Version: 6.5.21
Release: 1
Group: Framework/system
-License: Apache-2.0 and BSD-2-Clause and MIT
+License: MIT
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1001: crash-worker.manifest
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dlog)
%package dumpsystemstate-config
Summary: common configuration for dump_systemstate utility and bugreport-service
+License: MIT
%description dumpsystemstate-config
%package dumpsystemstate-util
Summary: dump_systemstate utility used for dumping basic system information
+License: Apache-2.0 and MIT
Requires: %{name}-dumpsystemstate-config = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{_bindir}/buxton2ctl
# Ensure crash_worker user is available (created by security-config, package provides crash_worker-owned files)
%if %{with dumpsystemstateservice}
%package dumpsystemstate-service
Summary: service provides dumpsys provider to system state information
+License: Apache-2.0 and MIT
Requires: %{name}-dumpsystemstate-config = %{version}-%{release}
%description dumpsystemstate-service
%if %{with regdumper}
%package support-regdump
Summary: package provides components needed to support kernel-invoked coredump handling
+License: MIT
Requires: %{name}-support-common = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: minicoredumper >= 2.1.0
# Ensure crash_worker user is available (created by security-config, package provides crash_worker-owned files)
%if %{with livedumper}
%package support-livecoredump
Summary: package provides components needed to support livecoredumps
+License: Apache-2.0 and MIT
Requires: %{name}-support-common = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-livedumper = %{version}-%{release}
%description support-livecoredump
%package support-common
Summary: package provides common components needed to support both kernel-invoked coredump and livedump
+License: Apache-2.0 and BSD-2-Clause and MIT
Requires: %{name}-dumpsystemstate-util = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: zip
# Ensure crash_worker user is available (created by security-config, package provides crash_worker-owned files)
%package -n libcrash-manager-devel
Summary: package provides headers needed to develop programs using libcrash-manager
+License: MIT
%description -n libcrash-manager-devel
%package -n bugreport-service
Summary: bugreport provides dumpsys provider for diagnostics data
+License: Apache-2.0 and MIT
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(diagnostics)
Requires: %{name}-dumpsystemstate-util = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{with livedumper}
chsmack -a "System" -t %{crash_path}
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.MIT
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
%files dumpsystemstate-util
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.Apache-2.0 LICENSE.MIT
# attr() needed because: dump_systemstate has Smack exec_label(=System) set and we don't want to allow everyone to abuse it
%attr(0750,root,crash_worker) %{_bindir}/dump_systemstate
%if %{with dumpsystemstateservice}
%files dumpsystemstate-service
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.Apache-2.0 LICENSE.MIT
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
%files dumpsystemstate-config
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.MIT
%if %{with regdumper}
%files support-regdump
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.MIT
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
# attr() needed because: crash-worker has Smack exec_label(=System::Privileged) set and we don't want to allow everyone to abuse it
%if %{with livedumper}
%files support-livecoredump
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.Apache-2.0 LICENSE.MIT
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
%manifest %{name}.manifest
%if %{with livedumper} || %{with regdumper}
%files support-common
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
# attr() needed because: crash-worker running as crash_worker:crash_worker (user:group) creates files/dir under this path
%attr(0775,crash_worker,crash_worker) %{crash_root_path}
%files -n libcrash-manager-devel
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.MIT
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
%files -n bugreport-service
-%license LICENSE
+%license LICENSE.Apache-2.0 LICENSE.MIT
%manifest crash-worker.manifest
# attr() needed because: crash-worker running as crash_worker:crash_worker (user:group) creates files/dir under this path
%attr(0775,crash_worker,crash_worker) %{crash_root_path}
%if %{with tests}
%files tests
%manifest %{name}.manifest
+%license LICENSE.MIT
%files system-tests
%manifest %{name}.manifest
+%license LICENSE.MIT