Find a window according to the `webContents` it owns
+### Class Method: BrowserWindow.fromId(id)
+* `id` Integer
+Find a window according to its ID.
### BrowserWindow.webContents
The `WebContents` object this window owns, all web page related events and
operations would be done via it.
+**Note:** Users should never store this object because it may becomes `null`
+when the web page has crashed.
### BrowserWindow.devToolsWebContents
Get the `WebContents` of devtools of this window.
+**Note:** Users should never store this object because it may becomes `null`
+when the devtools has been closed.
+Get the unique ID of this window.
### BrowserWindow.destroy()
Force closing the window, the `unload` and `beforeunload` event won't be emitted