* @brief Provides a singular iterator, useful for indicating
* one-past-the-end of a range.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- regex_iterator();
+ regex_iterator()
+ : _M_match()
+ { }
* Constructs a %regex_iterator...
* @param __b [IN] One-past-the-end of the text range to search.
* @param __re [IN] The regular expression to match.
* @param __m [IN] Policy flags for match rules.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
regex_iterator(_Bi_iter __a, _Bi_iter __b, const regex_type& __re,
regex_constants::match_flag_type __m
- = regex_constants::match_default);
+ = regex_constants::match_default)
+ : _M_begin(__a), _M_end(__b), _M_pregex(&__re), _M_flags(__m), _M_match()
+ { regex_search(_M_begin, _M_end, _M_match, *_M_pregex, _M_flags); }
* Copy constructs a %regex_iterator.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- regex_iterator(const regex_iterator& __rhs);
+ regex_iterator(const regex_iterator& __rhs) = default;
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- operator=(const regex_iterator& __rhs);
+ operator=(const regex_iterator& __rhs) = default;
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- operator==(const regex_iterator& __rhs);
+ operator==(const regex_iterator& __rhs) const;
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- operator!=(const regex_iterator& __rhs);
+ operator!=(const regex_iterator& __rhs) const
+ { return !(*this == __rhs); }
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
const value_type&
- operator*();
+ operator*() const
+ { return _M_match; }
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
const value_type*
- operator->();
+ operator->() const
+ { return &_M_match; }
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
- operator++(int);
+ operator++(int)
+ {
+ auto __tmp = *this;
+ ++(*this);
+ return __tmp;
+ }
// these members are shown for exposition only:
- _Bi_iter begin;
- _Bi_iter end;
- const regex_type* pregex;
- regex_constants::match_flag_type flags;
- match_results<_Bi_iter> match;
+ _Bi_iter _M_begin;
+ _Bi_iter _M_end;
+ const regex_type* _M_pregex;
+ regex_constants::match_flag_type _M_flags;
+ match_results<_Bi_iter> _M_match;
+ template<typename _Bi_iter,
+ typename _Ch_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits>
+ bool
+ regex_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>::
+ operator==(const regex_iterator& __rhs) const
+ {
+ return (_M_match.empty() && __rhs._M_match.empty())
+ || (_M_begin == __rhs._M_begin
+ && _M_end == __rhs._M_end
+ && _M_pregex == __rhs._M_pregex
+ && _M_flags == __rhs._M_flags
+ && _M_match[0] == __rhs._M_match[0]);
+ }
+ template<typename _Bi_iter,
+ typename _Ch_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits>
+ regex_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>&
+ regex_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>::
+ operator++()
+ {
+ if (_M_match[0].matched)
+ {
+ auto __start = _M_match[0].second;
+ if (_M_match[0].first == _M_match[0].second)
+ if (__start == _M_end)
+ {
+ _M_match = value_type();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (regex_search(__start, _M_end, _M_match, *_M_pregex, _M_flags
+ | regex_constants::match_not_null
+ | regex_constants::match_continuous))
+ return *this;
+ else
+ ++__start;
+ }
+ _M_flags |= regex_constants::match_prev_avail;
+ if (!regex_search(__start, _M_end, _M_match, *_M_pregex, _M_flags))
+ _M_match = value_type();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
typedef regex_iterator<const char*> cregex_iterator;
typedef regex_iterator<string::const_iterator> sregex_iterator;
* value of an iterator of this class is a std::sub_match object.
template<typename _Bi_iter,
- typename _Ch_type = typename iterator_traits<_Bi_iter>::value_type,
- typename _Rx_traits = regex_traits<_Ch_type> >
+ typename _Ch_type = typename iterator_traits<_Bi_iter>::value_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits = regex_traits<_Ch_type> >
class regex_token_iterator
* @brief Default constructs a %regex_token_iterator.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* A default-constructed %regex_token_iterator is a singular iterator
* that will compare equal to the one-past-the-end value for any
* iterator of the same type.
- regex_token_iterator();
+ regex_token_iterator()
+ : _M_position(), _M_result(nullptr), _M_suffix(), _M_n(0), _M_subs()
+ { }
* Constructs a %regex_token_iterator...
* subexpression from a match within the text.
* @param __m [IN] Policy flags for match rules.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
regex_token_iterator(_Bi_iter __a, _Bi_iter __b, const regex_type& __re,
int __submatch = 0,
regex_constants::match_flag_type __m
- = regex_constants::match_default);
+ = regex_constants::match_default)
+ : _M_position(__a, __b, __re, __m), _M_subs(1, __submatch), _M_n(0)
+ { _M_init(__a, __b); }
* Constructs a %regex_token_iterator...
* @param __b [IN] One-past-the-end of the text to search.
* @param __re [IN] The regular expression to search for.
* @param __submatches [IN] A list of subexpressions to return for each
- * regular expression match within the text.
+ * regular expression match within the text.
* @param __m [IN] Policy flags for match rules.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @doctodo
regex_token_iterator(_Bi_iter __a, _Bi_iter __b,
const regex_type& __re,
const std::vector<int>& __submatches,
regex_constants::match_flag_type __m
- = regex_constants::match_default);
+ = regex_constants::match_default)
+ : _M_position(__a, __b, __re, __m), _M_subs(__submatches), _M_n(0)
+ { _M_init(__a, __b); }
* Constructs a %regex_token_iterator...
* @param __submatches [IN] A list of subexpressions to return for each
* regular expression match within the text.
* @param __m [IN] Policy flags for match rules.
- * @todo Implement this function.
+ *
+ * @doctodo
+ */
+ regex_token_iterator(_Bi_iter __a, _Bi_iter __b,
+ const regex_type& __re,
+ initializer_list<int> __submatches,
+ regex_constants::match_flag_type __m
+ = regex_constants::match_default)
+ : _M_position(__a, __b, __re, __m), _M_subs(__submatches), _M_n(0)
+ { _M_init(__a, __b); }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a %regex_token_iterator...
+ * @param __a [IN] The start of the text to search.
+ * @param __b [IN] One-past-the-end of the text to search.
+ * @param __re [IN] The regular expression to search for.
+ * @param __submatches [IN] A list of subexpressions to return for each
+ * regular expression match within the text.
+ * @param __m [IN] Policy flags for match rules.
+ *
* @doctodo
template<std::size_t _Nm>
const regex_type& __re,
const int (&__submatches)[_Nm],
regex_constants::match_flag_type __m
- = regex_constants::match_default);
+ = regex_constants::match_default)
+ : _M_position(__a, __b, __re, __m),
+ _M_subs(__submatches, *(&__submatches+1)), _M_n(0)
+ { _M_init(__a, __b); }
* @brief Copy constructs a %regex_token_iterator.
* @param __rhs [IN] A %regex_token_iterator to copy.
- * @todo Implement this function.
- regex_token_iterator(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs);
+ regex_token_iterator(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs)
+ : _M_position(__rhs.position), _M_subs(__rhs.subs), _M_n(__rhs.N),
+ _M_result(__rhs.result), _M_suffix(__rhs.suffix),
+ _M_has_m1(__rhs._M_has_m1)
+ {
+ if (__rhs._M_result == &__rhs._M_suffix)
+ _M_result = &_M_suffix;
+ }
* @brief Assigns a %regex_token_iterator to another.
* @param __rhs [IN] A %regex_token_iterator to copy.
- * @todo Implement this function.
operator=(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs);
* @brief Compares a %regex_token_iterator to another for equality.
- * @todo Implement this function.
operator==(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs) const;
* @brief Compares a %regex_token_iterator to another for inequality.
- * @todo Implement this function.
- operator!=(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs) const;
+ operator!=(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs) const
+ { return !(*this == __rhs); }
* @brief Dereferences a %regex_token_iterator.
- * @todo Implement this function.
const value_type&
- operator*() const;
+ operator*() const
+ { return *_M_result; }
* @brief Selects a %regex_token_iterator member.
- * @todo Implement this function.
const value_type*
- operator->() const;
+ operator->() const
+ { return _M_result; }
* @brief Increments a %regex_token_iterator.
- * @todo Implement this function.
* @brief Postincrements a %regex_token_iterator.
- * @todo Implement this function.
- operator++(int);
+ operator++(int)
+ {
+ auto __tmp = *this;
+ ++(*this);
+ return __tmp;
+ }
private: // data members for exposition only:
- typedef regex_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits> position_iterator;
+ typedef regex_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits> _Position;
+ void
+ _M_init(_Bi_iter __a, _Bi_iter __b);
- position_iterator __position;
- const value_type* __result;
- value_type __suffix;
- std::size_t __n;
- std::vector<int> __subs;
+ const value_type&
+ _M_current_match() const
+ {
+ if (_M_subs[_M_n] == -1)
+ return (*_M_position).prefix();
+ else
+ return (*_M_position)[_M_subs[_M_n]];
+ }
+ bool
+ _M_end_of_seq() const
+ { return _M_result != nullptr; }
+ _Position _M_position;
+ const value_type* _M_result;
+ value_type _M_suffix;
+ std::size_t _M_n;
+ std::vector<int> _M_subs;
+ bool _M_has_m1; // subs contains -1
+ template<typename _Bi_iter,
+ typename _Ch_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits>
+ regex_token_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>&
+ regex_token_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>::
+ operator=(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs)
+ {
+ _M_position = __rhs._M_position;
+ _M_subs = __rhs._M_subs;
+ _M_n = __rhs._M_n;
+ _M_result = __rhs._M_result;
+ _M_suffix = __rhs._M_suffix;
+ _M_has_m1 = __rhs._M_has_m1;
+ if (__rhs._M_result == &__rhs._M_suffix)
+ _M_result = &_M_suffix;
+ }
+ template<typename _Bi_iter,
+ typename _Ch_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits>
+ bool
+ regex_token_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>::
+ operator==(const regex_token_iterator& __rhs) const
+ {
+ if (_M_end_of_seq() && __rhs._M_end_of_seq())
+ return true;
+ if (_M_suffix.matched && __rhs._M_suffix.matched
+ && _M_suffix == __rhs._M_suffix)
+ return true;
+ if (_M_end_of_seq() || _M_suffix.matched
+ || __rhs._M_end_of_seq() || __rhs._M_suffix.matched)
+ return false;
+ return _M_position == __rhs._M_position
+ && _M_n == __rhs._M_n
+ && _M_subs == __rhs._M_subs;
+ }
+ template<typename _Bi_iter,
+ typename _Ch_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits>
+ regex_token_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>&
+ regex_token_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>::
+ operator++()
+ {
+ _Position __prev = _M_position;
+ if (_M_suffix.matched)
+ *this = regex_token_iterator();
+ else if (_M_n + 1 < _M_subs.size())
+ {
+ _M_n++;
+ _M_result = &_M_current_match();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _M_n = 0;
+ ++_M_position;
+ if (_M_position != _Position())
+ _M_result = &_M_current_match();
+ else if (_M_has_m1 && __prev->suffix().length() != 0)
+ {
+ _M_suffix.matched = true;
+ _M_suffix.first = __prev->suffix().first;
+ _M_suffix.second = __prev->suffix().second;
+ _M_result = &_M_suffix;
+ }
+ else
+ *this = regex_token_iterator();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename _Bi_iter,
+ typename _Ch_type,
+ typename _Rx_traits>
+ void
+ regex_token_iterator<_Bi_iter, _Ch_type, _Rx_traits>::
+ _M_init(_Bi_iter __a, _Bi_iter __b)
+ {
+ _M_has_m1 = false;
+ for (auto __it : _M_subs)
+ if (__it == -1)
+ {
+ _M_has_m1 = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_M_position != _Position())
+ _M_result = &_M_current_match();
+ else if (_M_has_m1)
+ {
+ _M_suffix.matched = true;
+ _M_suffix.first = __a;
+ _M_suffix.second = __b;
+ _M_result = &_M_suffix;
+ }
+ else
+ _M_result = nullptr;
+ }
/** @brief Token iterator for C-style NULL-terminated strings. */
typedef regex_token_iterator<const char*> cregex_token_iterator;