from __future__ import print_function
from tensorflow.contrib.lite.python import lite
+from tensorflow.contrib.lite.python.op_hint import _tensor_name_base as _tensor_name_base
from tensorflow.python.client import session
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
+from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl import _bfs_for_reachable_nodes
+from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl import _extract_graph_summary
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.platform import test
# Try running on valid graph
result = lite.toco_convert(sess.graph_def, [in_tensor], [out_tensor])
- # TODO(aselle): remove tests that fail.
+ # TODO(aselle): remove tests that fail (we must get TOCO to not fatal
+ # all the time).
# Try running on identity graph (known fail)
# with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, "!model->operators.empty()"):
# result = lite.toco_convert(sess.graph_def, [in_tensor], [in_tensor])
quantized_input_stats=[(0., 1.)])
+class LiteTestOpHint(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase):
+ """Test the hint to stub functionality."""
+ def _getGraphOpTypes(self, graphdef, output_nodes):
+ """Returns used op types in `graphdef` reachable from `output_nodes`.
+ This is used to check that after the stub transformation the expected
+ nodes are there. Typically use this with self.assertCountEqual(...).
+ NOTE: this is not a exact test that the graph is the correct output, but
+ it balances compact expressibility of test with sanity checking.
+ Args:
+ graphdef: TensorFlow proto graphdef.
+ output_nodes: A list of output node names that we need to reach.
+ Returns:
+ A set of node types reachable from `output_nodes`.
+ """
+ name_to_input_name, name_to_node, _ = (
+ _extract_graph_summary(graphdef))
+ # Find all nodes that are needed by the outputs
+ used_node_names = _bfs_for_reachable_nodes(output_nodes, name_to_input_name)
+ return set([name_to_node[node_name].op for node_name in used_node_names])
+ def _countIdentities(self, nodes):
+ """Count the number of "Identity" op types in the list of proto nodes.
+ Args:
+ nodes: NodeDefs of the graph.
+ Returns:
+ The number of nodes with op type "Identity" found.
+ """
+ return len([x for x in nodes if x.op == "Identity"])
+ def testSwishLiteHint(self):
+ """Makes a custom op swish and makes sure it gets converted as a unit."""
+ image = array_ops.constant([1., 2., 3., 4.])
+ swish_scale = array_ops.constant(1.0)
+ def _swish(input_tensor, scale):
+ custom = lite.OpHint("cool_activation")
+ input_tensor, scale = custom.add_inputs(input_tensor, scale)
+ output = math_ops.sigmoid(input_tensor) * input_tensor * scale
+ output, = custom.add_outputs(output)
+ return output
+ output = array_ops.identity(_swish(image, swish_scale), name="ModelOutput")
+ with self.test_session() as sess:
+ # check if identities have been put into the graph (2 input, 1 output,
+ # and 1 final output).
+ self.assertEqual(self._countIdentities(sess.graph_def.node), 4)
+ stubbed_graphdef = lite.convert_op_hints_to_stubs(sess)
+ self.assertCountEqual(
+ self._getGraphOpTypes(
+ stubbed_graphdef, output_nodes=[_tensor_name_base(output)]),
+ ["cool_activation", "Const", "Identity"])
+ def testScaleAndBiasAndIdentity(self):
+ """This tests a scaled add which has 3 inputs and 2 outputs."""
+ a = array_ops.constant(1.)
+ x = array_ops.constant([2., 3.])
+ b = array_ops.constant([4., 5.])
+ def _scaled_and_bias_and_identity(a, x, b):
+ custom = lite.OpHint("scale_and_bias_and_identity")
+ a, x, b = custom.add_inputs(a, x, b)
+ return custom.add_outputs(a * x + b, x)
+ output = array_ops.identity(_scaled_and_bias_and_identity(a, x, b),
+ name="ModelOutput")
+ with self.test_session() as sess:
+ # make sure one identity for each input (3) and output (2) => 3 + 2 = 5
+ # +1 for the final output
+ self.assertEqual(self._countIdentities(sess.graph_def.node), 6)
+ stubbed_graphdef = lite.convert_op_hints_to_stubs(sess)
+ self.assertCountEqual(
+ self._getGraphOpTypes(
+ stubbed_graphdef, output_nodes=[_tensor_name_base(output)]),
+ ["scale_and_bias_and_identity", "Const", "Identity", "Pack"])
+ def testTwoFunctions(self):
+ """Tests if two functions are converted correctly."""
+ a = array_ops.constant([1.])
+ b = array_ops.constant([1.])
+ def _double_values(x):
+ custom = lite.OpHint("add_test")
+ x = custom.add_inputs(x)
+ output = math_ops.multiply(x, x)
+ output, = custom.add_outputs(output)
+ return output
+ output = array_ops.identity(
+ math_ops.add(_double_values(a), _double_values(b)), name="ModelOutput")
+ with self.test_session() as sess:
+ # make sure one identity for each input (2) and output (2) => 2 + 2
+ # +1 for the final output
+ self.assertEqual(self._countIdentities(sess.graph_def.node), 5)
+ stubbed_graphdef = lite.convert_op_hints_to_stubs(sess)
+ self.assertCountEqual(
+ self._getGraphOpTypes(
+ stubbed_graphdef, output_nodes=[_tensor_name_base(output)]),
+ ["add_test", "Const", "Identity", "Add"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Define tflite op hints (intrinsic operations).
+This essentially allows defining a TensorFlow API for tflite operations in
+Python with hints on how they are represented in TensorFlow Lite. This basically
+is a form of tflite intrinsic. It wraps a subpart of a TensorFlow execution
+graph and is useful for LSTMs and other complicated TensorFlow constructions
+that are difficult to pattern match in TOCO, but are represented by a single
+accelerated tflite op.
+ def tflite_cool_activation(input):
+ # A cool activation function.
+ custom = tf.contrib.lite.OpHint("cool_activation")
+ input = custom.add_inputs(input)
+ output = tf.sigmoid(input) * input
+ custom.add_outputs(output)
+ return output
+ image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, 16, 16, 1))
+ output = tf.identity(tflite_cool_activation(image))
+ session = tf.Session()
+ graphdef_to_convert = tf.contrib.lite.convert_op_hints_to_stubs(session)
+ tflite_graph = tf.contrib.lite.toco_convert(graphdef_to_convert,
+ [image], [output])
+ [image], [output])
+ with open("/tmp/graph.fb", "wb") as fp:
+ fp.write(tflite_graph)
+How does it work?:
+OpHint is a helper that you use when defining a vanilla python function.
+It allows you to wrap arguments with tf.identities with some custom attributes.
+These attributes allow you to find the original block of ops that was created.
+For example, if you use cool_activation above you essentially get:
+a_input = tf.identity()
+result = tf.multiply(tf.sigmoid(a_input), a_input)
+output = tf.identity()
+a_input, output are identities that have parameters representing
+what argument they are, what the name of the function they should turn into
+in tf lite as well as a guid that uniquely identifies a particular invocation.
+Once you have built your whole tensorflow graph, you can run it and train it
+as usual, but after you have done that, you need to convert the graph into
+a form that replaces these subgraphs wrapped in identities to stub ops. These
+ops don't actually exist in the normal TensorFlow runtime, but will be
+understood by toco later.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import collections as _collections
+import itertools as _itertools
+import uuid as _uuid
+from tensorflow.contrib import framework as _framework
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops as _ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops as _array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.util.all_util import remove_undocumented
+class OpHint(object):
+ """A class that helps build tflite function invocations.
+ It allows you to take a bunch of TensorFlow ops and annotate the construction
+ such that toco knows how to convert it to tflite. This embeds a pseudo
+ function in a TensorFlow graph. This allows embedding high-level API usage
+ information in a lower level TensorFlow implementation so that an alternative
+ implementation can be substituted later.
+ Essentially, any "input" into this pseudo op is fed into an identity, and
+ attributes are added to that input before being used by the constituent ops
+ that make up the pseudo op. A similar process is done to any output that
+ is to be exported from the current op.
+ TODO(aselle): When TensorFlow functions functionality works for arbitrary
+ constructs, this mechanism can be retired and changed to use python defun's.
+ """
+ # Attr constants that are used for representation in the GraphDef
+ FUNCTION_NAME_ATTR = "_tflite_function_name"
+ FUNCTION_UUID_ATTR = "_tflite_function_uuid"
+ FUNCTION_INPUT_INDEX_ATTR = "_tflite_function_input_index"
+ FUNCTION_OUTPUT_INDEX_ATTR = "_tflite_function_output_index"
+ def __init__(self, function_name, **kwargs):
+ """Create a OpHint.
+ Args:
+ function_name: Name of the function (the custom op name in tflite)
+ **kwargs: Keyword arguments of any constant attributes for the function.
+ """
+ self._function_name = function_name
+ self._unique_function_id = _uuid.uuid1().hex # TODO(aselle): Unique enough?
+ self._curr_input_index = 0
+ self._curr_output_index = 0
+ self._attrs_to_store_later = kwargs
+ self._stored_attrs = False
+ def _setattr(self, dest_op, name, value):
+ tensor_value = _ops.convert_to_tensor(value)
+ dest_op.op.node_def.attr[name].tensor.CopyFrom(
+ tensor_value.op.node_def.attr["value"].tensor)
+ def add_inputs(self, *args):
+ """Add a sequence of inputs to the function invocation.
+ Args:
+ *args: List of inputs to be converted (should be Tf.Tensor).
+ Returns:
+ Wrapped inputs (identity standins that have additional metadata). These
+ are also are also tf.Tensor's.
+ """
+ def augmented_identity(arg):
+ identity_op = _array_ops.identity(arg)
+ attr = identity_op.op.node_def.attr
+ attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_NAME_ATTR].s = self._function_name
+ attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_UUID_ATTR].s = self._unique_function_id
+ attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_INPUT_INDEX_ATTR].i = self._curr_input_index
+ self._curr_input_index += 1
+ return identity_op
+ return [augmented_identity(arg) for arg in args]
+ def add_outputs(self, *args):
+ """Add a sequence of outputs to the function invocation.
+ Args:
+ *args: List of outputs to be converted (should be tf.Tensor).
+ Returns:
+ Wrapped outputs (identity standins that have additional metadata). These
+ are also tf.Tensor's.
+ """
+ def augmented_identity(arg):
+ identity_op = _array_ops.identity(arg)
+ attr = identity_op.op.node_def.attr
+ attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_NAME_ATTR].s = self._function_name
+ attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_UUID_ATTR].s = self._unique_function_id
+ attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_OUTPUT_INDEX_ATTR].i = self._curr_output_index
+ self._curr_output_index += 1
+ return identity_op
+ wrapped_outputs = [augmented_identity(arg) for arg in args]
+ if not self._stored_attrs:
+ for key, value in self._attrs_to_store_later.iteritems():
+ self._setattr(wrapped_outputs[0], "_tflite_attr_" + key, value)
+ self._stored_attrs = True
+ return wrapped_outputs
+class _LiteFuncCall(object):
+ """Represent a TensorFlow Lite custom function.
+ This is uses to accumulate found hints in the graphdef into a single
+ conceptual unit.
+ Properties:
+ self.inputs: inputs to the op (hash from index # to argument)
+ self.outputs: outputs to the op (hash from index # to argument)
+ self.function_name: the tflite custom op name to use
+ self.uuid: a unique call id for this particular call (i.e.
+ multiple function calls would have the same function_name but different
+ uuids.
+ self.params: A param name to key value for op constant data. I.e. for
+ axis on a reduction, strides on a convolution, etc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.inputs = {}
+ self.outputs = {}
+ self.function_name = None
+ self.uuid = None
+ self.params = {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "tflite function %s call %s\n\tinputs: %r\n\toutputs: %r" % (
+ self.function_name, self.uuid, self.inputs, self.outputs)
+def _find_all_hints_in_graph_def(session):
+ """Look at the current default graph and return a list of LiteFuncCall objs.
+ Args:
+ session: A TensorFlow session that contains the graph to convert.
+ Returns:
+ a list of `LifeFuncCall` objects in the form
+ """
+ func_calls = _collections.defaultdict(_LiteFuncCall)
+ seen_ops = set()
+ for op in session.graph.get_operations():
+ for operand in _itertools.chain(op.inputs, op.outputs):
+ if operand in seen_ops:
+ continue
+ seen_ops.add(operand)
+ attr = operand.op.node_def.attr
+ uuid = attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_UUID_ATTR].s
+ if OpHint.FUNCTION_UUID_ATTR not in attr:
+ continue
+ call_def = func_calls[uuid]
+ call_def.uuid = uuid
+ if OpHint.FUNCTION_UUID_ATTR in attr:
+ call_def.function_name = attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_NAME_ATTR].s
+ call_def.inputs[attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_INPUT_INDEX_ATTR].i] = operand
+ call_def.outputs[attr[OpHint.FUNCTION_OUTPUT_INDEX_ATTR].i] = operand
+ for a in attr:
+ if a.startswith("_tflite_attr_"):
+ # TODO(aselle): Remember the attribute tensors so we can put them
+ # in collapse.
+ call_def.params[a.replace("_tflite_attr_,", "")] = attr[a].tensor
+ return func_calls
+def _tensor_name_base(full_tensor_name):
+ """Removes the device assignment code from a tensor.
+ e.g. _tensor_name_base("foo:3") => "foo"
+ Args:
+ full_tensor_name: A tensor name that is annotated with a device placement
+ (this is what tensor flow introspection gives).
+ Returns:
+ A name without any device assignment.
+ """
+ return":")[0]
+def convert_op_hints_to_stubs(session):
+ """Converts a graphdef with LiteOp hints into stub operations.
+ This is used to prepare for toco conversion of complex intrinsic usages.
+ Args:
+ session: A TensorFlow session that contains the graph to convert.
+ Returns:
+ A new graphdef with all ops contained in OpHints being replaced by
+ a single op call with the right parameters.
+ """
+ hints = _find_all_hints_in_graph_def(session)
+ current_graph_def = session.graph_def
+ for call in hints.values():
+ input_names = [None] * len(call.inputs)
+ output_names = [None] * len(call.outputs)
+ output_dtypes = [None] * len(call.outputs)
+ output_quantized = False
+ for input_index, tensor in call.inputs.items():
+ input_names[input_index] = _tensor_name_base(tensor)
+ for output_index, tensor in call.outputs.items():
+ output_names[output_index] = _tensor_name_base(tensor)
+ output_dtypes[output_index] = tensor.dtype.as_datatype_enum
+ # TODO(aselle): Support quantized flag properly
+ current_graph_def = _framework.fuse_op(
+ current_graph_def, input_names, output_names, output_dtypes,
+ output_quantized, call.uuid, call.function_name)
+ for node in current_graph_def.node:
+ if == call.uuid:
+ for param, tensor in call.params.items():
+ node.attr[param].tensor.CopyFrom(tensor)
+ return current_graph_def
+_allowed_symbols = ["OpHint", "convert_op_hints_to_stubs"]
+remove_undocumented(__name__, _allowed_symbols)