namespace zypp
{ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- namespace zypp_detail
- { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Arch defaultArchitecture();
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- } // namespace zypp_detail
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
namespace solver
{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-static const unsigned MAX_SECOND_RUNS( 3 );
-static const unsigned MAX_VALID_SOLUTIONS( 10 );
-static const unsigned TIMOUT_SECOND_RUN( 30 );
static PoolItemSet triggeredSolution; // only the latest state of an item is interesting
// for the pool. Documents already inserted items.
SATResolver::SATResolver (const ResPool & pool, Pool *SATPool)
: _pool (pool)
, _SATPool (SATPool)
- , solv(NULL)
- , _timeout_seconds (0)
- , _maxSolverPasses (0)
- , _testing (false)
- , _valid_solution_count (0)
- , _timed_out (false)
- , _architecture( zypp_detail::defaultArchitecture() )
+ , _solv(NULL)
+ , _fixsystem(false)
+ , _allowdowngrade(false)
+ , _allowarchchange(false)
+ , _allowvendorchange(false)
+ , _allowuninstall(false)
+ , _updatesystem(false)
+ , _allowvirtualconflicts(false)
+ , _noupdateprovide(false)
+ , _dosplitprovides(false)
SATCollectTransact info (*this);
MIL << "SATResolver::resolvePool()" << endl;
- if (solv) {
+ if (_solv) {
// remove old stuff
- solver_free(solv);
- solv = NULL;
- queue_free( &(jobQueue) );
+ solver_free(_solv);
+ _solv = NULL;
+ queue_free( &(_jobQueue) );
- queue_init( &jobQueue );
+ queue_init( &_jobQueue );
ERR << "Install: " << *iter << " not found" << endl;
MIL << "Install " << *iter << " with the SAT-Pool ID: " << id << endl;
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE );
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), id );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), id );
for (PoolItemList::const_iterator iter = _items_to_remove.begin(); iter != _items_to_remove.end(); iter++) {
sat::detail::IdType ident( (*iter)->satSolvable().ident().id() );
MIL << "Delete " << *iter << " with the string ID: " << ident << endl;
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE_NAME );
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), ident);
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE_NAME );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), ident);
for (CapabilitySet::const_iterator iter = requires_caps.begin(); iter != requires_caps.end(); iter++) {
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES );
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), iter->id() );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), iter->id() );
MIL << "Requires " << *iter << endl;
for (CapabilitySet::const_iterator iter = conflict_caps.begin(); iter != conflict_caps.end(); iter++) {
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES);
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), iter->id() );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES);
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), iter->id() );
MIL << "Conflicts " << *iter << endl;
sat::detail::SolvableIdType ident( (*iter)->satSolvable().id() );
if (iter->status().isInstalled()) {
MIL << "Lock installed item " << *iter << " with the string ID: " << ident << endl;
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE );
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), ident );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), ident );
} else {
MIL << "Lock NOT installed item " << *iter << " with the string ID: " << ident << endl;
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE );
- queue_push( &(jobQueue), ident );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE );
+ queue_push( &(_jobQueue), ident );
- solv = solver_create( _SATPool, sat::Pool::instance().systemRepo().get() );
+ _solv = solver_create( _SATPool, sat::Pool::instance().systemRepo().get() );
- solv->fixsystem = false;
- solv->updatesystem = false;
- solv->allowdowngrade = false;
- solv->allowuninstall = false;
- solv->noupdateprovide = false;
+ _solv->fixsystem = false;
+ _solv->updatesystem = false;
+ _solv->allowdowngrade = false;
+ _solv->allowuninstall = false;
+ _solv->noupdateprovide = false;
// Solve !
MIL << "Starting solving...." << endl;
- solver_solve( solv, &(jobQueue) );
+ solver_solve( _solv, &(_jobQueue) );
MIL << "....Solver end" << endl;
// copying solution back to zypp pool
- if (solv->problems.count > 0 )
+ if (_solv->problems.count > 0 )
ERR << "Solverrun finished with an ERROR" << endl;
return false;
/* solvables to be installed */
- for (int i = 0; i < solv->decisionq.count; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < _solv->decisionq.count; i++)
Id p;
- p = solv->decisionq.elements[i];
+ p = _solv->decisionq.elements[i];
if (p < 0 || !sat::Solvable(p))
- if (sat::Solvable(p).repo().get() == solv->installed)
+ if (sat::Solvable(p).repo().get() == _solv->installed)
PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(p));
/* solvables to be erased */
- for (int i = solv->installed->start; i < solv->installed->start + solv->installed->nsolvables; i++)
+ for (int i = _solv->installed->start; i < _solv->installed->start + _solv->installed->nsolvables; i++)
- if (solv->decisionmap[i] > 0)
+ if (_solv->decisionmap[i] > 0)
PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(i));
// clean up
- solver_free(solv);
- solv = NULL;
- queue_free( &(jobQueue) );
+ solver_free(_solv);
+ _solv = NULL;
+ queue_free( &(_jobQueue) );
return true;
std::string SATResolver::SATprobleminfoString(Id problem)
string ret;
- Pool *pool = solv->pool;
+ Pool *pool = _solv->pool;
Id probr;
Id dep, source, target;
Solvable *s, *s2;
- probr = solver_findproblemrule(solv, problem);
- switch (solver_problemruleinfo(solv, &(jobQueue), probr, &dep, &source, &target))
+ probr = solver_findproblemrule(_solv, problem);
+ switch (solver_problemruleinfo(_solv, &(_jobQueue), probr, &dep, &source, &target))
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, source);
SATResolver::problems ()
ResolverProblemList resolverProblems;
- if (solv && solv->problems.count) {
- Pool *pool = solv->pool;
+ if (_solv && _solv->problems.count) {
+ Pool *pool = _solv->pool;
int pcnt;
Id p, rp, what;
Id problem, solution, element;
MIL << "Encountered problems! Here are the solutions:\n" << endl;
pcnt = 1;
problem = 0;
- while ((problem = solver_next_problem(solv, problem)) != 0) {
+ while ((problem = solver_next_problem(_solv, problem)) != 0) {
MIL << "Problem " << pcnt << ":" << endl;
MIL << "====================================" << endl;
string whatString = SATprobleminfoString(problem);
MIL << "------------------------------------" << endl;
ResolverProblem_Ptr resolverProblem = new ResolverProblem (whatString, "");
solution = 0;
- while ((solution = solver_next_solution(solv, problem, solution)) != 0) {
+ while ((solution = solver_next_solution(_solv, problem, solution)) != 0) {
element = 0;
ProblemSolutionCombi *problemSolution = new ProblemSolutionCombi(resolverProblem);
- while ((element = solver_next_solutionelement(solv, problem, solution, element, &p, &rp)) != 0) {
+ while ((element = solver_next_solutionelement(_solv, problem, solution, element, &p, &rp)) != 0) {
if (p == 0) {
/* job, rp is index into job queue */
- what = jobQueue.elements[rp];
- switch (jobQueue.elements[rp-1])
+ what = _jobQueue.elements[rp];
+ switch (_jobQueue.elements[rp-1])
s = pool->solvables + what;
PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(what));
if (poolItem) {
- if (solv->installed && s->repo == solv->installed) {
+ if (_solv->installed && s->repo == _solv->installed) {
problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, REMOVE);
string description = str::form (_("do not keep %s installed"), solvable2str(pool, s) );
MIL << description << endl;
s = pool->solvables + what;
PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(what));
if (poolItem) {
- if (solv->installed && s->repo == solv->installed) {
+ if (_solv->installed && s->repo == _solv->installed) {
problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, KEEP);
string description = str::form (_("keep %s"), solvable2str(pool, s));
MIL << description << endl;
PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(what));
s = pool->solvables + what;
if (poolItem) {
- if (solv->installed && s->repo == solv->installed) {
+ if (_solv->installed && s->repo == _solv->installed) {
problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, KEEP);
string description = str::form (_("do not install most recent version of %s"), solvable2str(pool, s));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
gotone = 1;
- if (!solv->allowarchchange && s->name == sd->name && s->arch != sd->arch && policy_illegal_archchange(pool, s, sd))
+ if (!_solv->allowarchchange && s->name == sd->name && s->arch != sd->arch && policy_illegal_archchange(pool, s, sd))
string description = str::form (_("architecture change of %s to %s"), solvable2str(pool, s), solvable2str(pool, sd));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
gotone = 1;
- if (!solv->allowvendorchange && s->name == sd->name && s->vendor != sd->vendor && policy_illegal_vendorchange(pool, s, sd))
+ if (!_solv->allowvendorchange && s->name == sd->name && s->vendor != sd->vendor && policy_illegal_vendorchange(pool, s, sd))
string description = str::form (_("vendor change of [%s]%s to [%s]%s") , id2str(pool, s->vendor) , solvable2str(pool, s),
string(sd->vendor ? id2str(pool, sd->vendor) : " (no vendor) ").c_str(), solvable2str(pool, sd));
ResPool _pool;
Pool *_SATPool;
- Solver *solv;
- Queue jobQueue;
+ Solver *_solv;
+ Queue _jobQueue;
- unsigned _timeout_seconds;
- unsigned _maxSolverPasses;
- bool _testing;
- int _valid_solution_count;
- bool _timed_out;
- Arch _architecture;
// list populated by calls to addPoolItemTo*()
PoolItemList _items_to_install;
PoolItemList _items_to_remove;
PoolItemList _items_to_lock;
+ bool _fixsystem; /* repair errors in rpm dependency graph */
+ bool _allowdowngrade; /* allow to downgrade installed solvable */
+ bool _allowarchchange; /* allow to change architecture of installed solvables */
+ bool _allowvendorchange; /* allow to change vendor of installed solvables */
+ bool _allowuninstall; /* allow removal of installed solvables */
+ bool _updatesystem; /* distupgrade */
+ bool _allowvirtualconflicts; /* false: conflicts on package name, true: conflicts on package provides */
+ bool _noupdateprovide; /* true: update packages needs not to provide old package */
+ bool _dosplitprovides; /* true: consider legacy split provides */
// ---------------------------------- methods
std::string SATprobleminfoString (Id problem);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const SATResolver & obj)
{ return obj.dumpOn (str); }
- // ---------------------------------- methods
- void setTimeout (int seconds) { _timeout_seconds = seconds; }
- void setMaxSolverPasses (int count) { _maxSolverPasses = count; }
- int timeout () const { return _timeout_seconds; }
- int maxSolverPasses () const { return _maxSolverPasses; }
ResPool pool (void) const;
void setPool (const ResPool & pool) { _pool = pool; }
ResolverProblemList problems ();
void applySolutions (const ProblemSolutionList &solutions);
- Arch architecture() const { return _architecture; }
- void setArchitecture( const Arch & arch) { _architecture = arch; }
- bool testing(void) const { return _testing; }
- void setTesting( bool testing ) { _testing = testing; }
void addPoolItemToInstall (PoolItem_Ref item);
void addPoolItemsToInstallFromList (PoolItemList & rl);
void addPoolItemToRemove (PoolItem_Ref item);
void addPoolItemsToRemoveFromList (PoolItemList & rl);
+ bool fixsystem () const {return _fixsystem;}
+ void setFixsystem ( const bool fixsystem) { _fixsystem = fixsystem;}
+ bool allowdowngrade () const {return _allowdowngrade;}
+ void setAllowdowngrade ( const bool allowdowngrade) { _allowdowngrade = allowdowngrade;}
+ bool allowarchchange () const {return _allowarchchange;}
+ void setAllowarchchange ( const bool allowarchchange) { _allowarchchange = allowarchchange;}
+ bool allowvendorchange () const {return _allowvendorchange;}
+ void setAllowvendorchange ( const bool allowvendorchange) { _allowvendorchange = allowvendorchange;}
+ bool allowuninstall () const {return _allowuninstall;}
+ void setAllowuninstall ( const bool allowuninstall) { _allowuninstall = allowuninstall;}
+ bool updatesystem () const {return _updatesystem;}
+ void setUpdatesystem ( const bool updatesystem) { _updatesystem = updatesystem;}
+ bool allowvirtualconflicts () const {return _allowvirtualconflicts;}
+ void setAllowvirtualconflicts ( const bool allowvirtualconflicts) { _allowvirtualconflicts = allowvirtualconflicts;}
+ bool noupdateprovide () const {return _noupdateprovide;}
+ void setNoupdateprovide ( const bool noupdateprovide) { _noupdateprovide = noupdateprovide;}
+ bool dosplitprovides () const {return _dosplitprovides;}
+ void setDosplitprovides ( const bool dosplitprovides) { _dosplitprovides = dosplitprovides;}