* Pre-Depends: x11-common (>= 1:1.09).
* Create library, -dev, and -dbg packages for each new extension library.
* Drop library version from source package name.
+ * Add a Section field for the source package in debian/control.
* Remove Bugs field in control, so bugs go to the Debian BTS.
* Set distribution to experimental.
Source: libxcb
Priority: optional
+Section: libdevel
Maintainer: XCB Developers <xcb@lists.freedesktop.org>
Uploaders: Jamey Sharp <sharpone@debian.org>, Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org>
Build-Depends: x11proto-core-dev, libxau-dev, libxdmcp-dev, xcb-proto, cdbs, debhelper (>= 5.0.0), pkg-config, xsltproc, check, binutils (>=