+++ /dev/null
-; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-; ==++==
-; ==--==
- .386
- .model flat
- option casemap:none
- public _DoubleToNumber,_NumberToDouble
-; NUMBER structure
-nPrecision equ (dword ptr 0)
-nScale equ (dword ptr 4)
-nSign equ (dword ptr 8)
-nDigits equ (word ptr 12)
- .code
-; Powers of 10 from 1.0E1 to 1.0E15 increasing by 1
-Pow10By1 label tbyte
- dt 1.0E1
- dt 1.0E2
- dt 1.0E3
- dt 1.0E4
- dt 1.0E5
- dt 1.0E6
- dt 1.0E7
- dt 1.0E8
- dt 1.0E9
- dt 1.0E10
- dt 1.0E11
- dt 1.0E12
- dt 1.0E13
- dt 1.0E14
- dt 1.0E15
-; Powers of 10 from 1.0E16 to 1.0E336 increasing by 16
-Pow10By16 label tbyte
- dt 1.0E16
- dt 1.0E32
- dt 1.0E48
- dt 1.0E64
- dt 1.0E80
- dt 1.0E96
- dt 1.0E112
- dt 1.0E128
- dt 1.0E144
- dt 1.0E160
- dt 1.0E176
- dt 1.0E192
- dt 1.0E208
- dt 1.0E224
- dt 1.0E240
- dt 1.0E256
- dt 1.0E272
- dt 1.0E288
- dt 1.0E304
- dt 1.0E320
- dt 1.0E336
-; Single precision constants
-Single10 dd 10.0
-SingleINF dd 7F800000H
-g_CwStd dw 137fH ;Mask all errors, 64-bit, round near
-; void _cdecl DoubleToNumber(double value, int precision, NUMBER* number)
-_DoubleToNumber proc
-value equ (qword ptr [ebp+8])
-precision equ (dword ptr [ebp+16])
-number equ (dword ptr [ebp+20])
-paramSize = 16
-cwsave equ (word ptr [ebp-24])
-digits equ (tbyte ptr [ebp-20])
-temp equ (tbyte ptr [ebp-10])
-localSize = 24
- push ebp
- mov ebp,esp
- sub esp,localSize
- push edi
- push ebx
- fnstcw cwsave
- fldcw g_CwStd
- fld value
- fstp temp
- mov edi,number
- mov eax,precision
- mov nPrecision[edi],eax
- movzx eax,word ptr temp[8]
- mov edx,eax
- shr edx,15
- mov nSign[edi],edx
- and eax,7FFFH
- je DN1
- cmp eax,7FFFH
- jne DN10
- mov eax,80000000H
- cmp dword ptr temp[4],eax
- jne DN1
- cmp dword ptr temp[0],0
- jne DN1
- dec eax
-DN1: mov nScale[edi],eax
- mov nDigits[edi],0
- jmp DN30
-DN10: fld value
- sub eax,16382+58 ;Remove bias and 58 bits
- imul eax,19728 ;log10(2) * 2^16 = .30103 * 65536
- add eax,0FFFFH ;Round up
- sar eax,16 ;Only use high half
- lea edx,[eax+18]
- mov nScale[edi],edx
- neg eax
- call ScaleByPow10
- fbstp digits
- xor eax,eax
- xor ebx,ebx
- mov ecx,precision
- inc ecx
- mov edx,8
- mov al,byte ptr digits[8]
- test al,0F0H
- jne DN11
- dec nScale[edi]
- jmp DN12
-DN11: shr al,4
- dec ecx
- je DN20
- add al,'0'
- mov nDigits[edi+ebx*2],ax
- inc ebx
- mov al,byte ptr digits[edx]
-DN12: and al,0FH
- dec ecx
- je DN20
- add al,'0'
- mov nDigits[edi+ebx*2],ax
- inc ebx
- dec edx
- jl DN22 ; We've run out of digits & don't have a rounding digit, so we'll skip the rounding step.
- mov al,byte ptr digits[edx]
- jmp DN11
-DN20: cmp al,5
- jb DN22
-DN21: dec ebx
- inc nDigits[edi+ebx*2]
- cmp nDigits[edi+ebx*2],'9'
- jbe DN23
- or ebx,ebx
- jne DN21
- mov nDigits[edi+ebx*2],'1'
- inc nScale[edi]
- jmp DN23
-DN22: dec ebx
- cmp nDigits[edi+ebx*2],'0'
- je DN22
-DN23: mov nDigits[edi+ebx*2+2],0
- fldcw cwsave ;;Restore original CW
- pop ebx
- pop edi
- mov esp,ebp
- pop ebp
- ret ;made _cdecl for WinCE paramSize
-_DoubleToNumber endp
-; void _cdecl NumberToDouble(NUMBER* number, double* value)
-_NumberToDouble proc
-number equ (dword ptr [ebp+8])
-value equ (dword ptr [ebp+12])
-paramSize = 8
-cwsave equ (word ptr [ebp-8])
-temp equ (dword ptr [ebp-4])
-localSize = 8
- push ebp
- mov ebp,esp ; Save the stack ptr
- sub esp,localSize ;
- fnstcw cwsave
- fldcw g_CwStd
- fldz ; zero the register
- mov ecx,number ; move precision into ecx
- xor edx,edx ; clear edx
- cmp dx,nDigits[ecx] ; if the first digit is 0 goto SignResult
- je SignResult
- mov eax,nScale[ecx] ; store the scale in eax
- cmp eax,-330 ; if the scale is less than or equal to -330 goto Cleanup
- jle Cleanup
- cmp eax,310 ; if the scale is less than 310, goto ParseDigits
- jl ParseDigits
- fstp st(0) ; store value on the top of the floating point stack
- fld SingleINF ; Load infinity
- jmp SignResult ; Goto SignResult
- movzx eax,nDigits[ecx+edx*2]; load the character at nDigits[edx];
- sub eax,'0' ; subtract '0'
- jc ScaleResult ; jump to ScaleResult if this produces a negative value
- mov temp,eax ; store the first digit in temp
- fmul Single10 ; Multiply by 10
- fiadd temp ; Add the digit which we just found
- inc edx ; increment the counter
- cmp edx,18 ; if (eax<18) goto ParseDigits
- jb ParseDigits
- mov eax,nScale[ecx] ; eax = scale
- sub eax,edx ; scale -= (number of digits)
- call ScaleByPow10 ; multiply the result by 10^scale
- cmp nSign[ecx],0 ; If the sign is 0 already go to Cleanup, otherwise change the sign.
- je Cleanup
- fchs
- mov edx,value ; store value in edx
- fstp qword ptr [edx] ; copy from value to the fp stack
- fldcw cwsave ; Restore original CW
- mov esp,ebp ; restore the stack frame & exit.
- pop ebp
- ret ;Made _cdecl for WinCE paramSize
-_NumberToDouble endp
-; Scale st(0) by 10^eax
-ScaleByPow10 proc
- test eax,eax
- je SP2
- jl SP3
- mov edx,eax
- and edx,0FH
- je SP1
- lea edx,[edx+edx*4]
- fld Pow10By1[edx*2-10]
- fmul
-SP1: mov edx,eax
- shr edx,4
- test edx, edx ; remove partial flag stall caused by shr
- je SP2
- lea edx,[edx+edx*4]
- fld Pow10By16[edx*2-10]
- fmul
-SP2: ret
-SP3: neg eax
- mov edx,eax
- and edx,0FH
- je SP4
- lea edx,[edx+edx*4]
- fld Pow10By1[edx*2-10]
- fdiv
-SP4: mov edx,eax
- shr edx,4
- test edx, edx ; remove partial flag stall caused by shr
- je SP5
- lea edx,[edx+edx*4]
- fld Pow10By16[edx*2-10]
- fdiv
-SP5: ret
-ScaleByPow10 endp
- end