typedef std::tr1::tuple<int, pnpAlgo> PointsNum_Algo_t;
typedef perf::TestBaseWithParam<PointsNum_Algo_t> PointsNum_Algo;
+typedef perf::TestBaseWithParam<int> PointsNum;
PERF_TEST_P(PointsNum_Algo, solvePnP,
testing::Values(4, 3*9, 7*13),
SANITY_CHECK(rvec, 1e-6);
SANITY_CHECK(tvec, 1e-6);
+PERF_TEST_P(PointsNum, SolvePnPRansac, testing::Values(4, 3*9, 7*13))
+ int count = GetParam();
+ Mat object(1, count, CV_32FC3);
+ randu(object, -100, 100);
+ Mat camera_mat(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
+ randu(camera_mat, 0.5, 1);
+ camera_mat.at<float>(0, 1) = 0.f;
+ camera_mat.at<float>(1, 0) = 0.f;
+ camera_mat.at<float>(2, 0) = 0.f;
+ camera_mat.at<float>(2, 1) = 0.f;
+ Mat dist_coef(1, 8, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
+ vector<cv::Point2f> image_vec;
+ Mat rvec_gold(1, 3, CV_32FC1);
+ randu(rvec_gold, 0, 1);
+ Mat tvec_gold(1, 3, CV_32FC1);
+ randu(tvec_gold, 0, 1);
+ projectPoints(object, rvec_gold, tvec_gold, camera_mat, dist_coef, image_vec);
+ Mat image(1, count, CV_32FC2, &image_vec[0]);
+ Mat rvec;
+ Mat tvec;
+ solvePnPRansac(object, image, camera_mat, dist_coef, rvec, tvec);
+ declare.time(3.0);
+ {
+ solvePnPRansac(object, image, camera_mat, dist_coef, rvec, tvec);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cv;
+using namespace perf;
+using std::tr1::make_tuple;
+using std::tr1::get;
+PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, Mat_Eye,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES),
+ testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_TYPES))
+ )
+ Size size = get<0>(GetParam());
+ int type = get<1>(GetParam());
+ Mat diagonalMatrix(size.height, size.width, type);
+ declare.out(diagonalMatrix);
+ {
+ diagonalMatrix = Mat::eye(size, type);
+ }
+ SANITY_CHECK(diagonalMatrix, 1);
+PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, Mat_Zeros,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES),
+ testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_TYPES, CV_32FC3))
+ )
+ Size size = get<0>(GetParam());
+ int type = get<1>(GetParam());
+ Mat zeroMatrix(size.height, size.width, type);
+ declare.out(zeroMatrix);
+ {
+ zeroMatrix = Mat::zeros(size, type);
+ }
+ SANITY_CHECK(zeroMatrix, 1);
+PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, Mat_Clone,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES),
+ testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_TYPES))
+ )
+ Size size = get<0>(GetParam());
+ int type = get<1>(GetParam());
+ Mat source(size.height, size.width, type);
+ Mat destination(size.height, size.width, type);;
+ declare.in(source, WARMUP_RNG).out(destination);
+ {
+ source.clone();
+ }
+ destination = source.clone();
+ SANITY_CHECK(destination, 1);
+PERF_TEST_P(Size_MatType, Mat_Clone_Roi,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_SIZES),
+ testing::Values(TYPICAL_MAT_TYPES))
+ )
+ Size size = get<0>(GetParam());
+ int type = get<1>(GetParam());
+ unsigned int width = size.width;
+ unsigned int height = size.height;
+ Mat source(height, width, type);
+ Mat destination(size.height/2, size.width/2, type);
+ declare.in(source, WARMUP_RNG).out(destination);
+ Mat roi(source, Rect(width/4, height/4, 3*width/4, 3*height/4));
+ {
+ roi.clone();
+ }
+ destination = roi.clone();
+ SANITY_CHECK(destination, 1);
--- /dev/null
+#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cv;
+using namespace perf;
+using std::tr1::make_tuple;
+using std::tr1::get;
+CV_ENUM(SourceType, CV_32F, CV_8U)
+CV_ENUM(DestinationType, CV_32F, CV_32S)
+typedef std::tr1::tuple<NormType, DestinationType, bool> Norm_Destination_CrossCheck_t;
+typedef perf::TestBaseWithParam<Norm_Destination_CrossCheck_t> Norm_Destination_CrossCheck;
+typedef std::tr1::tuple<NormType, bool> Norm_CrossCheck_t;
+typedef perf::TestBaseWithParam<Norm_CrossCheck_t> Norm_CrossCheck;
+typedef std::tr1::tuple<SourceType, bool> Source_CrossCheck_t;
+typedef perf::TestBaseWithParam<Source_CrossCheck_t> Source_CrossCheck;
+void generateData( Mat& query, Mat& train, const int sourceType );
+PERF_TEST_P(Norm_Destination_CrossCheck, batchDistance_8U,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values((int)NORM_L1, (int)NORM_L2SQR),
+ testing::Values(CV_32S, CV_32F),
+ testing::Bool()
+ )
+ )
+ NormType normType = get<0>(GetParam());
+ DestinationType destinationType = get<1>(GetParam());
+ bool isCrossCheck = get<2>(GetParam());
+ Mat queryDescriptors;
+ Mat trainDescriptors;
+ Mat dist;
+ Mat ndix;
+ int knn = 1;
+ generateData(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, CV_8U);
+ if(!isCrossCheck)
+ {
+ knn = 0;
+ }
+ declare.time(30);
+ {
+ batchDistance(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, dist, destinationType, (isCrossCheck) ? ndix : noArray(),
+ normType, knn, Mat(), 0, isCrossCheck);
+ }
+PERF_TEST_P(Norm_CrossCheck, batchDistance_Dest_32S,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values((int)NORM_HAMMING, (int)NORM_HAMMING2),
+ testing::Bool()
+ )
+ )
+ NormType normType = get<0>(GetParam());
+ bool isCrossCheck = get<1>(GetParam());
+ Mat queryDescriptors;
+ Mat trainDescriptors;
+ Mat dist;
+ Mat ndix;
+ int knn = 1;
+ generateData(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, CV_8U);
+ if(!isCrossCheck)
+ {
+ knn = 0;
+ }
+ declare.time(30);
+ {
+ batchDistance(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, dist, CV_32S, (isCrossCheck) ? ndix : noArray(),
+ normType, knn, Mat(), 0, isCrossCheck);
+ }
+PERF_TEST_P(Source_CrossCheck, batchDistance_L2,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values(CV_8U, CV_32F),
+ testing::Bool()
+ )
+ )
+ SourceType sourceType = get<0>(GetParam());
+ bool isCrossCheck = get<1>(GetParam());
+ Mat queryDescriptors;
+ Mat trainDescriptors;
+ Mat dist;
+ Mat ndix;
+ int knn = 1;
+ generateData(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, sourceType);
+ if(!isCrossCheck)
+ {
+ knn = 0;
+ }
+ declare.time(30);
+ {
+ batchDistance(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, dist, CV_32F, (isCrossCheck) ? ndix : noArray(),
+ NORM_L2, knn, Mat(), 0, isCrossCheck);
+ }
+PERF_TEST_P(Norm_CrossCheck, batchDistance_32F,
+ testing::Combine(testing::Values((int)NORM_L1, (int)NORM_L2SQR),
+ testing::Bool()
+ )
+ )
+ NormType normType = get<0>(GetParam());
+ bool isCrossCheck = get<1>(GetParam());
+ Mat queryDescriptors;
+ Mat trainDescriptors;
+ Mat dist;
+ Mat ndix;
+ int knn = 1;
+ generateData(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, CV_32F);
+ if(!isCrossCheck)
+ {
+ knn = 0;
+ }
+ declare.time(30);
+ {
+ batchDistance(queryDescriptors, trainDescriptors, dist, CV_32F, (isCrossCheck) ? ndix : noArray(),
+ normType, knn, Mat(), 0, isCrossCheck);
+ }
+void generateData( Mat& query, Mat& train, const int sourceType )
+ const int dim = 500;
+ const int queryDescCount = 300; // must be even number because we split train data in some cases in two
+ const int countFactor = 4; // do not change it
+ RNG& rng = theRNG();
+ // Generate query descriptors randomly.
+ // Descriptor vector elements are integer values.
+ Mat buf( queryDescCount, dim, CV_32SC1 );
+ rng.fill( buf, RNG::UNIFORM, Scalar::all(0), Scalar(3) );
+ buf.convertTo( query, sourceType );
+ // Generate train decriptors as follows:
+ // copy each query descriptor to train set countFactor times
+ // and perturb some one element of the copied descriptors in
+ // in ascending order. General boundaries of the perturbation
+ // are (0.f, 1.f).
+ train.create( query.rows*countFactor, query.cols, sourceType );
+ float step = 1.f / countFactor;
+ for( int qIdx = 0; qIdx < query.rows; qIdx++ )
+ {
+ Mat queryDescriptor = query.row(qIdx);
+ for( int c = 0; c < countFactor; c++ )
+ {
+ int tIdx = qIdx * countFactor + c;
+ Mat trainDescriptor = train.row(tIdx);
+ queryDescriptor.copyTo( trainDescriptor );
+ int elem = rng(dim);
+ float diff = rng.uniform( step*c, step*(c+1) );
+ trainDescriptor.at<float>(0, elem) += diff;
+ }
+ }
-#include "perf_precomp.hpp"\r
-#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"\r
-#include "opencv2/core/internal.hpp"\r
-#include "opencv2/flann/flann.hpp"\r
-#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"\r
-using namespace std;\r
-using namespace cv;\r
-using namespace perf;\r
-using std::tr1::make_tuple;\r
-using std::tr1::get;\r
-#define SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE 0.65f\r
-#define ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE 0.3f\r
-#define WORK_MEGAPIX 0.6\r
-typedef TestBaseWithParam<String> stitch;\r
-typedef TestBaseWithParam<String> match;\r
-#define TEST_DETECTORS testing::Values("surf", "orb")\r
-#define TEST_DETECTORS testing::Values<String>("orb")\r
-PERF_TEST_P(stitch, a123, TEST_DETECTORS)\r
- Mat pano;\r
- vector<Mat> imgs;\r
- imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/a1.jpg") ) );\r
- imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/a2.jpg") ) );\r
- imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/a3.jpg") ) );\r
- Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> featuresFinder = GetParam() == "orb"\r
- ? (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder()\r
- : (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();\r
- Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> featuresMatcher = GetParam() == "orb"\r
- ? new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE)\r
- : new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);\r
- declare.time(30 * 20).iterations(20);\r
- while(next())\r
- {\r
- Stitcher stitcher = Stitcher::createDefault();\r
- stitcher.setFeaturesFinder(featuresFinder);\r
- stitcher.setFeaturesMatcher(featuresMatcher);\r
- stitcher.setWarper(new SphericalWarper());\r
- stitcher.setRegistrationResol(WORK_MEGAPIX);\r
- startTimer();\r
- stitcher.stitch(imgs, pano);\r
- stopTimer();\r
- }\r
- Mat pano;\r
- vector<Mat> imgs;\r
- imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/b1.jpg") ) );\r
- imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/b2.jpg") ) );\r
- Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> featuresFinder = GetParam() == "orb"\r
- ? (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder()\r
- : (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();\r
- Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> featuresMatcher = GetParam() == "orb"\r
- ? new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE)\r
- : new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);\r
- declare.time(30 * 20).iterations(20);\r
- while(next())\r
- {\r
- Stitcher stitcher = Stitcher::createDefault();\r
- stitcher.setFeaturesFinder(featuresFinder);\r
- stitcher.setFeaturesMatcher(featuresMatcher);\r
- stitcher.setWarper(new SphericalWarper());\r
- stitcher.setRegistrationResol(WORK_MEGAPIX);\r
- startTimer();\r
- stitcher.stitch(imgs, pano);\r
- stopTimer();\r
- }\r
-PERF_TEST_P( match, bestOf2Nearest, TEST_DETECTORS)\r
- Mat img1, img1_full = imread( getDataPath("stitching/b1.jpg") );\r
- Mat img2, img2_full = imread( getDataPath("stitching/b2.jpg") );\r
- float scale1 = (float)std::min(1.0, sqrt(WORK_MEGAPIX * 1e6 / img1_full.total()));\r
- float scale2 = (float)std::min(1.0, sqrt(WORK_MEGAPIX * 1e6 / img2_full.total()));\r
- resize(img1_full, img1, Size(), scale1, scale1);\r
- resize(img2_full, img2, Size(), scale2, scale2);\r
- Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> finder;\r
- Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> matcher;\r
- if (GetParam() == "surf")\r
- {\r
- finder = new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();\r
- matcher = new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);\r
- }\r
- else if (GetParam() == "orb")\r
- {\r
- finder = new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder();\r
- matcher = new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);\r
- }\r
- else\r
- {\r
- FAIL() << "Unknown 2D features type: " << GetParam();\r
- }\r
- detail::ImageFeatures features1, features2;\r
- (*finder)(img1, features1);\r
- (*finder)(img2, features2);\r
- detail::MatchesInfo pairwise_matches;\r
- declare.in(features1.descriptors, features2.descriptors)\r
- .iterations(100);\r
- while(next())\r
- {\r
- cvflann::seed_random(42);//for predictive FlannBasedMatcher\r
- startTimer();\r
- (*matcher)(features1, features2, pairwise_matches);\r
- stopTimer();\r
- matcher->collectGarbage();\r
- }\r
+#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/core/internal.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/flann/flann.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cv;
+using namespace perf;
+using std::tr1::make_tuple;
+using std::tr1::get;
+#define WORK_MEGAPIX 0.6
+typedef TestBaseWithParam<String> stitch;
+typedef TestBaseWithParam<String> match;
+typedef std::tr1::tuple<String, int> matchVector_t;
+typedef TestBaseWithParam<matchVector_t> matchVector;
+#define TEST_DETECTORS testing::Values("surf", "orb")
+#define TEST_DETECTORS testing::Values<String>("orb")
+ Mat pano;
+ vector<Mat> imgs;
+ imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/a1.jpg") ) );
+ imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/a2.jpg") ) );
+ imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/a3.jpg") ) );
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> featuresFinder = GetParam() == "orb"
+ ? (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder()
+ : (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> featuresMatcher = GetParam() == "orb"
+ ? new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE)
+ : new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);
+ declare.time(30 * 20).iterations(20);
+ while(next())
+ {
+ Stitcher stitcher = Stitcher::createDefault();
+ stitcher.setFeaturesFinder(featuresFinder);
+ stitcher.setFeaturesMatcher(featuresMatcher);
+ stitcher.setWarper(new SphericalWarper());
+ stitcher.setRegistrationResol(WORK_MEGAPIX);
+ startTimer();
+ stitcher.stitch(imgs, pano);
+ stopTimer();
+ }
+ Mat pano;
+ vector<Mat> imgs;
+ imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/b1.jpg") ) );
+ imgs.push_back( imread( getDataPath("stitching/b2.jpg") ) );
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> featuresFinder = GetParam() == "orb"
+ ? (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder()
+ : (detail::FeaturesFinder*)new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> featuresMatcher = GetParam() == "orb"
+ ? new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE)
+ : new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);
+ declare.time(30 * 20).iterations(20);
+ while(next())
+ {
+ Stitcher stitcher = Stitcher::createDefault();
+ stitcher.setFeaturesFinder(featuresFinder);
+ stitcher.setFeaturesMatcher(featuresMatcher);
+ stitcher.setWarper(new SphericalWarper());
+ stitcher.setRegistrationResol(WORK_MEGAPIX);
+ startTimer();
+ stitcher.stitch(imgs, pano);
+ stopTimer();
+ }
+PERF_TEST_P( match, bestOf2Nearest, TEST_DETECTORS)
+ Mat img1, img1_full = imread( getDataPath("stitching/b1.jpg") );
+ Mat img2, img2_full = imread( getDataPath("stitching/b2.jpg") );
+ float scale1 = (float)std::min(1.0, sqrt(WORK_MEGAPIX * 1e6 / img1_full.total()));
+ float scale2 = (float)std::min(1.0, sqrt(WORK_MEGAPIX * 1e6 / img2_full.total()));
+ resize(img1_full, img1, Size(), scale1, scale1);
+ resize(img2_full, img2, Size(), scale2, scale2);
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> finder;
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> matcher;
+ if (GetParam() == "surf")
+ {
+ finder = new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();
+ matcher = new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);
+ }
+ else if (GetParam() == "orb")
+ {
+ finder = new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder();
+ matcher = new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAIL() << "Unknown 2D features type: " << GetParam();
+ }
+ detail::ImageFeatures features1, features2;
+ (*finder)(img1, features1);
+ (*finder)(img2, features2);
+ detail::MatchesInfo pairwise_matches;
+ declare.in(features1.descriptors, features2.descriptors)
+ .iterations(100);
+ while(next())
+ {
+ cvflann::seed_random(42);//for predictive FlannBasedMatcher
+ startTimer();
+ (*matcher)(features1, features2, pairwise_matches);
+ stopTimer();
+ matcher->collectGarbage();
+ }
+PERF_TEST_P( matchVector, bestOf2NearestVectorFeatures, testing::Combine(
+ testing::Values(2, 4, 6, 8))
+ )
+ Mat img1, img1_full = imread( getDataPath("stitching/b1.jpg") );
+ Mat img2, img2_full = imread( getDataPath("stitching/b2.jpg") );
+ float scale1 = (float)std::min(1.0, sqrt(WORK_MEGAPIX * 1e6 / img1_full.total()));
+ float scale2 = (float)std::min(1.0, sqrt(WORK_MEGAPIX * 1e6 / img2_full.total()));
+ resize(img1_full, img1, Size(), scale1, scale1);
+ resize(img2_full, img2, Size(), scale2, scale2);
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesFinder> finder;
+ Ptr<detail::FeaturesMatcher> matcher;
+ String detectorName = get<0>(GetParam());
+ int featuresVectorSize = get<1>(GetParam());
+ if (detectorName == "surf")
+ {
+ finder = new detail::SurfFeaturesFinder();
+ matcher = new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, SURF_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);
+ }
+ else if (detectorName == "orb")
+ {
+ finder = new detail::OrbFeaturesFinder();
+ matcher = new detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher(false, ORB_MATCH_CONFIDENCE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAIL() << "Unknown 2D features type: " << get<0>(GetParam());
+ }
+ detail::ImageFeatures features1, features2;
+ (*finder)(img1, features1);
+ (*finder)(img2, features2);
+ vector<detail::ImageFeatures> features;
+ vector<detail::MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;
+ for(int i = 0; i < featuresVectorSize/2; i++)
+ {
+ features.push_back(features1);
+ features.push_back(features2);
+ }
+ declare.time(200);
+ while(next())
+ {
+ cvflann::seed_random(42);//for predictive FlannBasedMatcher
+ startTimer();
+ (*matcher)(features, pairwise_matches);
+ stopTimer();
+ matcher->collectGarbage();
+ }