#include "mlir/Parser/AsmParserState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
using namespace mlir;
: &*impl->operations[it->second];
+/// Lex a string token whose contents start at the given `curPtr`. Returns the
+/// position at the end of the string, after a terminal or invalid character
+/// (e.g. `"` or `\0`).
+static const char *lexLocStringTok(const char *curPtr) {
+ while (char c = *curPtr++) {
+ // Check for various terminal characters.
+ if (StringRef("\"\n\v\f").contains(c))
+ return curPtr;
+ // Check for escape sequences.
+ if (c == '\\') {
+ // Check a few known escapes and \xx hex digits.
+ if (*curPtr == '"' || *curPtr == '\\' || *curPtr == 'n' || *curPtr == 't')
+ ++curPtr;
+ else if (llvm::isHexDigit(*curPtr) && llvm::isHexDigit(curPtr[1]))
+ curPtr += 2;
+ else
+ return curPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we hit this point, we've reached the end of the buffer. Update the end
+ // pointer to not point past the buffer.
+ return curPtr - 1;
SMRange AsmParserState::convertIdLocToRange(SMLoc loc) {
if (!loc.isValid())
return SMRange();
+ const char *curPtr = loc.getPointer();
- // Return if the given character is a valid identifier character.
- auto isIdentifierChar = [](char c) {
- return isalnum(c) || c == '$' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '-';
- };
+ // Check if this is a string token.
+ if (*curPtr == '"') {
+ curPtr = lexLocStringTok(curPtr + 1);
+ // Otherwise, default to handling an identifier.
+ } else {
+ // Return if the given character is a valid identifier character.
+ auto isIdentifierChar = [](char c) {
+ return isalnum(c) || c == '$' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '-';
+ };
+ while (*curPtr && isIdentifierChar(*(++curPtr)))
+ continue;
+ }
- const char *curPtr = loc.getPointer();
- while (*curPtr && isIdentifierChar(*(++curPtr)))
- continue;
return SMRange(loc, SMLoc::getFromPointer(curPtr));
/// source manager.
SMLoc getAsSMLoc(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr) const {
return mgr.FindLocForLineAndColumn(mgr.getMainFileID(), line + 1,
- character);
+ character + 1);
lsp::Position position;
position.line = loc.getLine() - 1;
- position.character = loc.getColumn();
+ position.character = loc.getColumn() ? loc.getColumn() - 1 : 0;
return lsp::Location{*sourceURI, lsp::Range(position)};
if (!posLoc.isValid())
return lsp::CompletionList();
- // Adjust the position one further to after the completion trigger token.
- posLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(posLoc.getPointer() + 1);
// To perform code completion, we run another parse of the module with the
// code completion context provided.
ods::Context tmpODSContext;
if (!posLoc.isValid())
return lsp::SignatureHelp();
- // Adjust the position one further to after the completion trigger token.
- posLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(posLoc.getPointer() + 1);
// To perform code completion, we run another parse of the module with the
// code completion context provided.
ods::Context tmpODSContext;
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 0
// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
-// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 11,
+// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 10,
+// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 0
+// CHECK-NEXT: },
+// CHECK-NEXT: "severity": 1,
+// CHECK-NEXT: "source": "mlir"
+// CHECK-NEXT: ],
+// CHECK-NEXT: "uri": "test:///foo.mlir",
+// CHECK-NEXT: "version": 1
+// -----
+ "uri":"test:///foo.mlir",
+ "languageId":"mlir",
+ "version":1,
+ "text":"\"\""
+// CHECK: "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
+// CHECK-NEXT: "params": {
+// CHECK-NEXT: "diagnostics": [
+// CHECK-NEXT: "category": "Parse Error",
+// CHECK-NEXT: "message": "empty operation name is invalid",
+// CHECK-NEXT: "range": {
+// CHECK-NEXT: "end": {
+// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 2,
+// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 0
+// CHECK-NEXT: },
+// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
+// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 0,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 0
// -----
- "position":{"line":3,"character":12}
+ "position":{"line":3,"character":11}
// CHECK: "id": 1
// CHECK-NEXT: "jsonrpc": "2.0",