if (smart_terminal_)
printf("\r"); // Print over previous line, if any.
+ int progress_chars = printf("[%d/%d] ", finished_edges_, total_edges_);
#ifndef WIN32
if (smart_terminal_ && !force_full_command) {
// Limit output to width of the terminal if provided so we don't cause
// line-wrapping.
winsize size;
if ((ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &size) == 0) && size.ws_col) {
- const int kMargin = 15; // Space for [xxx/yyy] and "...".
+ const int kMargin = progress_chars + 3; // Space for [xx/yy] and "...".
if (to_print.size() + kMargin > size.ws_col) {
int substr = std::min(to_print.size(),
to_print.size() + kMargin - size.ws_col);
- printf("[%d/%d] %s", finished_edges_, total_edges_, to_print.c_str());
+ printf("%s", to_print.c_str());
if (smart_terminal_ && !force_full_command) {
printf("\e[K"); // Clear to end of line.