> name=Tools for Fedora
> baseurl=http://download.meego.com/live/devel:/tools:/building/Fedora_<VERSION>
> enabled=1
- > gpgcheck =1
- > gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-meego
+ > gpgcheck=0
Also you can take the repo file on devel:tools:building as example. For example,
2. Update repolist:
- $ sudo yum update
+ $ sudo yum makecache
3. Install mic:
> deb http://download.meego.com/live/devel:/tools:/building/<Ubuntu/Debian>_<VERSION>/ /
+*Tips*: for Ubuntu 10.10, you should use xUbuntu_10.10 to replace <Ubuntu/Debian>_<VERSIN>.
2. Update repolist:
| --pkgmgr | specify backend package manager |
+| --record-pkgs | record specified infomation of installed packages, |
+| | include name, licence, content. |
*Tips*: the common options can be normally put before sub-sub command, but also
can be after them, such as: ::
$ sudo mic cr fs test.ks --outdir output
+*Tips*: if you failed to create armv7* image, the reason may be qemu/qemu-arm on your host is lower than required, please update qemu/qemu-arm higher than 0.13.0.
Running 'mic chroot'
Subcommand *chroot* is used to chroot an image file. Given an image file, you