#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/builder/builder.h>
#include <dali/integration-api/events/touch-event-integ.h>
+#define STRINGIFY(A)#A
using namespace Dali;
using namespace Toolkit;
+int UtcDaliBuilderAnimationP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{"
+ " \"paths\":"
+ " {"
+ " \"path0\":"
+ " {"
+ " \"points\":[ [-150, -50, 0], [0.0,70.0,0.0], [190.0,-150.0,0.0] ],"
+ " \"curvature\":0.35"
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"animations\": {"
+ " \"animate\": {"
+ " \"loop\": true,"
+ " \"end-action\": \"BAKE\","
+ " \"disconnect-action\": \"BAKE\","
+ " \"properties\":"
+ " [{"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"position\","
+ " \"value\": [300, 300, -1000],"
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_OUT\","
+ " \"relative\": true,"
+ " \"time-period\": {"
+ " \"delay\": 0,"
+ " \"duration\": 3"
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"visible\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"LINEAR\","
+ " \"value\": true"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"size-width\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"REVERSE\","
+ " \"value\": 10.0"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN\","
+ " \"value\": [10.0,20.0,30.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_OUT\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_OUT\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_SINE\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_OUT_SINE\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_OUT_SINE\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"BOUNCE\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"SIN\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"orientation\","
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_OUT_BACK\","
+ " \"value\": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " \"path-animation\": {"
+ " \"duration\": 3.0,"
+ " \"end-action\": \"DISCARD\","
+ " \"disconnect-action\": \"BAKE_FINAL\","
+ " \"properties\": [{"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"path\":\"path0\","
+ " \"forward\":[1,0,0],"
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_OUT\","
+ " \"time-period\": {"
+ " \"delay\": 0,"
+ " \"duration\": 3"
+ " }"
+ " }]"
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"stage\": [{"
+ " \"name\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"type\": \"TextLabel\","
+ " \"text\": \"Touch me\","
+ " \"styles\": [\"basic-text\"],"
+ " \"position\": [0, -120, 0],"
+ " \"size\": [200, 200, 1],"
+ " \"orientation\": [0, 0, 30],"
+ " \"signals\": [{"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\","
+ " \"action\": \"play\","
+ " \"animation\": \"animate\""
+ " }]"
+ " }]"
+ "}");
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ Animation anim = builder.CreateAnimation("animate");
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( anim );
+ anim = builder.CreateAnimation("path-animation");
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( anim );
+ // trigger play
+ // Emit touch event and check that our quit method is called
+ Integration::TouchEvent touchEvent;
+ touchEvent.points.push_back( TouchPoint ( 0, TouchPoint::Down, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
+ application.ProcessEvent( touchEvent );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+int UtcDaliBuilderAnimationN(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{"
+ " \"paths\":"
+ " {"
+ " \"path0\":"
+ " {"
+ " \"points\":[ [-150, -50, 0], [0.0,70.0,0.0], [190.0,-150.0,0.0] ],"
+ " \"curvature\":0.35"
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"animations\": {"
+ " \"animate\": {"
+ " \"loop\": true,"
+ " \"end-action\": \"BAKE\","
+ " \"disconnect-action\": \"BAKE\","
+ " \"properties\":"
+ " [{"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"positioninvalid\","
+ " \"value\": [300, 300, -1000],"
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_OUT\","
+ " \"relative\": true,"
+ " \"time-period\": {"
+ " \"delay\": 0,"
+ " \"duration\": 3"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " \"animate2\": {"
+ " \"loop\": true,"
+ " \"end-action\": \"BAKE\","
+ " \"disconnect-action\": \"BAKE\","
+ " \"properties\":"
+ " [{"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"property\": \"positioninvalid\","
+ " \"value\": [300, 300, -1000],"
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EGGS_OVER_EASY\","
+ " \"relative\": true,"
+ " \"time-period\": {"
+ " \"delay\": 0,"
+ " \"duration\": 3"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ " },"
+ " \"path-animation\": {"
+ " \"duration\": 3.0,"
+ " \"end-action\": \"DISCARD\","
+ " \"disconnect-action\": \"BAKE_FINAL\","
+ " \"properties\": [{"
+ " \"actor\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"path\":\"pathDoesntExist\","
+ " \"forward\":[1,0,0],"
+ " \"alpha-function\": \"EASE_IN_OUT\","
+ " \"time-period\": {"
+ " \"delay\": 0,"
+ " \"duration\": 3"
+ " }"
+ " }]"
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"stage\": [{"
+ " \"name\": \"greeting\","
+ " \"type\": \"TextLabel\","
+ " \"text\": \"Touch me\","
+ " \"styles\": [\"basic-text\"],"
+ " \"position\": [0, -120, 0],"
+ " \"size\": [200, 200, 1],"
+ " \"orientation\": [0, 0, 30],"
+ " \"signals\": [{"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\","
+ " \"action\": \"play\","
+ " \"animation\": \"animate\""
+ " }]"
+ " }]"
+ "}");
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ Animation anim = builder.CreateAnimation("animate");
+ // log warning line coverage
+ anim = builder.CreateAnimation("path-animation");
+ anim = builder.CreateAnimation("animate");
+ anim = builder.CreateAnimation("animate2");
+int UtcDaliBuilderConstantsP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{"
+ "\"constants\":"
+ "{"
+ " \"IMAGE_PATH\": \"apath\","
+ " \"WIDTH\": 22.3,"
+ " \"ANCHOR\": \"TOP_LEFT\","
+ " \"PADDING\": [1,2,3,4]"
+ "},"
+ "\"stage\":"
+ "[{"
+ " \"type\": \"ImageActor\","
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],"
+ " \"parent-origin\": \"TOP_LEFT\","
+ " \"anchor-point\": \"{ANCHOR}\","
+ " \"padding\": \"{PADDING}\","
+ " \"image\": { \"filename\": \"dir/{IMAGE_PATH}\" },"
+ " \"size-width\": \"{WIDTH}\","
+ " \"signals\": [{"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\","
+ " \"action\": \"quit\""
+ " }]"
+ "}]"
+ "}"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors ( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( builder );
+int UtcDaliBuilderTemplatesAndStylesP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{\n"
+ "\"styles\":\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"image-style\": \n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"color\": [1,0,0,1],\n"
+ " \"actors\": {\n"
+ " \"child-image\": {\n"
+ " \"color\": [0,1,0,1]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "},\n"
+ "\"templates\":\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"image-tree\": { \n"
+ " \"type\": \"ImageActor\",\n"
+ " \"styles\": [\"image-style\"],\n"
+ " \"name\": \"image\",\n"
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],\n"
+ " \"signals\": [{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"quit\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"actors\": [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"type\":\"ImageActor\",\n"
+ " \"name\":\"child-image\" \n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ ImageActor actor = ImageActor::DownCast( builder.Create( "image-tree" ) );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( actor );
+ // NB: already applied in create
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( builder.ApplyStyle( "image-style", actor ) );
+int UtcDaliBuilderRenderTasksP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{\n"
+ "\"render-tasks\":\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " \"task0\": {\n"
+ " \"source-actor\": \"image\",\n"
+ " \"camera-actor\": \"camera\" \n"
+ " }\n"
+ "},\n"
+ "\"stage\":\n"
+ "[\n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"type\": \"CameraActor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"image\"\n"
+ " }, \n"
+ " { \n"
+ " \"type\": \"ImageActor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"image\",\n"
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],\n"
+ " \"signals\": [{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"quit\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"actors\": [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " \"type\":\"ImageActor\",\n"
+ " \"name\":\"child-image\" \n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ unsigned int count = Stage::GetCurrent().GetRenderTaskList().GetTaskCount();
+ // coverage
+ builder.CreateRenderTask( "task0" );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( count <
+ Stage::GetCurrent().GetRenderTaskList().GetTaskCount() );
+int UtcDaliBuilderChildActionP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{\n"
+ " \"stage\":\n"
+ " [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"actor\",\n"
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],\n"
+ " \"parent-origin\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"anchor-point\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"actors\": [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"sub-actor\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"signals\": [{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"hide\",\n"
+ " \"actor\": \"actor\",\n"
+ " \"child-actor\": \"sub-actor\"\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors ( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // Emit touch event and check that our quit method is called
+ Integration::TouchEvent touchEvent;
+ touchEvent.points.push_back( TouchPoint ( 0, TouchPoint::Down, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
+ application.ProcessEvent( touchEvent );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ Actor actor = Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer().FindChildByName("sub-actor");
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( actor );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( !actor.IsVisible() );
+int UtcDaliBuilderSetPropertyActionP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{\n"
+ " \"stage\":\n"
+ " [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"actor\",\n"
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],\n"
+ " \"parent-origin\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"anchor-point\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"actors\": [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"sub-actor\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"signals\": [{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"set\",\n"
+ " \"actor\": \"sub-actor\",\n"
+ " \"property\": \"visible\",\n"
+ " \"value\": false\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors ( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // Emit touch event and check that our quit method is called
+ Integration::TouchEvent touchEvent;
+ touchEvent.points.push_back( TouchPoint ( 0, TouchPoint::Down, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
+ application.ProcessEvent( touchEvent );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ Actor actor = Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer().FindChildByName("sub-actor");
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( actor );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( !actor.IsVisible() );
+int UtcDaliBuilderGenericActionP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{\n"
+ " \"stage\":\n"
+ " [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"actor\",\n"
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],\n"
+ " \"parent-origin\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"anchor-point\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"actors\": [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"sub-actor\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"signals\": [{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"hide\"\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors ( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // Emit touch event and check that our quit method is called
+ Integration::TouchEvent touchEvent;
+ touchEvent.points.push_back( TouchPoint ( 0, TouchPoint::Down, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
+ application.ProcessEvent( touchEvent );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ Actor actor = Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer().FindChildByName("actor");
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( actor );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( !actor.IsVisible() );
+int UtcDaliBuilderPropertyNotificationP(void)
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ // JSON with a quit event when the actor is touched
+ std::string json(
+ "{\n"
+ " \"stage\":\n"
+ " [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"actor\",\n"
+ " \"size\": [100,100,1],\n"
+ " \"parent-origin\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"anchor-point\": \"TOP_LEFT\",\n"
+ " \"actors\": [{\n"
+ " \"type\": \"Actor\",\n"
+ " \"name\": \"sub-actor\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"signals\": [{\n"
+ " \"name\": \"touched\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"hide\"\n"
+ " }],\n"
+ " \"notifications\": [{\n"
+ " \"property\": \"visible\",\n"
+ " \"condition\": \"False\",\n"
+ " \"action\": \"show\"\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ " }]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ Builder builder = Builder::New();
+ builder.LoadFromString( json );
+ builder.AddActors ( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // Emit touch event and check that our quit method is called
+ Integration::TouchEvent touchEvent;
+ touchEvent.points.push_back( TouchPoint ( 0, TouchPoint::Down, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
+ application.ProcessEvent( touchEvent );
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ // Render and notify
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ Actor actor = Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer().FindChildByName("actor");
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( actor );
+ DALI_TEST_CHECK( actor.IsVisible() );