Android libbacktrace is not available in Android 14
Fixes the following build error:
FAILED: src/util/libmesa_util.a.p/u_debug_stack_android.cpp.o
../src/util/u_debug_stack_android.cpp:28:10: fatal error: 'backtrace/Backtrace.h' file not found
1 error generated.
Cc: mesa-stable
Reviewed-by: Roman Stratiienko <>
Part-of: <>
(cherry picked from commit
"description": " disable android-libbacktrace to build with Android 14",
"nominated": true,
"nomination_type": 0,
- "resolution": 0,
+ "resolution": 1,
"main_sha": null,
"because_sha": null,
"notes": null
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libc libdl libdrm libm liblog libcutils libz libc++ libnativewindow libsync libhardware
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libexpat libarect libelf
-LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES := libnativebase_headers hwvulkan_headers libbacktrace_headers
-MESON_GEN_PKGCONFIGS := backtrace cutils expat hardware libdrm:$(LIBDRM_VERSION) nativewindow sync zlib:1.2.11 libelf
+LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES := libnativebase_headers hwvulkan_headers
+MESON_GEN_PKGCONFIGS := cutils expat hardware libdrm:$(LIBDRM_VERSION) nativewindow sync zlib:1.2.11 libelf
-Dllvm=$(if $(MESON_GEN_LLVM_STUB),enabled,disabled) \
-Dcpp_rtti=false \
-Dlmsensors=disabled \
+ -Dandroid-libbacktrace=disabled \
MESON_BUILD := PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:$$PATH ninja -C $(MESON_OUT_DIR)/build