import re
import sys
-import array
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
_unicode, _str, _bytes = str, str, bytes
def encode_pyunicode_string(s):
"""Create Py_UNICODE[] representation of a given unicode string.
- utf32_array = array.array('i', s.encode('UTF-32'))
- assert utf32_array.itemsize == 4
- utf32_array.pop(0) # Remove BOM
- utf32_array.append(0) # Add NULL terminator
- for c in utf32_array:
- if c > 65535:
- utf16_array = array.array('H', s.encode('UTF-16'))
- utf16_array.pop(0) # Remove BOM
- utf16_array.append(0) # Add NULL terminator
- break
+ s = map(ord, s) + [0]
+ if sys.maxunicode >= 0x10000: # Wide build or Py3.3
+ utf16, utf32 = [], s
+ for code_point in s:
+ if code_point >= 0x10000: # outside of BMP
+ high, low = divmod(code_point - 0x10000, 1024)
+ utf16.append(high + 0xD800)
+ utf16.append(low + 0xDC00)
+ else:
+ utf16.append(code_point)
- utf16_array = []
+ utf16, utf32 = s, []
+ for code_unit in s:
+ if 0xDC00 <= code_unit <= 0xDFFF: # low surrogate
+ high, low = utf32.pop(), code_unit
+ utf32.append(((high & 0x3FF) << 10) + (low & 0x3FF) + 0x10000)
+ else:
+ utf32.append(code_unit)
- return ",".join(map(unicode, utf16_array)), ",".join(map(unicode, utf32_array))
+ if utf16 == utf32:
+ utf16 = []
+ return ",".join(map(unicode, utf16)), ",".join(map(unicode, utf32))