc_input == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2') ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_input == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','1','2') ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_input == VA_FOURCC('Y','U','Y','2') ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_input == VA_FOURCC('A','Y','U','V'))&&
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_output == VA_FOURCC('R','G','B','A')) {
+ tran_coef[0] = 1.164;
+ tran_coef[1] = 0.000;
+ tran_coef[2] = 1.569;
+ tran_coef[3] = 1.164;
+ tran_coef[4] = -0.813;
+ tran_coef[5] = -0.392;
+ tran_coef[6] = 1.164;
+ tran_coef[7] = 2.017;
+ tran_coef[8] = 0.000;
+ v_coef[0] = -16 * 4;
+ v_coef[1] = -128 * 4;
+ v_coef[2] = -128 * 4;
+ is_transform_enabled = 1;
+ }else if(proc_ctx->fourcc_input != proc_ctx->fourcc_output){
+ //enable when input and output format are different.
+ is_transform_enabled = 1;
+ }
+ if(is_transform_enabled == 0){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 8 * 4);
+ }else{
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 29 | //reserved
+ format_convert(tran_coef[1], 2, 10, 1) << 16 | //c1, s2.10 format
+ format_convert(tran_coef[0], 2, 10, 1) << 3 | //c0, s2.10 format
+ 0 << 2 | //reserved
+ 0 << 1 | // yuv_channel swap
+ is_transform_enabled);
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 26 | //reserved
+ format_convert(tran_coef[3], 2, 10, 1) << 13 |
+ format_convert(tran_coef[2], 2, 10, 1));
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 26 | //reserved
+ format_convert(tran_coef[5], 2, 10, 1) << 13 |
+ format_convert(tran_coef[4], 2, 10, 1));
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 26 | //reserved
+ format_convert(tran_coef[7], 2, 10, 1) << 13 |
+ format_convert(tran_coef[6], 2, 10, 1));
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 13 | //reserved
+ format_convert(tran_coef[8], 2, 10, 1));
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 22 | //reserved
+ format_convert(u_coef[0], 10, 0, 1) << 11 |
+ format_convert(v_coef[0], 10, 0, 1));
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 22 | //reserved
+ format_convert(u_coef[1], 10, 0, 1) << 11 |
+ format_convert(v_coef[1], 10, 0, 1));
+ *p_table ++ = ( 0 << 22 | //reserved
+ format_convert(u_coef[2], 10, 0, 1) << 11 |
+ format_convert(v_coef[2], 10, 0, 1));
+ }
+void hsw_veb_iecp_aoi_table(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ unsigned int *p_table = (unsigned int*)(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr + 252);
+ // VAProcFilterParameterBuffer * tcc_param =
+ // (VAProcFilterParameterBuffer *) proc_ctx->filter_iecp_tcc;
+ if(!(proc_ctx->filters_mask & VPP_IECP_AOI)){
+ memset(p_table, 0, 3 * 4);
+ }else{
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00000000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00030000;
+ *p_table ++ = 0x00030000;
+ }
+void hsw_veb_state_table_setup(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ if(proc_ctx->filters_mask & 0x000000ff) {
+ dri_bo *dndi_bo = proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo;
+ dri_bo_map(dndi_bo, 1);
+ proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.ptr = dndi_bo->virtual;
+ hsw_veb_dndi_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ dri_bo_unmap(dndi_bo);
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->filters_mask & 0x0000ff00 ||
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_input != proc_ctx->fourcc_output) {
+ dri_bo *iecp_bo = proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.bo;
+ dri_bo_map(iecp_bo, 1);
+ proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.ptr = iecp_bo->virtual;
+ hsw_veb_iecp_std_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_iecp_ace_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_iecp_tcc_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_iecp_pro_amp_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_iecp_csc_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_iecp_aoi_table(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ dri_bo_unmap(iecp_bo);
+ }
+void hsw_veb_state_command(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ struct intel_batchbuffer *batch = proc_ctx->batch;
+ unsigned int is_dn_enabled = (proc_ctx->filters_mask & 0x01)? 1: 0;
+ unsigned int is_di_enabled = (proc_ctx->filters_mask & 0x02)? 1: 0;
+ unsigned int is_iecp_enabled = (proc_ctx->filters_mask & 0xff00)?1:0;
+ if(proc_ctx->fourcc_input != proc_ctx->fourcc_output ||
+ (is_dn_enabled == 0 && is_di_enabled == 0)){
+ is_iecp_enabled = 1;
+ }
+ BEGIN_VEB_BATCH(batch, 6);
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch, VEB_STATE | (6 - 2));
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ 0 << 26 | // state surface control bits
+ 0 << 11 | // reserved.
+ 0 << 10 | // pipe sync disable
+ 2 << 8 | // DI output frame
+ 0 << 7 | // 444->422 downsample method
+ 0 << 6 | // 422->420 downsample method
+ !!(proc_ctx->is_first_frame && (is_di_enabled || is_dn_enabled)) << 5 | // DN/DI first frame
+ is_di_enabled << 4 | // DI enable
+ is_dn_enabled << 3 | // DN enable
+ is_iecp_enabled << 2 | // global IECP enabled
+ 0 << 1 | // ColorGamutCompressionEnable
+ 0 ) ; // ColorGamutExpansionEnable.
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo,
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.bo,
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->gamut_state_table.bo,
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->vertex_state_table.bo,
+void hsw_veb_surface_state(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx, unsigned int is_output)
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ struct intel_batchbuffer *batch = proc_ctx->batch;
+ unsigned int u_offset_y = 0, v_offset_y = 0;
+ unsigned int is_uv_interleaved = 0, tiling = 0, swizzle = 0;
+ unsigned int surface_format = PLANAR_420_8;
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf = NULL;
+ unsigned int surface_pitch = 0;
+ unsigned int half_pitch_chroma = 0;
+ if(is_output){
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].surface_id);
+ }else {
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].surface_id);
+ }
+ assert(obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12 ||
+ obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2 ||
+ obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_AYUV ||
+ obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA);
+ if (obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12) {
+ surface_format = PLANAR_420_8;
+ surface_pitch = obj_surf->width;
+ is_uv_interleaved = 1;
+ half_pitch_chroma = 0;
+ } else if (obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YUY2) {
+ surface_format = YCRCB_NORMAL;
+ surface_pitch = obj_surf->width * 2;
+ is_uv_interleaved = 0;
+ half_pitch_chroma = 0;
+ } else if (obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_AYUV) {
+ surface_format = PACKED_444A_8;
+ surface_pitch = obj_surf->width * 4;
+ is_uv_interleaved = 0;
+ half_pitch_chroma = 0;
+ } else if (obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC_RGBA) {
+ surface_format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB;
+ surface_pitch = obj_surf->width * 4;
+ is_uv_interleaved = 0;
+ half_pitch_chroma = 0;
+ }
+ u_offset_y = obj_surf->y_cb_offset;
+ v_offset_y = obj_surf->y_cr_offset;
+ dri_bo_get_tiling(obj_surf->bo, &tiling, &swizzle);
+ BEGIN_VEB_BATCH(batch, 6);
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch, VEB_SURFACE_STATE | (6 - 2));
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ 0 << 1 | // reserved
+ is_output); // surface indentification.
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ (proc_ctx->height_input - 1) << 18 | // height . w3
+ (proc_ctx->width_input) << 4 | // width
+ 0); // reserve
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ surface_format << 28 | // surface format, YCbCr420. w4
+ is_uv_interleaved << 27 | // interleave chrome , two seperate palar
+ 0 << 20 | // reserved
+ (surface_pitch - 1) << 3 | // surface pitch, 64 align
+ half_pitch_chroma << 2 | // half pitch for chrome
+ !!tiling << 1 | // tiled surface, linear surface used
+ (tiling == I915_TILING_Y)); // tiled walk, ignored when liner surface
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ 0 << 29 | // reserved . w5
+ 0 << 16 | // X offset for V(Cb)
+ 0 << 15 | // reserved
+ u_offset_y); // Y offset for V(Cb)
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ 0 << 29 | // reserved . w6
+ 0 << 16 | // X offset for V(Cr)
+ 0 << 15 | // reserved
+ v_offset_y ); // Y offset for V(Cr)
+void hsw_veb_dndi_iecp_command(VADriverContextP ctx, struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ struct intel_batchbuffer *batch = proc_ctx->batch;
+ unsigned char frame_ctrl_bits = 0;
+ unsigned int startingX = 0;
+ unsigned int endingX = proc_ctx->width_input;
+ VEBFrameStore tempFrame;
+ /* s1:update the previous and current input */
+/* tempFrame = proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_PREVIOUS];
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_PREVIOUS] = proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT]; ;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT] = tempFrame;
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox != -1){
+ vpp_surface_copy(ctx, proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].surface_id,
+ proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox);
+ } else {
+ vpp_surface_copy(ctx, proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].surface_id,
+ proc_ctx->surface_input);
+ }
+ /*s2: update the STMM input and output */
+/* tempFrame = proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_STMM];
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_STMM] = proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_STMM]; ;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_STMM] = tempFrame;
+ /*s3:set reloc buffer address */
+ BEGIN_VEB_BATCH(batch, 10);
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch, VEB_DNDI_IECP_STATE | (10 - 2));
+ OUT_VEB_BATCH(batch,
+ startingX << 16 |
+ endingX);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, 0, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_PREVIOUS].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, 0, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_STMM].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, 0, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_STMM].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_PREVIOUS].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, frame_ctrl_bits);
+ OUT_RELOC(batch,
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_STATISTIC].bo,
+ I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER, frame_ctrl_bits);
+void hsw_veb_resource_prepare(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ VAStatus va_status;
+ dri_bo *bo;
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ unsigned int input_fourcc, output_fourcc;
+ unsigned int input_sampling, output_sampling;
+ unsigned int input_tiling, output_tiling;
+ VAGenericID vebox_in_id, vebox_out_id;
+ unsigned int i, swizzle;
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox != -1){
+ vebox_in_id = proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox;
+ }else{
+ vebox_in_id = proc_ctx->surface_input;
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox != -1){
+ vebox_out_id = proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox;
+ }else{
+ vebox_out_id = proc_ctx->surface_output;
+ }
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_in = SURFACE(vebox_in_id);
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_out = SURFACE(vebox_out_id);
+ if(obj_surf_in->bo == NULL){
+ input_fourcc = VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2');
+ input_sampling = SUBSAMPLE_YUV420;
+ input_tiling = 0;
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf_in, input_tiling, input_fourcc, input_sampling);
+ } else {
+ input_fourcc = obj_surf_in->fourcc;
+ input_sampling = obj_surf_in->subsampling;
+ dri_bo_get_tiling(obj_surf_in->bo, &input_tiling, &swizzle);
+ input_tiling = !!input_tiling;
+ }
+ if(obj_surf_out->bo == NULL){
+ output_fourcc = VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2');
+ output_sampling = SUBSAMPLE_YUV420;
+ output_tiling = 0;
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf_out, output_tiling, output_fourcc, output_sampling);
+ }else {
+ output_fourcc = obj_surf_out->fourcc;
+ output_sampling = obj_surf_out->subsampling;
+ dri_bo_get_tiling(obj_surf_out->bo, &output_tiling, &swizzle);
+ output_tiling = !!output_tiling;
+ }
+ /* vebox pipelien input surface format info */
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_input = input_fourcc;
+ proc_ctx->fourcc_output = output_fourcc;
+ /* create pipeline surfaces */
+ VASurfaceID surfaces[FRAME_STORE_SUM];
+ va_status = i965_CreateSurfaces(ctx,
+ proc_ctx ->width_input,
+ proc_ctx ->height_input,
+ &surfaces);
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ for(i = 0; i < FRAME_STORE_SUM; i ++) {
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[i].surface_id = surfaces[i];
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf = SURFACE(surfaces[i]);
+ if( i == FRAME_IN_CURRENT) {
+ continue;
+ }else if( i == FRAME_IN_PREVIOUS || i == FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN) {
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf, input_tiling, input_fourcc, input_sampling);
+ } else if( i == FRAME_IN_STMM || i == FRAME_OUT_STMM){
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf, 1, input_fourcc, input_sampling);
+ } else if( i >= FRAME_OUT_CURRENT){
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf, output_tiling, output_fourcc, output_sampling);
+ }
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[i].bo = obj_surf->bo;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->frame_store[i].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[i].is_internal_surface = 1;
+ }
+ /* alloc dndi state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo);
+ bo = dri_bo_alloc(i965->intel.bufmgr,
+ "vebox: dndi state Buffer",
+ 0x1000, 0x1000);
+ proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo = bo;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo);
+ /* alloc iecp state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.bo);
+ bo = dri_bo_alloc(i965->intel.bufmgr,
+ "vebox: iecp state Buffer",
+ 0x1000, 0x1000);
+ proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.bo = bo;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.bo);
+ /* alloc gamut state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->gamut_state_table.bo);
+ bo = dri_bo_alloc(i965->intel.bufmgr,
+ "vebox: gamut state Buffer",
+ 0x1000, 0x1000);
+ proc_ctx->gamut_state_table.bo = bo;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->gamut_state_table.bo);
+ /* alloc vertex state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->vertex_state_table.bo);
+ bo = dri_bo_alloc(i965->intel.bufmgr,
+ "vertex: iecp state Buffer",
+ 0x1000, 0x1000);
+ proc_ctx->vertex_state_table.bo = bo;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->vertex_state_table.bo);
+void hsw_veb_surface_reference(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ struct object_surface * obj_surf;
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ VAGenericID vebox_in_id, vebox_out_id;
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox != -1){
+ vebox_in_id = proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox;
+ }else{
+ vebox_in_id = proc_ctx->surface_input;
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox != -1){
+ vebox_out_id = proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox;
+ }else{
+ vebox_out_id = proc_ctx->surface_output;
+ }
+ /* update the input surface */
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(vebox_in_id);
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].surface_id = vebox_in_id;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].bo = obj_surf->bo;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].is_internal_surface = 1;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].bo);
+ /* update the output surface */
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(vebox_out_id);
+ if(proc_ctx->filters_mask == VPP_DNDI_DN){
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].surface_id = vebox_out_id;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].bo = obj_surf->bo;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].is_internal_surface = 0;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].bo);
+ }else {
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].surface_id = vebox_out_id;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].bo = obj_surf->bo;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].is_internal_surface = 0;
+ dri_bo_reference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].bo);
+ }
+void hsw_veb_surface_unreference(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ /* unreference the input surface */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].surface_id = -1;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].bo = NULL;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_IN_CURRENT].is_internal_surface = 0;
+ /* unreference the shared output surface */
+ if(proc_ctx->filters_mask == VPP_DNDI_DN){
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].surface_id = -1;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].bo = NULL;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].is_internal_surface = 0;
+ }else{
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].bo);
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].surface_id = -1;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].bo = NULL;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].is_internal_surface = 0;
+ }
+int hsw_veb_pre_format_convert(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ VAStatus va_status;
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_input = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_input);
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_output = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_output);
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_input_vebox;
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_output_vebox;
+ struct object_surface* obj_surf_output_scaled;
+ proc_ctx->width_input = obj_surf_input->orig_width;
+ proc_ctx->height_input = obj_surf_input->orig_height;
+ proc_ctx->width_output = obj_surf_output->orig_width;
+ proc_ctx->height_output = obj_surf_output->orig_height;
+ /* only partial frame is not supported to be processed */
+ /*
+ assert(proc_ctx->width_input == proc_ctx->pipeline_param->surface_region->width);
+ assert(proc_ctx->height_input == proc_ctx->pipeline_param->surface_region->height);
+ assert(proc_ctx->width_output == proc_ctx->pipeline_param->output_region->width);
+ assert(proc_ctx->height_output == proc_ctx->pipeline_param->output_region->height);
+ */
+ if(proc_ctx->width_output != proc_ctx->width_input ||
+ proc_ctx->height_output != proc_ctx->height_input){
+ proc_ctx->format_convert_flags |= POST_SCALING_CONVERT;
+ }
+ /* convert the following format to NV12 format */
+ if(obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','1','2') ||
+ obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','4','2','0') ||
+ obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','M','C','1') ||
+ obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','M','C','2')){
+ proc_ctx->format_convert_flags |= PRE_FORMAT_CONVERT;
+ } else if(obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('R','G','B','A') ||
+ obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('A','Y','U','V') ||
+ obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','U','Y','2') ||
+ obj_surf_input->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2')){
+ // nothing to do here
+ } else {
+ /* not support other format as input */
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & PRE_FORMAT_CONVERT){
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox == -1){
+ va_status = i965_CreateSurfaces(ctx,
+ proc_ctx->width_input,
+ proc_ctx->height_input,
+ 1,
+ &(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox));
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ obj_surf_input_vebox = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox);
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf_input_vebox, 1, VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'), SUBSAMPLE_YUV420);
+ }
+ vpp_surface_convert(ctx, proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox, proc_ctx->surface_input);
+ }
+ /* create one temporary NV12 surfaces for conversion*/
+ if(obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','1','2') ||
+ obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','4','2','0') ||
+ obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','M','C','1') ||
+ obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','M','C','2')) {
+ proc_ctx->format_convert_flags |= POST_FORMAT_CONVERT;
+ } else if(obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('R','G','B','A') ||
+ obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('A','Y','U','V') ||
+ obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','U','Y','2') ||
+ obj_surf_output->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2')){
+ /* Nothing to do here */
+ } else {
+ /* not support other format as input */
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_FORMAT_CONVERT ||
+ proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_SCALING_CONVERT){
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox == -1){
+ va_status = i965_CreateSurfaces(ctx,
+ proc_ctx->width_input,
+ proc_ctx->height_input,
+ 1,
+ &(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox));
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ obj_surf_output_vebox = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox);
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf_output_vebox, 1, VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'), SUBSAMPLE_YUV420);
+ }
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_SCALING_CONVERT){
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled == -1){
+ va_status = i965_CreateSurfaces(ctx,
+ proc_ctx->width_output,
+ proc_ctx->height_output,
+ 1,
+ &(proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled));
+ assert(va_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+ obj_surf_output_vebox = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled);
+ i965_check_alloc_surface_bo(ctx, obj_surf_output_vebox, 1, VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'), SUBSAMPLE_YUV420);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int hsw_veb_post_format_convert(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ VASurfaceID surf_id_pipe_out = 0;
+ if(proc_ctx->filters_mask == VPP_DNDI_DN){
+ surf_id_pipe_out = proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT_DN].surface_id;
+ } else {
+ surf_id_pipe_out = proc_ctx->frame_store[FRAME_OUT_CURRENT].surface_id;
+ }
+ if(!(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_FORMAT_CONVERT) &&
+ !(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_SCALING_CONVERT)){
+ /* Output surface format is covered by vebox pipeline and
+ * processed picture is already store in output surface
+ * so nothing will be done here */
+ } else if ((proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_FORMAT_CONVERT) &&
+ !(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_SCALING_CONVERT)){
+ /* convert and copy NV12 to YV12/IMC3/IMC2 output*/
+ vpp_surface_convert(ctx,proc_ctx->surface_output, surf_id_pipe_out);
+ } else if(proc_ctx->format_convert_flags & POST_SCALING_CONVERT) {
+ /* scaling, convert and copy NV12 to YV12/IMC3/IMC2/ output*/
+ assert((SURFACE(surf_id_pipe_out))->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'));
+ /* first step :surface scaling */
+ vpp_surface_scaling(ctx,proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled, surf_id_pipe_out);
+ /* second step: color format convert and copy to output */
+ struct object_surface *obj_surf = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_output);
+ if(obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','1','2') ||
+ obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','4','2','0') ||
+ obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','U','Y','2') ||
+ obj_surf->fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','M','C','2')) {
+ vpp_surface_convert(ctx,proc_ctx->surface_output, proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled);
+ }else {
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+VAStatus gen75_vebox_process_picture(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ if(proc_ctx->is_first_frame) {
+ /* prepare the basic pipeline */
+ VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer *pipe = proc_ctx->pipeline_param;
+ VABufferID *filter_ids = (VABufferID*)proc_ctx->pipeline_param->filters ;
+ VAProcFilterParameterBuffer* filter = NULL;
+ struct object_buffer *obj_buf = NULL;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < pipe->num_filters; i ++) {
+ obj_buf = BUFFER((*(filter_ids + i)));
+ filter = (VAProcFilterParameterBuffer*)obj_buf-> buffer_store->buffer;
+ if(filter->type == VAProcFilterNoiseReduction) {
+ proc_ctx->filters_mask |= VPP_DNDI_DN;
+ proc_ctx->filter_dn = filter;
+ } else if (filter->type == VAProcFilterDeinterlacing) {
+ proc_ctx->filters_mask |= VPP_DNDI_DI;
+ proc_ctx->filter_di = filter;
+ } else if (filter->type == VAProcFilterColorBalance) {
+ proc_ctx->filters_mask |= VPP_IECP_PRO_AMP;
+ proc_ctx->filter_iecp_amp = filter;
+ } else if (filter->type == VAProcFilterColorStandard){
+ proc_ctx->filters_mask |= VPP_IECP_CSC;
+ proc_ctx->filter_iecp_csc = filter;
+ /*} else if (filter->type == VAProcFilterSkinToneDetectAndEnhance){
+ proc_ctx->filters_mask |= VPP_IECP_STD_STE;
+ proc_ctx->filter_iecp_std = filter;
+ } else if (filter->type == VAProcFilterTotalColorControl){
+ proc_ctx->filters_mask |= VPP_IECP_TCC;
+ proc_ctx->filter_iecp_tcc = filter;
+ */} else {
+ //not supported filter type
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hsw_veb_pre_format_convert(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ if(proc_ctx->is_first_frame){
+ hsw_veb_resource_prepare(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ }
+ hsw_veb_surface_reference(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ intel_batchbuffer_start_atomic_veb(proc_ctx->batch, 0x1000);
+ intel_batchbuffer_emit_mi_flush(proc_ctx->batch);
+ hsw_veb_surface_state(ctx, proc_ctx, INPUT_SURFACE);
+ hsw_veb_surface_state(ctx, proc_ctx, OUTPUT_SURFACE);
+ hsw_veb_state_table_setup(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_state_command(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_dndi_iecp_command(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ intel_batchbuffer_end_atomic(proc_ctx->batch);
+ intel_batchbuffer_flush(proc_ctx->batch);
+ hsw_veb_post_format_convert(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ hsw_veb_surface_unreference(ctx, proc_ctx);
+ if(proc_ctx->is_first_frame)
+ proc_ctx->is_first_frame = 0;
+void gen75_vebox_context_destroy(VADriverContextP ctx,
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_ctx)
+ struct i965_driver_data *i965 = i965_driver_data(ctx);
+ struct object_surface * obj_surf = NULL;
+ int i;
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox != -1){
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox);
+ dri_bo_unreference(obj_surf->bo);
+ i965_DestroySurfaces(ctx, &proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox, 1);
+ proc_ctx->surface_input_vebox = -1;
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox != -1){
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox);
+ dri_bo_unreference(obj_surf->bo);
+ i965_DestroySurfaces(ctx, &proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox, 1);
+ proc_ctx->surface_output_vebox = -1;
+ }
+ if(proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled != -1){
+ obj_surf = SURFACE(proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled);
+ dri_bo_unreference(obj_surf->bo);
+ i965_DestroySurfaces(ctx, &proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled, 1);
+ proc_ctx->surface_output_scaled = -1;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < FRAME_STORE_SUM; i ++) {
+ if(proc_ctx->frame_store[i].is_internal_surface){
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->frame_store[i].bo);
+ i965_DestroySurfaces(ctx, &proc_ctx->frame_store[i].surface_id, 1);
+ }
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[i].surface_id = -1;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[i].bo = NULL;
+ proc_ctx->frame_store[i].valid = 0;
+ }
+ /* dndi state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo);
+ proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo = NULL;
+ /* iecp state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->iecp_state_table.bo);
+ proc_ctx->dndi_state_table.bo = NULL;
+ /* gamut statu table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->gamut_state_table.bo);
+ proc_ctx->gamut_state_table.bo = NULL;
+ /* vertex state table */
+ dri_bo_unreference(proc_ctx->vertex_state_table.bo);
+ proc_ctx->vertex_state_table.bo = NULL;
+ intel_batchbuffer_free(proc_ctx->batch);
+ free(proc_ctx);
+struct intel_vebox_context * gen75_vebox_context_init(VADriverContextP ctx)
+ struct intel_driver_data *intel = intel_driver_data(ctx);
+ struct intel_vebox_context *proc_context = calloc(1, sizeof(struct intel_vebox_context));
+ proc_context->batch = intel_batchbuffer_new(intel, I915_EXEC_VEBOX);
+ memset(proc_context->frame_store, 0, sizeof(VEBFrameStore)*FRAME_STORE_SUM);
+ proc_context->filters_mask = 0;
+ proc_context->is_first_frame = 1;
+ proc_context->surface_input_vebox = -1;
+ proc_context->surface_output_vebox = -1;
+ proc_context->surface_output_scaled = -1;
+ proc_context->filters_mask = 0;
+ proc_context->format_convert_flags = 0;
+ return proc_context;