compactPtrGroup(compactPtr(ClassId, Sci->CurrentRegion));
ReleaseRecorder Recorder(Base);
- PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, RegionSize, NumberOfRegions,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize);
+ PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, RegionSize, NumberOfRegions);
auto DecompactPtr = [](CompactPtrT CompactPtr) {
return reinterpret_cast<uptr>(CompactPtr);
const uptr GroupSize = (1U << GroupSizeLog);
const uptr AllocatedUserEnd = Region->AllocatedUser + Region->RegionBeg;
+ ReleaseRecorder Recorder(Region->RegionBeg, &Region->Data);
+ PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, Region->AllocatedUser,
+ /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U);
const uptr CompactPtrBase = getCompactPtrBaseByClassId(ClassId);
auto DecompactPtr = [CompactPtrBase](CompactPtrT CompactPtr) {
return decompactPtrInternal(CompactPtrBase, CompactPtr);
- // Instead of always preparing PageMap for the entire region, we only do it
- // for the range of releasing groups. To do that, the free-block marking
- // process includes visiting BlockGroups twice.
- // The first visit is to determine the range of BatchGroups we are going to
- // release. And we will extract those BatchGroups out and push into
- // `GroupToRelease`.
- SinglyLinkedList<BatchGroup> GroupToRelease;
- GroupToRelease.clear();
- BatchGroup *Prev = nullptr;
- // This is only used for debugging to ensure the consistency of the number
- // of groups.
- uptr NumberOfBatchGroups = Region->FreeList.size();
- for (BatchGroup *BG = Region->FreeList.front(); BG != nullptr;) {
+ for (BatchGroup &BG : Region->FreeList) {
const uptr PushedBytesDelta =
- BG->PushedBlocks - BG->PushedBlocksAtLastCheckpoint;
- if (PushedBytesDelta * BlockSize < PageSize) {
- Prev = BG;
- BG = BG->Next;
+ BG.PushedBlocks - BG.PushedBlocksAtLastCheckpoint;
+ if (PushedBytesDelta * BlockSize < PageSize)
- }
// Group boundary does not necessarily have the same alignment as Region.
// It may sit across a Region boundary. Which means that we may have the
// 1. Group boundary sits before RegionBeg.
- // (BatchGroupBase)
+ // (BatchGroupBeg)
// batchGroupBase RegionBeg BatchGroupEnd
// | | |
// v v v
// 2. Group boundary sits after RegionBeg.
- // (BatchGroupBase)
+ // (BatchGroupBeg)
// RegionBeg batchGroupBase BatchGroupEnd
// | | |
// v v v
// Note that in the first case, the group range before RegionBeg is never
// used. Therefore, while calculating the used group size, we should
// exclude that part to get the correct size.
- const uptr BatchGroupBase =
- Max(batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, BG->GroupId), Region->RegionBeg);
- DCHECK_GE(AllocatedUserEnd, BatchGroupBase);
+ const uptr BatchGroupBeg =
+ Max(batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, BG.GroupId), Region->RegionBeg);
+ DCHECK_GE(AllocatedUserEnd, BatchGroupBeg);
const uptr BatchGroupEnd =
- batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, BG->GroupId) + GroupSize;
+ batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, BG.GroupId) + GroupSize;
const uptr AllocatedGroupSize = AllocatedUserEnd >= BatchGroupEnd
- ? BatchGroupEnd - BatchGroupBase
- : AllocatedUserEnd - BatchGroupBase;
- if (AllocatedGroupSize == 0) {
- Prev = BG;
- BG = BG->Next;
+ ? BatchGroupEnd - BatchGroupBeg
+ : AllocatedUserEnd - BatchGroupBeg;
+ if (AllocatedGroupSize == 0)
- }
// TransferBatches are pushed in front of BG.Batches. The first one may
// not have all caches used.
- const uptr NumBlocks = (BG->Batches.size() - 1) * BG->MaxCachedPerBatch +
- BG->Batches.front()->getCount();
+ const uptr NumBlocks = (BG.Batches.size() - 1) * BG.MaxCachedPerBatch +
+ BG.Batches.front()->getCount();
const uptr BytesInBG = NumBlocks * BlockSize;
// Given the randomness property, we try to release the pages only if the
// bytes used by free blocks exceed certain proportion of group size. Note
// are allocated.
if (CheckDensity && (BytesInBG * 100U) / AllocatedGroupSize <
(100U - 1U - BlockSize / 16U)) {
- Prev = BG;
- BG = BG->Next;
- // If `BG` is the first BatchGroup in the list, we only need to advance
- // `BG` and call FreeList::pop_front(). No update is needed for `Prev`.
- //
- // (BG) (BG->Next)
- // Prev Cur BG
- // | | |
- // v v v
- // nil +--+ +--+
- // |X | -> | | -> ...
- // +--+ +--+
- //
- // Otherwise, `Prev` will be used to extract the `Cur` from the
- // `FreeList`.
- //
- // (BG) (BG->Next)
- // Prev Cur BG
- // | | |
- // v v v
- // +--+ +--+ +--+
- // | | -> |X | -> | | -> ...
- // +--+ +--+ +--+
- //
- // After FreeList::extract(),
- //
- // Prev Cur BG
- // | | |
- // v v v
- // +--+ +--+ +--+
- // | |-+ |X | +->| | -> ...
- // +--+ | +--+ | +--+
- // +--------+
- //
- // Note that we need to advance before pushing this BatchGroup to
- // GroupToRelease because it's a destructive operation.
- BatchGroup *Cur = BG;
- BG = BG->Next;
- if (Prev != nullptr)
- Region->FreeList.extract(Prev, Cur);
- else
- Region->FreeList.pop_front();
- GroupToRelease.push_back(Cur);
- }
- if (GroupToRelease.empty())
- return 0;
- const uptr ReleaseBase =
- Max(batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, GroupToRelease.front()->GroupId),
- Region->RegionBeg);
- const uptr LastGroupEnd =
- Min(batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, GroupToRelease.back()->GroupId) +
- GroupSize,
- AllocatedUserEnd);
- // The last block may straddle the group boundary. Rounding up to BlockSize
- // to get the exact range.
- const uptr ReleaseEnd =
- roundUpSlow(LastGroupEnd - Region->RegionBeg, BlockSize) +
- Region->RegionBeg;
- const uptr ReleaseRangeSize = ReleaseEnd - ReleaseBase;
- ReleaseRecorder Recorder(ReleaseBase, &Region->Data);
- PageReleaseContext Context(
- BlockSize, Region->AllocatedUser, /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- ReleaseRangeSize, /*ReleaseOffset=*/ReleaseBase - Region->RegionBeg);
- for (BatchGroup &BG : GroupToRelease) {
BG.PushedBlocksAtLastCheckpoint = BG.PushedBlocks;
- // TODO(chiahungduan): Replace GroupId with BatchGroupBase to simplify the
- // calculation here and above (where we determine the set of groups to
- // release).
- const uptr BatchGroupBase =
- Max(batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, BG.GroupId), Region->RegionBeg);
- const uptr BatchGroupEnd =
- batchGroupBase(CompactPtrBase, BG.GroupId) + GroupSize;
- const uptr AllocatedGroupSize = AllocatedUserEnd >= BatchGroupEnd
- ? BatchGroupEnd - BatchGroupBase
- : AllocatedUserEnd - BatchGroupBase;
- const uptr BatchGroupUsedEnd = BatchGroupBase + AllocatedGroupSize;
+ const uptr BatchGroupUsedEnd = BatchGroupBeg + AllocatedGroupSize;
const bool BlockAlignedWithUsedEnd =
(BatchGroupUsedEnd - Region->RegionBeg) % BlockSize == 0;
if (!BlockAlignedWithUsedEnd)
- const uptr NumBlocks = (BG.Batches.size() - 1) * BG.MaxCachedPerBatch +
- BG.Batches.front()->getCount();
if (NumBlocks == MaxContainedBlocks) {
for (const auto &It : BG.Batches)
for (u16 I = 0; I < It.getCount(); ++I)
DCHECK_EQ(compactPtrGroup(It.get(I)), BG.GroupId);
- Context.markRangeAsAllCounted(BatchGroupBase, BatchGroupUsedEnd,
+ Context.markRangeAsAllCounted(BatchGroupBeg, BatchGroupUsedEnd,
} else {
DCHECK_LT(NumBlocks, MaxContainedBlocks);
- DCHECK(Context.hasBlockMarked());
+ if (!Context.hasBlockMarked())
+ return 0;
auto SkipRegion = [](UNUSED uptr RegionIndex) { return false; };
releaseFreeMemoryToOS(Context, Recorder, SkipRegion);
Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleasedBytes = Recorder.getReleasedBytes();
Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs = getMonotonicTime();
- // Merge GroupToRelease back to the Region::FreeList. Note that both
- // `Region->FreeList` and `GroupToRelease` are sorted.
- for (BatchGroup *BG = Region->FreeList.front();; BG = BG->Next) {
- if (BG == nullptr || GroupToRelease.empty()) {
- if (!GroupToRelease.empty())
- Region->FreeList.append_back(&GroupToRelease);
- break;
- }
- DCHECK_NE(BG->GroupId, GroupToRelease.front()->GroupId);
- if (BG->GroupId < GroupToRelease.front()->GroupId)
- continue;
- BatchGroup *Cur = GroupToRelease.front();
- GroupToRelease.pop_front();
- Region->FreeList.insert(BG, Cur);
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(Region->FreeList.size(), NumberOfBatchGroups);
- (void)NumberOfBatchGroups;
return Recorder.getReleasedBytes();
struct PageReleaseContext {
- PageReleaseContext(uptr BlockSize, uptr RegionSize, uptr NumberOfRegions,
- uptr ReleaseSize, uptr ReleaseOffset = 0)
- : BlockSize(BlockSize), RegionSize(RegionSize),
- NumberOfRegions(NumberOfRegions) {
+ PageReleaseContext(uptr BlockSize, uptr RegionSize, uptr NumberOfRegions) :
+ BlockSize(BlockSize),
+ RegionSize(RegionSize),
+ NumberOfRegions(NumberOfRegions) {
PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
if (BlockSize <= PageSize) {
if (PageSize % BlockSize == 0) {
- // TODO: For multiple regions, it's more complicated to support partial
- // region marking (which includes the complexity of how to handle the last
- // block in a region). We may consider this after markFreeBlocks() accepts
- // only free blocks from the same region.
- if (NumberOfRegions != 1) {
- DCHECK_EQ(ReleaseSize, RegionSize);
- DCHECK_EQ(ReleaseOffset, 0U);
- }
- PagesCount = roundUp(ReleaseSize, PageSize) / PageSize;
+ PagesCount = roundUp(RegionSize, PageSize) / PageSize;
PageSizeLog = getLog2(PageSize);
- RoundedRegionSize = roundUp(RegionSize, PageSize);
+ RoundedRegionSize = PagesCount << PageSizeLog;
RoundedSize = NumberOfRegions * RoundedRegionSize;
- ReleasePageOffset = ReleaseOffset >> PageSizeLog;
// PageMap is lazily allocated when markFreeBlocks() is invoked.
uptr NumBlocksInFirstPage =
(FromInRegion + PageSize - FirstBlockInRange + BlockSize - 1) /
- PageMap.incN(RegionIndex, getPageIndex(FromInRegion),
+ PageMap.incN(RegionIndex, FromInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
FromInRegion = roundUp(FromInRegion + 1, PageSize);
// The last block is not aligned to `To`, we need to increment the
// counter of `next page` by 1.
if (LastBlockInRange + BlockSize != ToInRegion) {
- PageMap.incRange(RegionIndex, getPageIndex(ToInRegion),
- getPageIndex(LastBlockInRange + BlockSize - 1));
+ PageMap.incRange(RegionIndex, ToInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
+ (LastBlockInRange + BlockSize - 1) >> PageSizeLog);
} else {
ToInRegion = RegionSize;
// After handling the first page and the last block, it's safe to mark any
// page in between the range [From, To).
if (FromInRegion < ToInRegion) {
- PageMap.setAsAllCountedRange(RegionIndex, getPageIndex(FromInRegion),
- getPageIndex(ToInRegion - 1));
+ PageMap.setAsAllCountedRange(RegionIndex, FromInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
+ (ToInRegion - 1) >> PageSizeLog);
DecompactPtrT DecompactPtr, uptr Base) {
- const uptr LastBlockInRegion = ((RegionSize / BlockSize) - 1U) * BlockSize;
- // The last block in a region may not use the entire page, so if it's free,
- // we mark the following "pretend" memory block(s) as free.
- auto markLastBlock = [this, LastBlockInRegion](const uptr RegionIndex) {
- uptr PInRegion = LastBlockInRegion + BlockSize;
- while (PInRegion < RoundedRegionSize) {
- PageMap.incRange(RegionIndex, getPageIndex(PInRegion),
- getPageIndex(PInRegion + BlockSize - 1));
- PInRegion += BlockSize;
- }
- };
// Iterate over free chunks and count how many free chunks affect each
// allocated page.
if (BlockSize <= PageSize && PageSize % BlockSize == 0) {
const uptr RegionIndex = NumberOfRegions == 1U ? 0 : P / RegionSize;
const uptr PInRegion = P - RegionIndex * RegionSize;
-, getPageIndex(PInRegion));
- if (PInRegion == LastBlockInRegion)
- markLastBlock(RegionIndex);
+, PInRegion >> PageSizeLog);
} else {
// In all other cases chunks might affect more than one page.
DCHECK_GE(RegionSize, BlockSize);
+ const uptr LastBlockInRegion =
+ ((RegionSize / BlockSize) - 1U) * BlockSize;
for (const auto &It : FreeList) {
for (u16 I = 0; I < It.getCount(); I++) {
const uptr P = DecompactPtr(It.get(I)) - Base;
const uptr RegionIndex = NumberOfRegions == 1U ? 0 : P / RegionSize;
uptr PInRegion = P - RegionIndex * RegionSize;
- PageMap.incRange(RegionIndex, getPageIndex(PInRegion),
- getPageIndex(PInRegion + BlockSize - 1));
- if (PInRegion == LastBlockInRegion)
- markLastBlock(RegionIndex);
+ PageMap.incRange(RegionIndex, PInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
+ (PInRegion + BlockSize - 1) >> PageSizeLog);
+ // The last block in a region might straddle a page, so if it's
+ // free, we mark the following "pretend" memory block(s) as free.
+ if (PInRegion == LastBlockInRegion) {
+ PInRegion += BlockSize;
+ while (PInRegion < RoundedRegionSize) {
+ PageMap.incRange(RegionIndex, PInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
+ (PInRegion + BlockSize - 1) >> PageSizeLog);
+ PInRegion += BlockSize;
+ }
+ }
- uptr getPageIndex(uptr P) { return (P >> PageSizeLog) - ReleasePageOffset; }
uptr BlockSize;
uptr RegionSize;
uptr NumberOfRegions;
- // For partial region marking, some pages in front are not needed to be
- // counted.
- uptr ReleasePageOffset;
uptr PageSize;
uptr PagesCount;
uptr PageSizeLog;
const uptr BlockSize = Context.BlockSize;
const uptr PagesCount = Context.PagesCount;
const uptr NumberOfRegions = Context.NumberOfRegions;
- const uptr ReleasePageOffset = Context.ReleasePageOffset;
const uptr FullPagesBlockCountMax = Context.FullPagesBlockCountMax;
const bool SameBlockCountPerPage = Context.SameBlockCountPerPage;
RegionPageMap &PageMap = Context.PageMap;
uptr PrevPageBoundary = 0;
uptr CurrentBoundary = 0;
- if (ReleasePageOffset > 0) {
- PrevPageBoundary = ReleasePageOffset * PageSize;
- CurrentBoundary = roundUpSlow(PrevPageBoundary, BlockSize);
- }
for (uptr J = 0; J < PagesCount; J++) {
const uptr PageBoundary = PrevPageBoundary + PageSize;
uptr BlocksPerPage = Pn;
uptr RegionSize, uptr NumberOfRegions, uptr BlockSize,
ReleaseRecorderT &Recorder, DecompactPtrT DecompactPtr,
SkipRegionT SkipRegion) {
- PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize, RegionSize,
- NumberOfRegions);
+ PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, RegionSize, NumberOfRegions);
Context.markFreeBlocks(FreeList, DecompactPtr, Recorder.getBase());
releaseFreeMemoryToOS(Context, Recorder, SkipRegion);
class ReleasedPagesRecorder {
- ReleasedPagesRecorder() = default;
- explicit ReleasedPagesRecorder(scudo::uptr Base) : Base(Base) {}
std::set<scudo::uptr> ReportedPages;
void releasePageRangeToOS(scudo::uptr From, scudo::uptr To) {
const scudo::uptr PageSize = scudo::getPageSizeCached();
for (scudo::uptr I = From; I < To; I += PageSize)
- ReportedPages.insert(I + getBase());
+ ReportedPages.insert(I);
- scudo::uptr getBase() const { return Base; }
- scudo::uptr Base = 0;
+ scudo::uptr getBase() const { return 0; }
// Simplified version of a TransferBatch.
ReleasedPagesRecorder Recorder;
scudo::PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize,
/*RegionSize=*/MaxBlocks * BlockSize,
- /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/MaxBlocks * BlockSize);
+ /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U);
Context.markFreeBlocks(FreeList, DecompactPtr, Recorder.getBase());
const scudo::uptr GroupEnd = GroupBeg + GroupSize;
scudo::PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, RegionSize,
- /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize);
- Context.markRangeAsAllCounted(GroupBeg, GroupEnd, /*Base=*/0U);
+ /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U);
+ Context.markRangeAsAllCounted(GroupBeg, GroupEnd, /*Base=*/0);
scudo::uptr FirstBlock =
((GroupBeg + BlockSize - 1) / BlockSize) * BlockSize;
// Release the entire region. This is to ensure the last page is counted.
scudo::PageReleaseContext Context(BlockSize, RegionSize,
- /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize);
+ /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U);
Context.markRangeAsAllCounted(/*From=*/0U, /*To=*/RegionSize, /*Base=*/0);
for (scudo::uptr Page = 0; Page < RoundedRegionSize / PageSize; ++Page)
EXPECT_TRUE(Context.PageMap.isAllCounted(/*Region=*/0, Page));
} // Iterate each size class
-template <class SizeClassMap> void testReleasePartialRegion() {
- typedef FreeBatch<SizeClassMap> Batch;
- const scudo::uptr PageSize = scudo::getPageSizeCached();
- const scudo::uptr ReleaseBase = PageSize;
- const scudo::uptr BasePageOffset = ReleaseBase / PageSize;
- for (scudo::uptr I = 1; I <= SizeClassMap::LargestClassId; I++) {
- // In the following, we want to ensure the region includes at least 2 pages
- // and we will release all the pages except the first one. The handling of
- // the last block is tricky, so we always test the case that includes the
- // last block.
- const scudo::uptr BlockSize = SizeClassMap::getSizeByClassId(I);
- const scudo::uptr RegionSize =
- scudo::roundUpSlow(scudo::roundUp(BlockSize, PageSize) * 2, BlockSize) +
- BlockSize;
- const scudo::uptr RoundedRegionSize = scudo::roundUp(RegionSize, PageSize);
- scudo::SinglyLinkedList<Batch> FreeList;
- FreeList.clear();
- // Skip the blocks in the first page and add the remaining.
- std::vector<scudo::uptr> Pages(RoundedRegionSize / PageSize, 0);
- for (scudo::uptr Block = scudo::roundUpSlow(PageSize, BlockSize);
- Block + BlockSize <= RoundedRegionSize; Block += BlockSize) {
- for (scudo::uptr Page = Block / PageSize;
- Page <= (Block + BlockSize - 1) / PageSize; ++Page) {
- ASSERT_LT(Page, Pages.size());
- ++Pages[Page];
- }
- }
- // This follows the logic how we count the last page. It should be
- // consistent with how markFreeBlocks() handles the last block.
- if (RoundedRegionSize % BlockSize != 0)
- ++Pages.back();
- Batch *CurrentBatch = nullptr;
- for (scudo::uptr Block = scudo::roundUpSlow(PageSize, BlockSize);
- Block < RegionSize; Block += BlockSize) {
- if (CurrentBatch == nullptr ||
- CurrentBatch->getCount() == Batch::MaxCount) {
- CurrentBatch = new Batch;
- CurrentBatch->clear();
- FreeList.push_back(CurrentBatch);
- }
- CurrentBatch->add(Block);
- }
- auto VerifyReleaseToOs = [&](scudo::PageReleaseContext &Context) {
- auto SkipRegion = [](UNUSED scudo::uptr RegionIndex) { return false; };
- ReleasedPagesRecorder Recorder(ReleaseBase);
- releaseFreeMemoryToOS(Context, Recorder, SkipRegion);
- const scudo::uptr FirstBlock = scudo::roundUpSlow(PageSize, BlockSize);
- for (scudo::uptr P = 0; P < RoundedRegionSize; P += PageSize) {
- if (P < FirstBlock) {
- // If FirstBlock is not aligned with page boundary, the first touched
- // page will not be released either.
- EXPECT_TRUE(Recorder.ReportedPages.find(P) ==
- Recorder.ReportedPages.end());
- } else {
- EXPECT_TRUE(Recorder.ReportedPages.find(P) !=
- Recorder.ReportedPages.end());
- }
- }
- };
- // Test marking by visiting each block.
- {
- auto DecompactPtr = [](scudo::uptr P) { return P; };
- scudo::PageReleaseContext Context(
- BlockSize, RegionSize, /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize - PageSize, ReleaseBase);
- Context.markFreeBlocks(FreeList, DecompactPtr, /*Base=*/0U);
- for (const Batch &It : FreeList) {
- for (scudo::u16 I = 0; I < It.getCount(); I++) {
- scudo::uptr Block = It.get(I);
- for (scudo::uptr Page = Block / PageSize;
- Page <= (Block + BlockSize - 1) / PageSize; ++Page) {
- EXPECT_EQ(Pages[Page], Context.PageMap.get(/*Region=*/0U,
- Page - BasePageOffset));
- }
- }
- }
- VerifyReleaseToOs(Context);
- }
- // Test range marking.
- {
- scudo::PageReleaseContext Context(
- BlockSize, RegionSize, /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize - PageSize, ReleaseBase);
- Context.markRangeAsAllCounted(ReleaseBase, RegionSize, /*Base=*/0U);
- for (scudo::uptr Page = ReleaseBase / PageSize;
- Page < RoundedRegionSize / PageSize; ++Page) {
- if (Context.PageMap.get(/*Region=*/0, Page - BasePageOffset) !=
- Pages[Page]) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(Context.PageMap.isAllCounted(/*Region=*/0,
- Page - BasePageOffset));
- }
- }
- VerifyReleaseToOs(Context);
- }
- // Check the buffer size of PageMap.
- {
- scudo::PageReleaseContext Full(BlockSize, RegionSize,
- /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize);
- Full.ensurePageMapAllocated();
- scudo::PageReleaseContext Partial(
- BlockSize, RegionSize, /*NumberOfRegions=*/1U,
- /*ReleaseSize=*/RegionSize - PageSize, ReleaseBase);
- Partial.ensurePageMapAllocated();
- EXPECT_GE(Full.PageMap.getBufferSize(), Partial.PageMap.getBufferSize());
- }
- while (!FreeList.empty()) {
- CurrentBatch = FreeList.front();
- FreeList.pop_front();
- delete CurrentBatch;
- }
- } // Iterate each size class
TEST(ScudoReleaseTest, ReleaseFreeMemoryToOSDefault) {
-TEST(ScudoReleaseTest, ReleasePartialRegion) {
- testReleasePartialRegion<scudo::DefaultSizeClassMap>();
- testReleasePartialRegion<scudo::AndroidSizeClassMap>();
- testReleasePartialRegion<scudo::FuchsiaSizeClassMap>();
- testReleasePartialRegion<scudo::SvelteSizeClassMap>();