when builddir is different from srcdir.
-%SRCDIR/libtest/test1013.pl %SRCDIR/../curl-config log/stdout1013 protocols
+%SRCDIR/libtest/test1013.pl ../curl-config log/stdout1013 protocols
-%SRCDIR/libtest/test1013.pl %SRCDIR/../curl-config log/stdout1014 features
+%SRCDIR/libtest/test1013.pl ../curl-config log/stdout1014 features
sub startsf {
- my $cmd="$srcdir/server/sockfilt --port $port --logfile log/sockctrl$ftpdnum$ext.log --pidfile .sockfilt$ftpdnum$ext.pid $ipv6";
+ my $cmd="./server/sockfilt --port $port --logfile log/sockctrl$ftpdnum$ext.log --pidfile .sockfilt$ftpdnum$ext.pid $ipv6";
$sfpid = open2(*SFREAD, *SFWRITE, $cmd);
print STDERR "$cmd\n" if($verbose);
# We fire up a new sockfilt to do the data transfer for us.
$slavepid = open2(\*DREAD, \*DWRITE,
- "$srcdir/server/sockfilt --port 0 --logfile log/sockdata$ftpdnum$ext.log --pidfile $pidf $ipv6");
+ "./server/sockfilt --port 0 --logfile log/sockdata$ftpdnum$ext.log --pidfile $pidf $ipv6");
print DWRITE "PING\n";
my $pong;
# We fire up a new sockfilt to do the data transfer for us.
# FIX: make it use IPv6 if need be
- my $filtcmd="$srcdir/server/sockfilt --connect $port --addr $addr --logfile log/sockdata$ftpdnum$ext.log --pidfile .sockdata$ftpdnum$ext.pid $ipv6";
+ my $filtcmd="./server/sockfilt --connect $port --addr $addr --logfile log/sockdata$ftpdnum$ext.log --pidfile .sockdata$ftpdnum$ext.pid $ipv6";
$slavepid = open2(\*DREAD, \*DWRITE, $filtcmd);
print STDERR "$filtcmd\n" if($verbose);
my $verbose=0; # set to 1 for debugging
-my $srcdir=".";
+my $dir=".";
my $port = 8999; # just a default
my $ipv6;
my $pid=".http.pid"; # name of the pidfile
elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-d") {
- $srcdir=$ARGV[1];
+ $dir=$ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-p") {
} while(shift @ARGV);
-exec("$srcdir/server/sws --pidfile $pid$fork $ipv6$port $srcdir");
+exec("server/sws --pidfile $pid$fork $ipv6$port $dir");
my $SOCKSPORT; # SOCKS4/5 port
my $srcdir = $ENV{'srcdir'} || '.';
-my $CURL="$srcdir/../src/curl"; # what curl executable to run on the tests
-my $DBGCURL=$CURL; #"$srcdir/../src/.libs/curl"; # alternative for debugging
+my $CURL="../src/curl"; # what curl executable to run on the tests
+my $DBGCURL=$CURL; #"../src/.libs/curl"; # alternative for debugging
my $LOGDIR="log";
my $TESTDIR="$srcdir/data";
-my $LIBDIR="$srcdir/libtest";
+my $LIBDIR="./libtest";
my $SERVERIN="$LOGDIR/server.input"; # what curl sent the server
my $SERVER2IN="$LOGDIR/server2.input"; # what curl sent the second server
my $CURLLOG="$LOGDIR/curl.log"; # all command lines run
if($ipv6) {
$flag .="--ipv6 ";
- $cmd="$srcdir/server/tftpd --pidfile $pidfile $flag $port";
+ $cmd="./server/tftpd --pidfile $pidfile $flag $port";