_begin(int argc, char **argv, char **env, void *rpc_shared_buffer) {
// We need to set up the RPC client first in case any of the constructors
// require it.
- __llvm_libc::rpc::client.reset(__llvm_libc::rpc::default_port_count,
+ __llvm_libc::rpc::client.reset(__llvm_libc::rpc::DEFAULT_PORT_COUNT,
_begin(int argc, char **argv, char **env, void *rpc_shared_buffer) {
// We need to set up the RPC client first in case any of the constructors
// require it.
- __llvm_libc::rpc::client.reset(__llvm_libc::rpc::default_port_count,
+ __llvm_libc::rpc::client.reset(__llvm_libc::rpc::DEFAULT_PORT_COUNT,
hsa_amd_memory_fill(dev_ret, 0, sizeof(int));
// Allocate finegrained memory for the RPC server and client to share.
- uint64_t port_size = __llvm_libc::rpc::default_port_count;
+ uint64_t port_size = __llvm_libc::rpc::DEFAULT_PORT_COUNT;
uint32_t wavefront_size = 0;
if (hsa_status_t err = hsa_agent_get_info(
dev_agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_WAVEFRONT_SIZE, &wavefront_size))
if (CUresult err = cuMemsetD32(dev_ret, 0, 1))
- uint64_t port_size = __llvm_libc::rpc::default_port_count;
+ uint64_t port_size = __llvm_libc::rpc::DEFAULT_PORT_COUNT;
uint32_t warp_size = 32;
uint64_t rpc_shared_buffer_size =