Queue objects are not created by an application and
thus never destroyed. Thus do not need to track.
using_line += ' pTrav = pTrav->pNext;\n'
using_line += ' }\n'
# Special cases for API funcs that don't use an object as first arg
- elif True in [no_use_proto in proto.name for no_use_proto in ['GlobalOption', 'CreateInstance']]:
+ elif True in [no_use_proto in proto.name for no_use_proto in ['GlobalOption', 'CreateInstance', 'QueueSubmit', 'QueueSetGlobalMemReferences', 'QueueWaitIdle', 'SignalQueueSemaphore', 'WaitQueueSemaphore', 'WsiX11QueuePresent']]:
using_line = ''
using_line = ' loader_platform_thread_lock_mutex(&objLock);\n'