The bug is caused by the config "Release_Developer" which is getting incorrectly merged by gyp into the "Release" config.
gyp and specifically the function _GetConfigurationAndPlatform in `` which is expecting a single _ to separate from the platform (x64)
gyp projects should not use any _ in the configuration name (before the optional platform part)
'configurations': {
'Debug': { 'defines': [ 'SK_DEBUG=1' ] },
'Release': { 'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ] },
- 'Release_Developer': {
+ 'ReleaseDeveloper': {
'inherit_from': ['Release'],
'defines': [ 'SK_DEBUG=1' ],
'conditions': [
- 'Release_Developer_x64': {
- 'inherit_from': ['Release_Developer'],
+ 'ReleaseDeveloper_x64': {
+ 'inherit_from': ['ReleaseDeveloper'],
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
# Don't specify /arch. SSE2 is implied by 64bit and specifying it warns.