set __CollectDumps=
set __DoCrossgen=
set __CrossgenAltJit=
-set __SkipGenerateLayout=
set __BuildXUnitWrappers=
set __PrintLastResultsOnly=
set RunInUnloadableContext=
if /i "%1" == "jitforcerelocs" (set COMPlus_ForceRelocs=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "jitdisasm" (set __JitDisasm=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "ilasmroundtrip" (set __IlasmRoundTrip=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "GenerateLayoutOnly" (set __GenerateLayoutOnly=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "skipgeneratelayout" (set __SkipGenerateLayout=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "buildxunitwrappers" (set __BuildXunitWrappers=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "printlastresultsonly" (set __PrintLastResultsOnly=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "runcrossgentests" (set RunCrossGen=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if not defined XunitTestBinBase set XunitTestBinBase=%__TestWorkingDir%
if not defined XunitTestReportDirBase set XunitTestReportDirBase=%XunitTestBinBase%\Reports\
-REM At this point in the script there will be a divergence in how the tests are run.
-REM For official builds we will continue to run tests using the un-unified scripting
-REM which relies on msbuild and calls runtest.proj directly. For all other scenarios
-REM will handle setup and will then call runtest.proj
-if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly goto SetupMSBuildAndCallRuntestProj
REM We are not running in the official build scenario, call
set __RuntestPyArgs=-arch %__BuildArch% -build_type %__BuildType%
set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --sequential
-if not defined __SkipGenerateLayout (
- set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --generate_layout
-if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly (
- set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --generate_layout_only
if defined __BuildXUnitWrappers (
set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --build_xunit_test_wrappers
REM Prepare the Test Drop
-if not defined __GenerateLayoutOnly (
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Removing 'ni' files and 'lock' folders from %__TestWorkingDir%
- REM Cleans any NI from the last run
- powershell -NoProfile "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include '*.ni.*' -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -force"
- REM Cleans up any lock folder used for synchronization from last run
- powershell -NoProfile "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include 'lock' -Recurse -Force | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'}| Remove-Item -force -Recurse"
+echo %__MsgPrefix%Removing 'ni' files and 'lock' folders from %__TestWorkingDir%
+REM Cleans any NI from the last run
+powershell -NoProfile "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include '*.ni.*' -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -force"
+REM Cleans up any lock folder used for synchronization from last run
+powershell -NoProfile "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include 'lock' -Recurse -Force | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'}| Remove-Item -force -Recurse"
if defined CORE_ROOT goto SkipCoreRootSetup
REM Delete the unecessary file.
if exist %CORE_ROOT%\ del %CORE_ROOT%\
-if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly (
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Done generating layout.
- exit /b 0
::Check if the test Binaries are built
if not exist %XunitTestBinBase% (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Ensure the Test Binaries are built and are present at %XunitTestBinBase%.
echo ^<build_type^> - Specifies build type: Debug, Release, or Checked ^(default: Debug^).
echo VSVersion ^<vs_version^> - VS2017 or VS2019 ^(default: VS2019^).
echo TestEnv ^<test_env_script^> - Run a custom script before every test to set custom test environment settings.
-echo GenerateLayoutOnly - If specified will not run the tests and will only create the Runtime Dependency Layout
-echo skipgeneratelayout - Do not generate the core root. Used for cross target testing.
echo sequential - Run tests sequentially (no parallelism).
echo crossgen - Precompile ^(crossgen^) the managed assemblies in CORE_ROOT before running the tests.
echo crossgenaltjit ^<altjit^> - Precompile ^(crossgen^) the managed assemblies in CORE_ROOT before running the tests, using the given altjit.
echo Examples:
echo %0 x86 checked
-echo %0 x64 checked GenerateLayoutOnly
echo %0 x64 release
exit /b 1
parser.add_argument("--jitdisasm", dest="jitdisasm", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--ilasmroundtrip", dest="ilasmroundtrip", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--run_crossgen_tests", dest="run_crossgen_tests", action="store_true", default=False)
+parser.add_argument("--run_crossgen2_tests", dest="run_crossgen2_tests", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--large_version_bubble", dest="large_version_bubble", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--precompile_core_root", dest="precompile_core_root", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--sequential", dest="sequential", action="store_true", default=False)
-parser.add_argument("--generate_layout", dest="generate_layout", action="store_true", default=False)
-parser.add_argument("--generate_layout_only", dest="generate_layout_only", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--analyze_results_only", dest="analyze_results_only", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--limited_core_dumps", dest="limited_core_dumps", action="store_true", default=False)
+ run_crossgen2_tests=False,
is_jitdasm(bool) :
is_ilasm(bool) :
is_illink(bool) :
+ run_crossgen2_tests(bool) :
run_crossgen_tests(bool) :
run_sequential(bool) :
limited_core_dumps(bool) :
location using the build type and the arch.
- require_built_test_dir = not args.generate_layout_only and True
- require_built_core_root = not args.generate_layout_only and True
+ require_built_test_dir = True
+ require_built_core_root = True
coreclr_setup_args = CoreclrArguments(args,
- require_built_product_dir=args.generate_layout_only)
+ require_built_product_dir=False)
normal_location = os.path.join(coreclr_setup_args.bin_location, "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (coreclr_setup_args.host_os, coreclr_setup_args.arch, coreclr_setup_args.build_type))
"Unsupported configuration: %s.\nSupported configurations: %s" % (corrected_build_type, ", ".join(coreclr_setup_args.valid_build_types)))
if args.test_location is not None and coreclr_setup_args.test_location != normal_location:
- test_location = args.test_location
- # Remove optional end os.path.sep
- if test_location[-1] == os.path.sep:
- test_location = test_location[:-1]
- if normal_location.lower() != test_location.lower() and os.path.isdir(normal_location):
- # Remove the existing directory if there is one.
- shutil.rmtree(normal_location)
- print("Non-standard test location being used.")
- print("Overwrite the standard location with these tests.")
- print("TODO: Change runtest.proj to allow running from non-standard test location.")
- print("")
- print("cp -r %s %s" % (coreclr_setup_args.test_location, normal_location))
- shutil.copytree(coreclr_setup_args.test_location, normal_location)
- test_location = normal_location
- # unset core_root so it can be put in the default location
- core_root = None
- # Force the core_root to be setup again.
- args.generate_layout = True
- coreclr_setup_args.verify(test_location,
- "test_location",
- lambda arg: True,
- "Error setting test location.")
- coreclr_setup_args.verify(args,
- "generate_layout_only",
- lambda arg: True,
- "Error setting generate_layout_only")
- if coreclr_setup_args.generate_layout_only:
- # Force generate_layout
- coreclr_setup_args.verify(args,
- "generate_layout",
- lambda arg: True,
- "Error setting generate_layout",
- modify_arg=lambda arg: True)
- else:
- coreclr_setup_args.verify(args,
- "generate_layout",
- lambda arg: True,
- "Error setting generate_layout")
+ print ("Error, msbuild currently expects tests in bin/tests/...")
+ raise Exception("Error, msbuild currently expects tests in bin/tests/...")
lambda arg: True,
"Error setting run_crossgen_tests")
+ coreclr_setup_args.verify(args,
+ "run_crossgen2_tests",
+ lambda unused: True,
+ "Error setting run_crossgen2_tests")
lambda arg: True,
-def setup_core_root(host_os,
- arch,
- build_type,
- coreclr_repo_location,
- test_native_bin_location,
- product_location,
- test_location,
- core_root):
- """ Setup the core root
- Args:
- host_os(str) : os
- arch(str) : architecture
- build_type(str) : build configuration
- coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location
- product_location(str) : Product location
- core_root(str) : Location for core_root
- """
- global g_verbose
- assert os.path.isdir(product_location)
- # Create core_root if it does not exist
- if os.path.isdir(core_root):
- shutil.rmtree(core_root)
- os.makedirs(core_root)
- # Setup the dotnetcli location
- dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "dotnet%s" % (".cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else ".sh"))
- # Set global env variables.
- os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Restore_Product"
- if host_os != "Windows_NT":
- os.environ["__DistroRid"] = "%s-%s" % ("osx" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux", arch)
- command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", "/nologo", "/verbosity:minimal", "/clp:Summary"]
- if host_os == "Windows_NT":
- command += ["/nodeReuse:false"]
- command += ["/p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false",
- "/p:PortableBuild=true",
- "/p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false",
- "/maxcpucount",
- os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "build.proj")]
- logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs")
- if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir):
- os.makedirs(logs_dir)
- log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Restore_Product%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type))
- build_log = log_path + ".log"
- wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn"
- err_log = log_path + ".err"
- command += ["/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log,
- "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log,
- "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log]
- if g_verbose:
- command += ["/v:detailed"]
- command += ["/t:BatchRestorePackages",
- "/p:__BuildType=%s" % build_type,
- "/p:__BuildArch=%s" % arch,
- "/p:__BuildOS=%s" % host_os]
- print("Restoring packages...")
- print(" ".join(command))
- sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process
- if not g_verbose:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- else:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command)
- try:
- proc.communicate()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- proc.kill()
- sys.exit(1)
- if proc.returncode != 0:
- print("Error: package restore failed.")
- return False
- os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = ""
- # Copy restored packages to core_root
- # Set global env variables.
- os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_Overlay_Managed"
- if host_os != "Windows_NT":
- os.environ["__DistroRid"] = "%s-%s" % ("osx" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux", arch)
- os.environ["__RuntimeId"] = os.environ["__DistroRid"]
- os.environ["Core_Root"] = core_root
- os.environ["xUnitTestBinBase"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(core_root))
- command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", "/nologo", "/verbosity:minimal", "/clp:Summary"]
- if host_os == "Windows_NT":
- command += ["/nodeReuse:false"]
- command += ["/p:RestoreDefaultOptimizationDataPackage=false",
- "/p:PortableBuild=true",
- "/p:UsePartialNGENOptimization=false",
- "/maxcpucount",
- os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "src", "runtest.proj")]
- logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs")
- if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir):
- os.makedirs(logs_dir)
- log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Tests_Overlay_Managed%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type))
- build_log = log_path + ".log"
- wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn"
- err_log = log_path + ".err"
- command += ["/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log,
- "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log,
- "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log]
- if g_verbose:
- command += ["/v:detailed"]
- command += ["/t:CreateTestOverlay",
- "/p:__BuildType=%s" % build_type,
- "/p:__BuildArch=%s" % arch,
- "/p:__BuildOS=%s" % host_os]
- print("")
- print("Creating Core_Root...")
- print(" ".join(command))
- sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process
- if not g_verbose:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- else:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command)
- try:
- proc.communicate()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- proc.kill()
- sys.exit(1)
- if proc.returncode != 0:
- print("Error: creating Core_Root failed.")
- return False
- os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = ""
- os.environ["xUnitTestBinBase"] = ""
- os.environ["__RuntimeId"] = ""
- def copy_tree(src, dest):
- """ Simple copy from src to dest
- """
- assert os.path.isdir(src)
- assert os.path.isdir(dest)
- for item in os.listdir(src):
- if ".nuget" in item:
- pass
- item = os.path.join(src, item)
- if os.path.isfile(item):
- shutil.copy2(item, dest)
- if host_os != "Windows_NT":
- # Set executable bit
- os.chmod(os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(item)), 0o774)
- else:
- new_dir = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(item))
- if os.path.isdir(new_dir):
- shutil.rmtree(new_dir)
- shutil.copytree(item, new_dir)
- # Copy the product dir to the core_root directory
- print("")
- print("Copying Product Bin to Core_Root:")
- print("cp -r %s%s* %s" % (product_location, os.path.sep, core_root))
- copy_tree(product_location, core_root)
- print("---------------------------------------------------------------------")
- print("")
- print("Core_Root setup.")
- print("")
- return True
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
def to_unicode(s):
return unicode(s, "utf-8")
# Setup the tools for the repo.
setup_tools(host_os, coreclr_repo_location)
- if unprocessed_args.generate_layout:
- success = setup_core_root(host_os,
- arch,
- build_type,
- coreclr_repo_location,
- test_native_bin_location,
- product_location,
- test_location,
- core_root)
- if not success:
- print("Error: GenerateLayout failed.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if unprocessed_args.generate_layout_only:
- sys.exit(0)
if unprocessed_args.precompile_core_root:
precompile_core_root(test_location, host_os, arch, core_root, use_jit_disasm=args.jitdisasm, altjit_name=unprocessed_args.crossgen_altjit)
+ run_crossgen2_tests=unprocessed_args.run_crossgen2_tests,