#include "ResourceContainerImpl.h"
- #include <jni.h>
- #include "org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator.h"
- #include "JavaBundleResource.h"
- #include "ResourceContainerImpl.h"
- using namespace OIC::Service;
- std::map< string, JavaBundleResource* > java_resources;
- /*
- * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
- * Method: registerJavaResource
- * Signature: (Lorg/iotivity/resourcecontainer/bundle/api/BundleResource;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
- */
- JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator_registerJavaResource
- (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource, jobjectArray attributes, jstring bundleId, jstring uri, jstring resourceType, jstring res_name)
- {
- //return;
- //static std::map<jobject, JavaBundleResource > javaBundles;
- const char *str_bundleId = env->GetStringUTFChars(bundleId, 0);
- const char *str_uri = env->GetStringUTFChars(uri, 0);
- const char *str_resourceType = env->GetStringUTFChars(resourceType, 0);
- const char *str_res_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(res_name, 0);
- JavaBundleResource *javaBundleResource = new JavaBundleResource(env, obj, bundleResource, str_bundleId, attributes);
- ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
- javaBundleResource->m_uri = string(str_uri, strlen(str_uri));
- javaBundleResource->m_resourceType = string(str_resourceType, strlen(str_resourceType));
- javaBundleResource->m_name = string(str_res_name, strlen(str_res_name));
- container->registerResource(javaBundleResource);
- java_resources[str_uri] = javaBundleResource;
- }
- /*
- * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
- * Method: unregisterJavaResource
- * Signature: (Lorg/iotivity/resourcecontainer/bundle/api/BundleResource;)V
- */
- JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator_unregisterJavaResource
- (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource, jstring uri)
- {
- const char *str_uri = env->GetStringUTFChars(uri, 0);
- if(java_resources[str_uri] != NULL)
- {
- ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
- container->unregisterResource(java_resources[str_uri]);
- java_resources.erase(str_uri);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
- * Method: getNumberOfConfiguredResources
- * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)I
- */
- JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator_getNumberOfConfiguredResources(
- JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring bundleId)
- {
- const char *str_bundleId = env->GetStringUTFChars(bundleId, 0);
- ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
- vector< resourceInfo > resourceConfig;
- container->getResourceConfiguration(str_bundleId, &resourceConfig);
- return resourceConfig.size();
- }
+#include <jni.h>
+#include "org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator.h"
+#include "JavaBundleResource.h"
+#include "ResourceContainerImpl.h"
- /*
- * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
- * Method: getConfiguredResourceParams
- * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;I)[Ljava/lang/String;
- */
- JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator_getConfiguredResourceParams(
- JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring bundleId, jint resourceId)
+using namespace OIC::Service;
+std::map< string, JavaBundleResource * > java_resources;
+ * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
+ * Method: registerJavaResource
+ * Signature: (Lorg/iotivity/resourcecontainer/bundle/api/BundleResource;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ */
+(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource, jobjectArray attributes, jstring bundleId,
+ jstring uri, jstring resourceType, jstring res_name)
+ const char *str_bundleId = env->GetStringUTFChars(bundleId, 0);
+ const char *str_uri = env->GetStringUTFChars(uri, 0);
+ const char *str_resourceType = env->GetStringUTFChars(resourceType, 0);
+ const char *str_res_name = env->GetStringUTFChars(res_name, 0);
+ JavaBundleResource *javaBundleResource = new JavaBundleResource(env, obj, bundleResource,
+ str_bundleId, attributes);
+ ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
+ javaBundleResource->m_uri = string(str_uri, strlen(str_uri));
+ javaBundleResource->m_resourceType = string(str_resourceType, strlen(str_resourceType));
+ javaBundleResource->m_name = string(str_res_name, strlen(str_res_name));
+ container->registerResource(javaBundleResource);
+ java_resources[str_uri] = javaBundleResource;
+ * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
+ * Method: unregisterJavaResource
+ * Signature: (Lorg/iotivity/resourcecontainer/bundle/api/BundleResource;)V
+ */
+(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource, jstring uri)
+ (void)obj;
+ (void)bundleResource;
+ const char *str_uri = env->GetStringUTFChars(uri, 0);
+ if (java_resources[str_uri] != NULL)
- jobjectArray ret;
- const char *str_bundleId = env->GetStringUTFChars(bundleId, 0);
ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
- vector< resourceInfo > resourceConfig;
- container->getResourceConfiguration(str_bundleId, &resourceConfig);
- resourceInfo conf = resourceConfig[resourceId];
- ret = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray(4, env->FindClass("java/lang/String"),
- env->NewStringUTF(""));
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 0, env->NewStringUTF(conf.name.c_str()));
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 1, env->NewStringUTF(conf.uri.c_str()));
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 2, env->NewStringUTF(conf.resourceType.c_str()));
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 3, env->NewStringUTF(conf.address.c_str()));
- return ret;
+ container->unregisterResource(java_resources[str_uri]);
+ java_resources.erase(str_uri);
+ * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
+ * Method: getNumberOfConfiguredResources
+ * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)I
+ */
+ JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring bundleId)
+ (void)obj;
+ const char *str_bundleId = env->GetStringUTFChars(bundleId, 0);
+ ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
+ vector< resourceInfo > resourceConfig;
+ container->getResourceConfiguration(str_bundleId, &resourceConfig);
+ return resourceConfig.size();
+ * Class: org_iotivity_resourcecontainer_bundle_api_BaseActivator
+ * Method: getConfiguredResourceParams
+ * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;I)[Ljava/lang/String;
+ */
+ JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring bundleId, jint resourceId)
+ (void)obj;
+ jobjectArray ret;
+ const char *str_bundleId = env->GetStringUTFChars(bundleId, 0);
+ ResourceContainerImpl *container = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance();
+ vector< resourceInfo > resourceConfig;
+ container->getResourceConfiguration(str_bundleId, &resourceConfig);
+ resourceInfo conf = resourceConfig[resourceId];
+ ret = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray(4, env->FindClass("java/lang/String"),
+ env->NewStringUTF(""));
+ env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 0, env->NewStringUTF(conf.name.c_str()));
+ env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 1, env->NewStringUTF(conf.uri.c_str()));
+ env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 2, env->NewStringUTF(conf.resourceType.c_str()));
+ env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, 3, env->NewStringUTF(conf.address.c_str()));
+ return ret;
\ No newline at end of file
- #include "JavaBundleResource.h"
- #include <jni.h>
- #include <string.h>
+#include "JavaBundleResource.h"
- #include <iostream>
+#include <jni.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "InternalTypes.h"
- using namespace OIC::Service;
- using namespace std;
+using namespace OIC::Service;
+using namespace std;
- #include "oc_logger.hpp"
- using OC::oc_log_stream;
- using namespace OIC::Service;
- auto info_logger = []() -> boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> &
- {
- static OC::oc_log_stream ols(oc_make_ostream_logger);
- static boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> os(ols);
- os->set_level(OC_LOG_INFO);
- os->set_module("JavaBundleResource");
- return os;
- };
- auto error_logger = []() -> boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> &
- {
- static OC::oc_log_stream ols(oc_make_ostream_logger);
- static boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> os(ols);
- os->set_level(OC_LOG_ERROR);
- os->set_module("JavaBundleResource");
- return os;
- };
- JavaBundleResource::JavaBundleResource()
- {
- }
+void JavaBundleResource::initAttributes()
- void JavaBundleResource::initAttributes()
- {
- }
+JavaBundleResource::JavaBundleResource(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource,
+ string bundleId, jobjectArray attributes)
+ (void) obj;
+ int stringCount = env->GetArrayLength(attributes);
- JavaBundleResource::JavaBundleResource(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject bundleResource,
- string bundleId, jobjectArray attributes)
+ for (int i = 0; i < stringCount; i++)
- int stringCount = env->GetArrayLength(attributes);
- for (int i = 0; i < stringCount; i++)
- {
- jstring str = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(attributes, i);
- const char *rawString = env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0);
- string s(rawString, strlen(rawString));
- BundleResource::setAttribute(s, "");
- }
+ jstring str = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(attributes, i);
+ const char *rawString = env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0);
+ string s(rawString, strlen(rawString));
+ BundleResource::setAttribute(s, "");
+ }
- m_bundleId = bundleId;
+ m_bundleId = bundleId;
- this->bundleResource = env->NewGlobalRef(bundleResource);
+ this->bundleResource = env->NewGlobalRef(bundleResource);
- bundleResourceClass = env->GetObjectClass(bundleResource);
+ bundleResourceClass = env->GetObjectClass(bundleResource);
- attributeSetter = env->GetMethodID(bundleResourceClass, "setAttribute",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+ attributeSetter = env->GetMethodID(bundleResourceClass, "setAttribute",
+ "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
- attributeGetter = env->GetMethodID(bundleResourceClass, "getAttribute",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
+ attributeGetter = env->GetMethodID(bundleResourceClass, "getAttribute",
+ "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
- }
- JavaBundleResource::~JavaBundleResource()
- {
- }
- RCSResourceAttributes& JavaBundleResource::getAttributes(){
- return BundleResource::getAttributes();
- }
+RCSResourceAttributes &JavaBundleResource::getAttributes()
+ return BundleResource::getAttributes();
- RCSResourceAttributes::Value JavaBundleResource::getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName)
- {
- JavaVM* vm = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance()->getJavaVM(m_bundleId);
+RCSResourceAttributes::Value JavaBundleResource::getAttribute(const std::string &attributeName)
+ JavaVM *vm = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance()->getJavaVM(m_bundleId);
- JNIEnv * env;
- int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
+ JNIEnv *env;
+ int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
- if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
- {
- if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void**) &env, NULL) != 0)
- {
- error_logger() << "Failed to attach " << endl;
- }
- }
- else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
+ {
+ if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
- error_logger() << "Env: version not supported " << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "[JavaBundleResource::getAttribute] Failed to attach ");
+ }
+ else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "[JavaBundleResource::getAttribute] Env: version not supported");
+ }
- jstring attrName = env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
+ jstring attrName = env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
- jstring returnString = (jstring) env->CallObjectMethod(bundleResource, attributeGetter,
- attrName);
+ jstring returnString = (jstring) env->CallObjectMethod(bundleResource, attributeGetter,
+ attrName);
- const char *js = env->GetStringUTFChars(returnString, NULL);
- std::string val(js);
- RCSResourceAttributes::Value newVal = val;
- env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(returnString, js);
- BundleResource::setAttribute(attributeName, newVal.toString());
- return BundleResource::getAttribute(attributeName);
- }
+ const char *js = env->GetStringUTFChars(returnString, NULL);
+ std::string val(js);
+ RCSResourceAttributes::Value newVal = val;
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(returnString, js);
+ BundleResource::setAttribute(attributeName, newVal.toString());
+ return BundleResource::getAttribute(attributeName);
- void JavaBundleResource::setAttribute(std::string attributeName, RCSResourceAttributes::Value&& value)
- {
- JavaVM* vm = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance()->getJavaVM(m_bundleId);
+void JavaBundleResource::setAttribute(std::string attributeName,
+ RCSResourceAttributes::Value &&value)
+ JavaVM *vm = ResourceContainerImpl::getImplInstance()->getJavaVM(m_bundleId);
- JNIEnv * env;
- int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
+ JNIEnv *env;
+ int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
- if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
- {
- if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void**) &env, NULL) != 0)
- {
- error_logger() << "Failed to attach " << endl;
- }
- }
- else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
+ {
+ if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
- error_logger() << "Env: version not supported " << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "[JavaBundleResource::setAttribute] Failed to attach ");
+ }
+ else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "[JavaBundleResource::setAttribute] Env: version not supported ");
+ }
- jstring attrName = env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
- jstring val = env->NewStringUTF(value.toString().c_str());
+ jstring attrName = env->NewStringUTF(attributeName.c_str());
+ jstring val = env->NewStringUTF(value.toString().c_str());
- env->CallObjectMethod(bundleResource, attributeSetter, attrName, val);
- BundleResource::setAttribute(attributeName, std::move(value));
- }
+ env->CallObjectMethod(bundleResource, attributeSetter, attrName, val);
+ BundleResource::setAttribute(attributeName, std::move(value));
+#include "ResourceContainerImpl.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
+#include <algorithm>
-#include "ResourceContainerImpl.h"
#include "BundleActivator.h"
-#include "RCSResourceContainer.h"
-#include "BundleInfoInternal.h"
-#include "logger.h"
-#include "oc_logger.hpp"
#include "SoftSensorResource.h"
+#include "InternalTypes.h"
-using OC::oc_log_stream;
using namespace OIC::Service;
- const std::string INPUT_RESOURCE = std::string("input");
- const std::string INPUT_RESOURCE_URI = std::string("resourceUri");
- const std::string INPUT_RESOURCE_TYPE = std::string("resourceType");
- const std::string INPUT_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTENAME = std::string("name");
- const std::string OUTPUT_RESOURCE_URI = std::string("resourceUri");
-auto error_logger = []() -> boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> &
- static OC::oc_log_stream ols(oc_make_ostream_logger);
- static boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> os(ols);
- os->set_level(OC_LOG_ERROR);
- os->set_module("ResourceContainerImpl");
- return os;
-auto info_logger = []() -> boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> &
- static OC::oc_log_stream ols(oc_make_ostream_logger);
- static boost::iostreams::stream<OC::oc_log_stream> os(ols);
- os->set_level(OC_LOG_INFO);
- os->set_module("ResourceContainerImpl");
- return os;
using namespace std;
-using namespace OIC::Service;
namespace OIC
namespace Service
m_config = nullptr;
bool has_suffix(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
return str.size() >= suffix.size()
- && str.compare(str.size() - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
+ && str.compare(str.size() - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
void ResourceContainerImpl::startContainer(const std::string &configFile)
- info_logger() << "Starting resource container " << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Starting resource container.");
- info_logger() << "Resource container has Java support" << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource container has Java support.");
- info_logger() << "Resource container without Java support" << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Resource container without Java support.");
if (!configFile.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++)
RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo = RCSBundleInfo::build();
- bundleInfo->setPath(bundles[i]["path"]);
- bundleInfo->setVersion(bundles[i]["version"]);
- bundleInfo->setID(bundles[i]["id"]);
- if (!bundles[i]["activator"].empty())
+ bundleInfo->setPath(bundles[i][BUNDLE_PATH]);
+ bundleInfo->setVersion(bundles[i][BUNDLE_VERSION]);
+ bundleInfo->setID(bundles[i][BUNDLE_ID]);
+ if (!bundles[i][BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR].empty())
- string activatorName = bundles[i]["activator"];
+ string activatorName = bundles[i][BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR];
std::replace(activatorName.begin(), activatorName.end(), '.', '/');
((BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo)->setActivatorName(activatorName);
((BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo)->setLibraryPath(
- bundles[i]["libraryPath"]);
+ bundles[i][BUNDLE_LIBRARY_PATH]);
- info_logger() << "Init Bundle:" << bundles[i]["id"] << ";"
- << bundles[i]["path"] << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Init Bundle:" + bundles[i][BUNDLE_ID] + ";" +
+ bundles[i][BUNDLE_PATH]).c_str());
auto f = std::bind(&ResourceContainerImpl::activateBundleThread, this,
- bundleInfo);
+ bundleInfo);
boost::thread activator(f);
- error_logger() << "Container started with invalid configfile path" << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Container started with invalid configfile path.");
- info_logger() << "No configuration file for the container provided" << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "No configuration file for the container provided.");
vector< boost::thread >::iterator activatorIterator;
for (activatorIterator = m_activators.begin(); activatorIterator != m_activators.end();
- activatorIterator++)
+ activatorIterator++)
- boost::posix_time::seconds(BUNDLE_ACTIVATION_WAIT_SEC)); // wait for bundles to be activated
+ boost::posix_time::seconds(BUNDLE_ACTIVATION_WAIT_SEC)); // wait for bundles to be activated
void ResourceContainerImpl::stopContainer()
- info_logger() << "Stopping resource container.";
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Stopping resource container.");
for (std::map< std::string, BundleInfoInternal * >::iterator it = m_bundles.begin();
- it != m_bundles.end(); ++it)
+ it != m_bundles.end(); ++it)
BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfo = it->second;
void ResourceContainerImpl::activateBundle(const std::string &id)
- info_logger() << "Activating bundle: " << m_bundles[id]->getID() << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Activating bundle: " + m_bundles[id]->getID()).c_str());
if (m_bundles[id]->getJavaBundle())
- info_logger() << "Bundle activated: " << m_bundles[id]->getID() << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Bundle activated: " + m_bundles[id]->getID()).c_str());
void ResourceContainerImpl::deactivateBundle(const std::string &id)
if (m_bundles[id]->getJavaBundle())
// loads the bundle
void ResourceContainerImpl::registerBundle(RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo)
- info_logger() << "Registering bundle: " << bundleInfo->getPath() << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Registering bundle: " + bundleInfo->getPath()).c_str());
if (has_suffix(bundleInfo->getPath(), ".jar"))
void ResourceContainerImpl::unregisterBundleSo(const std::string &id)
void *bundleHandle = m_bundles[id]->getBundleHandle();
- info_logger() << "Unregister bundle: " << m_bundles[id]->getID() << ", "
- << m_bundles[id]->getID() << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Unregister bundle: " + m_bundles[id]->getID()).c_str());
const char *error;
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
- error_logger() << error << endl;
void ResourceContainerImpl::registerResource(BundleResource *resource)
string strUri = resource->m_uri;
string strResourceType = resource->m_resourceType;
RCSResourceObject::Ptr server = nullptr;
- info_logger() << "Registration of resource " << strUri << "," << strResourceType
- << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Registration of resource " + strUri + ", " +
+ strResourceType).c_str());
if (m_mapResources.find(strUri) == m_mapResources.end())
- std::bind(&ResourceContainerImpl::getRequestHandler, this,
- std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+ std::bind(&ResourceContainerImpl::getRequestHandler, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
- std::bind(&ResourceContainerImpl::setRequestHandler, this,
- std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+ std::bind(&ResourceContainerImpl::setRequestHandler, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
- info_logger() << "Registration finished " << strUri << "," << strResourceType
- << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Registration finished " + strUri + ", " +
+ strResourceType).c_str());
if (m_config->isHasInput(resource->m_bundleId))
- error_logger() << "resource with " << strUri << " already exists." << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("resource with " + strUri + " already exists.").c_str());
string strUri = resource->m_uri;
string strResourceType = resource->m_resourceType;
- info_logger() << "Unregistration of resource " << resource->m_uri << ","
- << resource->m_resourceType << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Unregistration of resource " + resource->m_uri + ", " +
+ resource->m_resourceType).c_str());
if (m_config->isHasInput(resource->m_bundleId))
RCSResourceAttributes attr;
if (m_mapServers.find(request.getResourceUri()) != m_mapServers.end()
- && m_mapResources.find(request.getResourceUri()) != m_mapResources.end())
+ && m_mapResources.find(request.getResourceUri()) != m_mapResources.end())
auto getFunction = [this, &attr, &request] ()
RCSResourceAttributes attr = attributes;
if (m_mapServers.find(request.getResourceUri()) != m_mapServers.end()
- && m_mapResources.find(request.getResourceUri()) != m_mapResources.end())
+ && m_mapResources.find(request.getResourceUri()) != m_mapResources.end())
auto setFunction = [this, &attr, &request] ()
void ResourceContainerImpl::onNotificationReceived(const std::string &strResourceUri)
- info_logger() << "ResourceContainerImpl::onNotificationReceived\n\tnotification from "
- << strResourceUri << ".\n";
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("onNotificationReceived\n\tnotification from "
+ + strResourceUri + ".").c_str());
if (m_mapServers.find(strResourceUri) != m_mapServers.end())
const std::string &strResourceType)
return RCSResourceObject::Builder(strUri, strResourceType, "DEFAULT_INTERFACE").setObservable(
- true).setDiscoverable(true).build();
+ true).setDiscoverable(true).build();
void ResourceContainerImpl::startBundle(const std::string &bundleId)
if (!m_bundles[bundleId]->isActivated())
- error_logger() << "Bundle already started" << endl;
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle already started");
+ }
- error_logger() << "Bundle with ID \'" << bundleId << "\' is not registered."
- << endl;
+ std::string("Bundle with ID \'" + bundleId + "\' is not registered.").c_str());
if (m_bundles[bundleId]->isActivated())
- error_logger() << "Bundle not activated" << endl;
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle not activated");
+ }
- error_logger() << "Bundle with ID \'" << bundleId << "\' is not registered."
- << endl;
+ std::string("Bundle with ID \'" + bundleId + "\' is not registered.").c_str());
void ResourceContainerImpl::addBundle(const std::string &bundleId,
- const std::string &bundleUri, const std::string &bundlePath,
- std::map< string, string > params)
+ const std::string &bundleUri, const std::string &bundlePath,
+ std::map< string, string > params)
(void) bundleUri;
if (m_bundles.find(bundleId) != m_bundles.end())
- error_logger() << "BundleId already exist" << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "BundleId already exist");
RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo = RCSBundleInfo::build();
- if (params.find("activator") != params.end())
+ if (params.find(BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR) != params.end())
- string activatorName = params["activator"];
+ string activatorName = params[BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR];
std::replace(activatorName.begin(), activatorName.end(), '.', '/');
((BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo)->setActivatorName(activatorName);
- ((BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo)->setLibraryPath(params["libraryPath"]);
+ ((BundleInfoInternal *)bundleInfo)->setLibraryPath(params[BUNDLE_LIBRARY_PATH]);
- info_logger() << "Add Bundle:" << bundleInfo->getID().c_str() << ";"
- << bundleInfo->getPath().c_str() << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Add Bundle: " + bundleInfo->getID() + "; " +
+ bundleInfo->getPath()).c_str());
- error_logger() << "Bundle with ID \'" << bundleId << "\' is not registered."
- << endl;
+ std::string("Bundle with ID \'" + bundleId + "\' is not registered.").c_str());
std::list< RCSBundleInfo * > ret;
for (std::map< std::string, BundleInfoInternal * >::iterator it = m_bundles.begin();
- it != m_bundles.end(); ++it)
+ it != m_bundles.end(); ++it)
RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo = RCSBundleInfo::build();
((BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo)->setBundleInfo(
- (RCSBundleInfo *) it->second);
+ (RCSBundleInfo *) it->second);
resourceInfo newResourceInfo;
newResourceInfo.uri = resourceUri;
- if (params.find("name") != params.end())
- newResourceInfo.name = params["name"];
- if (params.find("resourceType") != params.end())
- newResourceInfo.resourceType = params["resourceType"];
- if (params.find("address") != params.end())
- newResourceInfo.address = params["address"];
+ if (params.find(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_NAME) != params.end())
+ newResourceInfo.name = params[OUTPUT_RESOURCE_NAME];
+ if (params.find(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_TYPE) != params.end())
+ newResourceInfo.resourceType = params[OUTPUT_RESOURCE_TYPE];
+ if (params.find(OUTPUT_RESOURCE_ADDR) != params.end())
+ newResourceInfo.address = params[OUTPUT_RESOURCE_ADDR];
addSoBundleResource(bundleId, newResourceInfo);
- error_logger() << "Bundle with ID \'" << bundleId << "\' is not registered."
- << endl;
+ std::string("Bundle with ID \'" + bundleId + "\' is not registered.").c_str());
- error_logger() << "Bundle with ID \'" << bundleId << "\' is not registered."
- << endl;
+ std::string("Bundle with ID \'" + bundleId + "\' is not registered.").c_str());
resourceCreator_t *resourceCreator = NULL;
resourceDestroyer_t *resourceDestroyer = NULL;
- //sstream << bundleInfo.path << std::ends;
void *bundleHandle = NULL;
bundleHandle = dlopen(bundleInfo->getPath().c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
bundleActivator = (activator_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle, "externalActivateBundle");
bundleDeactivator = (deactivator_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
- "externalDeactivateBundle");
+ "externalDeactivateBundle");
resourceCreator = (resourceCreator_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
- "externalCreateResource");
+ "externalCreateResource");
resourceDestroyer = (resourceDestroyer_t *) dlsym(bundleHandle,
- "externalDestroyResource");
+ "externalDestroyResource");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
- error_logger() << error << endl;
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
- error_logger() << error << endl;
//Unload module and return error
- error_logger() << "Activation unsuccessful." << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activation unsuccessful.");
BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) m_bundles[bundleId];
DiscoverResourceUnit::Ptr newDiscoverUnit = std::make_shared
< DiscoverResourceUnit > (outputResourceUri);
- DiscoverResourceUnit::DiscoverResourceInfo(uri, type,
- attributeName),
- std::bind(&SoftSensorResource::onUpdatedInputResource,
- (SoftSensorResource*) foundOutputResource->second,
- std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
+ DiscoverResourceUnit::DiscoverResourceInfo(uri, type,
+ attributeName),
+ std::bind(&SoftSensorResource::onUpdatedInputResource,
+ (SoftSensorResource *) foundOutputResource->second,
+ std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
auto foundDiscoverResource = m_mapDiscoverResourceUnits.find(
- outputResourceUri);
+ outputResourceUri);
if (foundDiscoverResource != m_mapDiscoverResourceUnits.end())
- std::make_pair(outputResourceUri,
- std::list< DiscoverResourceUnit::Ptr >
- { newDiscoverUnit }));
+ std::make_pair(outputResourceUri,
+ std::list< DiscoverResourceUnit::Ptr >
+ { newDiscoverUnit }));
void ResourceContainerImpl::deactivateSoBundle(const std::string &id)
deactivator_t *bundleDeactivator = m_bundles[id]->getBundleDeactivator();
- info_logger() << "De-activating bundle: " << m_bundles[id]->getID() << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("De-activating bundle: " +
+ m_bundles[id]->getID()).c_str());
if (bundleDeactivator != NULL)
//Unload module and return error
- error_logger() << "De-activation unsuccessful." << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "De-activation unsuccessful.");
- error_logger() << "addResource unsuccessful." << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "addResource unsuccessful.");
if (m_mapResources.find(resourceUri) != m_mapResources.end())
resourceDestroyer_t *resourceDestroyer =
- m_bundles[bundleId]->getResourceDestroyer();
+ m_bundles[bundleId]->getResourceDestroyer();
if (resourceDestroyer != NULL)
- error_logger() << "removeResource unsuccessful." << endl;
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "removeResource unsuccessful.");
- void ResourceContainerImpl::activateBundleThread(RCSBundleInfo* rcsBundleInfo)
+ void ResourceContainerImpl::activateBundleThread(RCSBundleInfo *rcsBundleInfo)
- JavaVM *ResourceContainerImpl::getJavaVM(string bundleId)
- {
- return m_bundleVM[bundleId];
- }
- void ResourceContainerImpl::registerJavaBundle(RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo)
- {
- info_logger() << "Registering Java bundle " << bundleInfo->getID() << endl;
- JavaVM *jvm;
- JNIEnv *env;
- JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
- JavaVMOption options[3];
- BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo;
- if (FILE *file = fopen(bundleInfo->getPath().c_str(), "r"))
+ JavaVM *ResourceContainerImpl::getJavaVM(string bundleId)
- fclose(file);
- info_logger() << "Resource bundle " << bundleInfo->getPath().c_str() << " available." << endl;
- //return true;
+ return m_bundleVM[bundleId];
- else
+ void ResourceContainerImpl::registerJavaBundle(RCSBundleInfo *bundleInfo)
- error_logger() << "Resource bundle " << bundleInfo->getPath().c_str() << " not available" << endl;
- return;
- }
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Registering Java bundle " +
+ bundleInfo->getID()).c_str());
- char optionString[] = "-Djava.compiler=NONE";
- options[0].optionString = optionString;
- char classpath[1000];
- strcpy(classpath, "-Djava.class.path=");
- strcat(classpath, bundleInfo->getPath().c_str());
+ JavaVM *jvm;
+ JNIEnv *env;
+ JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
+ JavaVMOption options[3];
- info_logger() << "Configured classpath: " << classpath << "|" << endl;
+ BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) bundleInfo;
- options[1].optionString = classpath;
+ if (FILE *file = fopen(bundleInfo->getPath().c_str(), "r"))
+ {
+ fclose(file);
- char libraryPath[1000];
- strcpy(libraryPath, "-Djava.library.path=");
- strcat(libraryPath, bundleInfo->getLibraryPath().c_str());
- options[2].optionString = libraryPath;
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Resource bundle " + bundleInfo->getPath() +
+ " available.").c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string("Resource bundle " + bundleInfo->getPath() + " not available.").c_str());
- info_logger() << "Configured library path: " << libraryPath << "|" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
- vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
- vm_args.options = options;
- vm_args.nOptions = 3;
- vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 1;
+ char optionString[] = "-Djava.compiler=NONE";
+ options[0].optionString = optionString;
+ char classpath[1000];
+ strcpy(classpath, "-Djava.class.path=");
+ strcat(classpath, bundleInfo->getPath().c_str());
- int res;
- res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **) &env, &vm_args);
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Configured classpath: ").append(classpath).c_str());
- if (res < 0)
- {
- error_logger() << " cannot create JavaVM." << endl;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- info_logger() << "JVM successfully created " << endl;
- }
+ options[1].optionString = classpath;
- m_bundleVM.insert(std::pair< string, JavaVM * >(bundleInfo->getID(), jvm));
+ char libraryPath[1000];
+ strcpy(libraryPath, "-Djava.library.path=");
+ strcat(libraryPath, bundleInfo->getLibraryPath().c_str());
+ options[2].optionString = libraryPath;
- const char *className = bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName().c_str();
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Configured library path: ").append(libraryPath).c_str());
- info_logger() << "Looking up class: " << bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName() << "|" << endl;
+ vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
+ vm_args.options = options;
+ vm_args.nOptions = 3;
+ vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 1;
- jclass bundleActivatorClass = env->FindClass(className);
+ int res;
+ res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **) &env, &vm_args);
- if (bundleActivatorClass == NULL)
- {
- error_logger() << "Cannot register bundle " << bundleInfoInternal->getID()
- << " bundle activator(" << bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
- << ") not found " << endl;
- return;
- }
+ if (res < 0)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "cannot create JavaVM.");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "JVM successfully created.");
+ }
- jmethodID activateMethod = env->GetMethodID(bundleActivatorClass, "activateBundle",
- "()V");
+ m_bundleVM.insert(std::pair< string, JavaVM * >(bundleInfo->getID(), jvm));
- if (activateMethod == NULL)
- {
- error_logger() << "Cannot register bundle " << bundleInfoInternal->getID()
- << " activate bundle method not found " << endl;
- return;
- }
- bundleInfoInternal->setJavaBundleActivatorMethod(activateMethod);
+ const char *className = bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName().c_str();
- jmethodID deactivateMethod = env->GetMethodID(bundleActivatorClass, "deactivateBundle",
- "()V");
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Looking up class: " +
+ bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName() + "|").c_str());
- if (deactivateMethod == NULL)
- {
- error_logger() << "Cannot register bundle " << bundleInfoInternal->getID()
- << " deactivate bundle method not found " << endl;
- return;
- }
+ jclass bundleActivatorClass = env->FindClass(className);
- bundleInfoInternal->setJavaBundleDeactivatorMethod(deactivateMethod);
+ if (bundleActivatorClass == NULL)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Cannot register bundle " + bundleInfoInternal->getID()
+ + " bundle activator(" + bundleInfoInternal->getActivatorName()
+ + ") not found ").c_str());
+ return;
+ }
- jmethodID constructor;
+ jmethodID activateMethod = env->GetMethodID(bundleActivatorClass, "activateBundle",
+ "()V");
- constructor = env->GetMethodID(bundleActivatorClass, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+ if (activateMethod == NULL)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Cannot register bundle " + bundleInfoInternal->getID()
+ + " activate bundle method not found ").c_str());
- jstring bundleID = env->NewStringUTF(bundleInfoInternal->getID().c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ bundleInfoInternal->setJavaBundleActivatorMethod(activateMethod);
- jobject bundleActivator = env->NewObject(bundleActivatorClass, constructor, bundleID);
+ jmethodID deactivateMethod = env->GetMethodID(bundleActivatorClass, "deactivateBundle",
+ "()V");
- bundleInfoInternal->setJavaBundleActivatorObject(bundleActivator);
+ if (deactivateMethod == NULL)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Cannot register bundle " + bundleInfoInternal->getID()
+ + " deactivate bundle method not found ").c_str());
- bundleInfoInternal->setLoaded(true);
+ return;
+ }
- m_bundles[bundleInfo->getID()] = ((BundleInfoInternal *)bundleInfo);
+ bundleInfoInternal->setJavaBundleDeactivatorMethod(deactivateMethod);
- info_logger() << "Bundle registered" << endl;
- }
+ jmethodID constructor;
- void ResourceContainerImpl::activateJavaBundle(string bundleId)
- {
- info_logger() << "Activating java bundle" << endl;
- JavaVM *vm = getJavaVM(bundleId);
- BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) m_bundles[bundleId];
- JNIEnv *env;
- int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
+ constructor = env->GetMethodID(bundleActivatorClass, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
- if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
- {
- if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
- {
- error_logger() << "Failed to attach " << endl;
- }
- }
- else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
- {
- error_logger() << "Env: version not supported " << endl;
- }
+ jstring bundleID = env->NewStringUTF(bundleInfoInternal->getID().c_str());
- env->CallVoidMethod(bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleActivatorObject(),
- bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleActivatorMethod());
+ jobject bundleActivator = env->NewObject(bundleActivatorClass, constructor, bundleID);
- m_bundles[bundleId]->setActivated(true);
- }
+ bundleInfoInternal->setJavaBundleActivatorObject(bundleActivator);
- void ResourceContainerImpl::deactivateJavaBundle(string bundleId)
- {
- info_logger() << "Deactivating java bundle" << endl;
- JavaVM *vm = getJavaVM(bundleId);
- BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) m_bundles[bundleId];
- JNIEnv *env;
- int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
+ bundleInfoInternal->setLoaded(true);
+ m_bundles[bundleInfo->getID()] = ((BundleInfoInternal *)bundleInfo);
- if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Bundle registered");
+ }
+ void ResourceContainerImpl::activateJavaBundle(string bundleId)
- if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Activating java bundle");
+ JavaVM *vm = getJavaVM(bundleId);
+ BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) m_bundles[bundleId];
+ JNIEnv *env;
+ int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
+ if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
- error_logger() << "Failed to attach " << endl;
+ if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Failed to attach ");
+ }
+ else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Env: version not supported ");
+ }
+ env->CallVoidMethod(bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleActivatorObject(),
+ bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleActivatorMethod());
+ m_bundles[bundleId]->setActivated(true);
- else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ void ResourceContainerImpl::deactivateJavaBundle(string bundleId)
- error_logger() << "Env: version not supported " << endl;
- }
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, "Deactivating java bundle");
- env->CallVoidMethod(bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleActivatorObject(),
- bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleDeactivatorMethod());
+ JavaVM *vm = getJavaVM(bundleId);
+ BundleInfoInternal *bundleInfoInternal = (BundleInfoInternal *) m_bundles[bundleId];
+ JNIEnv *env;
+ int envStat = vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
- m_bundles[bundleId]->setActivated(false);
- }
+ if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED)
+ {
+ if (vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) &env, NULL) != 0)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Failed to attach ");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (envStat == JNI_EVERSION)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(ERROR, CONTAINER_TAG, "Env: version not supported ");
+ }
- void ResourceContainerImpl::unregisterBundleJava(string id)
- {
- info_logger() << "Unregister Java bundle: " << m_bundles[id]->getID() << ", "
- << m_bundles[id]->getID() << endl;
+ env->CallVoidMethod(bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleActivatorObject(),
+ bundleInfoInternal->getJavaBundleDeactivatorMethod());
- info_logger() << "Destroying JVM" << endl;
- m_bundleVM[id]->DestroyJavaVM();
+ m_bundles[bundleId]->setActivated(false);
+ }
- delete m_bundles[id];
- m_bundles.erase(id);
- }
- }
+ void ResourceContainerImpl::unregisterBundleJava(string id)
+ {
+ OC_LOG_V(INFO, CONTAINER_TAG, std::string("Unregister Java bundle: " +
+ m_bundles[id]->getID()).c_str());
+ m_bundleVM[id]->DestroyJavaVM();
+ delete m_bundles[id];
+ m_bundles.erase(id);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file