## @file utc_gtest_run.sh
-## @author Jongsoo Yoon <join.yoon@samsung.com>
+## @author Jongsoo Yoon <join.yoon@samsung.com>, Mikolaj Czyzewski <m.czyzewski@samsung.com>
## @date 2014-02-20
+## @mod 2015-01-16
## @brief This shell-script file is made to test all unit test cases automatically for Chromium EFL API
-## Set target environment
-set $(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
-## Echo setting values
-mkdir $UTC_LOG_DIR
-## Run Unit Test for All
-echo ====shell script==== ::: start test ::: $utc_exec
-cp $UTC_EXEC_PATH/$utc_exec $UTC_ROOT
-# some TCs need to get focus on webview, lockscreen is blocking focus
-killall -s QUIT lockscreen
-$UTC_ROOT/$utc_exec --gtest_output="xml:$UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml" # | tee $UTC_LOG_DIR/$utc_exec.log
-rm $UTC_ROOT/$utc_exec
-if [ ! -f "$UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml" ]; then
- test_name=${utc_exec%"_func"}
- ## Generate fake xml file that tells about possible segfault.
- echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo "<testsuites tests=\"1\" failures=\"1\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"0\" time=\"0.1\" name=\"Launch\">" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo " <testsuite name=\"$test_name\" tests=\"1\" failures=\"1\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"0\" time=\"0.1\">" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo " <testcase name=\"LaunchTC\" status=\"run\" time=\"0.1\" classname=\"$test_name\">" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo " <failure message=\"SIGSEGV\" type=\"\"></failure>" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo " </testcase>" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo " </testsuite>" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
- echo "</testsuites>" >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/$utc_exec.xml
-echo ====shell script==== ::: end test ::: $utc_exec
-## Set testsuites initial values
-## Parsing & Merging All tests xml files
-for result_xml in $UTC_RESULT_DIR/*.xml; do
- echo -e "\033[1;33;3m$result_xml\033[0m"
- _testAPIs=`expr $_testAPIs + 1`
- _isFails=`expr $_failures + $_disabled + $_errors`
- _totalTests=`expr $_totalTests + $(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/@tests)" $result_xml)`
- _failures=`expr $_failures + $(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/@failures)" $result_xml)`
- _disabled=`expr $_disabled + $(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/@disabled)" $result_xml)`
- _errors=`expr $_errors + $(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/@errors)" $result_xml)`
- _time=`echo $_time $(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/@time)" $result_xml) | awk '{printf "%.3f", $1 + $2}'`
- if [ `expr $_failures + $_disabled + $_errors` -gt $_isFails ];then
- _isFails=`expr $_failures + $_disabled + $_errors`
- _failureAPIs=`expr $_failureAPIs + 1`
+# Tests can be run in a four different ways:
+# -single test
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -s utc_blink_ewk_view_visibility_set.POS_TEST1
+# -set of tests
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -s utc_blink_ewk_view_user_agent*
+# -tests listed in the file (each test_name/API_function in separate line)
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -l file
+# -all tests
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -a
+# To generate list of all tests:
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -g (to stdout)
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -g > all_tests.txt
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -g | grep ewk_view > ewk_view_tests.txt
+# The test results are generated in /opt/usr/utc_results/unittest-result-{DATE}-{TIME}
+# To parse the results:
+# ./utc_gtest_run.sh -p /opt/usr/utc_results/unittest-result-{DATE}-{TIME}
+# This creates file unittest-result-{DATE}-{TIME}.txt in current directory.
+function usage {
+ cat << EOF
+Usage: utc_gtest_run.sh [OPTION]
+ -a run all tests
+ -g generate list of all tests
+ -h show this help
+ -l file run all tests from a text file (every test pattern in separate line)
+ -p dir search directory for xml files, parse them and print results
+ -s name run single test
+function getHostArch() {
+ echo $(uname -m | sed -e \
+ 's/i.86/ia32/;s/x86_64/x64/;s/amd64/x64/;s/arm.*/arm/;s/i86pc/ia32/')
+# Set target environment depending on the host architecture
+function init {
+ case "$(getHostArch)" in
+ x64)
+ UTC_EXEC="ewk_unittests"
+ tmp_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+ CHROMIUM_DIR=$(dirname $tmp_dir)
+ binaries=($(find "$CHROMIUM_DIR/out.x64" -type f -name "$UTC_EXEC"))
+ num_of_bin=${#binaries[@]}
+ case $num_of_bin in
+ 0)
+ echo "=== No $UTC_EXEC binary found. Exiting ==="
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ echo "=== Only one utc binary found: ==="
+ echo "=== ${binaries[@]} ==="
+ EXEC=$binaries
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "=== Please choose utc binary to run: ==="
+ i=1
+ for bin in ${binaries[@]}; do
+ echo "$i) $bin"
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ while true; do
+ read number
+ if [[ $number =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && [ $number -ge 1 ] && [ $number -le $num_of_bin ]; then
+ break
+ else
+ echo "=== Please enter an integer from 1 to $num_of_bin ==="
+ fi
+ done
+ EXEC="${binaries[$number-1]}"
+ echo "=== Running $EXEC ==="
+ ;;
+ esac
+ UTC_RESULTS_ROOT_DIR=/tmp/utc_results
+ CHROMIUM_EFL_LIBDIR="$(dirname $EXEC)/lib"
+ export UTC_RESOURCE_PATH="$CHROMIUM_DIR/ewk/unittest/resources"
+ EXEC="$EXEC --disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds"
+ ;;
+ arm)
+ UTC_EXEC=ewk_unittests
+ EXEC="/opt/usr/utc_exec/$UTC_EXEC"
+ chmod +x $EXEC
+ UTC_RESULTS_ROOT_DIR=/opt/usr/utc_results
+ killall -s QUIT lockscreen
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "=== Unsupported architecture ==="
+ ;;
+ esac # getHostArch
+ FILE_DATE=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ [ "$1" = "--" ] && shift
+ echo "=== EXEC = $EXEC ==="
+ echo "=== UTC_RESULT_DIR = $UTC_RESULT_DIR ==="
+function deinit {
+ echo -e "=== Test results were saved in \033[0;34m$UTC_RESULT_DIR\033[0m ==="
+# Parse single xml file and print result
+function parse_xml () {
+ xml_file=$1
+ if [ ! -e "$xml_file" ]; then
+ echo "=== File $xml_file doesn't exist ==="
+ return
- echo >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/temp_report
- xmllint --xpath //testsuite $result_xml >> $UTC_RESULT_DIR/temp_report
-_success=`expr $_totalTests - $_isFails`
-_successAPIs=`expr $_testAPIs - $_failureAPIs`
+ testsuite_count=$(xmllint --xpath "count(//testsuites/testsuite)" $xml_file)
+ for (( i=1; i<=$testsuite_count; i++ )); do
+ testcase_count=$(xmllint --xpath "count(//testsuites/testsuite[$i]/testcase)" $xml_file)
+ for (( j=1; j<=$testcase_count; j++ )); do
+ classname=$(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/testsuite[$i]/testcase[$j]/@classname)" $xml_file)
+ name=$(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/testsuite[$i]/testcase[$j]/@name)" $xml_file)
+ message=$(xmllint --xpath "string(//testsuites/testsuite[$i]/testcase[$j]/failure/@message)" $xml_file)
+ message=$(echo $message | tr -d "\n\r")
+ if [ -n "$message" ]; then
+ echo "FAILURE $classname.$name $message"
+ else
+ echo "SUCCESS $classname.$name"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# Search directory for xml files, parse them and print results
+function parse_dir () {
+ xml_dir=$1
+ pushd $xml_dir &>/dev/null
+ echo "=== Parsing files in: `pwd` ==="
+ for file in *.xml; do
+ echo "$(parse_xml $file)"
+ done
-## Generate report xml file
-echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > $utc_report_xml_file_path
-echo "<testsuites testAPIs=\"$_testAPIs\" successAPIs=\"$_successAPIs\" failureAPIs=\"$_failureAPIs\" tests=\"$_totalTests\" success=\"$_success\" failures=\"$_failures\" disabled=\"$_disabled\" errors=\"$_errors\" time=\"$_time\" name=\"$_name\">" >> $utc_report_xml_file_path
-cat $UTC_RESULT_DIR/temp_report >> $utc_report_xml_file_path
-echo >> $utc_report_xml_file_path
-echo "</testsuites>" >> $utc_report_xml_file_path
+ popd &>/dev/null
-## End Unit Test
-#rm $UTC_RESULT_DIR -rf
+# Generate list of all tests and print it to stdout
+function generate_tests_list () {
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ filter="*$1*"
+ else
+ filter="*"
+ fi
+ list=$($EXEC --gtest_list_tests --gtest_filter="$filter" | egrep "^[a-zA-Z ]")
+ utc_line=""
+ result=""
+ while read line; do
+ if [[ $line == utc_* ]]; then
+ utc_line=$line
+ else
+ echo "$utc_line$line"
+ fi
+ done <<< "$list"
+# Run single test
+function run_test () {
+ test_name=$1
+ if [ -n "$test_name" ]; then
+ echo "=== Running test $test_name ==="
+ file="$UTC_RESULT_DIR/$test_name.xml"
+ # Generate fake xml file that tells about possible segfault
+ if [ ! -f $file ]; then
+ IFS='.' read -ra name <<< "$test_name"
+ echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" >> $file
+ echo "<testsuites tests=\"1\" failures=\"0\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"1\" time=\"0.1\" name=\"AllTests\">" >> $file
+ echo " <testsuite name=\"${name[0]}\" tests=\"1\" failures=\"0\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"1\" time=\"0.1\">" >> $file
+ echo " <testcase name=\"${name[1]}\" status=\"run\" time=\"0.1\" classname=\"${name[0]}\">" >> $file
+ echo " <failure message=\"SIGSEGV\" type=\"\"></failure>" >> $file
+ echo " </testcase>" >> $file
+ echo " </testsuite>" >> $file
+ echo "</testsuites>" >> $file
+ fi
+ $EXEC --gtest_output="xml:$UTC_RESULT_DIR/$test_name.xml" --gtest_filter="$test_name"
+ echo "=== Finished test $test_name ==="
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "=== No test name specified ==="
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Run tests listed in file
+function run_list () {
+ test_file=$1
+ if [ -f "$test_file" ]; then
+ echo "=== Running tests from file: $test_file ==="
+ else
+ echo "=== Test file not specified ==="
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ## Assume that in this file are only patterns (i.e. ewk_view_application_name) instead of
+ ## full test names (i.e. utc_blink_ewk_view_application_name_for_user_agent_set.POS_TEST).
+ ## So for each pattern we find all matching tests and run them one by one.
+ while read test_pattern; do
+ find_tests=$(generate_tests_list "$test_pattern")
+ while read single_test; do
+ run_test "$single_test"
+ done <<< "$find_tests"
+ done < "$test_file"
+ echo "=== Finished running tests from file: $test_file ==="
+function run_all {
+ echo "=== Running all test ==="
+ while read test; do
+ run_test "$test"
+ done <<< "$(generate_tests_list)"
+ echo "=== Finished running all test ==="
+while getopts "aghHl:p:s:" opt; do
+ case "$opt" in
+ # all tests
+ a)
+ init
+ mkdir -p $UTC_RESULT_DIR
+ run_all
+ deinit
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ # generate list of all tests
+ g)
+ init
+ generate_tests_list
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ # help
+ h|H)
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ # run from list
+ l)
+ init
+ mkdir -p $UTC_RESULT_DIR
+ run_list $OPTARG
+ deinit
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ # parse dir
+ p)
+ init
+ xml_dir="$OPTARG"
+ if [ ! -e "$xml_dir" ]; then
+ echo "=== Directory '$xml_dir' doesn't exist ==="
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ result=$(parse_dir $xml_dir)
+ file_name="$(basename "$xml_dir").txt"
+ file="$UTC_RESULTS_ROOT_DIR/$file_name"
+ echo "$result" > $file
+ success=$(echo "$result" | grep "^SUCCESS" | wc -l)
+ failure=$(echo "$result" | grep "^FAILURE" | wc -l)
+ sigsegv=$(echo "$result" | grep "SIGSEGV" | wc -l)
+ echo "" | tee -a $file
+ echo "SUCCESS : $success" | tee -a $file
+ echo "FAILURE : $failure ($sigsegv)" | tee -a $file
+ echo "TOTAL : $(expr $success + $failure)" | tee -a $file
+ echo "" | tee -a $file
+ echo "=== Results saved to $UTC_RESULTS_ROOT_DIR/$file_name ==="
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ # single test
+ s)
+ init
+ mkdir -p $UTC_RESULT_DIR
+ run_test $OPTARG
+ deinit
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
-echo -e "\033[1;33;3mend unit test..\033[0m"
-echo -e "\033[1;33;3mxml report file is located in \"\033[1;32;4m$utc_report_xml_file_path\033[1;33;3m\"\033[0m"
+exit 1