dist/selfloader/lib/selfloader.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 14
dist/storable/storable.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 4
dist/thread-queue/lib/thread/queue.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 4
-dist/threads-shared/lib/threads/shared.pm ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
dist/threads/lib/threads.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 3
ext/b/b.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
ext/b/b/concise.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
ext/devel-peek/peek.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
ext/dynaloader/dynaloader.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
ext/file-glob/glob.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 15
-ext/hash-util-fieldhash/lib/hash/util/fieldhash.pm ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
ext/hash-util-fieldhash/lib/hash/util/fieldhash.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
ext/i18n-langinfo/langinfo.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
ext/opcode/opcode.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 10
os2/os2/os2-rexx/rexx.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perl.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 9
pod/perlaix.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 11
-pod/perlapi.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 87
+pod/perlapi.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 86
pod/perlapi.pod Apparent broken link 1
pod/perlapi.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 144
pod/perlapi.pod unresolved internal link 3
pod/perlapio.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 5
pod/perlbeos.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 4
pod/perlbook.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
-pod/perlcall.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 4
pod/perlcall.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
pod/perlce.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlce.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
pod/perldbmfilter.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perldebguts.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 68
pod/perldebtut.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 22
-pod/perldebug.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 2
pod/perldebug.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 3
pod/perldelta.pod Pod NAME already used -1
pod/perldiag.pod =item type mismatch 1
pod/perlfaq2.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perlfaq4.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 16
pod/perlfaq5.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 40
-pod/perlfaq6.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 3
+pod/perlfaq6.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 2
pod/perlfaq6.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 36
pod/perlfaq7.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 7
pod/perlfaq8.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 20
pod/perlfunc.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 183
pod/perlgit.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlgit.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 14
-pod/perlglossary.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlgpl.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 50
pod/perlguts.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 2
pod/perlguts.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlnewmod.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perlop.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 30
pod/perlos2.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 2
-pod/perlos2.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 3
+pod/perlos2.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlos2.pod Apparent broken link 7
pod/perlos2.pod Apparent internal link is missing its forward slash 3
pod/perlos2.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 22
pod/perlpodspec.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 9
pod/perlpodstyle.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perlport.pod Apparent broken link 27
-pod/perlre.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlreapi.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 17
pod/perlrebackslash.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perlref.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perlrequick.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 3
pod/perlretut.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlretut.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 13
-pod/perlrun.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 3
+pod/perlrun.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 2
pod/perlrun.pod Apparent broken link 3
pod/perlrun.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 17
pod/perlsec.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perlsource.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlsource.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlsub.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 3
-pod/perlsub.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlsub.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 4
pod/perlsymbian.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 2
pod/perlsymbian.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 20
pod/perlsyn.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 7
pod/perlthrtut.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 5
pod/perltie.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 13
-pod/perltodo.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perltodo.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 7
pod/perltodo.pod empty section in previous paragraph 2
pod/perltoot.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
pod/perltru64.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 1
pod/perltru64.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 4
pod/perlunicode.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 16
-pod/perlunifaq.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlunifaq.pod empty section in previous paragraph 1
pod/perluniintro.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 3
pod/perluniprops.pod =item type mismatch 6
-pod/perlutil.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlvar.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 9
pod/perlvms.pod ? Should you be using F<...> or maybe L<...> instead of 1
-pod/perlvms.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
pod/perlvms.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
pod/perlwin32.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 12
pod/perlxs.pod Apparent internal link is missing its forward slash 1
porting/how_to_write_a_perldelta.pod There is no NAME 1
porting/how_to_write_a_perldelta.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 3
porting/pumpkin.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 9
-porting/release_managers_guide.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 2
porting/release_managers_guide.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 11
porting/release_managers_guide.pod Verbatim paragraph in NAME section 1
porting/release_schedule.pod There is no NAME 1
lib/cpan/debug.pm There is no NAME 1
lib/cpan/handleconfig.pm =head2 without preceding higher level 1
lib/cpan/handleconfig.pm There is no NAME 1
-lib/class/struct.pm ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
lib/class/struct.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 7
-lib/config.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 24
+lib/config.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 22
lib/config.pod nested commands F<...F<...>...> 3
lib/db.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
lib/dbm_filter.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
lib/integer.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
lib/overload.pm Apparent broken link 1
lib/overload.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
-lib/perl5db.pl ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 2
+lib/perl5db.pl ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
lib/perl5db.pl Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
lib/strict.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
lib/utf8.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 4
lib/version.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
-lib/version/internals.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of 1
lib/version/internals.pod Apparent broken link 1
lib/version/internals.pod Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 2
lib/vmsish.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 80 by 1
# If looks like a reference to other documentation by containing the
# word 'See' and then a likely pod directive, warn.
- while ($paragraph =~ m{ \b See \s+ ( ( [^L] ) <
+ while ($paragraph =~ m{ \b See \s+
+ ( ( [^L] ) <
( [^<]*? ) # The not-< excludes nested C<L<...
- > ) }ixg) {
- my $construct = $1;
+ > )
+ ( \s+ (?: under | in ) \s+ L< )?
+ }ixg) {
+ my $construct = $1; # The whole thing
my $type = $2;
my $interior = $3;
- if ($interior !~ /$non_pods/
- && $construct !~ /$C_path_re/g) {
+ my $trailing = $4; # After the whole thing ending in "L<"
+ # Now, find what the module or man page name within the construct
+ # would be if it actually has L<> syntax. If it doesn't have that
+ # syntax, will set the module to the entire interior.
+ $interior =~ m/ ^
+ (?: [^|]+ \| )? # Optional arbitrary text ending in
+ # "|"
+ ( .+? ) # module, etc. name
+ (?: \/ .+ )? # target within module
+ $
+ /xs;
+ my $module = $1;
+ if (! defined $trailing # not referring to something in another
+ # section
+ && $interior !~ /$non_pods/
+ # C<> that look like files have their own message below, so
+ # exclude them
+ && $construct !~ /$C_path_re/g
+ # There can't be spaces (I think) in module names or man
+ # pages
+ && $module !~ / \s /x
+ # F<> that end in eg \.pl are almost certainly ok, as are
+ # those that look like a path with multiple "/" chars
+ && ($type ne "F"
+ || ($interior !~ /\.\w+$/ && $interior !~ /\/.+\//)
+ )
+ ) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
-msg => $see_not_linked,
parameter => $construct