static void SetThreadName(const char* name) {
- int result = 0;
#if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
- result = pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), name);
+ pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), name);
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
- result = pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "%s", name);
+ pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "%s", name);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
// pthread_setname_np is only available in 10.6 or later, so test
// for it at runtime.
// Mac OS X does not expose the length limit of the name, so hardcode it.
static const int kMaxNameLength = 63;
STATIC_ASSERT(Thread::kMaxThreadNameLength <= kMaxNameLength);
- result = dynamic_pthread_setname_np(name);
+ dynamic_pthread_setname_np(name);
#elif defined(PR_SET_NAME)
- result = prctl(PR_SET_NAME,
- reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(name), // NOLINT
- 0, 0, 0);
+ prctl(PR_SET_NAME,
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(name), // NOLINT
+ 0, 0, 0);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, result);
- USE(result);