int left = currentReg;
int right = currentReg + 1;
- traceExpression(e->left, left);
- traceExpression(e->right, right);
+ if (e->left->asTemp() && e->type != IR::StringType)
+ left = e->left->asTemp()->index;
+ else
+ traceExpression(e->left, left);
+ if (IR::Temp *t = e->right->asTemp())
+ right = t->index;
+ else
+ traceExpression(e->right, right);
- // At this point it is possible that the type of the
- // subexpressions is different. This can happen because
- // we keep BINOP expressions in HIR.
+ if (e->left->type != e->right->type) {
+ if (qmlVerboseCompiler())
+ qWarning().nospace() << "invalid operands to binary operator " << IR::binaryOperator(e->op)
+ << "(`" << IR::binaryOperator(e->left->type)
+ << "' and `"
+ << IR::binaryOperator(e->right->type)
+ << "'";
+ discard();
+ return;
+ }
switch (e->op) {
case IR::OpInvalid:
+ } else if (op == OpAdd) {
+ if (String *s1 = left->asString()) {
+ if (String *s2 = right->asString()) {
+ return STRING(function->newString(s1->value.toString() + s2->value));
+ }
+ }
_expr.format = ExprResult::cx;
_block->CJUMP(_block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right), _expr.iftrue, _expr.iffalse);
} else {
- _expr.code = _block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right);
+ IR::Expr *e = _block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right);
+ if (e->asConst() != 0 || e->asString() != 0)
+ _expr.code = e;
+ else {
+ IR::Temp *t = _block->TEMP(e->type);
+ _block->MOVE(t, e);
+ _expr.code = t;
+ }