* the kernel data structures, and the current context to get the
* device fd.
+#ifndef _SOLO
void *r200AllocateMemoryMESA(Display *dpy, int scrn, GLsizei size,
GLfloat readfreq, GLfloat writefreq,
GLfloat priority)
return card_offset - rmesa->r200Screen->gart_base;
GLboolean r200IsGartMemory( r200ContextPtr rmesa, const GLvoid *pointer,
GLint size )
extern void r200WaitForVBlank( r200ContextPtr rmesa );
extern void r200InitIoctlFuncs( struct dd_function_table *functions );
+#ifndef _SOLO
extern void *r200AllocateMemoryMESA( Display *dpy, int scrn, GLsizei size, GLfloat readfreq,
GLfloat writefreq, GLfloat priority );
extern void r200FreeMemoryMESA( Display *dpy, int scrn, GLvoid *pointer );
extern GLuint r200GetMemoryOffsetMESA( Display *dpy, int scrn, const GLvoid *pointer );
extern GLboolean r200IsGartMemory( r200ContextPtr rmesa, const GLvoid *pointer,
GLint size );