-//#define POINT_DEBUG
QTouchEventSenderQPA::QTouchEventSenderQPA(const QString &spec)
m_forceToActiveWindow = spec.split(QLatin1Char(':')).contains(QLatin1String("force_window"));
-void QTouchEventSenderQPA::touch_configure(int x_min, int x_max, int y_min, int y_max)
+void QTouchEventSenderQPA::touch_configure(int x_min, int x_max, int y_min, int y_max,
+ int pressure_min, int pressure_max,
+ const QString &dev_name)
hw_range_x_min = x_min;
hw_range_x_max = x_max;
hw_range_y_min = y_min;
hw_range_y_max = y_max;
+ hw_pressure_min = pressure_min;
+ hw_pressure_max = pressure_max;
+ m_device->setName(dev_name);
+ if (hw_pressure_max > hw_pressure_min)
+ m_device->setCapabilities(m_device->capabilities() | QTouchDevice::Pressure);
void QTouchEventSenderQPA::touch_point(const QList<QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint> &points)
winRect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry();
- qDebug() << "QPA: Mapping" << points.size() << "points to" << winRect << state;
+ const int hw_w = hw_range_x_max - hw_range_x_min;
+ const int hw_h = hw_range_y_max - hw_range_y_min;
QList<QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint> touchPoints = points;
- // Translate the coordinates and set the normalized position. QPA expects
- // 'area' to be in screen coordinates, while the device reports them in its
- // own system with (0, 0) being the center point of the device.
+ // Map the coordinates based on the normalized position. QPA expects 'area'
+ // to be in screen coordinates.
for (int i = 0; i < touchPoints.size(); ++i) {
QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint &tp(touchPoints[i]);
- const int hw_w = hw_range_x_max - hw_range_x_min;
- const int hw_h = hw_range_y_max - hw_range_y_min;
- qreal nx = tp.normalPosition.x();
- qreal ny = tp.normalPosition.y();
- // Generate a screen position that is always inside the active window or the default screen.
- const int wx = winRect.left() + int(nx * winRect.width());
- const int wy = winRect.top() + int(ny * winRect.height());
+ // Generate a screen position that is always inside the active window
+ // or the primary screen.
+ const int wx = winRect.left() + int(tp.normalPosition.x() * winRect.width());
+ const int wy = winRect.top() + int(tp.normalPosition.y() * winRect.height());
const qreal sizeRatio = (winRect.width() + winRect.height()) / qreal(hw_w + hw_h);
- tp.area = QRect(wx, wy, tp.area.width() * sizeRatio, tp.area.height() * sizeRatio);
+ tp.area = QRect(0, 0, tp.area.width() * sizeRatio, tp.area.height() * sizeRatio);
+ tp.area.moveCenter(QPoint(wx, wy));
- qDebug() << " " << i << tp.area << tp.state << tp.id << tp.flags << tp.pressure;
+ // Calculate normalized pressure.
+ if (!hw_pressure_min && !hw_pressure_max)
+ tp.pressure = tp.state == Qt::TouchPointReleased ? 0 : 1;
+ else
+ tp.pressure = (tp.pressure - hw_pressure_min) / qreal(hw_pressure_max - hw_pressure_min);
QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent(0, m_device, touchPoints);
#include "qtouchscreen.h"
#include <QStringList>
+#include <QHash>
#include <QSocketNotifier>
-#include <QDebug>
#include <QtCore/private/qcore_unix_p.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <libudev.h>
-//#define POINT_DEBUG
class QTouchScreenData
QTouchScreenData(QTouchScreenHandler *q_ptr, const QStringList &args);
void processInputEvent(input_event *data);
- void dump();
+ void assignIds();
QTouchScreenHandler *q;
- QEvent::Type m_state;
- QEvent::Type m_prevState;
int m_lastEventType;
QList<QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint> m_touchPoints;
int x;
int y;
int maj;
+ int pressure;
Qt::TouchPointState state;
QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::InfoFlags flags;
- Contact() : trackingId(0), x(0), y(0), maj(1), state(Qt::TouchPointPressed), flags(0) { }
+ Contact() : trackingId(-1),
+ x(0), y(0), maj(1), pressure(0),
+ state(Qt::TouchPointPressed), flags(0) { }
- QMap<int, Contact> m_contacts, m_lastContacts;
+ QHash<int, Contact> m_contacts, m_lastContacts;
Contact m_currentData;
+ int findClosestContact(const QHash<int, Contact> &contacts, int x, int y, int *dist);
int hw_range_x_min;
int hw_range_x_max;
int hw_range_y_min;
int hw_range_y_max;
+ int hw_pressure_min;
+ int hw_pressure_max;
QString hw_name;
QList<QTouchScreenObserver *> m_observers;
QTouchScreenData::QTouchScreenData(QTouchScreenHandler *q_ptr, const QStringList &args)
: q(q_ptr),
- m_state(QEvent::TouchBegin),
- m_prevState(m_state),
hw_range_x_min(0), hw_range_x_max(0),
- hw_range_y_min(0), hw_range_y_max(0)
+ hw_range_y_min(0), hw_range_y_max(0),
+ hw_pressure_min(0), hw_pressure_max(0)
QTouchScreenHandler::QTouchScreenHandler(const QString &spec)
: m_notify(0), m_fd(-1), d(0)
- setObjectName(QLatin1String("LinuxInputSubsystem Touch Handler"));
+ setObjectName(QLatin1String("Linux Touch Handler"));
QString dev = QLatin1String("/dev/input/event5");
input_absinfo absInfo;
memset(&absInfo, 0, sizeof(input_absinfo));
- if (!ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCGABS(ABS_X), &absInfo) >= 0) {
+ if (ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCGABS(ABS_MT_POSITION_X), &absInfo) >= 0) {
qDebug("min X: %d max X: %d", absInfo.minimum, absInfo.maximum);
d->hw_range_x_min = absInfo.minimum;
d->hw_range_x_max = absInfo.maximum;
- if (!ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCGABS(ABS_Y), &absInfo) >= 0) {
+ if (ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCGABS(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y), &absInfo) >= 0) {
qDebug("min Y: %d max Y: %d", absInfo.minimum, absInfo.maximum);
d->hw_range_y_min = absInfo.minimum;
d->hw_range_y_max = absInfo.maximum;
+ if (ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCGABS(ABS_PRESSURE), &absInfo) >= 0) {
+ qDebug("min pressure: %d max pressure: %d", absInfo.minimum, absInfo.maximum);
+ if (absInfo.maximum > absInfo.minimum) {
+ d->hw_pressure_min = absInfo.minimum;
+ d->hw_pressure_max = absInfo.maximum;
+ }
+ }
char name[1024];
if (ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(name) - 1), name) >= 0) {
d->hw_name = QString::fromLocal8Bit(name);
observer->touch_configure(d->hw_range_x_min, d->hw_range_x_max,
- d->hw_range_y_min, d->hw_range_y_max);
+ d->hw_range_y_min, d->hw_range_y_max,
+ d->hw_pressure_min, d->hw_pressure_max,
+ d->hw_name);
void QTouchScreenHandler::try_udev(QString *path)
+ *path = QString();
udev *u = udev_new();
udev_enumerate *ue = udev_enumerate_new(u);
udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem(ue, "input");
udev_list_entry_foreach(entry, udev_enumerate_get_list_entry(ue)) {
const char *syspath = udev_list_entry_get_name(entry);
udev_device *udevice = udev_device_new_from_syspath(u, syspath);
- *path = QString::fromLocal8Bit(udev_device_get_devnode(udevice));
- qDebug("from udev: %s", qPrintable(*path));
+ QString candidate = QString::fromLocal8Bit(udev_device_get_devnode(udevice));
+ if (path->isEmpty() && candidate.startsWith("/dev/input/event"))
+ *path = candidate;
if (data->type == EV_ABS) {
- if (data->code == ABS_MT_POSITION_X) {
- m_currentData.x = data->value;
- } else if (data->code == ABS_MT_POSITION_Y) {
- m_currentData.y = data->value;
- } else if (data->code == ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID) {
- m_currentData.trackingId = data->value;
- if (m_contacts.isEmpty())
- m_currentData.flags |= QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::Primary;
- } else if (data->code == ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR) {
- m_currentData.maj = data->value;
- if (data->value == 0)
- m_currentData.state = Qt::TouchPointReleased;
- }
+ if (data->code == ABS_MT_POSITION_X) {
+ m_currentData.x = qBound(hw_range_x_min, data->value, hw_range_x_max);
+ } else if (data->code == ABS_MT_POSITION_Y) {
+ m_currentData.y = qBound(hw_range_y_min, data->value, hw_range_y_max);
+ } else if (data->code == ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID) {
+ m_currentData.trackingId = data->value;
+ } else if (data->code == ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR) {
+ m_currentData.maj = data->value;
+ if (data->value == 0)
+ m_currentData.state = Qt::TouchPointReleased;
+ } else if (data->code == ABS_PRESSURE) {
+ m_currentData.pressure = qBound(hw_pressure_min, data->value, hw_pressure_max);
+ }
} else if (data->type == EV_SYN && data->code == SYN_MT_REPORT && m_lastEventType != EV_SYN) {
- m_contacts.insert(m_currentData.trackingId, m_currentData);
+ // If there is no tracking id, one will be generated later.
+ // Until that use a temporary key.
+ int key = m_currentData.trackingId;
+ if (key == -1)
+ key = m_contacts.count();
+ // Mark the first point as primary.
+ if (m_contacts.isEmpty())
+ m_currentData.flags |= QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::Primary;
+ m_contacts.insert(key, m_currentData);
m_currentData = Contact();
} else if (data->type == EV_SYN && data->code == SYN_REPORT) {
+ // Ensure valid IDs even when the driver does not report ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID.
+ if (!m_contacts.isEmpty() && m_contacts.constBegin().value().trackingId == -1)
+ assignIds();
- for (QMap<int, Contact>::iterator it = m_contacts.begin(), ite = m_contacts.end();
- it != ite; ++it) {
+ Qt::TouchPointStates combinedStates;
+ QMutableHashIterator<int, Contact> it(m_contacts);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ it.next();
QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint tp;
- tp.id = it->trackingId;
- tp.flags = it->flags;
- tp.pressure = it->state == Qt::TouchPointReleased ? 0 : 1;
+ Contact &contact(it.value());
+ tp.id = contact.trackingId;
+ tp.flags = contact.flags;
- if (m_lastContacts.contains(it->trackingId)) {
- const Contact &prev(m_lastContacts.value(it->trackingId));
- if (it->state == Qt::TouchPointReleased) {
+ if (m_lastContacts.contains(contact.trackingId)) {
+ const Contact &prev(m_lastContacts.value(contact.trackingId));
+ if (contact.state == Qt::TouchPointReleased) {
// Copy over the previous values for released points, just in case.
- it->x = prev.x;
- it->y = prev.y;
- it->maj = prev.maj;
+ contact.x = prev.x;
+ contact.y = prev.y;
+ contact.maj = prev.maj;
} else {
- it->state = (prev.x == it->x && prev.y == it->y) ? Qt::TouchPointStationary : Qt::TouchPointMoved;
+ contact.state = (prev.x == contact.x && prev.y == contact.y)
+ ? Qt::TouchPointStationary : Qt::TouchPointMoved;
- tp.state = it->state;
- tp.area = QRectF(it->x, it->y, it->maj, it->maj);
+ // Avoid reporting a contact in released state more than once.
+ if (contact.state == Qt::TouchPointReleased
+ && !m_lastContacts.contains(contact.trackingId)) {
+ it.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ tp.state = contact.state;
+ combinedStates |= tp.state;
+ // Store the HW coordinates. Observers can then map it to screen space or something else.
+ tp.area = QRectF(0, 0, contact.maj, contact.maj);
+ tp.area.moveCenter(QPoint(contact.x, contact.y));
+ tp.pressure = contact.pressure;
- // Translate so that (0, 0) is the top-left corner.
- const int hw_x = qBound(hw_range_x_min, int(tp.area.left()), hw_range_x_max) - hw_range_x_min;
- const int hw_y = qBound(hw_range_y_min, int(tp.area.top()), hw_range_y_max) - hw_range_y_min;
// Get a normalized position in range 0..1.
- const int hw_w = hw_range_x_max - hw_range_x_min;
- const int hw_h = hw_range_y_max - hw_range_y_min;
- tp.normalPosition = QPointF(hw_x / qreal(hw_w),
- hw_y / qreal(hw_h));
+ tp.normalPosition = QPointF((contact.x - hw_range_x_min) / qreal(hw_range_x_max - hw_range_x_min),
+ (contact.y - hw_range_y_min) / qreal(hw_range_y_max - hw_range_y_min));
- }
- if (m_contacts.isEmpty())
- m_state = QEvent::TouchEnd;
+ if (contact.state == Qt::TouchPointReleased)
+ it.remove();
+ }
m_lastContacts = m_contacts;
- // No need to deliver if all points are stationary.
- bool skip = false;
- if (m_state == QEvent::TouchUpdate) {
- skip = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_touchPoints.count(); ++i)
- if (m_touchPoints.at(i).state != Qt::TouchPointStationary) {
- skip = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- dump();
- if (!skip && !(m_state == m_prevState && m_state == QEvent::TouchEnd))
+ if (!m_touchPoints.isEmpty() && combinedStates != Qt::TouchPointStationary) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_observers.count(); ++i)
- m_prevState = m_state;
- if (m_state == QEvent::TouchBegin)
- m_state = QEvent::TouchUpdate;
- else if (m_state == QEvent::TouchEnd)
- m_state = QEvent::TouchBegin;
+ }
m_lastEventType = data->type;
-void QTouchScreenData::dump()
+int QTouchScreenData::findClosestContact(const QHash<int, Contact> &contacts, int x, int y, int *dist)
- const char *eventType;
- switch (m_state) {
- case QEvent::TouchBegin:
- eventType = "TouchBegin";
- break;
- case QEvent::TouchUpdate:
- eventType = "TouchUpdate";
- break;
- case QEvent::TouchEnd:
- eventType = "TouchEnd";
- break;
- default:
- eventType = "unknown";
- break;
+ int minDist = -1, id = -1;
+ for (QHash<int, Contact>::const_iterator it = contacts.constBegin(), ite = contacts.constEnd();
+ it != ite; ++it) {
+ const Contact &contact(it.value());
+ int dx = x - contact.x;
+ int dy = y - contact.y;
+ int dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ if (minDist == -1 || dist < minDist) {
+ minDist = dist;
+ id = contact.trackingId;
+ }
- qDebug() << "touch event" << eventType;
- foreach (const QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint &tp, m_touchPoints) {
- const char *pointState;
- switch (tp.state) {
- case Qt::TouchPointPressed:
- pointState = "pressed";
- break;
- case Qt::TouchPointMoved:
- pointState = "moved";
- break;
- case Qt::TouchPointStationary:
- pointState = "stationary";
- break;
- case Qt::TouchPointReleased:
- pointState = "released";
- break;
- default:
- pointState = "unknown";
- break;
+ if (dist)
+ *dist = minDist;
+ return id;
+void QTouchScreenData::assignIds()
+ QHash<int, Contact> candidates = m_lastContacts, pending = m_contacts, newContacts;
+ int maxId = -1;
+ QHash<int, Contact>::iterator it, ite, bestMatch;
+ while (!pending.isEmpty() && !candidates.isEmpty()) {
+ int bestDist = -1, bestId;
+ for (it = pending.begin(), ite = pending.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
+ int dist;
+ int id = findClosestContact(candidates, it->x, it->y, &dist);
+ if (id >= 0 && (bestDist == -1 || dist < bestDist)) {
+ bestDist = dist;
+ bestId = id;
+ bestMatch = it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestDist >= 0) {
+ bestMatch->trackingId = bestId;
+ newContacts.insert(bestId, *bestMatch);
+ candidates.remove(bestId);
+ pending.erase(bestMatch);
+ if (bestId > maxId)
+ maxId = bestId;
+ }
+ }
+ if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
+ for (it = pending.begin(), ite = pending.end(); it != ite; ++it) {
+ it->trackingId = ++maxId;
+ newContacts.insert(it->trackingId, *it);
- qDebug() << " " << tp.id << tp.area << pointState << tp.normalPosition
- << tp.pressure << tp.flags << tp.area.center();
+ m_contacts = newContacts;