+Wed Aug 8 22:57:05 CEST 2001 Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com>
+ * HACKING: added John Fleck right to commit in the doc subdir
Tue Aug 7 03:11:31 CEST 2001 Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com>
* xsltproc/xsltproc.c: for heriting defaulted atts from the DTD
Otherwise, oly Bjorn Reese (breese@users.sourceforge.net),
"William M. Brack" <wbrack@mmm.com.hk> and me (veillard@redhat.com)
-should commit there. Send a mail and if it's a bug issue,
-patchingregister it at bugzilla.gnome.org in the libxslt module.
+should commit there. John Fleck also have commit rights for the doc
+subdir. Send a mail and if it's a bug issue, provide a test case and
+register it at bugzilla.gnome.org in the libxslt module.
I check both my mail and the bug database on a very regular basis.
if you don't get an answer within a week (which is highly unprobable)
-then commit your changes. This simply mean that I'm on holliday or
-on the road.
+then commit your changes. This simply mean that I am on holliday or
+on the road and the other maintainers are busy too.
thanks in advance for following the rule,