-static void _ok(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
-static void _canc(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
+static Eina_Bool _ok(void *data,
+ Eo *obj, const Eo_Event_Description *desc, void *event_info);
+static Eina_Bool _canc(void *data,
+ Eo *obj, const Eo_Event_Description *desc, void *event_info);
/* final routine on deletion */
static void
static Eina_Bool
_key_action_select(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params EINA_UNUSED)
- _ok(obj, NULL, NULL);
+ _ok(obj, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
_key_action_escape(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params EINA_UNUSED)
- _canc(obj, NULL, NULL);
+ _canc(obj, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
EINA_LIST_FREE(sd->paths, path) free(path);
- evas_object_smart_callback_call
- (lreq->obj, SIG_DIRECTORY_OPEN, (void *)lreq->path);
+ eo_do(lreq->obj, eo_event_callback_call
if (!lreq->parent_it)
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_list_expanded(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
const char *path = elm_object_item_data_get(it);
_populate(data, path, it, NULL);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_on_list_contracted(void *data EINA_UNUSED,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+static Eina_Bool
+_on_list_contracted(void *data EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_on_list_expand_req(void *data EINA_UNUSED,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+static Eina_Bool
+_on_list_expand_req(void *data EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
elm_genlist_item_expanded_set(it, EINA_TRUE);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_on_list_contract_req(void *data EINA_UNUSED,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+static Eina_Bool
+_on_list_contract_req(void *data EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
elm_genlist_item_expanded_set(it, EINA_FALSE);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
sd->populate_idler = ecore_idler_add(_populate_do, sdata);
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_item_activated(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
//This event_info could be a list or gengrid item
path = elm_object_item_data_get(it);
- if (!path) return;
+ if (!path) return EINA_TRUE;
is_dir = ecore_file_is_dir(path);
if (!is_dir)
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, SIG_ACTIVATED, (void *)path);
- return;
+ eo_do(data, eo_event_callback_call
+ return EINA_TRUE;
- if (!sd->double_tap_navigation) return;
+ if (!sd->double_tap_navigation) return EINA_TRUE;
_schedule_populate(data, sd, eina_stringshare_add(path), NULL);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
static void
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_item_selected(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
//This event_info could be a list or gengrid item
path = elm_object_item_data_get(it);
- if (!path) return;
+ if (!path) return EINA_TRUE;
is_dir = ecore_file_is_dir(path);
elm_object_text_set(sd->name_entry, ecore_file_file_get(path));
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, SIG_SELECTED, (void *)path);
+ eo_do(data, eo_event_callback_call
else if (sd->multi && is_dir && sd->double_tap_navigation)
* - mode is GRID;
* - mode is LIST and 'not expand mode';
* in other cases update anchors. */
- if (!is_dir) return;
+ if (!is_dir) return EINA_TRUE;
if (sd->expand && sd->mode == ELM_FILESELECTOR_LIST)
eina_stringshare_replace(&sd->path, path);
_anchors_do(data, path);
- return;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
- if (sd->double_tap_navigation) return;
+ if (sd->double_tap_navigation) return EINA_TRUE;
_schedule_populate(data, sd, eina_stringshare_add(path), NULL);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_item_unselected(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
Eina_List *li, *l;
- if (!sd->multi) return;
+ if (!sd->multi) return EINA_TRUE;
unselected_path = elm_object_item_data_get(it);
- if (!unselected_path) return;
+ if (!unselected_path) return EINA_TRUE;
buf = eina_strbuf_new();
EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(sd->paths, li, l, path)
elm_object_text_set(sd->name_entry, eina_strbuf_string_get(buf));
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_dir_up(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
Evas_Object *fs = data;
parent = ecore_file_dir_get(sd->path);
_populate(fs, parent, NULL, NULL);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_home(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
Evas_Object *fs = data;
_populate(fs, path, NULL, NULL);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
static void
_populate(filter->sd->obj, filter->sd->path, NULL, NULL);
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_ok(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
const char *name;
if (!sd->path)
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_DONE, NULL);
- return;
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call(ELM_FILESELECTOR_EVENT_DONE, NULL));
+ return EINA_TRUE;
name = elm_object_text_get(sd->name_entry);
selection = eina_stringshare_add(elm_fileselector_selected_get(fs));
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_DONE, (void *)selection);
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call
+ (ELM_FILESELECTOR_EVENT_DONE, (void *)selection));
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_canc(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
Evas_Object *fs = data;
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_DONE, NULL);
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call(ELM_FILESELECTOR_EVENT_DONE, NULL));
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_text_activated(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
Evas_Object *fs = data;
if (!ecore_file_exists(path))
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_SELECTED, (void *)path);
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_SELECTED_INVALID, (void *)path);
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call
goto end;
if (sd->only_folder)
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_SELECTED, (void *)path);
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call
goto end;
_populate(fs, dir, NULL, path);
if (sd->only_folder)
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(fs, SIG_SELECTED, (void *)path);
+ eo_do(fs, eo_event_callback_call
elm_object_focus_set(obj, EINA_FALSE);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_text_focused(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
if (!sd->path_entry_idler)
sd->path_entry_idler = ecore_idler_add(_anchors_undo, data);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_on_text_unfocused(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
_anchors_do(data, sd->path);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
+static Eina_Bool
_anchor_clicked(void *data,
- Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED,
void *event_info)
Elm_Entry_Anchor_Info *info = event_info;
sd->path_entry_idler = NULL;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
-static void
-_files_key_down(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info)
+static Eina_Bool
+_files_key_down(void *data,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev = event_info;
Evas_Object *par, *searchbar;
par = data;
searchbar = evas_object_data_get(par, "search");
- if (!searchbar) return;
+ if (!searchbar) return EINA_TRUE;
if (((ev->string) && *(ev->string) &&
(isalpha(*ev->string) ||
elm_entry_entry_set(searchbar, buf);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
static Evas_Object *
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(li, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(li, 100, 100);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(li, "selected", _on_item_selected, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(li, "unselected", _on_item_unselected, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(li, "activated", _on_item_activated, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add
- (li, "expand,request", _on_list_expand_req, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add
- (li, "contract,request", _on_list_contract_req, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(li, "expanded", _on_list_expanded, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(li, "contracted", _on_list_contracted, obj);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(li, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _files_key_down, obj);
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_GENLIST_EVENT_ACTIVATED, _on_item_activated, obj));
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_GENLIST_EVENT_EXPAND_REQUEST, _on_list_expand_req, obj));
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_GENLIST_EVENT_CONTRACT_REQUEST, _on_list_contract_req, obj));
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_GENLIST_EVENT_EXPANDED, _on_list_expanded, obj));
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_GENLIST_EVENT_CONTRACTED, _on_list_contracted, obj));
+ eo_do(li, eo_event_callback_add
+ (EVAS_OBJECT_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, _files_key_down, obj));
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, li);
elm_gengrid_align_set(grid, 0.0, 0.0);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(grid, "selected", _on_item_selected, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(grid, "unselected", _on_item_unselected, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(grid, "activated", _on_item_activated, obj);
- evas_object_event_callback_add(grid, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _files_key_down, obj);
+ eo_do(grid, eo_event_callback_add
+ eo_do(grid, eo_event_callback_add
+ eo_do(grid, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_GENGRID_EVENT_ACTIVATED, _on_item_activated, obj));
+ eo_do(grid, eo_event_callback_add
+ (EVAS_OBJECT_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, _files_key_down, obj));
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, grid);
-static void _preedit_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj,
- void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
+static Eina_Bool
+_preedit_cb(void *data,
+ Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, const Eo_Event_Description *desc EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED)
if (sd->search_string && sd->path)
_populate(data, sd->path, NULL, NULL);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
EOLIAN static void
elm_object_part_content_set(bt, "icon", ic);
elm_object_domain_translatable_text_set(bt, PACKAGE, N_("Up"));
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(bt, "clicked", _on_dir_up, obj);
+ eo_do(bt, eo_event_callback_add
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, bt);
elm_object_part_content_set(bt, "icon", ic);
elm_object_domain_translatable_text_set(bt, PACKAGE, N_("Home"));
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(bt, "clicked", _home, obj);
+ eo_do(bt, eo_event_callback_add
- elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, bt);
priv->home_button = bt;
// spinner
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(en, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(en, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(en, "anchor,clicked", _anchor_clicked, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(en, "focused", _on_text_focused, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(en, "unfocused", _on_text_unfocused, obj);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(en, "activated", _on_text_activated, obj);
+ eo_do(en, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_ENTRY_EVENT_ANCHOR_CLICKED, _anchor_clicked, obj));
+ eo_do(en, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_LAYOUT_EVENT_FOCUSED, _on_text_focused, obj));
+ eo_do(en, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_LAYOUT_EVENT_UNFOCUSED, _on_text_unfocused, obj));
+ eo_do(en, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_ENTRY_EVENT_ACTIVATED, _on_text_activated, obj));
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, en);
priv->path_entry = en;
elm_entry_icon_visible_set(en, EINA_TRUE);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(en, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(en, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(en, "changed", _preedit_cb, obj);
+ eo_do(en, eo_event_callback_add
+ (ELM_ENTRY_EVENT_CHANGED, _preedit_cb, obj));
evas_object_data_set(obj, "search", en);
elm_widget_sub_object_add(obj, en);
elm_widget_mirrored_automatic_set(bt, EINA_FALSE);
elm_object_domain_translatable_text_set(bt, PACKAGE, N_("Cancel"));
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(bt, "clicked", _canc, obj);
+ eo_do(bt, eo_event_callback_add
sd->cancel_button = bt;
elm_widget_mirrored_automatic_set(bt, EINA_FALSE);
elm_object_domain_translatable_text_set(bt, PACKAGE, N_("OK"));
- evas_object_smart_callback_add(bt, "clicked", _ok, obj);
+ eo_do(bt, eo_event_callback_add
sd->ok_button = bt;