def __init__(self, num_threads, display_name=None):
"""Creates a `PrivateThreadPool` with the given number of threads."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
shared_name = _generate_shared_name("privatethreadpool")
self._resource = gen_dataset_ops.thread_pool_handle(
def run_restore_ops(self, session=None):
"""Run operations to restore objects in the dependency graph."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return # Run eagerly
if session is None:
session = ops.get_default_session()
session: The session to run initialization ops in. If `None`, uses the
default session.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return # run eagerly
if session is None:
session = ops.get_default_session()
def run_restore_ops(self, session=None):
"""Load the name-based training checkpoint using a new `tf.train.Saver`."""
- if session is None and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if session is None and not context.executing_eagerly():
session = ops.get_default_session()
saver_lib.Saver(self._object_saver._global_variable_names()).restore( # pylint: disable=protected-access
sess=session, save_path=self._save_path)
# Allow passing in a weak reference to avoid reference cycles when
# `Checkpointable` objects save themselves.
self._root_checkpointable_ref = root_checkpointable
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
with ops.device("/cpu:0"):
self._file_prefix_placeholder = constant_op.constant("model")
named_variables, graph_proto = _serialize_object_graph(
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
if in_graph_mode:
if session is None:
session = ops.get_default_session()
if save_path is None:
return InitializationOnlyStatus(self._root_checkpointable)
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
if in_graph_mode:
if session is None:
session = ops.get_default_session()
def save(self, file_prefix, session=None):
"""Save a checkpoint. Wraps ``."""
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
if in_graph_mode:
if session is None:
session = ops.get_default_session()
[0., 0.]], self.evaluate(bare_initializer))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- # The .name attribute may be globally influenced, but the checkpoint name
- # won't be (tested below).
- self.assertEqual("duplicate_1:0",
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# When executing eagerly, there's no uniquification of variable names. The
# checkpoint name will be the same.
+ else:
+ # The .name attribute may be globally influenced, but the checkpoint name
+ # won't be (tested below).
+ self.assertEqual("duplicate_1:0",
named_variables, _ = checkpointable_utils._serialize_object_graph(obj)
expected_checkpoint_names = (
optimizer_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step()
root_checkpointable = checkpointable_utils.Checkpoint(
optimizer=optimizer, model=model, optimizer_step=optimizer_step)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
lambda: model(input_value),
root_checkpointable = checkpointable_utils.Checkpoint(
optimizer=optimizer, model=model)
input_value = constant_op.constant([[3.]])
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
lambda: model(input_value))
self.assertAllEqual([42.], self.evaluate(model._named_dense.variables[1]))
self.assertAllEqual(1, self.evaluate(root_checkpointable.save_counter))
self.assertAllEqual([1.5], self.evaluate(m_bias_slot))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
return # Restore-on-create is only supported when executing eagerly
on_create_model = MyModel()
on_create_optimizer = adam.AdamOptimizer(0.001)
functools.partial(model, input_value),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
train_fn = functools.partial(self.evaluate, train_fn())
for _ in range(num_training_steps):
root.var = checkpointable_utils.add_variable(
root, name="var", initializer=0.)
optimizer = adam.AdamOptimizer(0.1)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ optimizer.minimize(root.var.read_value)
+ else:
train_op = optimizer.minimize(root.var)
# Note that `optimizer` has not been added as a dependency of
# `root`. Create a one-off grouping so that slot variables for `root.var`
checkpointable_utils.Checkpoint(root=root, optimizer=optimizer)))
- else:
- optimizer.minimize(root.var.read_value)
self.evaluate(state_ops.assign(root.var, 12.))
no_slots_path = checkpointable_utils.CheckpointableSaver(root).save(
os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, "no_slots"))
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AssertionError, "beta1_power"):
self.assertEqual(12., self.evaluate(new_root.var))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# Slot variables are only created with restoring initializers when
# executing eagerly.
self.assertEqual(14., self.evaluate(
self.assertIs(new_root.optimizer.get_slot(name="m", var=new_root.var),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ new_root.optimizer.minimize(new_root.var.read_value)
+ else:
train_op = new_root.optimizer.minimize(new_root.var)
# The slot variable now exists; restore() didn't create it, but we should
# now have a restore op for it.
self.assertEqual(14., self.evaluate(
new_root.optimizer.get_slot(name="m", var=new_root.var)))
- else:
- new_root.optimizer.minimize(new_root.var.read_value)
RuntimeError: When invoked without eager execution enabled.
- if not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"{} objects can only be used when eager execution is enabled, use "
" or "
self._model = model
self._metrics = {}
self._evaluators = {}
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly(): = function.defun(
# ---- API for users ----
Only for graph execution.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Evaluator.init_variables() not needed when "
"eager execution is enabled.")
return[m.init_variables() for _, m in self.metrics])
with summary_ops.create_file_writer(
summary_logdir).as_default(), summary_ops.always_record_summaries():
return self._all_metric_results()
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return f()
return function.defun(f)()
summary_logdir = kwargs.pop("summary_logdir", None)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- call_op = self.__call__(dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next(),
- *args, **kwargs)
- init_op = self.init_variables()
- results_op = self.all_metric_results(summary_logdir)
- return (init_op, call_op, results_op)
- # Eager case
- for example in datasets.Iterator(dataset):
- self.__call__(example, *args, **kwargs)
- return self.all_metric_results(summary_logdir)
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ for example in datasets.Iterator(dataset):
+ self.__call__(example, *args, **kwargs)
+ return self.all_metric_results(summary_logdir)
+ # Graph construction
+ call_op = self.__call__(dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next(), *args,
+ **kwargs)
+ init_op = self.init_variables()
+ results_op = self.all_metric_results(summary_logdir)
+ return (init_op, call_op, results_op)
def run_evaluation(init_op, call_op, results_op, sess=None):
Only for graph execution.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Evaluator.run_evaluation() not supported when "
"eager execution is enabled.")
sess = sess or ops.get_default_session()
pos =
self._name = name +[pos + len(scope_name):]
self._scope = scope
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ self._construction_scope = context.eager_mode
+ else:
# We make into a graph callable here, so that we can
# return a single op that performs all of the variable updates.
self._construction_scope = ops.get_default_graph().as_default = function.defun(
- else:
- self._construction_scope = context.eager_mode
# ---- API for users ----
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
initialization. Under eager execution, the variables are reset to their
initial values as a side effect and this function returns None.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ for v in self._vars:
+ v.assign(self._initial_values[v])
+ else:
return[v.initializer for v in self._vars])
- for v in self._vars:
- v.assign(self._initial_values[v])
# ---- To be implemented by descendants ---
def build(self, *args, **kwargs):
def value(self):
"""In graph mode returns the result Tensor while in eager the callable."""
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return self.result()
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return self.result
+ else:
+ return self.result()
# We can support two different strategies of for doing data-parallel
# distributed metric computations:
"""***Only for use by descendants of Metric***."""
if self._built:
raise RuntimeError("Can't call add_variable() except in build().")
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
collections = None
if self._use_global_variables:
# Checkpointable.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._initial_values[v] = v.value()
return v
# Mark as already restored from this checkpoint.
checkpoint_name] = None
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if found_value:
# Error checking should run even if we've already restored a value.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
sess = None
sess = ops.get_default_session(),
if existing_variables_by_checkpoint_name:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
sess = None
sess = ops.get_default_session()
# _DeferredRestoration objects once a Network has been built (so that
# restoring in a loop does not take increasing amounts of memory).
if checkpointed_variables_to_restore:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
sess = None
sess = ops.get_default_session()
NotFoundError: If the variable is not found in checkpoint.
ValueError: If not used in eager mode or map_func is not callable.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError(
"Currently, restore_variables_on_create can only be used with "
"eager execution enabled.")
RuntimeError: if invoked when eager execution has not been enabled.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("tfe.Saver can only be used when eager "
"execution is enabled. Use tf.train.Saver when "
"building graphs.")
from tensorflow.python.eager.context import DEVICE_PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT
from tensorflow.python.eager.context import DEVICE_PLACEMENT_WARN
from tensorflow.python.eager.context import DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT
-from tensorflow.python.eager.context import in_eager_mode
-from tensorflow.python.eager.context import in_graph_mode
+from tensorflow.python.eager.context import executing_eagerly
from tensorflow.python.eager.context import list_devices
from tensorflow.python.eager.context import num_gpus
from tensorflow.python.eager.execution_callbacks import add_execution_callback
gradients_function = backprop.gradients_function
value_and_gradients_function = backprop.val_and_grad_function
GradientTape = backprop.GradientTape # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+in_eager_mode = executing_eagerly
def testVariableError(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
- RuntimeError, r'Variable not supported in Eager mode'):
+ RuntimeError,
+ r'Variable not supported when eager execution is enabled'):
def testGradients(self):
self._handle = gen_resource_variable_ops.mutex_v2(
shared_name=shared_name, container=container, name=name)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
ops.add_to_collections(CRITICAL_SECTIONS, self)
"This is illegal and would cause deadlocks. "
"CriticalSection: %s." % self._handle)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Collections and op introspection does not work in eager
# mode. This is generally ok; since eager mode (as of
# writing) executes sequentially anyway.
return x.identity()
elif isinstance(x, ops.Operation):
- elif context.in_eager_mode() and x is None:
+ elif context.executing_eagerly() and x is None:
return None
return array_ops.identity(x)
with ops.control_dependencies([ensure_lock_exists]):
outputs = nest.map_structure(identity, r)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
signature = _ExecutionSignature(
logits_2d = array_ops.reshape(logits, [-1, num_logits])
predictions = nn.softmax(logits_2d)
predictions = array_ops.reshape(predictions, array_ops.shape(logits))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
return predictions
weights_for_true = ordered_weights * float_labels_for_true
weights_for_false = ordered_weights * float_labels_for_false
- # For each set of weights with the same segmented indices, we add up the
+ # For each set of weights with the same segmented indices, we add up the
# weight values. Note that for each label, we deliberately rely on weights
# for the opposite label.
weight_totals_for_true = math_ops.segment_sum(weights_for_false,
`updates_collections` are not a list or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.contrib.metrics.cohen_kappa is not supported'
'when eager execution is enabled.')
if num_classes < 2:
def _check_graph_mode():
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError('Nccl ops are not supported in eager mode')
neg_update = opt.apply_gradients(zip([-grads0, -grads1], [var0, var1]),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Fetch params to validate initial values
self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], self.evaluate(var0))
# last 3 steps with negative gradient (sign(gm) should be -1)
for t in range(1, 8):
if t < 5:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
elif t > 1:
opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1]),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
elif t > 1:
opt.apply_gradients(zip([-grads0, -grads1], [var0, var1]),
neg_update = opt.apply_gradients(zip([-grads0, -grads1], [var0, var1]),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Fetch params to validate initial values
self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], self.evaluate(var0))
# last 3 steps with negative gradient (sign(gm) should be -1)
for t in range(1, 8):
if t < 5:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
elif t > 1:
opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1]),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
elif t > 1:
opt.apply_gradients(zip([-grads0, -grads1], [var0, var1]),
num_proj = 4
max_length = 8
sequence_length = [4, 6]
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess:
initializer = init_ops.random_uniform_initializer(
-0.01, 0.01, seed=self._seed)
if in_graph_mode:
self.assertAllEqual(outputs_static, outputs_dynamic)
- self.assertAllEqual(
- array_ops.stack(outputs_static).numpy(), outputs_dynamic.numpy())
+ self.assertAllEqual(array_ops.stack(outputs_static), outputs_dynamic)
self.assertAllEqual(np.hstack(state_static), np.hstack(state_dynamic))
num_proj = 4
max_length = 8
sequence_length = [4, 6]
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess:
initializer = init_ops.random_uniform_initializer(
-0.01, 0.01, seed=self._seed)
if in_graph_mode:
self.assertAllEqual(outputs_static, outputs_dynamic)
- self.assertAllEqual(
- array_ops.stack(outputs_static).numpy(), outputs_dynamic.numpy())
- state_static = [s.numpy() for s in nest.flatten(state_static)]
- state_dynamic = [s.numpy() for s in nest.flatten(state_dynamic)]
+ self.assertAllEqual(array_ops.stack(outputs_static), outputs_dynamic)
+ state_static = nest.flatten(state_static)
+ state_dynamic = nest.flatten(state_dynamic)
self.assertAllEqual(np.hstack(state_static), np.hstack(state_dynamic))
def _testDynamicEquivalentToStaticRNN(self, use_sequence_length):
sequence_length = None
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
# TODO(b/68017812): Eager ignores operation seeds, so we need to create a
# single cell and reuse it across the static and dynamic RNNs. Remove this
def __init__(self, resource):
self._resource = resource
- if context.in_eager_mode() and self._resource is not None:
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and self._resource is not None:
self._resource_deleter = resource_variable_ops.EagerResourceDeleter(
handle=self._resource, handle_device="cpu:0")
ValueError: If session wasn't passed and no default session.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if context.context().summary_writer_resource is None:
raise RuntimeError("No default tf.contrib.summary.SummaryWriter found")
resource = gen_summary_ops.summary_writer(shared_name=name)
# TODO(apassos): Consider doing this instead.
# node = factory(resource, **kwargs)
- # if not context.in_eager_mode():
+ # if not context.executing_eagerly():
# ops.get_default_session().run(node)
factory(resource, **kwargs))
The summary ops.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return None
return ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access
RuntimeError: If in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"tf.contrib.summary.summary_writer_initializer_op is only "
"supported in graph mode.")
TypeError: If `param` isn't already a @{tf.Tensor} in graph mode.
- if not context.in_eager_mode() and not isinstance(param, ops.Tensor):
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() and not isinstance(param, ops.Tensor):
raise TypeError("graph() needs a tf.Tensor (e.g. tf.placeholder) in graph "
"mode, but was: %s" % type(param))
writer = context.context().summary_writer_resource
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"dataset.make_initializable_iterator is not supported when eager "
"execution is enabled.")
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"dataset.make_one_shot_iterator is not supported when eager "
"execution is enabled.")
self.assertEqual((g_seed, op_seed), toutput, msg=msg)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
tinput = (1, None)
toutput = (1, ops.get_default_graph()._last_id) # pylint: disable=protected-access
ctx = context.context()
- assert not ctx.in_graph_mode(
+ assert ctx.in_eager_mode(
), "The prototype doesn't contain C code for graph construction"
return pywrap_tensorflow.TFE_Py_FastPathExecute(
if mode == EAGER_MODE:
- def in_graph_mode(self):
- """Returns True if current thread is in GRAPH mode."""
- return self._eager_context.mode == GRAPH_MODE
- def in_eager_mode(self):
- """Returns True if current thread is in EAGER mode."""
+ def executing_eagerly(self):
+ """Returns True if current thread has eager executing enabled."""
return self._eager_context.mode == EAGER_MODE
def scalar_cache(self):
return context()._internal_operation_seed() # pylint: disable=protected-access
-def in_graph_mode():
- """Returns True if current thread is in GRAPH mode for default context."""
- return context().in_graph_mode()
+def executing_eagerly():
+ """Returns True if the current thread has eager execution enabled."""
+ return context().executing_eagerly()
def in_eager_mode():
- """Returns True if current thread is in EAGER mode for default context."""
- return context().in_eager_mode()
+ """Use executing_eagerly() instead. This function will be removed."""
+ return executing_eagerly()
def graph_mode():
- """Context-manager to enable GRAPH mode for current thread."""
+ """Context-manager to disable eager execution for the current thread."""
return context()._mode(GRAPH_MODE) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def eager_mode():
- """Context-manager to enable EAGER mode for current thread."""
+ """Context-manager to enable eager execution for the current thread."""
return context()._mode(EAGER_MODE) # pylint: disable=protected-access
# (for example, enable_eager_execution in python/framework/,
# but they do all import this file. Note that IS_IN_GRAPH_MODE and
# in_graph_mode are both parameterless functions.
-is_in_graph_mode.IS_IN_GRAPH_MODE = in_graph_mode
+def _tmp_in_graph_mode():
+ return not executing_eagerly()
+is_in_graph_mode.IS_IN_GRAPH_MODE = _tmp_in_graph_mode
def testContext(self):
ctx = context.Context()
- self.assertFalse(ctx.in_graph_mode())
- self.assertTrue(ctx.in_eager_mode())
+ self.assertTrue(ctx.executing_eagerly())
self.assertEqual('', ctx.scope_name)
ctx.scope_name = 'foo'
def get_context_values(ctx):
return [
- ctx.in_graph_mode(),
- ctx.in_eager_mode(), ctx.scope_name, ctx.summary_writer_resource,
- ctx.device_name, ctx.num_gpus()
+ ctx.executing_eagerly(), ctx.scope_name, ctx.summary_writer_resource,
+ ctx.device_name,
+ ctx.num_gpus()
def get_values(ctx, values):
del as_ref # Unused.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return value
default_graph = ops.get_default_graph()
proto_data = pywrap_tensorflow.TF_GetBuffer(buffer_)
function_def = function_pb2.FunctionDef()
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self.definition = function_def =
all_args = args + self._extra_inputs
signature = self._forward_fdef.signature
ctx = context.context()
- if ctx.in_graph_mode():
+ if ctx.executing_eagerly():
+ outputs = execute.execute(
+ str(,
+ num_outputs=len(signature.output_arg),
+ inputs=all_args,
+ attrs=None,
+ ctx=ctx)
+ else:
g = ops.get_default_graph()
g._add_function(self._forward_fdef) # pylint: disable=protected-access
op = g.create_op(
outputs, (ops.Tensor, type(None))) else list(outputs)
for i, s in enumerate(self._output_shapes):
- else:
- outputs = execute.execute(
- str(,
- num_outputs=len(signature.output_arg),
- inputs=all_args,
- attrs=None,
- ctx=ctx)
real_outputs = outputs[:len(self._returns)]
side_outputs = outputs[len(self._returns):]
return self._backprop_call(tensor_inputs)
ctx = context.context()
- if ctx.in_graph_mode():
+ if ctx.executing_eagerly():
+ result = execute.execute(
+ str(self._func_name),
+ num_outputs=self._num_outputs,
+ inputs=tensor_inputs + self._extra_inputs,
+ attrs=None,
+ ctx=ctx)
+ else:
g = ops.get_default_graph()
signature = self._function_def.definition.signature
return op
for i, s in enumerate(self._output_shapes):
- else:
- result = execute.execute(
- str(self._func_name),
- num_outputs=self._num_outputs,
- inputs=tensor_inputs + self._extra_inputs,
- attrs=None,
- ctx=ctx)
return self._build_call_outputs(result)
if x not in all_ignored_ops)
# Register any other functions defined in the graph
# TODO(ashankar): Oh lord, forgive me for this lint travesty.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
for f in tmp_graph._functions.values(): # pylint: disable=protected-access
# TODO(ashankar): What about the gradient registry?
_register(f._c_func) # pylint: disable=protected-access
return tensor
def __enter__(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return self
# This code assumes no other thread is adding ops to the graph while
# we're adding ops to the graph.
merge_for_resource[o] = new_merge[0].op
def __exit__(self, unused_type, unused_value, unused_traceback):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if self._graph is not ops.get_default_graph():
A callable graph object.
# TODO(alive,apassos): support initialized_value and friends from tf.Variable.
- assert context.in_eager_mode(), (
+ assert context.executing_eagerly(), (
"graph_callable can only be used when Eager execution is enabled.")
def decorator(func):
return tf_decorator.make_decorator(func,
// Handle graph-mode case
" _ctx = _context.context()\n"
- " if _ctx.in_graph_mode():\n",
+ " if not _ctx.executing_eagerly():\n",
" _, _, _op = _op_def_lib._apply_op_helper(\n");
AddBodyNoReturn(" ");
def testFastpathExecute_InvalidInputs(self):
a_2_by_2 = random_ops.random_uniform((2, 2))
ctx = context.context()
- assert not ctx.in_graph_mode(
+ assert ctx.executing_eagerly(
), "The prototype doesn't contain C code for graph construction"
ctx_handle = ctx._handle # pylint: disable=protected-access
ValueError: if this is called via a subclass and if that class overrides
a member of `Estimator`.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
'Estimators are not supported when eager execution is enabled.')
TypeError: if shape is incorrectly specified or unsupported.
ctx = context.context()
- if not ctx.in_graph_mode():
+ if ctx.executing_eagerly():
t = convert_to_eager_tensor(value, ctx, dtype)
if shape is None:
return t
# Adds this function into 'g'.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- g._add_function(self)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ else:
+ g._add_function(self)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
# Ensures related sub-routines are defined in 'g', too.
ValueError: If the graph_def contains unbound inputs.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError("Exporting/importing meta graphs is not supported when "
"eager execution is enabled.")
if isinstance(meta_graph_or_file, meta_graph_pb2.MetaGraphDef):
ValueError: When the `GraphDef` is larger than 2GB.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError("Exporting/importing meta graphs is not supported when "
"Eager Execution is enabled.")
graph = graph or ops.get_default_graph()
"Tensor._shape cannot be assigned, use Tensor.set_shape instead.")
def __iter__(self):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
raise TypeError(
- "`Tensor` objects are not iterable when eager execution is not "
- "enabled. To iterate over this tensor use `tf.map_fn`.")
+ "Tensor objects are not iterable when eager execution is not "
+ "enabled. To iterate over this tensor use tf.map_fn.")
shape = self._shape_tuple()
if shape is None:
raise TypeError("Cannot iterate over a tensor with unknown shape.")
six.raise_from(core._status_to_exception(e.code, e.message), None)
# Record the copy on tape and define backprop copy as well.
- if not context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self_device = self.device
def grad_fun(dresult):
return [dresult._copy(device_name=self_device)]
if ctx is None: ctx = context.context()
- if ctx.in_eager_mode():
+ if ctx.executing_eagerly():
# Fast path for EagerTensors that don't need any conversion.
if isinstance(value, EagerTensor):
# Note that we don't check that value's dtype matches the dtype
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled and a function is passed in.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return get_default_graph().device(device_name_or_function)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# TODO(agarwal): support device functions in EAGER mode.
if callable(device_name_or_function):
raise RuntimeError(
"tf.device does not support functions when eager execution "
"is enabled.")
return context.device(device_name_or_function)
+ else:
+ return get_default_graph().device(device_name_or_function)
def colocate_with(op, ignore_existing=False):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ if op is not None:
+ return device(op.device)
+ else:
+ return _NullContextmanager()
+ else:
default_graph = get_default_graph()
if isinstance(op, EagerTensor):
if default_graph.building_function:
raise ValueError("Encountered an Eager-defined Tensor during graph "
"construction, but a function was not being built.")
return default_graph.colocate_with(op, ignore_existing)
- else:
- if op is not None:
- return device(op.device)
- else:
- return _NullContextmanager()
A context manager that specifies control dependencies for all
operations constructed within the context.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return get_default_graph().control_dependencies(control_inputs)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return _NullContextmanager()
+ else:
+ return get_default_graph().control_dependencies(control_inputs)
class _DefaultStack(threading.local):
# pylint: enable=g-doc-return-or-yield,line-too-long
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# Fastpath.
with tape.stop_recording():
self._default_name = default_name
self._values = values
self._ctx = context.context()
- self._in_eager_mode = self._ctx.in_eager_mode()
+ self._in_eager_mode = self._ctx.executing_eagerly()
def __enter__(self):
"""Start the scope block.
def _assert_collection_is_ok(collection_name):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if collection_name in GraphKeys._VARIABLE_COLLECTIONS: # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise ValueError("When Eager Execution is enabled, variable "
"collections are not supported.")
return constant_op.constant(2.0)
future.calls = 0
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ a = constant_op.constant(1.0)
+ b = future()
+ with ops.control_dependencies([a, b]):
+ c = constant_op.constant(3.0)
+ self.assertEqual(future.calls, 1)
+ else:
g = ops.Graph()
with g.as_default():
a = constant_op.constant(1.0)
c = constant_op.constant(3.0)
self.assertEqual(c.op.control_inputs, [a.op, b.op])
self.assertEqual(future.calls, 1)
- else:
- a = constant_op.constant(1.0)
- b = future()
- with ops.control_dependencies([a, b]):
- c = constant_op.constant(3.0)
- self.assertEqual(future.calls, 1)
def testBasicWithConversion(self):
g = ops.Graph()
with ops.init_scope():
# Because g is building a function, init_scope should
# escape out to the eager context.
- self.assertTrue(context.in_eager_mode())
+ self.assertTrue(context.executing_eagerly())
# g should be reinstated as the default graph, and the
# graph context should be re-entered.
self.assertIs(g, ops.get_default_graph())
- self.assertTrue(context.in_graph_mode())
+ self.assertFalse(context.executing_eagerly())
def testStaysInEagerWhenOnlyEagerContextActive(self):
with context.eager_mode():
with context.eager_mode():
def foo():
with ops.name_scope("inner"), ops.init_scope():
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertEqual(ops.get_name_scope(), "inner")
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# A trailing slash is always appended when eager execution is
# enabled.
self.assertEqual(context.context().scope_name, "inner/")
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(ops.get_name_scope(), "inner")
self.assertEqual(ops.get_name_scope(), "")
foo_compiled = eager_function.defun(foo)
A tuple of two integers that should be used for the local seed of this
- is_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ eager = context.executing_eagerly()
- if is_graph_mode:
- global_seed = ops.get_default_graph().seed
- else:
+ if eager:
global_seed = context.global_seed()
+ else:
+ global_seed = ops.get_default_graph().seed
if global_seed is not None:
if op_seed is None:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
- if is_graph_mode:
- op_seed = ops.get_default_graph()._last_id
- else:
+ if eager:
op_seed = context.internal_operation_seed()
+ else:
+ op_seed = ops.get_default_graph()._last_id
seeds = _truncate_seed(global_seed), _truncate_seed(op_seed)
seed: integer.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- ops.get_default_graph().seed = seed
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ else:
+ ops.get_default_graph().seed = seed
((2**31 - 1, 0), (0, 2**31 - 1)), # Don't wrap to (0, 0) either
((0, 2**31 - 1), (0, 2**31 - 1)), # Wrapping for the other argument
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- # 0 will be the default_graph._lastid.
- test_cases.append(((1, None), (1, 0)))
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# operation seed is random number generated based on global seed.
# it's not tested due to possibility of platform or version difference.
+ else:
+ # 0 will be the default_graph._lastid.
+ test_cases.append(((1, None), (1, 0)))
for tc in test_cases:
tinput, toutput = tc[0], tc[1]
A `TensorShape` based on the constant value of the given `tensor`.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return tensor_shape.as_shape(
[dim if dim != -1 else None for dim in tensor.numpy()])
tensors numpy values.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return self._eval_helper(tensors)
sess = ops.get_default_session()
Learning phase (scalar integer tensor or Python integer).
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if 'eager' not in _GRAPH_LEARNING_PHASES:
# Fallback to inference mode as default.
return 0
global _GRAPH_LEARNING_PHASES # pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned
if value not in {0, 1}:
raise ValueError('Expected learning phase to be 0 or 1.')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
_GRAPH_LEARNING_PHASES['eager'] = value
_GRAPH_LEARNING_PHASES[ops.get_default_graph()] = value
yield value
# Restore learning phase to initial value.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
_GRAPH_LEARNING_PHASES['eager'] = previous_value
_GRAPH_LEARNING_PHASES[ops.get_default_graph()] = previous_value
A Numpy array.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return x.numpy()
return x.eval(session=get_session())
A list of Numpy arrays.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return [x.numpy() for x in tensors]
if tensors:
return get_session().run(tensors)
(of the same shape).
value = np.asarray(value, dtype=dtype(x))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
tf_dtype = dtypes_module.as_dtype('_')[0])
tuples: a list of tuples `(tensor, value)`.
`value` should be a Numpy array.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
for x, value in tuples:
x.assign(np.asarray(value, dtype=dtype(x)))
outputs_shape[1] = inputs_shape[1]
- if not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
last_output._uses_learning_phase = uses_learning_phase
return last_output, outputs, new_states
# Actually call the layer (optionally building it).
output = super(Layer, self).__call__(inputs, **kwargs)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return output
if hasattr(self, '_symbolic_set_inputs') and not self.inputs:
batch_input_shape = None
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# In eager mode, create a temporary placeholder to call the layer on.
input_tensor = tf_base_layers._DeferredTensor( # pylint: disable=protected-access
self._losses = [] # Used in symbolic mode only.
self._scope = None # Never used.
self._reuse = None # Never used.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._graph = None
self._graph = ops.get_default_graph() # Used in symbolic mode only.
- # A Network does not create weights of its own, thus has no dtype.
+ # A Network does not create weights of its own, thus has no dtype.
self._dtype = None
# All layers in order of horizontal graph traversal.
self.outputs = [outputs]
# User-prodived argument validation.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# Check that all inputs/outputs are DeferredTensors.
for tensor in self.inputs:
if not isinstance(tensor, tf_base_layers._DeferredTensor): # pylint: disable=protected-access
# layer.input gives an error in eager mode
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
for layer in self._output_layers:
raise NotImplementedError('`add_variable` is not supported on Networks.')
def add_loss(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise NotImplementedError('`add_loss` is not supported on Networks '
'when eager execution is enabled.')
super(Network, self).add_loss(*args, **kwargs)
A list of update ops.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return []
if not self.trainable and not self.stateful:
losses = []
for layer in self.layers:
losses += layer.losses
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return losses
if self.inputs:
masks = nest.flatten(mask)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Try to retrieve cached outputs if the layer has already been called
# on these exact inputs.
cache_key = (tf_layers_util.object_list_uid(inputs)
output_masks = [None for _ in range(len(output_tensors))]
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if layer.activity_regularizer is not None:
regularization_losses = [
layer.activity_regularizer(x) for x in output_tensors
if output_masks is not None:
output_masks = output_masks[0]
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Update cache;
# keys are based on ids on input tensors and inputs masks.
cache_key = (tf_layers_util.object_list_uid(inputs)
def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
return array_ops.ones_like(inputs)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ a = constant_op.constant([2] * 32)
+ mask = constant_op.constant([0, 1] * 16)
+ a._keras_mask = mask
+ b = MaskedLayer().apply(a)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(b, '_keras_mask'))
+ self.assertAllEqual(
+ self.evaluate(array_ops.ones_like(mask)),
+ self.evaluate(getattr(b, '_keras_mask')))
+ self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(a * mask), self.evaluate(b))
+ else:
x = keras.Input(shape=(32,))
y = MaskedLayer()(x) # pylint: disable=not-callable
network = keras.engine.Network(x, y)
x_2 = array_ops.placeholder(dtype='float32', shape=(None, 32))
y_2 = network(x_2)
self.assertEqual(y_2.get_shape().as_list(), [None, 32])
- else:
- a = constant_op.constant([2] * 32)
- mask = constant_op.constant([0, 1] * 16)
- a._keras_mask = mask
- b = MaskedLayer().apply(a)
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(b, '_keras_mask'))
- self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(array_ops.ones_like(mask)),
- self.evaluate(getattr(b, '_keras_mask')))
- self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(a * mask), self.evaluate(b))
def test_activity_regularization_with_model_composition(self):
def testSimpleNetworkBuilding(self):
inputs = keras.engine.Input(shape=(32,))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertIsInstance(inputs, tf_base_layers._DeferredTensor)
self.assertEqual(, 'float32')
self.assertEqual(inputs.shape.as_list(), [None, 32])
x = keras.layers.Dense(2)(inputs)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertIsInstance(x, tf_base_layers._DeferredTensor)
self.assertEqual(, 'float32')
self.assertEqual(x.shape.as_list(), [None, 2])
network = keras.engine.Network(inputs, outputs)
self.assertIsInstance(network, keras.engine.Network)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# It should be possible to call such a network on EagerTensors.
inputs = constant_op.constant(
np.random.random((10, 32)).astype('float32'))
c = keras.layers.Dense(2)(c)
network = keras.engine.Network([input_a, input_b], [a, c])
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
a_val = constant_op.constant(
np.random.random((10, 32)).astype('float32'))
b_val = constant_op.constant(
`optimizer`, `loss`, `metrics` or `sample_weight_mode`.
loss = loss or {}
- if context.in_eager_mode() and not isinstance(
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and not isinstance(
optimizer, (tf_optimizer_module.Optimizer, optimizers.TFOptimizer)):
raise ValueError('Only TF native optimizers are supported in Eager mode.')
self.loss = loss
self.metrics = metrics or []
self.loss_weights = loss_weights
- if context.in_eager_mode() and sample_weight_mode is not None:
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and sample_weight_mode is not None:
raise ValueError('sample_weight_mode is not supported in Eager mode.')
self.sample_weight_mode = sample_weight_mode
- if context.in_eager_mode() and weighted_metrics is not None:
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and weighted_metrics is not None:
raise ValueError('weighted_metrics is not supported in Eager mode.')
self.weighted_metrics = weighted_metrics
- if context.in_eager_mode() and target_tensors is not None:
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and target_tensors is not None:
raise ValueError('target_tensors is not supported in Eager mode.')
self.target_tensors = target_tensors
# Prepare output masks.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
masks = self.compute_mask(self.inputs, mask=None)
if masks is None:
masks = [None for _ in self.outputs]
self.loss_weights_list = loss_weights_list
# initialization for Eager mode execution
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if target_tensors is not None:
raise ValueError('target_tensors are not currently supported in Eager'
'TensorFlow tensors. '
'You passed: x=' + str(x) + '; y=' + str(y))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ target_tensors = None
+ else:
# Handle target tensors if any passed.
if not isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
y = [y]
target_tensors = [v for v in y if tensor_util.is_tensor(v)]
- else:
- target_tensors = None
# What follows is input validation and standardization to list format,
# in the case where all inputs are value arrays.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# In eager mode, do not do shape validation.
feed_input_names = self.input_names
feed_input_shapes = None
if y is not None:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
feed_output_names = self.output_names
feed_output_shapes = None
# Sample weighting not supported in this case.
# Check that all arrays have the same length.
training_utils.check_array_lengths(x, y, sample_weights)
- if self._is_graph_network and not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if self._is_graph_network and not context.executing_eagerly():
# Additional checks to avoid users mistakenly using improper loss fns.
y, self._feed_loss_fns, feed_output_shapes)
whether to build the model's graph in inference mode (False), training
mode (True), or using the Keras learning phase (None).
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._symbolic_set_inputs(inputs, training=training)
ValueError: If the model's inputs are already set.
- assert context.in_eager_mode()
+ assert context.executing_eagerly()
if self.inputs:
raise ValueError('Model inputs are already set.')
# On-the-fly setting of model inputs/outputs as DeferredTensors,
ValueError: If the model's inputs are already set.
- assert context.in_graph_mode()
+ assert not context.executing_eagerly()
if self.inputs:
raise ValueError('Model inputs are already set.')
val_y = None
val_sample_weights = None
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return training_eager.fit_loop(
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return training_eager.test_loop(
self, inputs=x, targets=y, sample_weights=sample_weights,
batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose, steps=steps)
x, _, _ = self._standardize_user_data(x)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return training_eager.predict_loop(
self, x, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose, steps=steps)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
outputs = training_eager.train_on_batch(
self, x, y, sample_weights=sample_weights)
x, y, sample_weights = self._standardize_user_data(
x, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
outputs = training_eager.test_on_batch(
self, x, y, sample_weights=sample_weights)
x, _, _ = self._standardize_user_data(x)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
inputs = [ops.convert_to_tensor(val, dtype=K.floatx()) for val in x]
return self(inputs) # pylint: disable=not-callable
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if self.uses_learning_phase and not isinstance(K.learning_phase(), int):
ins = x + [0]
layer = keras.layers.ZeroPadding1D(padding=2)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
layer = keras.layers.ZeroPadding1D(padding=(1, 2))
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
padding=(2, 2), data_format=data_format)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
padding=((1, 2), (3, 4)), data_format=data_format)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
layer = keras.layers.ZeroPadding3D(padding=(2, 2, 2))
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
size=(length_row, length_col), data_format=data_format)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
cropping=cropping, data_format=data_format)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
cropping=cropping, data_format=data_format)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
cropping=cropping, data_format=data_format)
output = layer(keras.backend.variable(inputs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = output.numpy()
np_output = keras.backend.eval(output)
cropping[2][0]:-cropping[2][1], :]
np.testing.assert_allclose(np_output, expected_out)
- # test incorrect use
+ # test incorrect use
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
keras.layers.Cropping3D(cropping=(1, 1))
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
training = K.learning_phase()
output = super(Dropout, self).call(inputs, training=training)
# EagerTensor object has no attribute _uses_learning_phase
- if not context.in_eager_mode() and training is K.learning_phase():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() and training is K.learning_phase():
output._uses_learning_phase = True # pylint: disable=protected-access
return output
if training is None:
training = K.learning_phase()
output = super(BatchNormalization, self).call(inputs, training=training)
- if context.in_graph_mode() and training is K.learning_phase():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() and training is K.learning_phase():
output._uses_learning_phase = True # pylint: disable=protected-access
return output
# This part of the test can only run on GPU but doesn't appear
# to be properly assigned to a GPU when running in eager mode.
- if not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Only runs on GPU with CUDA, channels_first is not supported on CPU.
# TODO(b/62340061): Support channels_first on CPU.
if test.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True):
# Properly set learning phase on output tensor.
if 0 < self.dropout + self.recurrent_dropout:
- if training is None and not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if training is None and not context.executing_eagerly():
# This would be harmless to set in eager mode, but eager tensors
# disallow setting arbitrary attributes.
output._uses_learning_phase = True
hh = self.activation(x_h + recurrent_h)
h = z * h_tm1 + (1 - z) * hh
if 0 < self.dropout + self.recurrent_dropout:
- if training is None and not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if training is None and not context.executing_eagerly():
# This would be harmless to set in eager mode, but eager tensors
# disallow setting arbitrary attributes.
h._uses_learning_phase = True
h = o * self.activation(c)
if 0 < self.dropout + self.recurrent_dropout:
- if training is None and not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if training is None and not context.executing_eagerly():
# This would be harmless to set in eager mode, but eager tensors
# disallow setting arbitrary attributes.
h._uses_learning_phase = True
checks = []
def add_check(check, *args, **kwargs):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
args_val, kwargs_val = self.evaluate([args, kwargs])
check(*args_val, **kwargs_val)
checks.append((check, args, kwargs))
yield add_check
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
all_values = self.evaluate([[args, kwargs] for _, args, kwargs in checks])
for (check, _, _), (args, kwargs) in zip(checks, all_values):
check(*args, **kwargs)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError, "fail"):
check_ops.assert_equal(static_big, static_small, message="fail")
- # Dynamic check
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- with self.test_session():
- small = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="small")
- big = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="big")
- with ops.control_dependencies(
- [check_ops.assert_equal(
- big, small, message="fail")]):
- out = array_ops.identity(small)
- with self.assertRaisesOpError("fail.*big.*small"):
- out.eval(feed_dict={small: [1, 2], big: [3, 4]})
+ def test_raises_when_greater_dynamic(self):
+ with self.test_session():
+ small = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="small")
+ big = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="big")
+ with ops.control_dependencies(
+ [check_ops.assert_equal(big, small, message="fail")]):
+ out = array_ops.identity(small)
+ with self.assertRaisesOpError("fail.*big.*small"):
+ out.eval(feed_dict={small: [1, 2], big: [3, 4]})
def test_error_message_eager(self):
expected_error_msg_full = r"""big does not equal small
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError, "fail"):
check_ops.assert_equal(static_big, static_small, message="fail")
- # Dynamic check
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- with self.test_session():
- small = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="small")
- big = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="big")
- with ops.control_dependencies([check_ops.assert_equal(small, big)]):
- out = array_ops.identity(small)
- with self.assertRaisesOpError("small.*big"):
- out.eval(feed_dict={small: [3, 1], big: [4, 2]})
+ def test_raises_when_less_dynamic(self):
+ with self.test_session():
+ small = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="small")
+ big = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32, name="big")
+ with ops.control_dependencies([check_ops.assert_equal(small, big)]):
+ out = array_ops.identity(small)
+ with self.assertRaisesOpError("small.*big"):
+ out.eval(feed_dict={small: [3, 1], big: [4, 2]})
def test_doesnt_raise_when_equal_and_broadcastable_shapes(self):
raise py_exp("blah") # pylint: disable=not-callable
if eager:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(tf_exp, "blah"):
f = script_ops.eager_py_func(raise_exception, [], [])
output = script_ops.eager_py_func(no_return_value, inp=[], Tout=[])
ret = self.evaluate(output)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEquals(len(ret), 0)
# Tests for the 'read_value' argument:
assign_with_read = v.assign(3.0, read_value=True)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertEqual(3.0, assign_with_read.eval())
- else:
- self.assertEqual(3.0, self.evaluate(assign_with_read))
+ self.assertEqual(3.0, self.evaluate(assign_with_read))
assign_without_read = v.assign(4.0, read_value=False)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertIsInstance(assign_without_read, ops.Operation)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ else:
+ self.assertIsInstance(assign_without_read, ops.Operation)
self.assertEqual(4.0, self.evaluate(v.value()))
# Tests for the 'read_value' argument:
assign_with_read = v.assign_add(1.0, read_value=True)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertEqual(3.0, assign_with_read.eval())
- else:
- self.assertEqual(3.0, self.evaluate(assign_with_read))
+ self.assertEqual(3.0, self.evaluate(assign_with_read))
assign_without_read = v.assign_add(1.0, read_value=False)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertIsInstance(assign_without_read, ops.Operation)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ else:
+ self.assertIsInstance(assign_without_read, ops.Operation)
self.assertEqual(4.0, self.evaluate(v.value()))
# Tests for the 'read_value' argument:
assign_with_read = v.assign_sub(1.0, read_value=True)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertEqual(1.0, assign_with_read.eval())
- else:
- self.assertEqual(1.0, self.evaluate(assign_with_read))
+ self.assertEqual(1.0, self.evaluate(assign_with_read))
assign_without_read = v.assign_sub(1.0, read_value=False)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertIsInstance(assign_without_read, ops.Operation)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ else:
+ self.assertIsInstance(assign_without_read, ops.Operation)
self.assertEqual(0.0, self.evaluate(v.value()))
self.assertEqual("(10, 20, 35)", str(v.get_shape()))
self.assertEqual("(10, 20, 35)", str(v.value().shape))
self.assertEqual("(3, 20, 35)", str(v.sparse_read([0, 1, 2]).shape))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
def testInvalidSequenceLengthShape(self):
cell = Plus1RNNCell()
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- inputs = [array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(3, 4))]
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
inputs = [constant_op.constant(np.ones((3, 4)))]
+ else:
+ inputs = [array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(3, 4))]
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "must be a vector"):
def testBatchSizeFromInput(self):
cell = Plus1RNNCell()
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_eager_mode = context.executing_eagerly()
# With static batch size
- if in_graph_mode:
- inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(3, 4, 5))
- initial_state = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(3, 5))
- else:
+ if in_eager_mode:
inputs = np.zeros((3, 4, 5), dtype=np.float32)
initial_state = np.zeros((3, 5), dtype=np.float32)
+ else:
+ inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(3, 4, 5))
+ initial_state = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(3, 5))
# - Without initial_state
outputs, state = rnn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, dtype=dtypes.float32)
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.assertEqual(3, outputs.shape[0].value)
- self.assertEqual(3, state.shape[0].value)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(3, outputs.shape[0])
- self.assertEqual(3, state.shape[0])
+ self.assertEqual(3, outputs.shape[0])
+ self.assertEqual(3, state.shape[0])
# - With initial_state
outputs, state = rnn.dynamic_rnn(
cell, inputs, initial_state=initial_state)
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.assertEqual(3, outputs.shape[0].value)
- self.assertEqual(3, state.shape[0].value)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(3, outputs.shape[0])
- self.assertEqual(3, state.shape[0])
+ self.assertEqual(3, outputs.shape[0])
+ self.assertEqual(3, state.shape[0])
# Without static batch size
- # Tensor shapes are fully determined in Eager mode, so only run this
- # test in graph mode.
- if in_graph_mode:
+ # Tensor shapes are fully determined with eager execution enabled,
+ # so only run this test for graph construction.
+ if not in_eager_mode:
inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(None, 4, 5))
# - Without initial_state
outputs, state = rnn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, dtype=dtypes.float32)
def testScalarStateIsAccepted(self):
cell = ScalarStateRNNCell()
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_eager_mode = context.executing_eagerly()
- if in_graph_mode:
- inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(1, 4, 1))
- else:
+ if in_eager_mode:
inputs = np.array([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]], dtype=np.float32)
+ else:
+ inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(1, 4, 1))
with self.test_session() as sess:
outputs, state = rnn.dynamic_rnn(
cell, inputs, dtype=dtypes.float32, sequence_length=[4])
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if not in_eager_mode:
outputs, state =
[outputs, state], feed_dict={inputs: [[[1], [2], [3], [4]]]})
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.assertAllEqual(outputs, np.array([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]]))
- self.assertEqual(state, 4)
- else:
- self.assertAllEqual(outputs.numpy(), np.array([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]]))
- self.assertEqual(state.numpy(), 4)
+ self.assertAllEqual([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]], outputs)
+ self.assertAllEqual(4, state)
def testTensorArrayStateIsAccepted(self):
cell = TensorArrayStateRNNCell()
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_eager_mode = context.executing_eagerly()
- if in_graph_mode:
- inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(1, 4, 1))
- else:
+ if in_eager_mode:
inputs = np.array([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]], dtype=np.float32)
+ else:
+ inputs = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, shape=(1, 4, 1))
with self.test_session() as sess:
outputs, state = rnn.dynamic_rnn(
cell, inputs, dtype=dtypes.float32, sequence_length=[4])
state = (state[0], state[1].stack())
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if not in_eager_mode:
outputs, state =
[outputs, state], feed_dict={
inputs: [[[1], [2], [3], [4]]]
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.assertAllEqual(outputs, np.array([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]]))
- self.assertEqual(state[0], 4)
- self.assertAllEqual(state[1], np.array([[[1]], [[2]], [[3]], [[4]]]))
- else:
- self.assertAllEqual(outputs.numpy(), np.array([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]]))
- self.assertEqual(state[0].numpy(), 4)
- self.assertAllEqual(state[1].numpy(),
- np.array([[[1]], [[2]], [[3]], [[4]]]))
+ self.assertAllEqual([[[1], [2], [3], [4]]], outputs)
+ self.assertAllEqual(4, state[0])
+ self.assertAllEqual([[[1]], [[2]], [[3]], [[4]]], state[1])
######### Benchmarking RNN code
# unintended behavior is prevented.
c = constant_op.constant(5.0)
with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(
- TypeError, lambda e: "`Tensor` objects are not iterable" in str(e)):
+ TypeError, lambda e: "Tensor objects are not iterable" in str(e)):
for _ in c:
outputs_b, _ = linear1(inputs)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
"First application of template should get "
"same name scope as variables.")
"New template gets a freshly uniquified variable scope "
"because 'foo' is already taken.")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
"First application of template would get "
"same name scope as variables, but 'foo_1' is already "
with variable_scope.variable_scope("foo"):
# Create two templates with the same name, ensure scopes are made unique.
ta = template.make_template("bar", variable_scoped_function, True)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
tb = template.make_template("s", function_with_side_create,
def testTensorArrayWriteWrongIndexOrDataTypeFails(self):
with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
ta = _make_ta(3, "foo", dtype=dtypes.float32)
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
# Test writing the wrong datatype
- if in_graph_mode:
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- "TensorArray dtype is float but Op is trying to write "
- "dtype string"):
- self.evaluate(ta.write(0, "wrong_type_scalar").flow)
- else:
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- "TensorArray dtype is float32 but Op is trying to write "
- "dtype string"):
- self.evaluate(ta.write(0, "wrong_type_scalar").flow)
+ with self.assertRaisesOpError(
+ "TensorArray dtype is (float|float32) but Op is trying to write "
+ "dtype string"):
+ self.evaluate(ta.write(0, "wrong_type_scalar").flow)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- "Tried to write to index -1 but array is not "
- "resizeable and size is: 3"):
- self.evaluate(ta.write(-1, 3.0).flow)
- else:
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- r"Writing to negative indices \(index -1\) is not allowed."):
- self.evaluate(ta.write(-1, 3.0).flow)
+ with self.assertRaisesOpError("index -1"):
+ self.evaluate(ta.write(-1, 3.0).flow)
# Test reading from too large an index
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
w0 = ta.write(0, [[4.0, 5.0]])
- # Test reading wrong datatype, which is only possible in graph mode
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ # Test reading wrong datatype (only possible when constructing graphs).
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
r0_bad = gen_data_flow_ops.tensor_array_read_v3(
handle=w0.handle, index=0, dtype=dtypes.float64, flow_in=w0.flow)
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
# Test reading from a negative index, which is not allowed
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- r"Tried to read from index -1 but array size is: 3"):
- self.evaluate(
- else:
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- r"Reading from negative indices \(index -1\) is not allowed."):
- self.evaluate(
+ with self.assertRaisesOpError("index -1"):
+ self.evaluate(
# Test reading from too large an index
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
"Could not write to TensorArray index 2 because "
"it has already been written to."):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.evaluate(ta.write(2, 3.0).write(2, 3.0).flow)
- else:
- self.evaluate(ta.write(2, 3.0).write(2, 3.0))
+ self.evaluate(ta.write(2, 3.0).write(2, 3.0).flow)
def testTensorArrayConcatIncompatibleShapesFails(self):
w2 = w1.write(1, [4.0])
w3 = w2.write(2, [[3.0]])
- # The eager-mode implementation just passes up array_op.concat's error
- # message.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- r"TensorArray has inconsistent shapes. Index 0 has "
- r"\(excepting dimension 0\) shape: \[\] but index 2 has "
- r"\(excepting dimension 0\) shape: \[1\]"):
- self.evaluate(w3.concat())
- else:
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- r".*Ranks of all input tensors should match: shape\[0\] "
- r"= \[1\] vs\. shape\[2\] = \[1,1\].*"):
- self.evaluate(w3.concat())
+ # The exact error messages differ between eager execution and graph
+ # construction as the former bubbles up the error from array_op.concat.
+ with self.assertRaisesOpError("shape"):
+ self.evaluate(w3.concat())
def testTensorArraySplitIncompatibleShapesFails(self):
with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_eager_mode = context.executing_eagerly()
ta = _make_ta(3, "foo")
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
r"Expected lengths to be a vector, received shape: \[\]"):
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if in_eager_mode:
+ self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 1))
+ else:
lengths = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int64)
ta.split([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], lengths).flow.eval(feed_dict={lengths: 1})
- else:
- self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 1))
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
r"Expected sum of lengths to be equal to values.shape\[0\], "
r"but sum of lengths is 1 and value's shape is: \[3\]"):
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1]).flow)
- else:
- self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1]))
+ self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1]).flow)
ta = _make_ta(1, "baz")
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
r"Expected value to be at least a vector, but received shape: \[\]"):
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.evaluate(ta.split(1.0, [1]).flow)
- else:
- self.evaluate(ta.split(1.0, [1]))
+ self.evaluate(ta.split(1.0, [1]).flow)
ta = _make_ta(2, "buz")
with self.assertRaisesOpError(
r"TensorArray's size is not equal to the size of lengths "
r"\(2 vs. 1\), and the TensorArray is not marked as "
r"dynamically resizeable"):
- if in_graph_mode:
- self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0], [1]).flow)
- else:
- self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0], [1]))
+ self.evaluate(ta.split([1.0], [1]).flow)
def _testTensorArrayWriteGradientAddMultipleAdds(self, dtype):
with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
vout = func(v0, state0, var)
grad_val = -np.arange(3 * 5, dtype=np_dtype).reshape(3, 5)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ grad_fn = backprop.gradients_function(func)
+ v0_grad, state0_grad, var_grad = grad_fn(v0, state0, var, dy=grad_val)
+ else:
v0_grad = gradients_impl.gradients([vout], [v0], [grad_val])[0]
state0_grad = gradients_impl.gradients([vout], [state0], [grad_val])[0]
var_grad = gradients_impl.gradients([vout], [var], [grad_val])[0]
- else:
- grad_fn = backprop.gradients_function(func)
- v0_grad, state0_grad, var_grad = grad_fn(v0, state0, var, dy=grad_val)
state0_t, var_t, v0_t, vout_t, v0_grad_t, var_grad_t, state0_grad_t = (
return r
x = constant_op.constant(2.0, name="x")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- grad = gradients_impl.gradients(loop(x), [x])[0]
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
grad = backprop.gradients_function(loop)(x)[0]
+ else:
+ grad = gradients_impl.gradients(loop(x), [x])[0]
self.assertAllClose(31.0, self.evaluate(grad))
def testSumOfTwoReadVariablesWithoutRepeatGrad(self):
w0 = ta1.split(value, [1, 2])
r0 =
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ self.assertEqual((1, 2), r0.get_shape())
+ self.assertEqual((2, 2),
+ else:
self.assertEqual(r0.get_shape().ndims, None)
ta1.handle.op.get_attr("element_shape")).ndims, None)
- else:
- self.assertEqual((1, 2), r0.get_shape())
- self.assertEqual((2, 2),
def testWriteUnknownShape(self):
with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
g = func(values)
grad_ys = [[[2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0]]]
# Test combined gradients + aggregation of read(0)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ys=[g], xs=[values], grad_ys=grad_ys)
- g_vals, grad_vals =[[g], grad])
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
g_vals = [g]
grad_vals = backprop.gradients_function(func)(
values, dy=constant_op.constant(grad_ys[0], dtype=dtypes.float32))
+ else:
+ grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ys=[g], xs=[values], grad_ys=grad_ys)
+ g_vals, grad_vals =[[g], grad])
# Gradients for 8 of the 10 unread components are zero.
expected_grad = np.zeros((10, 2))
# Tests correct properties on new TensorArrays.
self.assertEqual(dtypes.float32, ta0.dtype)
self.assertEqual(dtypes.int32, ta1.dtype)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), read0.get_shape())
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.scalar(), read0.get_shape())
- self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.scalar(), read1.get_shape())
+ self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.unknown_shape(), read0.get_shape())
self.assertEqual(tensor_shape.scalar(), read1.get_shape())
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
read0_v, read1_v, size0_v, size1_v = self.evaluate((read0, read1, size0,
self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(w.value()), [1, 2, 3])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- variable_scope.get_variable("x4", initializer={})
- else:
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- variable_scope.get_variable("x4", initializer={})
+ # A quirk to be revisited?
+ error = ValueError if context.executing_eagerly() else TypeError
+ with self.assertRaises(error):
+ variable_scope.get_variable("x4", initializer={})
def testInitFromNonInitializer(self):
self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(losses[2]), 0.5)
with variable_scope.variable_scope("foo", reuse=True):
# reuse=True is for now only supported when eager execution is disabled.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
v = variable_scope.get_variable("v",
[]) # "v" is alredy there, reused
losses = ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)
v = variable_scope.get_variable("v", [])
self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(v.value()), 0.3)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Check that we can set reuse.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # Fail, w does not exist yet.
with variable_scope.variable_scope("tower") as tower:
with ops.name_scope("scope2") as sc2:
self.assertEqual(sc2, "testVarScopeNameScope1/tower/scope2/")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
with variable_scope.variable_scope(
tower): # Re-entering acts like another "tower".
with ops.name_scope("scope2") as sc2:
with variable_scope.variable_scope("tower"):
with ops.name_scope("scope2") as sc2:
self.assertEqual(sc2, "testVarScopeNameScope2/tower/scope2/")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
with variable_scope.variable_scope(tower):
with ops.name_scope("scope2") as sc2:
self.assertEqual(sc2, "testVarScopeNameScope2/tower_1/scope2/")
"w", [], collections=["foo"])
self.assertEqual(, "outer/w:0")
- # Since variable is local, it should be in the local variable collection
- # but not the trainable collection.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
+ # Since variable is local, it should be in the local variable collection
+ # but not the trainable collection.
self.assertIn(local_var, ops.get_collection("foo"))
- # Check that local variable respects `reuse`.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ # Check that local variable respects `reuse`.
with variable_scope.variable_scope(outer, "default", reuse=True):
variable_scope.get_local_variable("w", []).name, "outer/w:0")
# Provides information about which inputs are compatible with the layer.
self.input_spec = None
- if activity_regularizer and context.in_eager_mode():
+ if activity_regularizer and context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError(
('Activity regularization is not supported when executing eagerly. '
'Got activity_regularizer=%s') % (activity_regularizer,))
def updates(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.updates not supported in Eager mode.')
if not self.trainable and not self.stateful:
return []
have is available at runtime.
A step counter might fall into this category.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return # Updates already applied when in eager mode.
updates = _to_list(updates)
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('`get_updates_for()` not supported in Eager mode.')
# Updates disabled if layer is not trainable and not explicitly stateful.
A list of tensors.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# _losses may only contain variable regularization losses when executing
# eagerly, and they have been saved as lambdas to be executed when
# requested.
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# TODO(fchollet): it should be possible (and highly desirable) to support
# `add_loss` in eager mode. This allows great convenience and flexibility
# in defining custom losses on the fly (e.g. in VAEs).
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.get_losses_for not supported in Eager mode.')
if inputs is None:
# will occur; it should be None if and only if initialization will take
# place in the eager context.
init_graph = None
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
default_graph = ops.get_default_graph()
if default_graph.building_function:
with ops.init_scope():
# will be lifted; if initialization ops will be lifted into
# the eager context, then there is nothing to retrieve, since variable
# collections are not supported when eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
init_graph = ops.get_default_graph()
existing_variables = set(tf_variables.global_variables())
self._set_scope(kwargs.pop('scope', None))
input_list = nest.flatten(inputs)
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ build_graph = not context.executing_eagerly()
in_deferred_mode = isinstance(input_list[0], _DeferredTensor)
# Ensure the Layer, if being reused, is working with inputs from
# the same graph as where it was created.
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if build_graph:
# Set layer's "graph" at build time
self._graph = ops._get_graph_from_inputs(input_list, graph=self._graph) # pylint: disable=protected-access
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError('Input graph and Layer graph are not the same: %s' % e)
- if in_graph_mode or in_deferred_mode:
+ if build_graph or in_deferred_mode:
user_kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs)
# Handle Keras mask propagation from previous layer to current layer.
with scope_context_manager as scope:
with ops.name_scope(self._name_scope_name(scope)):
if not self.built:
- if not in_graph_mode:
+ if not build_graph:
# Activity regularization is currently unsupported in Eager mode.
if self._activity_regularizer:
- raise ValueError('activity_regularizer currently unsupported in '
- 'Eager mode. Found an activity_regularizer in '
- '%s(%s).' % (self.__class__.__name__, self))
- if not in_graph_mode and not in_deferred_mode:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'activity_regularizer currently unsupported with '
+ 'eager execution enabled. Found an activity_regularizer in '
+ '%s(%s).' % (self.__class__.__name__, self))
+ if not build_graph and not in_deferred_mode:
# TODO(agarwal): support _keras_history in Eager mode.
for x in input_list:
if hasattr(x, '_keras_history'):
if call_has_scope_arg:
kwargs['scope'] = scope
# Check input assumptions set after layer building, e.g. input shape.
- if in_graph_mode or in_deferred_mode:
+ if build_graph or in_deferred_mode:
if not in_deferred_mode:
if len(outputs) == 1:
outputs = outputs[0]
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if build_graph:
# Apply activity regularization.
# Note that it should be applied every time the layer creates a new
# output, since it is output-specific.
outputs._keras_mask = output_mask # pylint: disable=protected-access
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if build_graph:
# If all input tensors have history metadata,
# we update the output tensors
# with corresponding history metadata, thus eventually allowing to use
# Update global default collections.
_add_elements_to_collection(self.updates, ops.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
- if in_deferred_mode or in_graph_mode:
+ if in_deferred_mode or build_graph:
if _have_all_keras_metadata(inputs):
# Add an inbound node to the layer, so it can keep track of this call.
# This updates the layer history of the output tensor(s).
def graph(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.graph not supported in Eager mode.')
return self._graph
ValueError: If the index provided does not match any node.
- assert context.in_graph_mode()
+ assert not context.executing_eagerly()
if not self._inbound_nodes:
raise RuntimeError('The layer has never been called '
'and thus has no defined ' + attr_name + '.')
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
'Layer.get_input_shape_at not supported in Eager mode.')
return self._get_node_attribute_at_index(node_index, 'input_shapes',
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
'Layer.get_output_shape_at not supported in Eager mode.')
return self._get_node_attribute_at_index(node_index, 'output_shapes',
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.get_input_at not supported in Eager mode.')
return self._get_node_attribute_at_index(node_index, 'input_tensors',
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.get_output_at not supported in Eager mode.')
return self._get_node_attribute_at_index(node_index, 'output_tensors',
RuntimeError: If called in Eager mode.
AttributeError: If no inbound nodes are found.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.input not supported in Eager mode.')
if not self._inbound_nodes:
raise AttributeError('Layer ' + +
RuntimeError: if called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.output not supported in Eager mode.')
if not self._inbound_nodes:
raise AttributeError('Layer ' + + ' has no inbound nodes.')
AttributeError: if the layer has no defined input_shape.
RuntimeError: if called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.input_shape not supported in Eager mode.')
if not self._inbound_nodes:
raise AttributeError('The layer has never been called '
AttributeError: if the layer has no defined output shape.
RuntimeError: if called in Eager mode.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Layer.output_shape not supported in Eager mode.')
if not self._inbound_nodes:
raise AttributeError('The layer has never been called '
def _add_elements_to_collection(elements, collection_list):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('Using collections from Layers not supported in Eager '
'mode. Tried to add %s to %s' % (elements,
self.assertEqual(layer.variables, [])
self.assertEqual(layer.trainable_variables, [])
self.assertEqual(layer.non_trainable_variables, [])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# updates, losses only supported in GRAPH mode
self.assertEqual(layer.updates, [])
self.assertEqual(layer.losses, [])
self.assertEqual(layer.variables, [variable])
self.assertEqual(layer.trainable_variables, [variable])
self.assertEqual(layer.non_trainable_variables, [])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(layer.variables, [variable, variable_2])
self.assertEqual(layer.trainable_variables, [variable])
self.assertEqual(layer.non_trainable_variables, [variable_2])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
len(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)), 1)
inputs = random_ops.random_uniform((5,), seed=1)
outputs = layer.apply(inputs)
self.assertEqual(layer.built, True)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# op is only supported in GRAPH mode
self.assertEqual(, 'my_layer/Square')
inputs = random_ops.random_uniform((5,), seed=1)
outputs = layer.apply(inputs)
self.assertEqual(layer.built, True)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# op only supported in GRAPH mode.
self.assertEqual(, 'my_layer/Square')
def call(self, inputs):
return inputs
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
layer = CustomerLayer()
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, r'requires a defined rank'):
def call(self, inputs):
return inputs
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
layer = CustomerLayer()
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, r'requires a defined rank'):
def call(self, inputs):
return inputs
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
layer = CustomerLayer()
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, r'requires a defined rank'):
# Works
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
layer.apply(array_ops.placeholder('int32', shape=(2, 3)))
return {'l' + key: inputs[key] for key in inputs}
layer = DictLayer()
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- i1 = array_ops.placeholder('int32')
- i2 = array_ops.placeholder('float32')
- result = layer.apply({'abel': i1, 'ogits': i2})
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, dict))
- self.assertEqual(set(['label', 'logits']), set(result.keys()))
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
i1 = constant_op.constant(3)
i2 = constant_op.constant(4.0)
result = layer.apply({'abel': i1, 'ogits': i2})
self.assertEqual(set(['label', 'logits']), set(result.keys()))
self.assertEqual(3, result['label'].numpy())
self.assertEqual(4.0, result['logits'].numpy())
+ else:
+ i1 = array_ops.placeholder('int32')
+ i2 = array_ops.placeholder('float32')
+ result = layer.apply({'abel': i1, 'ogits': i2})
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, dict))
+ self.assertEqual(set(['label', 'logits']), set(result.keys()))
def testActivityRegularizer(self):
regularizer = math_ops.reduce_sum
data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, ndim=4))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Infer the static output shape:
out_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
out_shape[c_axis] = self.filters
data_format=utils.convert_data_format(self.data_format, ndim=5),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Infer the static output shape:
out_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
out_shape[c_axis] = self.filters
outputs = standard_ops.tensordot(inputs, self.kernel, [[len(shape) - 1],
# Reshape the output back to the original ndim of the input.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
output_shape = shape[:-1] + [self.units]
def call(self, inputs):
outputs = array_ops.reshape(inputs, (array_ops.shape(inputs)[0], -1))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
return outputs
[dense.kernel, dense.bias])
self.assertListEqual(dense.non_trainable_variables, [])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
len(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)), 2)
self.assertEqual(, 'my_dense/kernel:0')
self.assertListEqual(dense.variables, [dense.kernel])
self.assertListEqual(dense.trainable_variables, [dense.kernel])
self.assertListEqual(dense.non_trainable_variables, [])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
len(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)), 1)
self.assertEqual(, 'my_dense/kernel:0')
[dense.kernel, dense.bias])
self.assertListEqual(dense.trainable_variables, [])
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
len(ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)), 0)
dense = core_layers.Dense(2, activation=nn_ops.relu, name='dense1')
inputs = random_ops.random_uniform((5, 3), seed=1)
outputs = dense(inputs)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(, 'dense1/Relu')
dense = core_layers.Dense(2, name='dense2')
inputs = random_ops.random_uniform((5, 3), seed=1)
outputs = dense(inputs)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(, 'dense2/BiasAdd')
def testActivityRegularizer(self):
dp = core_layers.Dropout(0.5)
inputs = array_ops.ones((5, 3))
dropped = dp.apply(inputs, training=True)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
np_output = self.evaluate(dropped)
self.assertAlmostEqual(0., np_output.min())
return var
with ops.device(None):
- device = ((lambda _: self.moving_mean.device)
- if context.in_graph_mode() else self.moving_mean.device)
+ device = (
+ self.moving_mean.device if context.executing_eagerly() else
+ (lambda _: self.moving_mean.device))
with ops.device(device):
self.renorm_mean = _renorm_variable('renorm_mean', param_shape)
self.renorm_mean_weight = _renorm_variable('renorm_mean_weight', ())
# renorm_stddev_weight. This allows us to (1) mix the average
# stddev with the minibatch stddev early in training, and (2) compute
# the unbiased average stddev by dividing renorm_stddev by the weight.
- device = ((lambda _: self.moving_variance.device)
- if context.in_graph_mode() else self.moving_variance.device)
+ device = (
+ self.moving_variance.device if context.executing_eagerly() else
+ (lambda _: self.moving_variance.device))
with ops.device(device):
self.renorm_stddev = _renorm_variable('renorm_stddev', param_shape)
self.renorm_stddev_weight = _renorm_variable(
variance_update = self._assign_moving_average(self.moving_variance,
variance, one_minus_decay)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Note that in Eager mode, the updates are already executed when running
# assign_moving_averages. So we do not need to put them into
# collections.
return (r, d, new_mean, new_variance)
def call(self, inputs, training=False):
- in_eager_mode = context.in_eager_mode()
+ in_eager_mode = context.executing_eagerly()
if self.virtual_batch_size is not None:
# Virtual batches (aka ghost batches) can be simulated by reshaping the
# Tensor and reusing the existing batch norm implementation
lambda: _do_update(self.moving_variance, new_variance),
lambda: self.moving_variance)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.add_update(mean_update, inputs=inputs)
self.add_update(variance_update, inputs=inputs)
def _ExtractInputShapes(inputs):
"""Extract the shapes of a set of input tensors."""
- if not context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return array_ops.shape_n(inputs)
sizes = []
fully_known = True
out_grads = []
if isinstance(grad, ops.Tensor):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# Using mod here for convenience since concat_dim is already verified
# in concat implementation to be within the allowed [-rank, rank) range.
non_neg_concat_dim = (
# For axis 0 gathers, build an appropriately shaped IndexedSlices.
if axis_static == 0:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
params_tail_shape = params_shape.cpu()[1:]
params_tail_shape = params_shape[1:]
axes = math_ops.range(0, array_ops.size(split_shape), 2)
input_grad = math_ops.reduce_sum(array_ops.reshape(grad, split_shape), axes)
# Fix shape inference
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
return [input_grad, None]
A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return gen_array_ops.identity(input, name=name)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
input = ops.convert_to_tensor(input)
in_device = input.device
# TODO(ashankar): Does 'identity' need to invoke execution callbacks?
if context_device != in_device:
return input._copy() # pylint: disable=protected-access
return input
+ else:
+ return gen_array_ops.identity(input, name=name)
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,protected-access
return gen_math_ops.cast(input.dense_shape, out_type)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
input_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(input)
input_shape = input_tensor.get_shape()
if optimize and input_shape.is_fully_defined():
output = gen_array_ops.shape_n(input, out_type=out_type, name=name)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
for i, input_tensor in enumerate(input):
input_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(input_tensor)
input_shape = input_tensor.get_shape()
A `Tensor` of type `out_type`. Defaults to `tf.int32`.
- if context.in_eager_mode() and not isinstance(
- input, (sparse_tensor.SparseTensor,
- sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue)):
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and not isinstance(
+ input, (sparse_tensor.SparseTensor, sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue)):
return # pylint: disable=protected-access
with ops.name_scope(name, "Size", [input]) as name:
if isinstance(input, (sparse_tensor.SparseTensor,
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# TODO(apassos) In eager mode assignment will be done by overriding
# __setitem__ instead.
op.assign = assign
ret = transpose_fn(a, perm, name=name)
# NOTE(mrry): Setting the shape explicitly because
# reverse is not handled by the shape function.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
input_shape = ret.op.inputs[0].get_shape().dims
if input_shape is not None:
with ops.name_scope(name, "zeros_like", [tensor]) as name:
tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, name="tensor")
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if dtype is not None and dtype != tensor.dtype:
return zeros(
shape_internal(tensor, optimize=optimize), dtype=dtype, name=name)
if dtype is None:
dtype = tensor.dtype
ret = ones(ones_shape, dtype=dtype, name=name)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
return ret
RuntimeError: if eager execution is enabled
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("tf.placeholder() is not compatible with "
"eager execution.")
RuntimeError: if eager execution is enabled
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("tf.placeholder() is not compatible with "
"eager execution.")
raise ValueError("Unknown padding mode: %s" % mode)
# Restore shape information where possible.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
paddings_constant = tensor_util.constant_value(
result.op.inputs[1], partial=True)
input_shape = result.op.inputs[0].shape
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_negative', [x, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
if data is None:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
name =
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_positive', [x, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
if data is None:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
name =
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_non_negative', [x, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
if data is None:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
name =
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_non_positive', [x, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
if data is None:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
name =
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
eq = math_ops.equal(x, y)
condition = math_ops.reduce_all(eq)
if not condition:
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_none_equal', [x, y, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
x_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
y_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(y)
rtol = ops.convert_to_tensor(rtol, name='rtol', dtype=x.dtype)
atol = ops.convert_to_tensor(atol, name='atol', dtype=x.dtype)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
x_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
y_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(y)
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_less', [x, y, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
x_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
y_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(y)
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_less_equal', [x, y, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
x_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
y_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(y)
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_greater', [x, y, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
x_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
y_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(y)
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_greater_equal', [x, y, data]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
y = ops.convert_to_tensor(y, name='y')
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
x_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(x)
y_name = _shape_and_dtype_str(y)
static_condition = lambda actual_rank, given_rank: actual_rank == given_rank
dynamic_condition = math_ops.equal
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = ''
name =
static_condition = lambda actual_rank, given_rank: actual_rank >= given_rank
dynamic_condition = math_ops.greater_equal
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = ''
name =
ranks = tuple([ops.convert_to_tensor(rank, name='rank') for rank in ranks])
message = message or ''
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = ''
name =
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_integer', [x]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x')
if not x.dtype.is_integer:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = 'tensor'
name =
with ops.name_scope(name, 'assert_type', [tensor]):
tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, name='tensor')
if tensor.dtype != tf_type:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- raise TypeError(
- '%s %s must be of type %s' % (message,, tf_type))
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ raise TypeError('%s tensor must be of type %s' % (message, tf_type))
- raise TypeError(
- '%s tensor must be of type %s' % (message, tf_type))
+ raise TypeError('%s %s must be of type %s' % (message,,
+ tf_type))
return control_flow_ops.no_op('statically_determined_correct_type')
tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, name=name_scope)
shape = tensor.get_shape()
if shape.ndims != 0:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError('Expected scalar shape, saw shape: %s.'
% (shape,))
@compatibility{eager} `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError` if `condition`
is not true
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if not condition:
xs = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(data)
data_str = [_summarize_eager(x, summarize) for x in xs]
condition, data, summarize, name="Assert")
guarded_assert = cond(condition, no_op, true_assert, name="AssertGuard")
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return guarded_assert.op
raise TypeError("false_fn must be callable.")
with ops.name_scope(name, "cond", [pred]):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if pred:
return _UnpackIfSingleton(true_fn())
return _UnpackIfSingleton(false_fn())
math_ops.logical_and(i < maximum_iterations, orig_cond(*lv)))
body = lambda i, lv: (i + 1, orig_body(*lv))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
while cond(*loop_vars):
loop_vars = body(*loop_vars)
if maximum_iterations is not None:
TypeError: if `output_tensor` is not a `Tensor` or `IndexedSlices`.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return output_tensor
with ops.name_scope(name, "control_dependency",
list(dependencies) + [output_tensor]) as name:
ValueError: If an unknown keyword argument is provided.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return None
name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
if kwargs:
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return tensors
with ops.name_scope(name, "tuple", tensors) as name:
tensors = [t if (isinstance(t, ops.Operation)
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
"""Decorated function with custom gradient."""
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if kwargs:
raise ValueError(
"The custom_gradient decorator currently suports keywords "
ValueError: If one of the arguments is invalid.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"Queues are not supported when eager execution is enabled. "
"Instead, please use to get data into your model.")
self._names = None
self._queue_ref = queue_ref
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self._name ="/")[-1]
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._name = context.context().scope_name
+ else:
+ self._name ="/")[-1]
def from_list(index, queues):
def name(self):
"""The name of the underlying queue."""
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return
- return self._name
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ return self._name
+ return
def dtypes(self):
# NOTE(mrry): Not using a shape function because we need access to
# the `QueueBase` object.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
op = ret[0].op
for output, shape in zip(op.values(), self._shapes):
# NOTE(mrry): Not using a shape function because we need access to
# the Queue object.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
op = ret[0].op
batch_dim = tensor_shape.Dimension(
# NOTE(mrry): Not using a shape function because we need access to
# the Queue object.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
op = ret[0].op
for output, shape in zip(op.values(), self._shapes):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self._name ="/")[-1]
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._name = context.context().scope_name
+ else:
+ self._name ="/")[-1]
def barrier_ref(self):
def name(self):
"""The name of the underlying barrier."""
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return
- return self._name
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ return self._name
+ return
def insert_many(self, component_index, keys, values, name=None):
"""For each key, assigns the respective value to the specified component.
# NOTE(mrry): Not using a shape function because we need access to
# the Barrier object.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
op = ret[0].op
if allow_small_batch:
batch_dim = None
self._shape = tensor_shape.unknown_shape()
self._accumulator_ref = accumulator_ref
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self._name ="/")[-1]
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._name = context.context().scope_name
+ else:
+ self._name ="/")[-1]
def accumulator_ref(self):
if not callable(fn):
raise TypeError("fn must be callable.")
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with ops.name_scope(name, "foldl", [elems]):
# TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are
# supported in Eager
if not callable(fn):
raise TypeError("fn must be callable.")
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with ops.name_scope(name, "foldr", [elems]):
# TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are
# supported in Eager
elems_flat = input_flatten(elems)
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with ops.name_scope(name, "map", elems_flat):
# TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are
# supported in Eager
elems_flat = input_flatten(elems)
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with ops.name_scope(name, "scan", elems_flat):
# TODO(akshayka): Remove the in_graph_mode check once caching devices are
# supported in Eager
% str(value))
# TODO(mrry): Consider adding static shape information to
# IndexedSlices, to avoid using numpy here.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
dense_shape_value = tensor_util.constant_value(value.dense_shape)
if dense_shape_value is not None:
num_elements =
def _GradientsHelper(ys, xs, grad_ys, name, colocate_gradients_with_ops,
gate_gradients, aggregation_method, stop_gradients):
"""Implementation of gradients()."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
- raise RuntimeError("tf.gradients not supported in EAGER mode. Use "
- "functions in tf.contrib.eager.backprop instead.")
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ raise RuntimeError("tf.gradients not supported when eager execution "
+ "is enabled. Use tf.contrib.eager.GradientTape "
+ "instead.")
ys = _AsList(ys)
xs = _AsList(xs)
stop_gradients = [] if stop_gradients is None else _AsList(stop_gradients)
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"Readers are not supported when eager execution is enabled. "
"Instead, please use to get data into your model.")
default_value: The value to use if a key is missing in the table.
initializer: The table initializer to use.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- name ="/")[-1]
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
name = context.context().scope_name
+ else:
+ name ="/")[-1]
self).__init__(initializer.key_dtype, initializer.value_dtype,
ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TABLE_INITIALIZERS, init_op)
# If the filename tensor is anything other than a string constant (e.g., if
# it is a placeholder) then it does not make sense to track it as an asset.
- if context.in_graph_mode() and constant_op.is_constant(filename):
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() and constant_op.is_constant(filename):
ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.ASSET_FILEPATHS, filename)
return init_op
`[batch_size]`. Otherwise, a single scalar tensor is returned.
if ((isinstance(weights, float) and weights != 0.0) or
- (context.in_eager_mode() and weights._rank() == 0 # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ (context.executing_eagerly() and weights._rank() == 0 # pylint: disable=protected-access
and not math_ops.equal(weights, 0.0))):
return _num_elements(losses)
with ops.name_scope(None, "num_present", (losses, weights)) as scope:
if axes is not None:
rank = len(input_0_shape)
if np.array_equal(axes, np.arange(rank)): # Reduce all dims.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- new_shape = [1] * rank
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
ctx = context.context()
new_shape = ctx.ones_rank_cache().get(rank)
if new_shape is None:
new_shape = constant_op.constant([1] * rank, dtype=dtypes.int32)
ctx.ones_rank_cache().put(rank, new_shape)
+ else:
+ new_shape = [1] * rank
grad = array_ops.reshape(grad, new_shape)
# If shape is not fully defined (but rank is), we use Shape.
if None not in input_0_shape:
op.inputs[0]: op.get_attr("a_is_sparse"),
op.inputs[1]: op.get_attr("b_is_sparse"),
# Use heuristic to figure out if grad might be sparse
- grad: context.in_graph_mode() and (grad.op.type == "ReluGrad")
+ grad: not context.executing_eagerly() and (grad.op.type == "ReluGrad")
def _SparseMatMul(t1, t2, out_dtype, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False):
if transpose_b and adjoint_b:
raise ValueError("Only one of transpose_b and adjoint_b can be True.")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")
- b = ops.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if not isinstance(a, (ops.EagerTensor, _resource_variable_type)):
a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")
if not isinstance(b, (ops.EagerTensor, _resource_variable_type)):
b = ops.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")
+ else:
+ a = ops.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")
+ b = ops.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")
# TODO(apassos) remove _shape_tuple here when it is not needed.
a_shape = a._shape_tuple() # pylint: disable=protected-access
return inputs[0]
elif len(inputs) == 1 and name is not None:
return array_ops.identity(inputs[0], name=name)
- elif context.in_eager_mode():
+ elif context.executing_eagerly():
# TemporaryVariable not currently supported in eager mode; fall back
# onto AddN for now.
# TODO(frreiss) remove this once the lifetime of eager variables gets
def testReduceInvalidAxis(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# The shape check is in run a graph construction time. In eager mode,
# it misses the check, magically return result given wrong shape.
def testAcceptsRefs(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
var = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(10, name="var")
var = variables.Variable(10)
or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean is not supported when eager execution '
'is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.accuracy is not supported when eager '
'execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.auc is not supported when eager execution '
'is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_absolute_error is not supported '
'when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_cosine_distance is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_per_class_accuracy is not supported '
'when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_iou is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_relative_error is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_squared_error is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.mean_tensor is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.percentage_below is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.false_negatives is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.false_negatives_at_thresholds is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.false_positives is not supported when '
'eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.false_positives_at_thresholds is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.true_negatives is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.true_negatives_at_thresholds is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.true_positives is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.true_positives_at_thresholds is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.precision is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.precision_at_thresholds is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.recall is not supported is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
are not a list or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.recall_at_k is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.recall_at_thresholds is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.root_mean_squared_error is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
or `updates_collections` are not a list or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.sensitivity_at_specificity is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
ValueError: if k is invalid.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.sparse_average_precision_at_k is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
are not a list or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.precision_at_top_k is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
are not a list or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.sparse_precision_at_k is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
or `updates_collections` are not a list or tuple.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError('tf.metrics.specificity_at_sensitivity is not '
'supported when eager execution is enabled.')
def IsZero(g):
# Some introspection to check if the gradient is feeding zeros
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# TODO(apassos) add an efficient way to detect eager zeros here.
return False
if g.op.type in ("ZerosLike", "Zeros"):
A `Tensor` with the same type as `value`.
with ops.name_scope(name, "BiasAdd", [value, bias]) as name:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
value = ops.convert_to_tensor(value, name="input")
bias = ops.convert_to_tensor(bias, dtype=value.dtype, name="bias")
return gen_nn_ops.bias_add(value, bias, data_format=data_format, name=name)
output = array_ops.reshape(logits, array_ops.concat([[-1], last_dim_size], 0))
# Set output shape if known.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
shape = logits.get_shape()
if shape is not None and shape.dims is not None:
shape = shape.as_list()
# Make shape inference work since reshape and transpose may erase its static
# shape.
- if context.in_graph_mode() and shape is not None and shape.dims is not None:
+ if not context.executing_eagerly(
+ ) and shape is not None and shape.dims is not None:
shape = shape.as_list()
del shape[dim]
# 0. if [keep_prob, 1.0) and 1. if [1.0, 1.0 + keep_prob)
binary_tensor = math_ops.floor(random_tensor)
ret = math_ops.div(x, keep_prob) * binary_tensor
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
return ret
the checked operations.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"add_check_numerics_ops() is not compatible with eager execution. "
"To check for Inf's and NaN's under eager execution, call "
# valid, and so on. Printing warnings in these cases is silly
# (exceptions raised from __del__ are printed as warnings to stderr).
pass # 'NoneType' object is not callable when the handle has been
- # partially unloaded.
+ # partially unloaded.
except AttributeError:
pass # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'eager_mode' when context has
- # been unloaded. Will catch other module unloads as well.
+ # been unloaded. Will catch other module unloads as well.
def shape_safe_assign_variable_handle(handle, shape, value, name=None):
if initial_value is not None:
raise ValueError("variable_def and initial_value are mutually "
- if not context.in_graph_mode():
- raise ValueError("Creating ResourceVariable from variable_def"
- " only supported in GRAPH mode.")
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ raise ValueError("Creating ResourceVariable from variable_def is "
+ "not supported when eager execution is enabled.")
self._init_from_proto(variable_def, import_scope=import_scope)
# this graph.
self._graph_key = ops.get_default_graph()._graph_key # pylint: disable=protected-access
with ops.init_scope():
- self._in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ self._in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
with ops.name_scope(name, "Variable", []
if init_from_fn else [initial_value]) as name:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
self._cached_value = self._read_variable_op()
self._cached_value = None
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
ops.add_to_collections(collections, self)
elif ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP in collections:
ops.add_to_collections(ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, self)
def _init_from_proto(self, variable_def, import_scope=None):
"""Initializes from `VariableDef` proto."""
# Note that init_from_proto is currently not supported in Eager mode.
- assert context.in_graph_mode()
+ assert not context.executing_eagerly()
self._in_graph_mode = True
assert isinstance(variable_def, variable_pb2.VariableDef)
if not variable_def.is_resource:
def create(self):
"""The op responsible for initializing this variable."""
if not self._in_graph_mode:
- raise RuntimeError("Calling create in EAGER mode not supported.")
+ raise RuntimeError("Calling create is not supported when eager execution"
+ " is enabled.")
return self._initializer_op
def initial_value(self):
"""Returns the Tensor used as the initial value for the variable."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("initial_value not supported in EAGER mode.")
return self._initial_value
def eval(self, session=None):
"""Evaluates and returns the value of this variable."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Trying to eval in EAGER mode")
return self._graph_element.eval(session=session)
def numpy(self):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "numpy() is only available when eager execution is enabled.")
- return self.read_value().numpy()
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ return self.read_value().numpy()
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "numpy() is only available when eager execution is enabled.")
def count_up_to(self, limit):
"""Increments this variable until it reaches `limit`.
A `VariableDef` protocol buffer, or `None` if the `Variable` is not
in the specified name scope.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("to_proto not supported in EAGER mode.")
if export_scope is None or
var_def = variable_pb2.VariableDef()
def from_proto(variable_def, import_scope=None):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("from_proto not supported in EAGER mode.")
return ResourceVariable(
variable_def=variable_def, import_scope=import_scope)
self._is_initialized_op = None
self._initializer_op = None
self._parent_op = parent_op
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self._graph_element = self.read_value()
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._graph_element = None
+ else:
+ self._graph_element = self.read_value()
self._handle_deleter = deleter
def value(self):
# Create a new scope in which the caching device is either
# determined by the parent scope, or is set to place the cached
# Variable using the same placement as for the rest of the RNN.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if varscope.caching_device is None:
varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device)
["Expected shape for Tensor %s is " %,
packed_shape, " but saw shape: ", x_shape])
- if context.in_graph_mode() and sequence_length is not None:
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() and sequence_length is not None:
# Perform some shape validation
with ops.control_dependencies(
[_assert_has_shape(sequence_length, [batch_size])]):
tensor_array_name=base_name + name)
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
if in_graph_mode:
output_ta = tuple(
# determined by the parent scope, or is set to place the cached
# Variable using the same placement as for the rest of the RNN.
with vs.variable_scope(scope or "rnn") as varscope:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if varscope.caching_device is None:
varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device)
# determined by the parent scope, or is set to place the cached
# Variable using the same placement as for the rest of the RNN.
with vs.variable_scope(scope or "rnn") as varscope:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if varscope.caching_device is None:
varscope.set_caching_device(lambda op: op.device)
"""Combine s with batch_size to get a proper tensor shape."""
c = _concat(batch_size, s)
size = array_ops.zeros(c, dtype=dtype)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
c_static = _concat(batch_size, s, static=True)
return size
def _rnn_get_variable(self, getter, *args, **kwargs):
variable = getter(*args, **kwargs)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- trainable = (variable in tf_variables.trainable_variables() or
- (isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable) and
- list(variable)[0] in tf_variables.trainable_variables()))
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
trainable = variable._trainable # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ else:
+ trainable = (
+ variable in tf_variables.trainable_variables() or
+ (isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable) and
+ list(variable)[0] in tf_variables.trainable_variables()))
if trainable and variable not in self._trainable_weights:
elif not trainable and variable not in self._non_trainable_weights:
# Try to use the last cached zero_state. This is done to avoid recreating
# zeros, especially when eager execution is enabled.
state_size = self.state_size
- is_eager = context.in_eager_mode()
+ is_eager = context.executing_eagerly()
if is_eager and hasattr(self, "_last_zero_state"):
(last_state_size, last_batch_size, last_dtype,
last_output) = getattr(self, "_last_zero_state")
A list of `Tensor` or a single `Tensor` which `func` computes.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
result = func(*[x.numpy() for x in inp])
result = nest.flatten(result)
if ref.dtype._is_ref_dtype:
return gen_state_ops.is_variable_initialized(ref=ref, name=name)
# Handle resource variables.
- if context.in_eager_mode() or ref.op.type == "VarHandleOp":
+ if context.executing_eagerly() or ref.op.type == "VarHandleOp":
return gen_resource_variable_ops.var_is_initialized_op(ref.handle,
if kwargs:
func_ = tf_decorator.make_decorator(func_, functools.partial(
func_, **kwargs))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if unique_name_ is not None:
raise ValueError(
"unique_name_ cannot be used when eager exeuction is enabled.")
def _call_next_creator_renaming_initializer(initializer, **inner_kwargs):
inner_kwargs.pop("name") # Ignored; this is the scope-stripped name which
- # we don't want to propagate.
+ # we don't want to propagate.
return next_creator(
RuntimeError: if eager execution is not enabled.
- if not context.in_eager_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"{} objects can only be used when eager execution is enabled, use "
"tf.Template for graph construction".
with ops.name_scope(name, "TensorArrayScatter",
[self._handle, value, indices]):
value = ops.convert_to_tensor(value, name="value")
- if self._infer_shape and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if self._infer_shape and not context.executing_eagerly():
with self._maybe_colocate_with(value):
flow_out = gen_data_flow_ops.tensor_array_scatter_v3(
value = ops.convert_to_tensor(value, name="value")
with self._maybe_colocate_with(value):
lengths_64 = math_ops.to_int64(lengths)
- if self._infer_shape and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if self._infer_shape and not context.executing_eagerly():
clengths = tensor_util.constant_value(lengths_64)
if value.shape.dims is not None:
if clengths is not None and clengths.max() == clengths.min():
ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
TypeError: if handle is provided but is not a Tensor.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- implementation = _GraphTensorArray
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
implementation = _EagerTensorArray
+ else:
+ implementation = _GraphTensorArray
self._implementation = implementation(
raise ValueError(
"Passed a custom_getter which is not callable: %s" % custom_getter)
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if not self._store_eager_variables and reuse:
raise RuntimeError(
"When eager execution is enabled variable reuse is only supported"
when violating reuse during variable creation, or if an existing
sharded variable exists for the given name but with different sharding.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise NotImplementedError("Partitioned variables are not yet supported "
"when eager execution is enabled.")
- if context.in_graph_mode() or self._store_eager_variables:
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() or self._store_eager_variables:
# In eager mode we do not want to keep default references to Variable
# objects as this will prevent their memory from being released.
self._vars[name] = v
with ops.name_scope(name + "/Regularizer/"):
loss = regularizer(v)
if loss is not None:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- v_name =
- loss_name =
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
v_name = "v_%s" % type(v)
loss_name = "loss_%s" % type(loss)
+ else:
+ v_name =
+ loss_name =
logging.vlog(1, "Applied regularizer to %s and added the result %s "
"to REGULARIZATION_LOSSES.", v_name, loss_name)
ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, loss)
self._dtype = dtype
self._use_resource = use_resource
self._constraint = constraint
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if self._caching_device is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Caching devices is not yet supported "
"when eager execution is enabled.")
def set_use_resource(self, use_resource):
"""Sets whether to use ResourceVariables for this scope."""
- if context.in_eager_mode() and not use_resource:
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and not use_resource:
raise ValueError("When eager execution is enabled, "
"use_resource cannot be set to false.")
self._use_resource = use_resource
def set_caching_device(self, caching_device):
"""Set caching_device for this scope."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise NotImplementedError("Caching devices are not yet supported "
"when eager execution is enabled.")
self._caching_device = caching_device
def set_partitioner(self, partitioner):
"""Set partitioner for this scope."""
- if partitioner and context.in_eager_mode():
+ if partitioner and context.executing_eagerly():
raise NotImplementedError("Partitioned variables are not yet supported "
"when eager execution is enabled.")
self._partitioner = partitioner
partitioner = self._partitioner
if custom_getter is None:
custom_getter = self._custom_getter
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ reuse = False
+ use_resource = True
+ else:
if reuse is None:
reuse = self._reuse
if use_resource is None:
use_resource = self._use_resource
- else:
- reuse = False
- use_resource = True
full_name = + "/" + name if else name
# Variable names only depend on variable_scope (full_name here),
"""Gets an existing variable with this name or create a new one."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise NotImplementedError("Partitioned variables are not yet supported "
"when eager execution is enabled.")
if initializer is None:
raise ValueError("The reuse parameter must be True or False or None.")
if self._values is None:
self._values = []
- self._in_graph_mode = not context.in_eager_mode()
+ self._in_graph_mode = not context.executing_eagerly()
if self._in_graph_mode:
self._graph = ops._get_graph_from_inputs(self._values) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self._cached_pure_variable_scope = None
use_resource = kwargs.get("use_resource", None)
if use_resource is None:
use_resource = get_variable_scope().use_resource
- if use_resource or (use_resource is None and context.in_eager_mode()):
+ if use_resource or (use_resource is None and context.executing_eagerly()):
return resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(
initial_value=initial_value, trainable=trainable,
collections=collections, validate_shape=validate_shape,
caching_device=caching_device, name=name, dtype=dtype,
- elif not use_resource and context.in_eager_mode():
+ elif not use_resource and context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"VariableScope should use resource variable when eager execution is"
" enabled, but use_resource is False."
for details on how variables work in eager execution.
- if not context.in_graph_mode():
- raise RuntimeError("tf.Variable not supported in Eager mode. "
- "Please use tfe.Variable instead")
- self._in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "tf.Variable not supported when eager execution is enabled. "
+ "Please use tf.contrib.eager.Variable instead")
+ self._in_graph_mode = True
if variable_def:
# If variable_def is provided, recreates the variable from its fields.
if initial_value:
def __repr__(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return "<tf.Variable '%s' shape=%s dtype=%s, numpy=%s>" % (, self.get_shape(),,
ops.numpy_text(self.read_value(), is_repr=True))
ValueError: Session is not passed and no default session
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ self.assign(value)
+ else:
session = session or ops.get_default_session()
if session is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either session argument should be provided or default session "
"should be established"), {self._initializer_op.inputs[1]: value})
- else:
- self.assign(value)
# Conversion to tensor.
information does not match `shape`, or `partitions` has invalid values.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled
- if not context.in_graph_mode():
- raise RuntimeError("tf.PartitionedVariable not supported in "
- "eager mode. Please use tfe.Variable instead")
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "tf.PartitionedVariable not supported with eager execution enabled.")
if not isinstance(variable_list, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(
"variable_list is not a list or tuple: %s" % variable_list)
An Op that run the initializers of all the specified variables.
- if var_list and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if var_list and not context.executing_eagerly():
return*[v.initializer for v in var_list], name=name)
return control_flow_ops.no_op(name=name)
An Op that initializes global variables in the graph.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return control_flow_ops.no_op(name="global_variables_initializer")
return variables_initializer(global_variables())
An Op that initializes all local variables in the graph.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return control_flow_ops.no_op(name="local_variables_initializer")
return variables_initializer(local_variables())
op_log: optional. tensorflow::tfprof::OpLogProto proto. Used to define
extra op types.
- if not graph and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly():
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
self._coverage = 0.0
self._graph = graph
If cmd is 'op' or 'code', returns MultiGraphNodeProto proto.
Side effect: stdout/file/timeline.json depending on options['output']
- if not graph and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly():
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
tmp_op_log: Merged OpLogProto proto.
- if not graph and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly():
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
tmp_op_log = tfprof_log_pb2.OpLogProto()
add_trace: Whether to add python code trace information.
Used to support "code" view.
- if not graph and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly():
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
op_log = merge_default_with_oplog(graph, op_log, run_meta, add_trace)
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
- if _context.in_eager_mode():
+ if _context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
'Merging tf.summary.* ops is not compatible with eager execution. '
'Use tf.contrib.summary instead.')
summaries under eager execution, use `tf.contrib.summary` instead.
- if _context.in_eager_mode():
+ if _context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
'Merging tf.summary.* ops is not compatible with eager execution. '
'Use tf.contrib.summary instead.')
summaries under eager execution, use `tf.contrib.summary` instead.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"tf.summary.FileWriter is not compatible with eager execution. "
"Use tf.contrib.summary instead.")
self._updated_lr = None
def _get_beta_accumulators(self):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- graph = ops.get_default_graph()
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
graph = None
+ else:
+ graph = ops.get_default_graph()
return (self._get_non_slot_variable("beta1_power", graph=graph),
self._get_non_slot_variable("beta2_power", graph=graph))
# Shouldn't return non-slot variables from other graphs.
self.assertEqual(0, len(opt.variables()))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Fetch params to validate initial values
self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], self.evaluate(var0))
# Run 3 steps of Adam
for t in range(1, 4):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
elif t > 1:
opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1]))
# Name saveables based on the name this object had when it was checkpointed.
named_saveables = {}
restore_ops = []
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
+ building_graph = not context.executing_eagerly()
for serialized_tensor in self.object_proto.attributes:
saveable_object = saveables.get(, None)
if saveable_object is None:
self.checkpointable, []).append(
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if building_graph:
existing_ops = self._checkpoint.restore_ops_by_name.get(, None)
saveable_index:saveable_index + num_specs]
saveable_index += num_specs
restore_op = saveable.restore(saveable_tensors, restored_shapes=None)
- if in_graph_mode:
+ if building_graph:
assert not in self._checkpoint.restore_ops_by_name
self._checkpoint.restore_ops_by_name[] = restore_op
"Checkpointable._add_variable called to create another with "
"that name. Variable names must be unique within a Checkpointable "
"object.") % (name,))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# If this is a variable with a single Tensor stored in the checkpoint, we
# can set that value as an initializer rather than initializing and then
# assigning (when executing eagerly). This call returns None if there is
return var.scatter_sub(delta, use_locking=self._use_locking)
def _prepare(self):
- if context.in_graph_mode() or self._learning_rate_tensor is None:
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() or self._learning_rate_tensor is None:
self._learning_rate_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(self._learning_rate,
enabled. Please use the `` API to ingest data under eager execution.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"Input pipelines based on Queues are not supported when eager execution"
" is enabled. Please use to ingest data into your model"
allow_smaller_final_batch=False, shared_name=None,
"""Helper function for `batch` and `maybe_batch`."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError(
"Input pipelines based on Queues are not supported when eager execution"
" is enabled. Please use to ingest data into your model"
enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, dynamic_pad=False,
allow_smaller_final_batch=False, shared_name=None, name=None):
"""Helper function for `batch_join` and `maybe_batch_join`."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError(
"Input pipelines based on Queues are not supported when eager execution"
" is enabled. Please use to ingest data into your model"
shapes=None, allow_smaller_final_batch=False,
shared_name=None, name=None):
"""Helper function for `shuffle_batch` and `maybe_shuffle_batch`."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError(
"Input pipelines based on Queues are not supported when eager execution"
" is enabled. Please use to ingest data into your model"
allow_smaller_final_batch=False, shared_name=None,
"""Helper function for `shuffle_batch_join` and `maybe_shuffle_batch_join`."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise ValueError(
"Input pipelines based on Queues are not supported when eager execution"
" is enabled. Please use to ingest data into your model"
learning_rate_decay.piecewise_constant(x, boundaries, values)
# Test that ref types are valid.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
x = variables.Variable(0.0)
x_ref = x.op.outputs[0] # float32_ref tensor should be accepted
boundaries, values = [1.0, 2.0], [1, 2, 3]
mom_update = mom_opt.apply_gradients(
zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1]))
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Fetch params to validate initial values
self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], self.evaluate(var0))
self.assertEquals(slot0.get_shape(), var0.get_shape())
slot1 = mom_opt.get_slot(var1, "momentum")
self.assertEquals(slot1.get_shape(), var1.get_shape())
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertFalse(slot0 in variables.trainable_variables())
self.assertFalse(slot1 in variables.trainable_variables())
# Step 1: the momentum accumulators where 0. So we should see a normal
# update: v -= grad * learning_rate
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Check that the momentum accumulators have been updated.
self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType(np.array([0.1, 0.1]),
np.array([3.0 - (0.01 * 2.0), 4.0 - (0.01 * 2.0)]),
# Step 2: the momentum accumulators contain the previous update.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.evaluate(mom_update)
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
mom_opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1]))
+ else:
+ self.evaluate(mom_update)
# Check that the momentum accumulators have been updated.
np.array([(0.9 * 0.1 + 0.1), (0.9 * 0.1 + 0.1)]),
[1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="var0")
var1 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(
[3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="var1")
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
loss = lambda: math_ops.reduce_sum(var0 + var1)
loss = math_ops.reduce_sum(var0 + var1)
[1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="var2")
var3 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(
[3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="var3")
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
loss = lambda: math_ops.reduce_sum(var2 + var3)
loss = math_ops.reduce_sum(var2 + var3)
def _get_variable_for(v):
"""Returns the ResourceVariable responsible for v, or v if not necessary."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return v
if v.op.type == "VarHandleOp":
for var in variables.trainable_variables():
def _var_key(var):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return var._shared_name # pylint: disable=protected-access
return (var.op.graph,
def _get_processor(v):
"""The processor of v."""
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if isinstance(v, ops.Tensor):
return _TensorProcessor(v)
var_list = tape.watched_variables()
grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, var_list, grad_loss)
return list(zip(grads, var_list))
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"`loss` passed to Optimizer.compute_gradients should "
"be a function when eager execution is enabled.")
# We colocate all ops created in _apply_dense or _apply_sparse
# on the same device as the variable.
# TODO(apassos): figure out how to get the variable name here.
- scope_name = if context.in_graph_mode() else ""
+ scope_name = "" if context.executing_eagerly() else
with ops.name_scope("update_" + scope_name), ops.colocate_with(var):
update_ops.append(processor.update_op(self, grad))
if global_step is None:
apply_updates = state_ops.assign_add(global_step, 1, name=name)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if isinstance(apply_updates, ops.Tensor):
apply_updates = apply_updates.op
train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)
A list of variables.
- executing_eagerly = context.in_eager_mode()
+ executing_eagerly = context.executing_eagerly()
current_graph = ops.get_default_graph()
def _from_current_graph(variable):
def _create_non_slot_variable(self, initial_value, name, colocate_with):
"""Add an extra variable, not associated with a slot."""
- in_graph_mode = context.in_graph_mode()
- if in_graph_mode:
- graph = colocate_with.graph
- else:
- graph = None
+ eager = context.executing_eagerly()
+ graph = None if eager else colocate_with.graph
key = (name, graph)
v = self._non_slot_dict.get(key, None)
if v is None:
with ops.colocate_with(colocate_with):
- if not in_graph_mode:
+ if eager:
restored_initial_value = self._preload_simple_restoration(
name=name, shape=None)
if restored_initial_value is not None:
unconditional = super(Optimizer, self)._lookup_dependency(name)
if unconditional is not None:
return unconditional
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- graph = ops.get_default_graph()
- else:
- graph = None
+ graph = None if context.executing_eagerly() else ops.get_default_graph()
return self._get_non_slot_variable(name, graph=graph)
def _get_non_slot_variable(self, name, graph=None):
named_slots = self._slot_dict(slot_name)
variable_key = _var_key(variable)
slot_variable = named_slots.get(variable_key, None)
- if (slot_variable is None
- and context.in_eager_mode()
- and slot_variable_position.is_simple_variable()):
+ if (slot_variable is None and context.executing_eagerly() and
+ slot_variable_position.is_simple_variable()):
initializer = checkpointable.CheckpointInitialValue(
slot_variable = self._get_or_make_slot(
restoring from `queue_runner_def`.
RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"QueueRunners are not supported when eager execution is enabled. "
"Instead, please use to get data into your model.")
use the `` API instead.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Queues are not compatible with eager execution.")
if sess is None:
sess = ops.get_default_session()
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ if not isinstance(var, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can only save/restore ResourceVariables when eager execution "
+ "is enabled, type: %s." % type(var))
+ set_var = names_to_saveables.setdefault(var._shared_name, var)
+ if set_var is not var:
+ raise ValueError(
+ ("Two different ResourceVariable objects with the same "
+ "shared_name '%s' were passed to the Saver. This likely means "
+ "that they were created in different Graphs or isolation "
+ "contexts, and may not be checkpointed together.") %
+ (var._shared_name,))
+ else:
if convert_variable_to_tensor:
if isinstance(var, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable):
var = var._graph_element # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise ValueError("At least two variables have the same name: %s" %
names_to_saveables[name] = var
- else:
- if not isinstance(var, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable):
- raise ValueError("Can only save/restore ResourceVariable eager "
- "mode is enabled, type: %s." % type(var))
- set_var = names_to_saveables.setdefault(var._shared_name, var)
- if set_var is not var:
- raise ValueError(
- ("Two different ResourceVariable objects with the same "
- "shared_name '%s' were passed to the Saver. This likely means "
- "that they were created in different Graphs or isolation "
- "contexts, and may not be checkpointed together.") % (
- var._shared_name,))
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return names_to_saveables
# pylint: enable=protected-access
# A variable or tensor.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
if not isinstance(op, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable):
raise ValueError("Can only save/restore ResourceVariable eager "
"mode is enabled, type: %s." % type(op))
"""build() with option to only perform save and restore."""
- if context.in_graph_mode() and (not build_save or not build_restore):
- raise ValueError("Graph mode needs to build save and restore together.")
+ if not context.executing_eagerly() and (not build_save or
+ not build_restore):
+ raise ValueError("save and restore operations need to be built together "
+ " when eager execution is not enabled.")
saveables = self._ValidateAndSliceInputs(names_to_saveables)
if max_to_keep is None:
# such usage model makes sense.
# assert"restore_all"),
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ # Store the tensor values to the tensor_names.
+ save_tensor_name = save_tensor.numpy() if build_save else ""
return saver_pb2.SaverDef(
+ filename_tensor_name=filename_tensor.numpy(),
+ save_tensor_name=save_tensor_name,
+ restore_op_name="",
- # Store the tensor values to the tensor_names.
- save_tensor_name = save_tensor.numpy() if build_save else ""
return saver_pb2.SaverDef(
- filename_tensor_name=filename_tensor.numpy(),
- save_tensor_name=save_tensor_name,
- restore_op_name="",
raise ValueError(
"If `var_list` is provided then build cannot be deferred. "
"Either set defer_build=False or var_list=None.")
- if context.in_eager_mode() and var_list is None:
+ if context.executing_eagerly() and var_list is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"When eager execution is enabled, `var_list` must specify a list or "
"dict of variables to save")
self._filename = filename
self._last_checkpoints = []
self._checkpoints_to_be_deleted = []
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
self._next_checkpoint_time = (
time.time() + self._keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours * 3600)
- if not defer_build and context.in_graph_mode():
+ elif not defer_build:
if self.saver_def:
self._save_relative_paths = save_relative_paths
def build(self):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Use save/restore instead of build in eager mode.")
self._build(self._filename, build_save=True, build_restore=True)
def _build(self, checkpoint_path, build_save, build_restore):
"""Builds saver_def."""
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if self._is_built:
self._is_built = True
- if not self.saver_def or context.in_eager_mode():
+ if not self.saver_def or context.executing_eagerly():
if self._builder is None:
self._builder = BulkSaverBuilder(self._write_version)
self.saver_def.restore_op_name, self._name)
- if context.in_graph_mode(): # Set in __init__ when executing eagerly.
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
# Updates next checkpoint time.
+ # Set in __init__ when executing eagerly.
self._next_checkpoint_time = (
time.time() + self.saver_def.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours * 3600)
if not isinstance(self.saver_def, saver_pb2.SaverDef):
raise ValueError("saver_def must be a saver_pb2.SaverDef: %s" %
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
if not self.saver_def.save_tensor_name:
raise ValueError("saver_def must specify the save_tensor_name: %s" %
RuntimeError: If save and restore ops weren't built.
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
- if not self._is_built and context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not self._is_built and not context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError(
"`build()` should be called before save if defer_build==True")
if latest_filename is None:
"'latest_filename' collides with 'save_path': '%s' and '%s'" %
(latest_filename, save_path))
- if (context.in_graph_mode() and
+ if (not context.executing_eagerly() and
not isinstance(sess, session.SessionInterface)):
raise TypeError("'sess' must be a Session; %s" % sess)
save_path_parent = os.path.dirname(save_path)
if not self._is_empty:
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- model_checkpoint_path =
- self.saver_def.save_tensor_name,
- {self.saver_def.filename_tensor_name: checkpoint_file})
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
checkpoint_file, build_save=True, build_restore=False)
model_checkpoint_path = self.saver_def.save_tensor_name
+ else:
+ model_checkpoint_path =
+ self.saver_def.save_tensor_name,
+ {self.saver_def.filename_tensor_name: checkpoint_file})
model_checkpoint_path = compat.as_str(model_checkpoint_path)
if write_state:
if write_meta_graph:
meta_graph_filename = self._MetaGraphFilename(
checkpoint_file, meta_graph_suffix=meta_graph_suffix)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
with sess.graph.as_default():
meta_graph_filename, strip_default_attrs=strip_default_attrs)
if save_path is None:
raise ValueError("Can't load save_path when it is None.")"Restoring parameters from %s", save_path)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ self._build_eager(save_path, build_save=False, build_restore=True)
+ else:,
{self.saver_def.filename_tensor_name: save_path})
- else:
- self._build_eager(save_path, build_save=False, build_restore=True)
def _add_collection_def(meta_graph_def, key, export_scope=None):
execution is enabled.
""" # pylint: disable=g-doc-exception
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Exporting/importing meta graphs is not supported when "
"eager execution is enabled. No graph exists when eager "
"execution is enabled.")
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Exporting/importing meta graphs is not supported when "
"eager execution is enabled. No graph exists when eager "
"execution is enabled.")
v2_init = v2.insert("k1", 30.0)
# Initialize all variables
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.evaluate([variables.global_variables_initializer(), v2_init])
# Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized.
v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2")
# Assert that the variables are not initialized.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
len(variables.report_uninitialized_variables().eval()), 2)
self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.keys().eval()))
v2_init = v2_2.insert("k1000", 3000.0)
# Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
init_all_op = [variables.global_variables_initializer(), v2_init]
# TODO(xpan): Why _mutable_hash_table_v2 doesn't create empty
with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess:
v = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable([1], caching_device="/cpu:0",
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer())
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
sess = None
+ else:
+ self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer())
save = saver_module.Saver([v]), save_path)
with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess:
var = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(var_value, name=var_name)
save = saver_module.Saver({var_name: var})
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
val =, save_path)
self.assertEqual(save_path, val)
var._shared_name: var
}, pad_step_number=pad_step_number)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ sess = None
+ else:
sess = ops_lib.get_default_session()
- else:
- sess = None
if use_tensor:
global_step = constant_op.constant(global_step_int)
val =, save_path, global_step=global_step)
v = variable_scope.variable(10.0, name="v")
save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, max_to_keep=2)
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints)
s1 =, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1"))
v0 = variable_op(-1.0, name="v0")
v1 = variable_op(-1.0, name="v1")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"):
with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"):
save.restore(sess, save_path)
# Check that the parameter nodes have been restored.
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0))
self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1))
v0 = variable_op(-1.0, name="restore_prefix/v0")
v1 = variable_op(-1.0, name="restore_prefix/v1")
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"):
with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"):
self.table_ref = table_ref
self._name = name
- if context.in_graph_mode():
+ if not context.executing_eagerly():
self._saveable = CheckpointedOp.CustomSaveable(self, name)
def saveable(self):
- if context.in_graph_mode():
- return self._saveable
- else:
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return CheckpointedOp.CustomSaveable(self,
+ else:
+ return self._saveable
def insert(self, keys, values):
return gen_lookup_ops.lookup_table_insert_v2(self.table_ref, keys, values)
# and the same name has been previously used, the scope name will add '_N'
# as suffix for unique identifications.
validate_shape = val.get_shape().is_fully_defined()
- prefix = if context.in_graph_mode() else primary._shared_name # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ prefix = primary._shared_name # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ else:
+ prefix =
with variable_scope.variable_scope(None, prefix + "/" + name):
if colocate_with_primary:
with ops.colocate_with(primary):
# and the same name has been previously used, the scope name will add '_N'
# as suffix for unique identifications.
validate_shape = shape.is_fully_defined()
- prefix = if context.in_graph_mode() else primary._shared_name # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
+ prefix = primary._shared_name # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ else:
+ prefix =
with variable_scope.variable_scope(None, prefix + "/" + name):
if colocate_with_primary:
with ops.colocate_with(primary):
`Supervisor`s are not supported when eager execution is enabled.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Supervisors are compatible with eager execution.")
# Set default values of arguments.
if graph is None:
execution is enabled, use the `` API.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
raise RuntimeError("Queues are not compatible with eager execution.")
if queue_runners is None:
queue_runners = self._graph.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS)
The global step value.
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
return int(global_step_tensor.numpy())
return int(
raise ValueError('"global_step" already exists.')
# Create in proper graph and base name_scope.
with graph.as_default() as g, g.name_scope(None):
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
with ops.device('cpu:0'):
return variable_scope.get_variable(
if x is None or x == []: # pylint: disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
return x
- if context.in_eager_mode():
+ if context.executing_eagerly():
# Typically not needed when executing eagerly (the main use case is for ops
# which need to be incorporated into the graph), and even the no-op wrapper
# creates reference cycles which require garbage collection.