--- /dev/null
+//===--- llvm/ADT/SparseMultiSet.h - Sparse multiset ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the SparseMultiSet class, which adds multiset behavior to
+// the SparseSet.
+// A sparse multiset holds a small number of objects identified by integer keys
+// from a moderately sized universe. The sparse multiset uses more memory than
+// other containers in order to provide faster operations. Any key can map to
+// multiple values. A SparseMultiSetNode class is provided, which serves as a
+// convenient base class for the contents of a SparseMultiSet.
+#include "llvm/ADT/SparseSet.h"
+namespace llvm {
+/// Fast multiset implementation for objects that can be identified by small
+/// unsigned keys.
+/// SparseMultiSet allocates memory proportional to the size of the key
+/// universe, so it is not recommended for building composite data structures.
+/// It is useful for algorithms that require a single set with fast operations.
+/// Compared to DenseSet and DenseMap, SparseMultiSet provides constant-time
+/// fast clear() as fast as a vector. The find(), insert(), and erase()
+/// operations are all constant time, and typically faster than a hash table.
+/// The iteration order doesn't depend on numerical key values, it only depends
+/// on the order of insert() and erase() operations. Iteration order is the
+/// insertion order. Iteration is only provided over elements of equivalent
+/// keys, but iterators are bidirectional.
+/// Compared to BitVector, SparseMultiSet<unsigned> uses 8x-40x more memory, but
+/// offers constant-time clear() and size() operations as well as fast iteration
+/// independent on the size of the universe.
+/// SparseMultiSet contains a dense vector holding all the objects and a sparse
+/// array holding indexes into the dense vector. Most of the memory is used by
+/// the sparse array which is the size of the key universe. The SparseT template
+/// parameter provides a space/speed tradeoff for sets holding many elements.
+/// When SparseT is uint32_t, find() only touches up to 3 cache lines, but the
+/// sparse array uses 4 x Universe bytes.
+/// When SparseT is uint8_t (the default), find() touches up to 3+[N/256] cache
+/// lines, but the sparse array is 4x smaller. N is the number of elements in
+/// the set.
+/// For sets that may grow to thousands of elements, SparseT should be set to
+/// uint16_t or uint32_t.
+/// Multiset behavior is provided by providing doubly linked lists for values
+/// that are inlined in the dense vector. SparseMultiSet is a good choice when
+/// one desires a growable number of entries per key, as it will retain the
+/// SparseSet algorithmic properties despite being growable. Thus, it is often a
+/// better choice than a SparseSet of growable containers or a vector of
+/// vectors. SparseMultiSet also keeps iterators valid after erasure (provided
+/// the iterators don't point to the element erased), allowing for more
+/// intuitive and fast removal.
+/// @tparam ValueT The type of objects in the set.
+/// @tparam KeyFunctorT A functor that computes an unsigned index from KeyT.
+/// @tparam SparseT An unsigned integer type. See above.
+template<typename ValueT,
+ typename KeyFunctorT = llvm::identity<unsigned>,
+ typename SparseT = uint8_t>
+class SparseMultiSet {
+ /// The actual data that's stored, as a doubly-linked list implemented via
+ /// indices into the DenseVector. The doubly linked list is implemented
+ /// circular in Prev indices, and INVALID-terminated in Next indices. This
+ /// provides efficient access to list tails. These nodes can also be
+ /// tombstones, in which case they are actually nodes in a single-linked
+ /// freelist of recyclable slots.
+ struct SMSNode {
+ static const unsigned INVALID = ~0U;
+ ValueT Data;
+ unsigned Prev;
+ unsigned Next;
+ SMSNode(ValueT D, unsigned P, unsigned N) : Data(D), Prev(P), Next(N) { }
+ /// List tails have invalid Nexts.
+ bool isTail() const {
+ return Next == INVALID;
+ }
+ /// Whether this node is a tombstone node, and thus is in our freelist.
+ bool isTombstone() const {
+ return Prev == INVALID;
+ }
+ /// Since the list is circular in Prev, all non-tombstone nodes have a valid
+ /// Prev.
+ bool isValid() const { return Prev != INVALID; }
+ };
+ typedef typename KeyFunctorT::argument_type KeyT;
+ typedef SmallVector<SMSNode, 8> DenseT;
+ DenseT Dense;
+ SparseT *Sparse;
+ unsigned Universe;
+ KeyFunctorT KeyIndexOf;
+ SparseSetValFunctor<KeyT, ValueT, KeyFunctorT> ValIndexOf;
+ /// We have a built-in recycler for reusing tombstone slots. This recycler
+ /// puts a singly-linked free list into tombstone slots, allowing us quick
+ /// erasure, iterator preservation, and dense size.
+ unsigned FreelistIdx;
+ unsigned NumFree;
+ unsigned sparseIndex(const ValueT &Val) const {
+ assert(ValIndexOf(Val) < Universe &&
+ "Invalid key in set. Did object mutate?");
+ return ValIndexOf(Val);
+ }
+ unsigned sparseIndex(const SMSNode &N) const { return sparseIndex(N.Data); }
+ // Disable copy construction and assignment.
+ // This data structure is not meant to be used that way.
+ SparseMultiSet(const SparseMultiSet&) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+ SparseMultiSet &operator=(const SparseMultiSet&) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+ /// Whether the given entry is the head of the list. List heads's previous
+ /// pointers are to the tail of the list, allowing for efficient access to the
+ /// list tail. D must be a valid entry node.
+ bool isHead(const SMSNode &D) const {
+ assert(D.isValid() && "Invalid node for head");
+ return Dense[D.Prev].isTail();
+ }
+ /// Whether the given entry is a singleton entry, i.e. the only entry with
+ /// that key.
+ bool isSingleton(const SMSNode &N) const {
+ assert(N.isValid() && "Invalid node for singleton");
+ // Is N its own predecessor?
+ return &Dense[N.Prev] == &N;
+ }
+ /// Add in the given SMSNode. Uses a free entry in our freelist if
+ /// available. Returns the index of the added node.
+ unsigned addValue(const ValueT& V, unsigned Prev, unsigned Next) {
+ if (NumFree == 0) {
+ Dense.push_back(SMSNode(V, Prev, Next));
+ return Dense.size() - 1;
+ }
+ // Peel off a free slot
+ unsigned Idx = FreelistIdx;
+ unsigned NextFree = Dense[Idx].Next;
+ assert(Dense[Idx].isTombstone() && "Non-tombstone free?");
+ Dense[Idx] = SMSNode(V, Prev, Next);
+ FreelistIdx = NextFree;
+ --NumFree;
+ return Idx;
+ }
+ /// Make the current index a new tombstone. Pushes it onto the freelist.
+ void makeTombstone(unsigned Idx) {
+ Dense[Idx].Prev = SMSNode::INVALID;
+ Dense[Idx].Next = FreelistIdx;
+ FreelistIdx = Idx;
+ ++NumFree;
+ }
+ typedef ValueT value_type;
+ typedef ValueT &reference;
+ typedef const ValueT &const_reference;
+ typedef ValueT *pointer;
+ typedef const ValueT *const_pointer;
+ SparseMultiSet()
+ : Sparse(0), Universe(0), FreelistIdx(SMSNode::INVALID), NumFree(0) { }
+ ~SparseMultiSet() { free(Sparse); }
+ /// Set the universe size which determines the largest key the set can hold.
+ /// The universe must be sized before any elements can be added.
+ ///
+ /// @param U Universe size. All object keys must be less than U.
+ ///
+ void setUniverse(unsigned U) {
+ // It's not hard to resize the universe on a non-empty set, but it doesn't
+ // seem like a likely use case, so we can add that code when we need it.
+ assert(empty() && "Can only resize universe on an empty map");
+ // Hysteresis prevents needless reallocations.
+ if (U >= Universe/4 && U <= Universe)
+ return;
+ free(Sparse);
+ // The Sparse array doesn't actually need to be initialized, so malloc
+ // would be enough here, but that will cause tools like valgrind to
+ // complain about branching on uninitialized data.
+ Sparse = reinterpret_cast<SparseT*>(calloc(U, sizeof(SparseT)));
+ Universe = U;
+ }
+ /// Our iterators are iterators over the collection of objects that share a
+ /// key.
+ template<typename SMSPtrTy>
+ class iterator_base : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,
+ ValueT> {
+ friend class SparseMultiSet;
+ unsigned Idx;
+ unsigned SparseIdx;
+ iterator_base(SMSPtrTy P, unsigned I, unsigned SI)
+ : SMS(P), Idx(I), SparseIdx(SI) { }
+ /// Whether our iterator has fallen outside our dense vector.
+ bool isEnd() const {
+ if (Idx == SMSNode::INVALID)
+ return true;
+ assert(Idx < SMS->Dense.size() && "Out of range, non-INVALID Idx?");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Whether our iterator is properly keyed, i.e. the SparseIdx is valid
+ bool isKeyed() const { return SparseIdx < SMS->Universe; }
+ unsigned Prev() const { return SMS->Dense[Idx].Prev; }
+ unsigned Next() const { return SMS->Dense[Idx].Next; }
+ void setPrev(unsigned P) { SMS->Dense[Idx].Prev = P; }
+ void setNext(unsigned N) { SMS->Dense[Idx].Next = N; }
+ public:
+ typedef std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, ValueT> super;
+ typedef typename super::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename super::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename super::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename super::reference reference;
+ iterator_base(const iterator_base &RHS)
+ : SMS(RHS.SMS), Idx(RHS.Idx), SparseIdx(RHS.SparseIdx) { }
+ const iterator_base &operator=(const iterator_base &RHS) {
+ Idx = RHS.Idx;
+ SparseIdx = RHS.SparseIdx;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ reference operator*() const {
+ assert(isKeyed() && SMS->sparseIndex(SMS->Dense[Idx].Data) == SparseIdx &&
+ "Dereferencing iterator of invalid key or index");
+ return SMS->Dense[Idx].Data;
+ }
+ pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
+ /// Comparison operators
+ bool operator==(const iterator_base &RHS) const {
+ // end compares equal
+ if (SMS == RHS.SMS && Idx == RHS.Idx) {
+ assert(isEnd() || SparseIdx == RHS.SparseIdx &&
+ "Same dense entry, but different keys?");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const iterator_base &RHS) const {
+ return !operator==(RHS);
+ }
+ /// Increment and decrement operators
+ iterator_base &operator--() { // predecrement - Back up
+ assert(isKeyed() && "Decrementing an invalid iterator");
+ assert(isEnd() || !SMS->isHead(SMS->Dense[Idx]) &&
+ "Decrementing head of list");
+ // If we're at the end, then issue a new find()
+ if (isEnd())
+ Idx = SMS->findIndex(SparseIdx).Prev();
+ else
+ Idx = Prev();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator_base &operator++() { // preincrement - Advance
+ assert(!isEnd() && isKeyed() && "Incrementing an invalid/end iterator");
+ Idx = Next();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator_base operator--(int) { // postdecrement
+ iterator_base I(*this);
+ --*this;
+ return I;
+ }
+ iterator_base operator++(int) { // postincrement
+ iterator_base I(*this);
+ ++*this;
+ return I;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef iterator_base<SparseMultiSet *> iterator;
+ typedef iterator_base<const SparseMultiSet *> const_iterator;
+ // Convenience types
+ typedef std::pair<iterator, iterator> RangePair;
+ /// Returns an iterator past this container. Note that such an iterator cannot
+ /// be decremented, but will compare equal to other end iterators.
+ iterator end() { return iterator(this, SMSNode::INVALID, SMSNode::INVALID); }
+ const_iterator end() const {
+ return const_iterator(this, SMSNode::INVALID, SMSNode::INVALID);
+ }
+ /// Returns true if the set is empty.
+ ///
+ /// This is not the same as BitVector::empty().
+ ///
+ bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
+ /// Returns the number of elements in the set.
+ ///
+ /// This is not the same as BitVector::size() which returns the size of the
+ /// universe.
+ ///
+ unsigned size() const {
+ assert(NumFree <= Dense.size() && "Out-of-bounds free entries");
+ return Dense.size() - NumFree;
+ }
+ /// Clears the set. This is a very fast constant time operation.
+ ///
+ void clear() {
+ // Sparse does not need to be cleared, see find().
+ Dense.clear();
+ NumFree = 0;
+ FreelistIdx = SMSNode::INVALID;
+ }
+ /// Find an element by its index.
+ ///
+ /// @param Idx A valid index to find.
+ /// @returns An iterator to the element identified by key, or end().
+ ///
+ iterator findIndex(unsigned Idx) {
+ assert(Idx < Universe && "Key out of range");
+ assert(std::numeric_limits<SparseT>::is_integer &&
+ !std::numeric_limits<SparseT>::is_signed &&
+ "SparseT must be an unsigned integer type");
+ const unsigned Stride = std::numeric_limits<SparseT>::max() + 1u;
+ for (unsigned i = Sparse[Idx], e = Dense.size(); i < e; i += Stride) {
+ const unsigned FoundIdx = sparseIndex(Dense[i]);
+ // Check that we're pointing at the correct entry and that it is the head
+ // of a valid list.
+ if (Idx == FoundIdx && Dense[i].isValid() && isHead(Dense[i]))
+ return iterator(this, i, Idx);
+ // Stride is 0 when SparseT >= unsigned. We don't need to loop.
+ if (!Stride)
+ break;
+ }
+ return end();
+ }
+ /// Find an element by its key.
+ ///
+ /// @param Key A valid key to find.
+ /// @returns An iterator to the element identified by key, or end().
+ ///
+ iterator find(const KeyT &Key) {
+ return findIndex(KeyIndexOf(Key));
+ }
+ const_iterator find(const KeyT &Key) const {
+ iterator I = const_cast<SparseMultiSet*>(this)->findIndex(KeyIndexOf(Key));
+ return const_iterator(I.SMS, I.Idx, KeyIndexOf(Key));
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of elements identified by Key. This will be linear in
+ /// the number of elements of that key.
+ unsigned count(const KeyT &Key) const {
+ unsigned Ret = 0;
+ for (const_iterator It = find(Key); It != end(); ++It)
+ ++Ret;
+ return Ret;
+ }
+ /// Returns true if this set contains an element identified by Key.
+ bool contains(const KeyT &Key) const {
+ return find(Key) != end();
+ }
+ /// Return the head and tail of the subset's list, otherwise returns end().
+ iterator getHead(const KeyT &Key) { return find(Key); }
+ iterator getTail(const KeyT &Key) {
+ iterator I = find(Key);
+ if (I != end())
+ I = iterator(this, I.Prev(), KeyIndexOf(Key));
+ return I;
+ }
+ /// The bounds of the range of items sharing Key K. First member is the head
+ /// of the list, and the second member is a decrementable end iterator for
+ /// that key.
+ RangePair equal_range(const KeyT &K) {
+ iterator B = find(K);
+ iterator E = iterator(this, SMSNode::INVALID, B.SparseIdx);
+ return make_pair(B, E);
+ }
+ /// Insert a new element at the tail of the subset list. Returns an iterator
+ /// to the newly added entry.
+ iterator insert(const ValueT &Val) {
+ unsigned Idx = sparseIndex(Val);
+ iterator I = findIndex(Idx);
+ unsigned NodeIdx = addValue(Val, SMSNode::INVALID, SMSNode::INVALID);
+ if (I == end()) {
+ // Make a singleton list
+ Sparse[Idx] = NodeIdx;
+ Dense[NodeIdx].Prev = NodeIdx;
+ return iterator(this, NodeIdx, Idx);
+ }
+ // Stick it at the end.
+ unsigned HeadIdx = I.Idx;
+ unsigned TailIdx = I.Prev();
+ Dense[TailIdx].Next = NodeIdx;
+ Dense[HeadIdx].Prev = NodeIdx;
+ Dense[NodeIdx].Prev = TailIdx;
+ return iterator(this, NodeIdx, Idx);
+ }
+ /// Erases an existing element identified by a valid iterator.
+ ///
+ /// This invalidates iterators pointing at the same entry, but erase() returns
+ /// an iterator pointing to the next element in the subset's list. This makes
+ /// it possible to erase selected elements while iterating over the subset:
+ ///
+ /// tie(I, E) = Set.equal_range(Key);
+ /// while (I != E)
+ /// if (test(*I))
+ /// I = Set.erase(I);
+ /// else
+ /// ++I;
+ ///
+ /// Note that if the last element in the subset list is erased, this will
+ /// return an end iterator which can be decremented to get the new tail (if it
+ /// exists):
+ ///
+ /// tie(B, I) = Set.equal_range(Key);
+ /// for (bool isBegin = B == I; !isBegin; /* empty */) {
+ /// isBegin = (--I) == B;
+ /// if (test(I))
+ /// break;
+ /// I = erase(I);
+ /// }
+ iterator erase(iterator I) {
+ assert(I.isKeyed() && !I.isEnd() && !Dense[I.Idx].isTombstone() &&
+ "erasing invalid/end/tombstone iterator");
+ // First, unlink the node from its list. Then swap the node out with the
+ // dense vector's last entry
+ iterator NextI = unlink(Dense[I.Idx]);
+ // Put in a tombstone.
+ makeTombstone(I.Idx);
+ return NextI;
+ }
+ /// Erase all elements with the given key. This invalidates all
+ /// iterators of that key.
+ void eraseAll(const KeyT &K) {
+ for (iterator I = find(K); I != end(); /* empty */)
+ I = erase(I);
+ }
+ /// Unlink the node from its list. Returns the next node in the list.
+ iterator unlink(const SMSNode &N) {
+ if (isSingleton(N)) {
+ // Singleton is already unlinked
+ assert(N.Next == SMSNode::INVALID && "Singleton has next?");
+ return iterator(this, SMSNode::INVALID, ValIndexOf(N.Data));
+ }
+ if (isHead(N)) {
+ // If we're the head, then update the sparse array and our next.
+ Sparse[sparseIndex(N)] = N.Next;
+ Dense[N.Next].Prev = N.Prev;
+ return iterator(this, N.Next, ValIndexOf(N.Data));
+ }
+ if (N.isTail()) {
+ // If we're the tail, then update our head and our previous.
+ findIndex(sparseIndex(N)).setPrev(N.Prev);
+ Dense[N.Prev].Next = N.Next;
+ // Give back an end iterator that can be decremented
+ iterator I(this, N.Prev, ValIndexOf(N.Data));
+ return ++I;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, just drop us
+ Dense[N.Next].Prev = N.Prev;
+ Dense[N.Prev].Next = N.Next;
+ return iterator(this, N.Next, ValIndexOf(N.Data));
+ }
+} // end namespace llvm
BB = 0;
-/// Initialize the map with the number of registers.
-void Reg2SUnitsMap::setRegLimit(unsigned Limit) {
- PhysRegSet.setUniverse(Limit);
- SUnits.resize(Limit);
-/// Clear the map without deallocating storage.
-void Reg2SUnitsMap::clear() {
- for (const_iterator I = reg_begin(), E = reg_end(); I != E; ++I) {
- SUnits[*I].clear();
- }
- PhysRegSet.clear();
/// Initialize the DAG and common scheduler state for the current scheduling
/// region. This does not actually create the DAG, only clears it. The
/// scheduling driver may call BuildSchedGraph multiple times per scheduling
if (Reg == 0) continue;
if (TRI->isPhysicalRegister(Reg))
- Uses[Reg].push_back(PhysRegSUOper(&ExitSU, -1));
+ Uses.insert(PhysRegSUOper(&ExitSU, -1, Reg));
else {
assert(!IsPostRA && "Virtual register encountered after regalloc.");
if (MO.readsReg()) // ignore undef operands
E = (*SI)->livein_end(); I != E; ++I) {
unsigned Reg = *I;
if (!Uses.contains(Reg))
- Uses[Reg].push_back(PhysRegSUOper(&ExitSU, -1));
+ Uses.insert(PhysRegSUOper(&ExitSU, -1, Reg));
Alias.isValid(); ++Alias) {
if (!Uses.contains(*Alias))
- std::vector<PhysRegSUOper> &UseList = Uses[*Alias];
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = UseList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- SUnit *UseSU = UseList[i].SU;
+ for (Reg2SUnitsMap::iterator I = Uses.find(*Alias); I != Uses.end(); ++I) {
+ SUnit *UseSU = I->SU;
if (UseSU == SU)
// Adjust the dependence latency using operand def/use information,
// then allow the target to perform its own adjustments.
- int UseOp = UseList[i].OpIdx;
+ int UseOp = I->OpIdx;
MachineInstr *RegUse = 0;
SDep Dep;
if (UseOp < 0)
Alias.isValid(); ++Alias) {
if (!Defs.contains(*Alias))
- std::vector<PhysRegSUOper> &DefList = Defs[*Alias];
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = DefList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- SUnit *DefSU = DefList[i].SU;
+ for (Reg2SUnitsMap::iterator I = Defs.find(*Alias); I != Defs.end(); ++I) {
+ SUnit *DefSU = I->SU;
if (DefSU == &ExitSU)
if (DefSU != SU &&
// Either insert a new Reg2SUnits entry with an empty SUnits list, or
// retrieve the existing SUnits list for this register's uses.
// Push this SUnit on the use list.
- Uses[MO.getReg()].push_back(PhysRegSUOper(SU, OperIdx));
+ Uses.insert(PhysRegSUOper(SU, OperIdx, MO.getReg()));
else {
addPhysRegDataDeps(SU, OperIdx);
- // Either insert a new Reg2SUnits entry with an empty SUnits list, or
- // retrieve the existing SUnits list for this register's defs.
- std::vector<PhysRegSUOper> &DefList = Defs[MO.getReg()];
+ unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
// clear this register's use list
- if (Uses.contains(MO.getReg()))
- Uses[MO.getReg()].clear();
- if (!MO.isDead())
- DefList.clear();
- // Calls will not be reordered because of chain dependencies (see
- // below). Since call operands are dead, calls may continue to be added
- // to the DefList making dependence checking quadratic in the size of
- // the block. Instead, we leave only one call at the back of the
- // DefList.
- if (SU->isCall) {
- while (!DefList.empty() && DefList.back().SU->isCall)
- DefList.pop_back();
+ if (Uses.contains(Reg))
+ Uses.eraseAll(Reg);
+ if (!MO.isDead()) {
+ Defs.eraseAll(Reg);
+ } else if (SU->isCall) {
+ // Calls will not be reordered because of chain dependencies (see
+ // below). Since call operands are dead, calls may continue to be added
+ // to the DefList making dependence checking quadratic in the size of
+ // the block. Instead, we leave only one call at the back of the
+ // DefList.
+ Reg2SUnitsMap::RangePair P = Defs.equal_range(Reg);
+ Reg2SUnitsMap::iterator B = P.first;
+ Reg2SUnitsMap::iterator I = P.second;
+ for (bool isBegin = I == B; !isBegin; /* empty */) {
+ isBegin = (--I) == B;
+ if (!I->SU->isCall)
+ break;
+ I = Defs.erase(I);
+ }
// Defs are pushed in the order they are visited and never reordered.
- DefList.push_back(PhysRegSUOper(SU, OperIdx));
+ Defs.insert(PhysRegSUOper(SU, OperIdx, Reg));
assert(Defs.empty() && Uses.empty() &&
"Only BuildGraph should update Defs/Uses");
- Defs.setRegLimit(TRI->getNumRegs());
- Uses.setRegLimit(TRI->getNumRegs());
+ Defs.setUniverse(TRI->getNumRegs());
+ Uses.setUniverse(TRI->getNumRegs());
assert(VRegDefs.empty() && "Only BuildSchedGraph may access VRegDefs");
// FIXME: Allow SparseSet to reserve space for the creation of virtual
--- /dev/null
+//===------ ADT/SparseSetTest.cpp - SparseSet unit tests - -----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/SparseMultiSet.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+typedef SparseMultiSet<unsigned> USet;
+// Empty set tests.
+TEST(SparseMultiSetTest, EmptySet) {
+ USet Set;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, Set.size());
+ Set.setUniverse(10);
+ // Lookups on empty set.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.find(0) == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.find(9) == Set.end());
+ // Same thing on a const reference.
+ const USet &CSet = Set;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CSet.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, CSet.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CSet.find(0) == CSet.end());
+ USet::const_iterator I = CSet.find(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == CSet.end());
+// Single entry set tests.
+TEST(SparseMultiSetTest, SingleEntrySet) {
+ USet Set;
+ Set.setUniverse(10);
+ USet::iterator I = Set.insert(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I != Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*I == 5);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, Set.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.find(0) == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.find(9) == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.contains(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.contains(5));
+ // Extra insert.
+ I = Set.insert(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I != Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == ++Set.find(5));
+ I--;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == Set.find(5));
+ // Erase non-existent element.
+ I = Set.find(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, Set.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, *Set.find(5));
+ // Erase iterator.
+ I = Set.find(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I != Set.end());
+ I = Set.erase(I);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I != Set.end());
+ I = Set.erase(I);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.empty());
+// Multiple entry set tests.
+TEST(SparseMultiSetTest, MultipleEntrySet) {
+ USet Set;
+ Set.setUniverse(10);
+ Set.insert(5);
+ Set.insert(5);
+ Set.insert(5);
+ Set.insert(3);
+ Set.insert(2);
+ Set.insert(1);
+ Set.insert(4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(7u, Set.size());
+ // Erase last element by key.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.erase(Set.find(4)) == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(6u, Set.size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.contains(4));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.find(4) == Set.end());
+ // Erase first element by key.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, Set.count(5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.find(5) != Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.erase(Set.find(5)) != Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, Set.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, Set.count(5));
+ Set.insert(6);
+ Set.insert(7);
+ EXPECT_EQ(7u, Set.size());
+ // Erase tail by iterator.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.getTail(6) == Set.getHead(6));
+ USet::iterator I = Set.erase(Set.find(6));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(6u, Set.size());
+ // Erase tails by iterator.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, Set.count(5));
+ I = Set.getTail(5);
+ I = Set.erase(I);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == Set.end());
+ --I;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, Set.count(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, *I);
+ I = Set.erase(I);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(I == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, Set.count(5));
+ Set.insert(8);
+ Set.insert(8);
+ Set.insert(8);
+ Set.insert(8);
+ Set.insert(8);
+ // Erase all the 8s
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, std::distance(Set.getHead(8), Set.end()));
+ Set.eraseAll(8);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, std::distance(Set.getHead(8), Set.end()));
+ // Clear and resize the universe.
+ Set.clear();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, Set.size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.contains(3));
+ Set.setUniverse(1000);
+ // Add more than 256 elements.
+ for (unsigned i = 100; i != 800; ++i)
+ Set.insert(i);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
+ Set.eraseAll(i);
+ for (unsigned i = 100; i != 800; ++i)
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, Set.count(i));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.contains(99));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.contains(800));
+ EXPECT_EQ(700u, Set.size());
+// Test out iterators
+TEST(SparseMultiSetTest, Iterators) {
+ USet Set;
+ Set.setUniverse(100);
+ Set.insert(0);
+ Set.insert(1);
+ Set.insert(2);
+ Set.insert(0);
+ Set.insert(1);
+ Set.insert(0);
+ USet::RangePair RangePair = Set.equal_range(0);
+ USet::iterator B = RangePair.first;
+ USet::iterator E = RangePair.second;
+ // Move the iterators around, going to end and coming back.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3u, std::distance(B, E));
+ EXPECT_EQ(B, --(--(--E)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++(++(++E)), Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(B, --(--(--E)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++(++(++E)), Set.end());
+ // Insert into the tail, and move around again
+ Set.insert(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(B, --(--(--(--E))));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++(++(++(++E))), Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(B, --(--(--(--E))));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++(++(++(++E))), Set.end());
+ // Erase a tail, and move around again
+ USet::iterator Erased = Set.erase(Set.getTail(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Erased, E);
+ EXPECT_EQ(B, --(--(--E)));
+ USet Set2;
+ Set2.setUniverse(11);
+ Set2.insert(3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!Set2.contains(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!Set.contains(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Set2.getHead(3), Set2.getTail(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Set2.getHead(0), Set2.getTail(0));
+ B = Set2.find(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Set2.find(3), --(++B));
+struct Alt {
+ unsigned Value;
+ explicit Alt(unsigned x) : Value(x) {}
+ unsigned getSparseSetIndex() const { return Value - 1000; }
+TEST(SparseMultiSetTest, AltStructSet) {
+ typedef SparseMultiSet<Alt> ASet;
+ ASet Set;
+ Set.setUniverse(10);
+ Set.insert(Alt(1005));
+ ASet::iterator I = Set.find(5);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(I != Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1005u, I->Value);
+ Set.insert(Alt(1006));
+ Set.insert(Alt(1006));
+ I = Set.erase(Set.find(6));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(I != Set.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1006u, I->Value);
+ I = Set.erase(Set.find(6));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(I == Set.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Set.contains(5));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Set.contains(6));
+} // namespace