$| = 1;
if ($] == 5.008) {
- print("1..11\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+ print("1..12\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
} else {
- print("1..15\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+ print("1..16\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
$child = threads->create(sub { return (scalar(keys(%h))); })->join;
is($child, 1, "keys correct in child with restricted hash");
+# [perl #45053] Memory corruption with heavy module loading in threads
+# run-time usage of newCONSTSUB (as done by the IO boot code) wasn't
+# thread-safe - got occasional coredumps or malloc corruption
+ my @t;
+ push @t, threads->create( sub { require IO }) for 1..100;
+ $_->join for @t;
+ print("ok $test - [perl #45053]\n");
+ $test++;
+ /* at runtime, it's not safe to manipulate PL_curcop: it may be
+ * an op shared between threads. Use a non-shared COP for our
+ * dirty work */
+ SAVEVPTR(PL_curcop);
+ PL_curcop = &PL_compiling;
+ }
CopLINE_set(PL_curcop, PL_parser ? PL_parser->copline : NOLINE);