--- /dev/null
+Watch larger-than-8-bytes regions of memory, confirm that
+writes to those regions are detected.
+import lldb
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
+class UnalignedWatchpointTestCase(TestBase):
+ def continue_and_report_stop_reason(self, process, iter_str):
+ process.Continue()
+ self.assertIn(process.GetState(), [lldb.eStateStopped, lldb.eStateExited],
+ iter_str)
+ thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
+ return thread.GetStopReason()
+ # debugserver on AArch64 has this feature.
+ @skipIf(archs=no_match(['arm64', 'arm64e', 'aarch64']))
+ @skipUnlessDarwin
+ # debugserver only gained the ability to watch larger regions
+ # with this patch.
+ @skipIfOutOfTreeDebugserver
+ def test_large_watchpoint(self):
+ """Test watchpoint that covers a large region of memory."""
+ self.build()
+ self.main_source_file = lldb.SBFileSpec("main.c")
+ (target, process, thread, bkpt) = lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(self,
+ "break here", self.main_source_file)
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ array_addr = frame.GetValueForVariablePath("array").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+ # watch 256 uint32_t elements in the middle of the array,
+ # don't assume that the heap allocated array is aligned
+ # to a 1024 byte boundary to begin with, force alignment.
+ wa_256_addr = ((array_addr + 1024) & ~(1024-1))
+ err = lldb.SBError()
+ wp = target.WatchAddress(wa_256_addr, 1024, False, True, err)
+ self.assertTrue(wp.IsValid())
+ self.assertSuccess(err)
+ c_count = 0
+ reason = self.continue_and_report_stop_reason(process, "continue #%d" % c_count)
+ while reason == lldb.eStopReasonWatchpoint:
+ c_count = c_count + 1
+ reason = self.continue_and_report_stop_reason(process, "continue #%d" % c_count)
+ self.assertLessEqual(c_count, 16)
+ self.assertEqual(c_count, 16)
#define WCR_LOAD ((uint32_t)(1u << 3))
#define WCR_STORE ((uint32_t)(1u << 4))
-// Enable breakpoint, watchpoint, and vector catch debug exceptions.
-// (MDE bit in the MDSCR_EL1 register. Equivalent to the MDBGen bit in
-// DBGDSCRext in Aarch32)
-#define MDE_ENABLE ((uint32_t)(1u << 15))
// Single instruction step
// (SS bit in the MDSCR_EL1 register)
#define SS_ENABLE ((uint32_t)(1u))
- // The kernel will set the MDE_ENABLE bit in the MDSCR_EL1 for us
- // automatically, don't need to do it here.
kret = SetDBGState(also_set_on_task);
/// Round up \a requested_size to the next power-of-2 size, at least 8
/// bytes
- /// requested_size == 3 -> aligned_size == 8
- /// requested_size == 13 -> aligned_size == 16
- /// requested_size == 16 -> aligned_size == 16
+ /// requested_size == 8 -> aligned_size == 8
+ /// requested_size == 9 -> aligned_size == 16
+ /// requested_size == 15 -> aligned_size == 16
+ /// requested_size == 192 -> aligned_size == 256
/// Could be `std::bit_ceil(aligned_size)` when we build with C++20?
aligned_size = 1ULL << (addr_bit_size - __builtin_clzll(aligned_size - 1));
if (wps[0].aligned_size <= 8)
return SetBASWatchpoint(wps[0], read, write, also_set_on_task);
+ return SetMASKWatchpoint(wps[0], read, write, also_set_on_task);
// We have multiple WatchpointSpecs
- // The kernel will set the MDE_ENABLE bit in the MDSCR_EL1 for us
- // automatically, don't need to do it here.
kret = SetDBGState(also_set_on_task);
// DumpDBGState(m_state.dbg);
+DNBArchMachARM64::SetMASKWatchpoint(DNBArchMachARM64::WatchpointSpec wp,
+ bool read, bool write,
+ bool also_set_on_task) {
+ const uint32_t num_hw_watchpoints = NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints();
+ // Read the debug state
+ kern_return_t kret = GetDBGState(false);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ // Check to make sure we have the needed hardware support
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_hw_watchpoints; ++i) {
+ if ((m_state.dbg.__wcr[i] & WCR_ENABLE) == 0)
+ break; // We found an available hw watchpoint slot
+ }
+ if (i == num_hw_watchpoints) {
+ "DNBArchMachARM64::"
+ "SetMASKWatchpoint(): All "
+ "hardware resources (%u) are in use.",
+ num_hw_watchpoints);
+ }
+ "DNBArchMachARM64::"
+ "SetMASKWatchpoint() "
+ "set hardware register %d to MASK watchpoint "
+ "aligned start address 0x%llx, aligned size %zu",
+ i, wp.aligned_start, wp.aligned_size);
+ // Clear any previous LoHi joined-watchpoint that may have been in use
+ LoHi[i] = 0;
+ // MASK field is the number of low bits that are masked off
+ // when comparing the address with the DBGWVR<n>_EL1 values.
+ // If aligned size is 16, that means we ignore low 4 bits, 0b1111.
+ // popcount(16 - 1) give us the correct value of 4.
+ // 2GB is max watchable region, which is 31 bits (low bits 0x7fffffff
+ // masked off) -- a MASK value of 31.
+ const uint64_t mask = __builtin_popcountl(wp.aligned_size - 1) << 24;
+ // A '0b11111111' BAS value needed for mask watchpoints plus a
+ // nonzero mask value.
+ const uint64_t not_bas_wp = 0xff << 5;
+ m_state.dbg.__wvr[i] = wp.aligned_start;
+ m_state.dbg.__wcr[i] = mask | not_bas_wp | S_USER | // Stop only in user mode
+ (read ? WCR_LOAD : 0) | // Stop on read access?
+ (write ? WCR_STORE : 0) | // Stop on write access?
+ WCR_ENABLE; // Enable this watchpoint;
+ "DNBArchMachARM64::SetMASKWatchpoint() "
+ "adding watchpoint on address 0x%llx with control "
+ "register value 0x%llx",
+ (uint64_t)m_state.dbg.__wvr[i],
+ (uint64_t)m_state.dbg.__wcr[i]);
+ kret = SetDBGState(also_set_on_task);
+ "DNBArchMachARM64::"
+ "SetMASKWatchpoint() "
+ "SetDBGState() => 0x%8.8x.",
+ kret);
+ if (kret == KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return i;
bool DNBArchMachARM64::ReenableHardwareWatchpoint(uint32_t hw_index) {
// If this logical watchpoint # is actually implemented using
// two hardware watchpoint registers, re-enable both of them.
- "SetBASWatchpoint( %u ) - WVR%u = "
+ "ReenableHardwareWatchpoint_helper( %u ) - WVR%u = "
"0x%8.8llx WCR%u = 0x%8.8llx",
hw_index, hw_index, (uint64_t)m_state.dbg.__wvr[hw_index],
hw_index, (uint64_t)m_state.dbg.__wcr[hw_index]);
- // The kernel will set the MDE_ENABLE bit in the MDSCR_EL1 for us
- // automatically, don't need to do it here.
kret = SetDBGState(false);
return (kret == KERN_SUCCESS);
uint32_t i, num = NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints();
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
nub_addr_t wp_addr = GetWatchAddress(debug_state, i);
- uint32_t byte_mask = bits(debug_state.__wcr[i], 12, 5);
"GetHardwareWatchpointHit() slot: %u "
- "(addr = 0x%llx; byte_mask = 0x%x)",
- i, static_cast<uint64_t>(wp_addr), byte_mask);
+ "(addr = 0x%llx, WCR = 0x%llx)",
+ i, wp_addr, debug_state.__wcr[i]);
if (!IsWatchpointEnabled(debug_state, i))
- if (bits(wp_addr, 48, 3) != bits(addr, 48, 3))
- continue;
+ // DBGWCR<n>EL1.BAS are the bits of the doubleword that are watched
+ // with a BAS watchpoint.
+ uint32_t bas_bits = bits(debug_state.__wcr[i], 12, 5);
+ // DBGWCR<n>EL1.MASK is the number of bits that are masked off the
+ // virtual address when comparing to DBGWVR<n>_EL1.
+ uint32_t mask = bits(debug_state.__wcr[i], 28, 24);
- // Sanity check the byte_mask
- uint32_t lsb = LowestBitSet(byte_mask);
- if (lsb < 0)
- continue;
+ const bool is_bas_watchpoint = mask == 0;
- uint64_t byte_to_match = bits(addr, 2, 0);
+ DNBLogThreadedIf(
+ "DNBArchImplARM64::"
+ "GetHardwareWatchpointHit() slot: %u %s",
+ i, is_bas_watchpoint ? "is BAS watchpoint" : "is MASK watchpoint");
- if (byte_mask & (1 << byte_to_match)) {
- addr = wp_addr + lsb;
- return i;
+ if (is_bas_watchpoint) {
+ if (bits(wp_addr, 48, 3) != bits(addr, 48, 3))
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if (bits(wp_addr, 48, mask) == bits(addr, 48, mask)) {
+ "DNBArchImplARM64::"
+ "GetHardwareWatchpointHit() slot: %u matched MASK "
+ "ignoring %u low bits",
+ i, mask);
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_bas_watchpoint) {
+ // Sanity check the bas_bits
+ uint32_t lsb = LowestBitSet(bas_bits);
+ if (lsb < 0)
+ continue;
+ uint64_t byte_to_match = bits(addr, 2, 0);
+ if (bas_bits & (1 << byte_to_match)) {
+ addr = wp_addr + lsb;
+ "DNBArchImplARM64::"
+ "GetHardwareWatchpointHit() slot: %u matched BAS",
+ i);
+ return i;
+ }