+#include <transpose_matrix4x4.h>
#include "pipe/p_compiler.h"
#include "spu_main.h"
#include "spu_texture.h"
get_four_texels(uint unit, vec_uint4 x, vec_uint4 y, vec_uint4 *texels)
const unsigned texture_ea = (uintptr_t) spu.texture[unit].start;
- vec_uint4 tile_x = spu_rlmask(x, -5);
- vec_uint4 tile_y = spu_rlmask(y, -5);
- const qword offset_x = si_andi((qword) x, 0x1f);
- const qword offset_y = si_andi((qword) y, 0x1f);
+ vec_uint4 tile_x = spu_rlmask(x, -5); /* tile_x = x / 32 */
+ vec_uint4 tile_y = spu_rlmask(y, -5); /* tile_y = y / 32 */
+ const qword offset_x = si_andi((qword) x, 0x1f); /* offset_x = x & 0x1f */
+ const qword offset_y = si_andi((qword) y, 0x1f); /* offset_y = y & 0x1f */
const qword tiles_per_row = (qword) spu_splats(spu.texture[unit].tiles_per_row);
const qword tile_size = (qword) spu_splats((unsigned) sizeof(tile_t));
+ * \param colors returned colors in SOA format (rrrr, gggg, bbbb, aaaa).
+ */
+sample_texture4_nearest(vector float s, vector float t,
+ vector float r, vector float q,
+ uint unit, vector float colors[4])
+ vector float ss = spu_mul(s, spu.texture[unit].width4);
+ vector float tt = spu_mul(t, spu.texture[unit].height4);
+ vector unsigned int is = spu_convtu(ss, 0);
+ vector unsigned int it = spu_convtu(tt, 0);
+ vec_uint4 texels[4];
+ /* GL_REPEAT wrap mode: */
+ is = spu_and(is, spu.texture[unit].tex_size_x_mask);
+ it = spu_and(it, spu.texture[unit].tex_size_y_mask);
+ get_four_texels(unit, is, it, texels);
+ /* convert four packed ARGBA pixels to float RRRR,GGGG,BBBB,AAAA */
+ spu_unpack_A8R8G8B8_transpose4(texels, colors);
vector float
sample_texture_bilinear(uint unit, vector float texcoord)
return texel_sum;
+sample_texture4_bilinear(vector float s, vector float t,
+ vector float r, vector float q,
+ uint unit, vector float colors[4])
+ vector float ss = spu_madd(s, spu.texture[unit].width4, spu_splats(-0.5f));
+ vector float tt = spu_madd(t, spu.texture[unit].height4, spu_splats(-0.5f));
+ vector unsigned int is0 = spu_convtu(ss, 0);
+ vector unsigned int it0 = spu_convtu(tt, 0);
+ /* is + 1, it + 1 */
+ vector unsigned int is1 = spu_add(is0, 1);
+ vector unsigned int it1 = spu_add(it0, 1);
+ is0 = spu_and(is0, spu.texture[unit].tex_size_x_mask);
+ it0 = spu_and(it0, spu.texture[unit].tex_size_y_mask);
+ is1 = spu_and(is1, spu.texture[unit].tex_size_x_mask);
+ it1 = spu_and(it1, spu.texture[unit].tex_size_y_mask);
+ /* get packed int texels */
+ vector unsigned int texels[16];
+ get_four_texels(unit, is0, it0, texels + 0); /* upper-left */
+ get_four_texels(unit, is1, it0, texels + 4); /* upper-right */
+ get_four_texels(unit, is0, it1, texels + 8); /* lower-left */
+ get_four_texels(unit, is1, it1, texels + 12); /* lower-right */
+ /* XXX possibly rework following code to compute the weighted sample
+ * colors with integer arithmetic for fewer int->float conversions.
+ */
+ /* convert packed int texels to float colors */
+ vector float ftexels[16];
+ spu_unpack_A8R8G8B8_transpose4(texels + 0, ftexels + 0);
+ spu_unpack_A8R8G8B8_transpose4(texels + 4, ftexels + 4);
+ spu_unpack_A8R8G8B8_transpose4(texels + 8, ftexels + 8);
+ spu_unpack_A8R8G8B8_transpose4(texels + 12, ftexels + 12);
+ /* Compute weighting factors in [0,1]
+ * Multiply texcoord by 1024, AND with 1023, convert back to float.
+ */
+ vector float ss1024 = spu_mul(ss, spu_splats(1024.0f));
+ vector signed int iss1024 = spu_convts(ss1024, 0);
+ iss1024 = spu_and(iss1024, 1023);
+ vector float sWeights0 = spu_convtf(iss1024, 10);
+ vector float tt1024 = spu_mul(tt, spu_splats(1024.0f));
+ vector signed int itt1024 = spu_convts(tt1024, 0);
+ itt1024 = spu_and(itt1024, 1023);
+ vector float tWeights0 = spu_convtf(itt1024, 10);
+ /* 1 - sWeight and 1 - tWeight */
+ vector float sWeights1 = spu_sub(spu_splats(1.0f), sWeights0);
+ vector float tWeights1 = spu_sub(spu_splats(1.0f), tWeights0);
+ /* reds, for four pixels */
+ ftexels[ 0] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 0], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights1)); /*ul*/
+ ftexels[ 4] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 4], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights1)); /*ur*/
+ ftexels[ 8] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 8], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights0)); /*ll*/
+ ftexels[12] = spu_mul(ftexels[12], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights0)); /*lr*/
+ colors[0] = spu_add(spu_add(ftexels[0], ftexels[4]),
+ spu_add(ftexels[8], ftexels[12]));
+ /* greens, for four pixels */
+ ftexels[ 1] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 1], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights1)); /*ul*/
+ ftexels[ 5] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 5], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights1)); /*ur*/
+ ftexels[ 9] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 9], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights0)); /*ll*/
+ ftexels[13] = spu_mul(ftexels[13], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights0)); /*lr*/
+ colors[1] = spu_add(spu_add(ftexels[1], ftexels[5]),
+ spu_add(ftexels[9], ftexels[13]));
+ /* blues, for four pixels */
+ ftexels[ 2] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 2], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights1)); /*ul*/
+ ftexels[ 6] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 6], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights1)); /*ur*/
+ ftexels[10] = spu_mul(ftexels[10], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights0)); /*ll*/
+ ftexels[14] = spu_mul(ftexels[14], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights0)); /*lr*/
+ colors[2] = spu_add(spu_add(ftexels[2], ftexels[6]),
+ spu_add(ftexels[10], ftexels[14]));
+ /* alphas, for four pixels */
+ ftexels[ 3] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 3], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights1)); /*ul*/
+ ftexels[ 7] = spu_mul(ftexels[ 7], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights1)); /*ur*/
+ ftexels[11] = spu_mul(ftexels[11], spu_mul(sWeights1, tWeights0)); /*ll*/
+ ftexels[15] = spu_mul(ftexels[15], spu_mul(sWeights0, tWeights0)); /*lr*/
+ colors[3] = spu_add(spu_add(ftexels[3], ftexels[7]),
+ spu_add(ftexels[11], ftexels[15]));