Sets the selection mode for a textblock part to one of:
- DEFAULT selection mode is what you would expect on any desktop. Press
- mouse, drag and release to end. EXPLICIT mode requires the application
+ @li DEFAULT selection mode is what you would expect on any desktop. Press
+ mouse, drag and release to end.
+ @li EXPLICITmode requires the application
controlling the edje object has to explicitly begin and end selection
modes, and the selection itself is dragable at both ends.
Sets the cursor mode for a textblock part to one of:
- @li UNDER
- @li BEFORE
- UNDER cursor mode means the cursor will draw below the character pointed
+ @li UNDER cursor mode means the cursor will draw below the character pointed
at. That's the default.
- BEFORE cursor mode means the cursor is drawn as a vertical line before
+ @li BEFORE cursor mode means the cursor is drawn as a vertical line before
the current character, just like many other GUI toolkits handle it.