void QQmlData::NotifyList::layout(QQmlNotifierEndpoint *endpoint)
- if (endpoint->next)
- layout(endpoint->next);
+ // Add a temporary sentinel at beginning of list. This will be overwritten
+ // when the end point is inserted into the notifies further down.
+ endpoint->prev = 0;
- int index = endpoint->sourceSignal;
- index = qMin(index, 0xFFFF - 1);
+ while (endpoint->next) {
+ Q_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<QQmlNotifierEndpoint *>(endpoint->next->prev) == endpoint);
+ endpoint = endpoint->next;
+ }
+ while (endpoint) {
+ QQmlNotifierEndpoint *ep = (QQmlNotifierEndpoint *) endpoint->prev;
+ int index = endpoint->sourceSignal;
+ index = qMin(index, 0xFFFF - 1);
- endpoint->next = notifies[index];
- if (endpoint->next) endpoint->next->prev = &endpoint->next;
- endpoint->prev = ¬ifies[index];
- notifies[index] = endpoint;
+ endpoint->next = notifies[index];
+ if (endpoint->next) endpoint->next->prev = &endpoint->next;
+ endpoint->prev = ¬ifies[index];
+ notifies[index] = endpoint;
+ endpoint = ep;
+ }
void QQmlData::NotifyList::layout()
+namespace {
+ struct NotifyListTraversalData {
+ NotifyListTraversalData(QQmlNotifierEndpoint *ep = 0)
+ : originalSenderPtr(0)
+ , disconnectWatch(0)
+ , endpoint(ep)
+ {}
+ qintptr originalSenderPtr;
+ qintptr *disconnectWatch;
+ QQmlNotifierEndpoint *endpoint;
+ };
void QQmlNotifier::emitNotify(QQmlNotifierEndpoint *endpoint, void **a)
- qintptr originalSenderPtr;
- qintptr *disconnectWatch;
- if (!endpoint->isNotifying()) {
- originalSenderPtr = endpoint->senderPtr;
- disconnectWatch = &originalSenderPtr;
- endpoint->senderPtr = qintptr(disconnectWatch) | 0x1;
- } else {
- disconnectWatch = (qintptr *)(endpoint->senderPtr & ~0x1);
+ QVarLengthArray<NotifyListTraversalData> stack;
+ while (endpoint) {
+ stack.append(NotifyListTraversalData(endpoint));
+ endpoint = endpoint->next;
- if (endpoint->next)
- emitNotify(endpoint->next, a);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < stack.size(); ++i) {
+ NotifyListTraversalData &data = stack[i];
+ if (!data.endpoint->isNotifying()) {
+ data.originalSenderPtr = data.endpoint->senderPtr;
+ data.disconnectWatch = &data.originalSenderPtr;
+ data.endpoint->senderPtr = qintptr(data.disconnectWatch) | 0x1;
+ } else {
+ data.disconnectWatch = (qintptr *)(data.endpoint->senderPtr & ~0x1);
+ }
+ }
- if (*disconnectWatch) {
+ while (--i >= 0) {
+ const NotifyListTraversalData &data = stack.at(i);
+ if (*data.disconnectWatch) {
- Q_ASSERT(QQmlNotifier_callbacks[endpoint->callback]);
- QQmlNotifier_callbacks[endpoint->callback](endpoint, a);
+ Q_ASSERT(QQmlNotifier_callbacks[data.endpoint->callback]);
+ QQmlNotifier_callbacks[data.endpoint->callback](data.endpoint, a);
- if (disconnectWatch == &originalSenderPtr && originalSenderPtr) {
- // End of notifying, restore values
- endpoint->senderPtr = originalSenderPtr;
+ if (data.disconnectWatch == &data.originalSenderPtr && data.originalSenderPtr) {
+ // End of notifying, restore values
+ data.endpoint->senderPtr = data.originalSenderPtr;
+ }
class QQmlEngine;
class QQmlNotifierEndpoint
+ QQmlNotifierEndpoint *next;
+ QQmlNotifierEndpoint **prev;
inline QQmlNotifierEndpoint();
inline ~QQmlNotifierEndpoint();
// The index is in the range returned by QObjectPrivate::signalIndex().
// This is different from QMetaMethod::methodIndex().
signed int sourceSignal:28;
- QQmlNotifierEndpoint *next;
- QQmlNotifierEndpoint **prev;
-: senderPtr(0), callback(None), sourceSignal(-1), next(0), prev(0)
+: next(0), prev(0), senderPtr(0), callback(None), sourceSignal(-1)
void readProperty();
void propertyChange();
void disconnectOnDestroy();
+ void lotsOfBindings();
void createObjects();
+class TestObject : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(int a READ a NOTIFY aChanged)
+ int a() const { return 0; }
+ void aChanged();
+void tst_qqmlnotifier::lotsOfBindings()
+ TestObject o;
+ QQmlEngine *e = new QQmlEngine;
+ e->rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("test"), &o);
+ QList<QQmlComponent *> components;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i) {
+ QQmlComponent *component = new QQmlComponent(e);
+ component->setData("import QtQuick 2.0; Item { width: test.a; }", QUrl());
+ component->create(e->rootContext());
+ components.append(component);
+ }
+ o.aChanged();
+ qDeleteAll(components);
+ delete e;
#include "tst_qqmlnotifier.moc"