typedef void (*extInit)(Handle<Object> exports);
+// DLOpen is node.dlopen(). Used to load 'module.node' dynamically shared
+// objects.
Handle<Value> DLOpen(const v8::Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length() < 2) return Undefined();
- String::Utf8Value filename(args[0]->ToString());
- Local<Object> target = args[1]->ToObject();
+ String::Utf8Value filename(args[0]->ToString()); // Cast
+ Local<Object> target = args[1]->ToObject(); // Cast
+ // Actually call dlopen().
+ // FIXME: This is a blocking function and should be called asynchronously!
+ // This function should be moved to file.cc and use libeio to make this
+ // system call.
void *handle = dlopen(*filename, RTLD_LAZY);
+ // Handle errors.
if (handle == NULL) {
Local<Value> exception = Exception::Error(String::New(dlerror()));
return ThrowException(exception);
+ // Get the init() function from the dynamically shared object.
void *init_handle = dlsym(handle, "init");
+ // Error out if not found.
if (init_handle == NULL) {
Local<Value> exception =
Exception::Error(String::New("No 'init' symbol found in module."));
return ThrowException(exception);
- extInit init = (extInit)(init_handle);
+ extInit init = (extInit)(init_handle); // Cast
+ // Execute the C++ module
return Undefined();
static ev_async eio_watcher;
+// Called from the main thread.
static void EIOCallback(EV_P_ ev_async *watcher, int revents) {
assert(watcher == &eio_watcher);
assert(revents == EV_ASYNC);
+ // Give control to EIO to process responses. In nearly every case
+ // EIOPromise::After() (file.cc) is called once EIO receives the response.
+// EIOWantPoll() is called from the EIO thread pool each time an EIO
+// request (that is, one of the node.fs.* functions) has completed.
static void EIOWantPoll(void) {
+ // Signal the main thread that EIO callbacks need to be processed.
ev_async_send(EV_DEFAULT_UC_ &eio_watcher);
+ // EIOCallback() will be called from the main thread in the next event
+ // loop.
static ev_async debug_watcher;
static void DebugMessageDispatch(void) {
+ // This function is called from V8's debug thread when a debug TCP client
+ // has sent a message.
+ // Send a signal to our main thread saying that it should enter V8 to
+ // handle the message.
ev_async_send(EV_DEFAULT_UC_ &debug_watcher);
HandleScope scope;
TryCatch try_catch;
ExecuteString(String::New(data), String::New(filename));
+ // There should not be any syntax errors in these file!
+ // If there are exit the process.
if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {
puts("There is an error in Node's built-in javascript");
puts("This should be reported as a bug!");
static Local<Object> Load(int argc, char *argv[]) {
HandleScope scope;
- Local<Object> global_obj = Context::GetCurrent()->Global();
- Local<Object> node_obj = Object::New();
+ // Reference to 'process'
+ Local<Object> process = Context::GetCurrent()->Global();
- global_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("node"), node_obj);
+ Local<Object> node_obj = Object::New(); // Create the 'process.node' object
+ process->Set(String::NewSymbol("node"), node_obj); // and assign it.
+ // node.version
node_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("version"), String::New(NODE_VERSION));
+ // node.installPrefix
node_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("installPrefix"), String::New(NODE_PREFIX));
+ // process.ARGV
int i, j;
Local<Array> arguments = Array::New(argc - dash_dash_index + 1);
arguments->Set(Integer::New(0), String::New(argv[0]));
for (j = 1, i = dash_dash_index + 1; i < argc; j++, i++) {
Local<String> arg = String::New(argv[i]);
arguments->Set(Integer::New(j), arg);
- global_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("ARGV"), arguments);
+ // assign it
+ process->Set(String::NewSymbol("ARGV"), arguments);
+ // create process.ENV
Local<Object> env = Object::New();
for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
+ // skip entries without a '=' character
for (j = 0; environ[i][j] && environ[i][j] != '='; j++) { ; }
+ // create the v8 objects
Local<String> field = String::New(environ[i], j);
Local<String> value = Local<String>();
if (environ[i][j] == '=') {
value = String::New(environ[i]+j+1);
+ // assign them
env->Set(field, value);
- global_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("ENV"), env);
+ // assign process.ENV
+ process->Set(String::NewSymbol("ENV"), env);
+ // define various internal methods
NODE_SET_METHOD(node_obj, "compile", Compile);
NODE_SET_METHOD(node_obj, "reallyExit", Exit);
NODE_SET_METHOD(node_obj, "cwd", Cwd);
NODE_SET_METHOD(node_obj, "dlopen", DLOpen);
+ // Assign the EventEmitter. It was created in main().
- Promise::Initialize(node_obj);
- Stdio::Initialize(node_obj);
- Timer::Initialize(node_obj);
- SignalHandler::Initialize(node_obj);
- ChildProcess::Initialize(node_obj);
- DefineConstants(node_obj);
+ // Initialize the C++ modules..................filename of module
+ Promise::Initialize(node_obj); // events.cc
+ Stdio::Initialize(node_obj); // stdio.cc
+ Timer::Initialize(node_obj); // timer.cc
+ SignalHandler::Initialize(node_obj); // signal_handler.cc
+ ChildProcess::Initialize(node_obj); // child_process.cc
+ DefineConstants(node_obj); // constants.cc
+ // Create node.dns
Local<Object> dns = Object::New();
node_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("dns"), dns);
- DNS::Initialize(dns);
+ DNS::Initialize(dns); // dns.cc
Local<Object> fs = Object::New();
node_obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("fs"), fs);
- File::Initialize(fs);
+ File::Initialize(fs); // file.cc
+ // Create node.tcp. Note this separate from lib/tcp.js which is the public
+ // frontend.
Local<Object> tcp = Object::New();
node_obj->Set(String::New("tcp"), tcp);
- Server::Initialize(tcp);
- Connection::Initialize(tcp);
+ Server::Initialize(tcp); // tcp.cc
+ Connection::Initialize(tcp); // tcp.cc
+ // Create node.http. Note this separate from lib/http.js which is the
+ // public frontend.
Local<Object> http = Object::New();
node_obj->Set(String::New("http"), http);
- HTTPServer::Initialize(http);
- HTTPConnection::Initialize(http);
+ HTTPServer::Initialize(http); // http.cc
+ HTTPConnection::Initialize(http); // http.cc
+ // Compile, execute the src/*.js files. (Which were included a static C
+ // strings in node_natives.h)
ExecuteNativeJS("util.js", native_util);
ExecuteNativeJS("events.js", native_events);
ExecuteNativeJS("file.js", native_file);
+ // In node.js we actually load the file specified in ARGV[1]
+ // so your next reading stop should be node.js!
ExecuteNativeJS("node.js", native_node);
return scope.Close(node_obj);
-static void CallExitHandler() {
+static void EmitExitEvent() {
HandleScope scope;
+ // Get reference to 'process' object.
Local<Object> process = Context::GetCurrent()->Global();
+ // Get the 'emit' function from it.
Local<Value> emit_v = process->Get(String::NewSymbol("emit"));
if (!emit_v->IsFunction()) {
- exit(10); // could not emit exit event so exit with error code 10.
+ // could not emit exit event so exit
+ exit(10);
+ // Cast
Local<Function> emit = Local<Function>::Cast(emit_v);
TryCatch try_catch;
+ // Arguments for the emit('exit')
Local<Value> argv[2] = { String::New("exit"), Integer::New(0) };
+ // Emit!
emit->Call(process, 2, argv);
if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {
" or with 'man node'\n");
+// Parse node command line arguments.
static void ParseArgs(int *argc, char **argv) {
// TODO use parse opts
for (int i = 1; i < *argc; i++) {
} // namespace node
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ // Parse a few arguments which are specific to Node.
node::ParseArgs(&argc, argv);
+ // Parse the rest of the args (up to the 'dash_dash_index' (where '--' was
+ // in the command line))
V8::SetFlagsFromCommandLine(&node::dash_dash_index, argv, false);
+ // Error out if we don't have a script argument.
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "No script was specified.\n");
+ node::PrintHelp();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Ignore the SIGPIPE
- ev_default_loop(EVFLAG_AUTO); // initialize the default ev loop.
- // start eio thread pool
+ // Initialize the default ev loop.
+ ev_default_loop(EVFLAG_AUTO);
+ // Start the EIO thread pool:
+ // 1. Initialize the ev_async watcher which allows for notification from
+ // the thread pool (in node::EIOWantPoll) to poll for updates (in
+ // node::EIOCallback).
ev_async_init(&node::eio_watcher, node::EIOCallback);
+ // 2. Actaully start the thread pool.
eio_init(node::EIOWantPoll, NULL);
+ // 3. Start watcher.
ev_async_start(EV_DEFAULT_UC_ &node::eio_watcher);
+ // 4. Remove a reference to the async watcher. This means we'll drop out
+ // of the ev_loop even though eio_watcher is active.
- V8::SetFatalErrorHandler(node::OnFatalError);
- if (argc < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "No script was specified.\n");
- node::PrintHelp();
- return 1;
- }
HandleScope handle_scope;
+ V8::SetFatalErrorHandler(node::OnFatalError);
#define AUTO_BREAK_FLAG "--debugger_auto_break"
+ // If the --debug flag was specified then initialize the debug thread.
if (node::use_debug_agent) {
+ // First apply --debugger_auto_break setting to V8. This is so we can
+ // enter V8 by just executing any bit of javascript
V8::SetFlagsFromString(AUTO_BREAK_FLAG, sizeof(AUTO_BREAK_FLAG));
+ // Initialize the async watcher for receiving messages from the debug
+ // thread and marshal it into the main thread. DebugMessageCallback()
+ // is called from the main thread to execute a random bit of javascript
+ // - which will give V8 control so it can handle whatever new message
+ // had been received on the debug thread.
ev_async_init(&node::debug_watcher, node::DebugMessageCallback);
+ // Set the callback DebugMessageDispatch which is called from the debug
+ // thread.
+ // Start the async watcher.
ev_async_start(EV_DEFAULT_UC_ &node::debug_watcher);
+ // unref it so that we exit the event loop despite it being active.
+ // Start the debug thread and it's associated TCP server on port 5858.
bool r = Debug::EnableAgent("node " NODE_VERSION, 5858);
+ // Crappy check that everything went well. FIXME
+ // Print out some information. REMOVEME
printf("debugger listening on port 5858\n"
"Use 'd8 --remote_debugger' to access it.\n");
+ // Create the global 'process' object's FunctionTemplate.
Local<FunctionTemplate> process_template = FunctionTemplate::New();
- // The global object / "process" is an instance of EventEmitter. For
- // strange reasons we must initialize EventEmitter now! it will be assign
- // to it's namespace node.EventEmitter in Load() bellow.
+ // The global object (process) is an instance of EventEmitter. For some
+ // strange and forgotten reasons we must initialize EventEmitter now
+ // before creating the Context. EventEmitter will be assigned to it's
+ // namespace node.EventEmitter in Load() bellow.
+ // Create the one and only Context.
Persistent<Context> context = Context::New(NULL,
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
+ // Actually assign the global object to it's place as 'process'
context->Global()->Set(String::NewSymbol("process"), context->Global());
+ // Create all the objects, load modules, do everything.
+ // so your next reading stop should be node::Load()!
Local<Object> node_obj = node::Load(argc, argv);
+ // All our arguments are loaded. We've evaluated all of the scripts. We
+ // might even have created TCP servers. Now we enter the main event loop.
+ // If there are no watchers on the loop (except for the ones that were
+ // ev_unref'd) then this function exits. As long as there are active
+ // watchers, it blocks.
ev_loop(EV_DEFAULT_UC_ 0); // main event loop
- node::CallExitHandler();
+ // Once we've dropped out, emit the 'exit' event from 'process'
+ node::EmitExitEvent();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ printf("clean up\n");
+ // Clean up.
+#endif // NDEBUG
return 0;