AddMutation(Pos, CmpSize, Data - 1);
- if (CmpSize > LR.End - LR.Beg)
+ if (CmpSize > (size_t)(LR.End - LR.Beg))
AddMutation(LR.Beg, (unsigned)(LR.End - LR.Beg), Data);
#include <signal.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
namespace fuzzer {
struct sigaction sigact;
memset(&sigact, 0, sizeof(sigact));
sigact.sa_sigaction = callback;
- int Res = sigaction(signum, &sigact, 0);
- assert(Res == 0);
+ if (sigaction(signum, &sigact, 0)) {
+ Printf("libFuzzer: sigaction failed with %d\n", errno);
+ exit(1);
+ }
void SetTimer(int Seconds) {
struct itimerval T {{Seconds, 0}, {Seconds, 0}};
- int Res = setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &T, nullptr);
- assert(Res == 0);
+ if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &T, nullptr)) {
+ Printf("libFuzzer: setitimer failed with %d\n", errno);
+ exit(1);
+ }
SetSigaction(SIGALRM, AlarmHandler);
int NumberOfCpuCores() {
FILE *F = popen("nproc", "r");
int N = 0;
- fscanf(F, "%d", &N);
+ if (fscanf(F, "%d", &N) != 1)
+ N = 1;
return N;