* EcoreAnimator, ElmScrollCOnfig have been added.
* ScrollAnimationStared/Stoppe and Changed event have been added in GenList.
* RenderPost event has been added in EvasObject.
Change-Id: Ia093d4787cc50e4ac5a966b35222102069f43729
Signed-off-by: chungryeol Lim <cdark.lim@samsung.com>
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\DateChangedEventArgs.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\DateTimeSelector.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.cs" />\r
+ <Compile Include="ElmSharp\EcoreAnimator.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EcoreMainloop.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EcoreSynchronizationContext.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EdjeObject.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\Elementary.cs" />\r
+ <Compile Include="ElmSharp\ElmScrollConfig.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\Entry.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EvasKeyEventArgs.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EvasMap.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\DateChangedEventArgs.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\DateTimeSelector.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.cs" />\r
+ <Compile Include="ElmSharp\EcoreAnimator.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EcoreMainloop.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EcoreSynchronizationContext.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EdjeObject.cs" />\r
+ <Compile Include="ElmSharp\ElmScrollConfig.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\Elementary.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\Entry.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="ElmSharp\EvasKeyEventArgs.cs" />\r
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace ElmSharp
+ public static class EcoreAnimator
+ {
+ static readonly Dictionary<int, Func<bool>> _taskMap = new Dictionary<int, Func<bool>>();
+ static readonly Object _taskLock = new Object();
+ static int _newTaskId = 0;
+ static Interop.Ecore.EcoreTaskCallback _nativeHandler;
+ static EcoreAnimator()
+ {
+ _nativeHandler = NativeHandler;
+ }
+ public static double GetCurrentTime()
+ {
+ return Interop.Ecore.ecore_time_get();
+ }
+ public static IntPtr AddAmimator(Func<bool> handler)
+ {
+ int id = RegistHandler(handler);
+ return Interop.Ecore.ecore_animator_add(_nativeHandler, (IntPtr)id);
+ }
+ public static void RemoveAnimator(IntPtr anim)
+ {
+ int taskId = (int)Interop.Ecore.ecore_animator_del(anim);
+ _taskMap.Remove(taskId);
+ }
+ static int RegistHandler(Func<bool> task)
+ {
+ int taskId;
+ lock (_taskLock)
+ {
+ taskId = _newTaskId++;
+ }
+ _taskMap[taskId] = task;
+ return taskId;
+ }
+ static bool NativeHandler(IntPtr userData)
+ {
+ int task_id = (int)userData;
+ Func<bool> userAction = null;
+ _taskMap.TryGetValue(task_id, out userAction);
+ return (userAction != null)?userAction():false;
+ }
+ }
+ public static double GetSystemScrollFriction()
+ {
+ return Interop.Elementary.elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_get();
+ }
+ public static void SetSystemScrollFriction(double timeSet)
+ {
+ Interop.Elementary.elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_set(timeSet);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+namespace ElmSharp
+ public static class ElmScrollConfig
+ {
+ public static double BringInScrollFriction
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Interop.Elementary.elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_get();
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ Interop.Elementary.elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_set(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
Interop.EvasObjectEvent<EvasKeyEventArgs> _keydown;
Interop.EvasObjectEvent _moved;
Interop.EvasObjectEvent _resized;
+ Interop.EvasObjectEvent _renderPost;
protected EvasObject(EvasObject parent) : this()
remove { _resized.On -= value; }
+ public event EventHandler RenderPost
+ {
+ add { _renderPost.On += value; }
+ remove { _renderPost.On -= value; }
+ }
public bool IsRealized { get { return Handle != IntPtr.Zero; } }
public string ClassName
_keyup = new Interop.EvasObjectEvent<EvasKeyEventArgs>(this, Handle, Interop.Evas.ObjectCallbackType.KeyUp, EvasKeyEventArgs.Create);
_moved = new Interop.EvasObjectEvent(this, Handle, Interop.Evas.ObjectCallbackType.Move);
_resized = new Interop.EvasObjectEvent(this, Handle, Interop.Evas.ObjectCallbackType.Resize);
+ _renderPost = new Interop.EvasObjectEvent(this, Interop.Evas.evas_object_evas_get(Handle), Interop.Evas.ObjectCallbackType.RenderPost);
_deleted.On += (s, e) => MakeInvalidate();
_keydown.On += (s, e) => KeyDown?.Invoke(this, e);
Interop.SmartEvent<GenListItemEventArgs> _realized;
Interop.SmartEvent<GenListItemEventArgs> _unrealized;
Interop.SmartEvent<GenListItemEventArgs> _longpressed;
+ Interop.SmartEvent _scrollAnimationStarted;
+ Interop.SmartEvent _scrollAnimationStopped;
+ Interop.SmartEvent _changed;
public GenList(EvasObject parent) : base(parent)
public event EventHandler<GenListItemEventArgs> ItemUnrealized;
public event EventHandler<GenListItemEventArgs> ItemLongPressed;
+ public event EventHandler Changed
+ {
+ add { _changed.On += value; }
+ remove { _changed.On -= value; }
+ }
+ public event EventHandler ScrollAnimationStarted
+ {
+ add { _scrollAnimationStarted.On += value; }
+ remove { _scrollAnimationStarted.On -= value; }
+ }
+ public event EventHandler ScrollAnimationStopped
+ {
+ add { _scrollAnimationStopped.On += value; }
+ remove { _scrollAnimationStopped.On -= value; }
+ }
public GenListItem Append(GenItemClass itemClass, object data)
return Append(itemClass, data, GenListItemType.Normal);
_realized = new Interop.SmartEvent<GenListItemEventArgs>(this, Handle, "realized", GenListItemEventArgs.CreateFromSmartEvent);
_unrealized = new Interop.SmartEvent<GenListItemEventArgs>(this, Handle, "unrealized", GenListItemEventArgs.CreateFromSmartEvent);
_longpressed = new Interop.SmartEvent<GenListItemEventArgs>(this, Handle, "longpressed", GenListItemEventArgs.CreateFromSmartEvent);
+ _scrollAnimationStarted = new Interop.SmartEvent(this, Handle, "scroll,anim,start");
+ _scrollAnimationStopped = new Interop.SmartEvent(this, Handle, "scroll,anim,stop");
+ _changed = new Interop.SmartEvent(this, Handle, "changed");
_selected.On += (s, e) => { ItemSelected?.Invoke(this, e); };
_unselected.On += (s, e) => { ItemUnselected?.Invoke(this, e); };
_realized.On += (s, e) => { ItemRealized?.Invoke(this, e); };
_unrealized.On += (s, e) => { ItemUnrealized?.Invoke(this, e); };
_longpressed.On += (s, e) => { ItemLongPressed?.Invoke(this, e); };
void AddInternal(GenListItem item)
internal static extern IntPtr ecore_timer_del(IntPtr timer);
+ [DllImport(Libraries.Ecore)]
+ internal static extern IntPtr ecore_animator_add(EcoreTaskCallback func, IntPtr data);
- }
+ [DllImport(Libraries.Ecore)]
+ internal static extern IntPtr ecore_animator_del(IntPtr animator);
+ [DllImport(Libraries.Ecore)]
+ internal static extern double ecore_time_get();
+ }
internal static partial class Elementary
+ [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)]
+ internal static extern double elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_set(double time);
+ [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)]
+ internal static extern double elm_config_scroll_bring_in_scroll_friction_get();
internal static extern IntPtr elm_config_accel_preference_set(string preference);
<Compile Include="TC\GenListTest2.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="TC\GenListTest3.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="TC\GenListTest4.cs" />\r
+ <Compile Include="TC\PerformanceTest.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="TC\GenListTest5.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="TC\ImageTest1.cs" />\r
<Compile Include="TC\IconTest1.cs" />\r
\ No newline at end of file
list.ItemActivated += List_ItemActivated;
list.ItemDoubleClicked += List_ItemDoubleClicked;
list.ItemLongPressed += List_ItemLongPressed;
+ list.RenderPost += List_RenderPost;
+ int count = 0;
+ private void List_RenderPost(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("{0} List_RenderPost", count++);
+ }
private void List_ItemLongPressed(object sender, ListItemEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("{0} item was long pressed", e.Item.Text);
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using ElmSharp;
+namespace ElmSharp.Test
+ public class PerformanceTest : TestCaseBase
+ {
+ public override string TestName => "PerformanceTest";
+ public override string TestDescription => "To test Performance of GenList";
+ const int TestItemMax = 2000;
+ const double TimeSet = 5.0;
+ string[] arrLabel = {
+ "Time Warner Cable(Cable)",
+ "ComCast (Cable)",
+ "Dish (Satellite)",
+ "DirecTV (Satellite)",
+ "Tata Sky (Satellite)",
+ "Nextra Cable(Cable)",
+ "DD Plus (Cable)",
+ "Tikona Cable(Cable)",
+ "True Provider (Cable)",
+ "Vodafone (Satellite)",
+ "Sample Text"
+ };
+ GenList list;
+ Box box;
+ Box box2;
+ GenListItem ItemTarget = null;
+ double _enteringSpeed = 0;
+ int _frameCount = 0;
+ int _ecoreCount = 0;
+ double _frameSet = 0;
+ IntPtr _anim = IntPtr.Zero;
+ double FrameFPS = 0;
+ double AnimatorFPS = 0;
+ public override void Run(Window window)
+ {
+ Conformant conformant = new Conformant(window);
+ conformant.Show();
+ Naviframe navi = new Naviframe(window)
+ {
+ PreserveContentOnPop = true,
+ DefaultBackButtonEnabled = true
+ };
+ box = new Box(window)
+ {
+ AlignmentX = -1,
+ AlignmentY = -1,
+ WeightX = 1,
+ WeightY = 1,
+ };
+ box.Show();
+ box2 = new Box(box);
+ //elm_box_padding_set(box2, ELM_SCALE_SIZE(10), ELM_SCALE_SIZE(10)); ºÎºÐ ºüÁü.
+ box2.Show();
+ box.PackEnd(box2);
+ list = new GenList(window)
+ {
+ Homogeneous = true,
+ AlignmentX = -1,
+ AlignmentY = -1,
+ WeightX = 1,
+ WeightY = 1,
+ };
+ box.PackEnd(list);
+ navi.Push(box, "Performance");
+ InitializeListItem();
+ list.Changed += List_Changed;
+ list.ScrollAnimationStarted += List_ScrollAnimationStarted;
+ list.ScrollAnimationStopped += List_ScrollAnimationStopped;
+ list.Show();
+ navi.Show();
+ conformant.SetContent(navi);
+ }
+ private void InitializeListItem()
+ {
+ GenItemClass defaultClass = new GenItemClass("default")
+ {
+ GetTextHandler = (obj, part) =>
+ {
+ return (string)obj;
+ }
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < TestItemMax; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == 999)
+ ItemTarget = list.Append(defaultClass, new string(arrLabel[i % 10].ToCharArray()));
+ else
+ list.Append(defaultClass, new string(arrLabel[i % 10].ToCharArray()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void List_ScrollAnimationStopped(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ list.RenderPost -= List_RenderPostFrame;
+ list.ScrollAnimationStarted -= List_ScrollAnimationStarted;
+ list.ScrollAnimationStopped -= List_ScrollAnimationStopped;
+ EcoreAnimator.RemoveAnimator(_anim);
+ ElmScrollConfig.BringInScrollFriction = _frameSet;
+ FrameFPS = _frameCount / TimeSet;
+ AnimatorFPS = _ecoreCount / TimeSet;
+ Button btn1 = new Button(box2)
+ {
+ AlignmentX = -1,
+ AlignmentY = -1,
+ WeightX = 1,
+ WeightY = 1,
+ };
+ btn1.Text = string.Format("Entering Speed : {0:f1} msec", _enteringSpeed);
+ btn1.Show();
+ box2.PackEnd(btn1);
+ Button btn2 = new Button(box2)
+ {
+ AlignmentX = -1,
+ AlignmentY = -1,
+ WeightX = 1,
+ WeightY = 1,
+ };
+ btn2.Text = string.Format("Animator FPS : {0:f1} fps", AnimatorFPS);
+ btn2.Show();
+ box2.PackEnd(btn2);
+ Button btn3 = new Button(box2)
+ {
+ AlignmentX = -1,
+ AlignmentY = -1,
+ WeightX = 1,
+ WeightY = 1,
+ };
+ btn3.Text = string.Format("Evas FPS : {0:f1} fps", FrameFPS);
+ btn3.Show();
+ box2.PackEnd(btn3);
+ box2.SetAlignment(-1, -1);
+ box2.SetWeight(1, 0.07);
+ }
+ private void List_RenderPost(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ list.RenderPost -= List_RenderPost;
+ _enteringSpeed = (EcoreAnimator.GetCurrentTime() - _enteringSpeed) * 1000;
+ _frameSet = ElmScrollConfig.BringInScrollFriction;
+ ElmScrollConfig.BringInScrollFriction = TimeSet;
+ list.ScrollTo(ItemTarget, ScrollToPosition.In, true);
+ }
+ private void List_ScrollAnimationStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ _ecoreCount = 0;
+ _anim = EcoreAnimator.AddAmimator(OnEcoreCheck);
+ list.RenderPost += List_RenderPostFrame;
+ }
+ private bool OnEcoreCheck()
+ {
+ _ecoreCount++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void List_RenderPostFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ _frameCount++;
+ }
+ private void List_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ _enteringSpeed = EcoreAnimator.GetCurrentTime();
+ list.Changed -= List_Changed;
+ list.RenderPost += List_RenderPost;
+ }
+ }