\brief The QEventLoopLocker class provides a means to quit an event loop when it is no longer needed.
The QEventLoopLocker operates on particular objects - either a QCoreApplication
- instance or a QEventLoop instance.
+ instance, a QEventLoop instance or a QThread instance.
This makes it possible to, for example, run a batch of jobs with an event loop
and exit that event loop after the last job is finished. That is accomplished
- Creates an event locker operating on the \p app.
+ Creates an event locker operating on the QCoreApplication.
The application will quit when there are no more QEventLoopLockers operating on it.
- Creates an event locker operating on the \p app.
+ Creates an event locker operating on the \p loop.
This particular QEventLoop will quit when there are no more QEventLoopLockers operating on it.
+ Creates an event locker operating on the \p thread.
+ This particular QThread will quit when there are no more QEventLoopLockers operating on it.
+ \sa QThread::quit()
+ */
QEventLoopLocker::QEventLoopLocker(QThread *thread)
: d_ptr(new QEventLoopLockerPrivate(static_cast<QThreadPrivate*>(QObjectPrivate::get(thread))))