// Handle seeing a "COLON semantic" at the end of a type declaration,
// by updating the type according to the semantic.
-void HlslParseContext::handleSemantic(TSourceLoc loc, TQualifier& qualifier, const TString& semantic)
- // TODO: need to know if it's an input or an output
- // The following sketches what needs to be done, but can't be right
- // without taking into account stage and input/output.
- TString semanticUpperCase = semantic;
- std::transform(semanticUpperCase.begin(), semanticUpperCase.end(), semanticUpperCase.begin(), ::toupper);
- // in DX9, all outputs had to have a semantic associated with them, that was either consumed
- // by the system or was a specific register assignment
- // in DX10+, only semantics with the SV_ prefix have any meaning beyond decoration
- // Fxc will only accept DX9 style semantics in compat mode
- // Also, in DX10 if a SV value is present as the input of a stage, but isn't appropriate for that
- // stage, it would just be ignored as it is likely there as part of an output struct from one stage
- // to the next
- qualifier.semanticName = intermediate.addSemanticName(semanticUpperCase);
+void HlslParseContext::handleSemantic(TSourceLoc loc, TQualifier& qualifier, TBuiltInVariable builtIn)
+ // adjust for stage in/out
- bool bParseDX9 = false;
- if (bParseDX9) {
- if (semanticUpperCase == "PSIZE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvPointSize;
- else if (semantic == "FOG")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFogFragCoord;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "DEPTH")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepth;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "VFACE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFace;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "VPOS")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
- }
- // SV Position has a different meaning in vertex vs fragment
- if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_POSITION" && language != EShLangFragment)
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvPosition;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_POSITION" && language == EShLangFragment)
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_CLIPDISTANCE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvClipDistance;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_CULLDISTANCE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvCullDistance;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_VERTEXID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvVertexIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_VIEWPORTARRAYINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvViewportIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TESSFACTOR")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvTessLevelOuter;
- // Targets are defined 0-7
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 0;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET0") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 0;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET1") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 1;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET2") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 2;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET3") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 3;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET4") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 4;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET5") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 5;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET6") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 6;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET7") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 7;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_SAMPLEINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvSampleId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvLayer;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_PRIMITIVEID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvPrimitiveId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_ISFRONTFACE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFace;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_INSTANCEID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvInstanceIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvTessLevelInner;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GSINSTANCEID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_DISPATCHTHREADID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvGlobalInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GROUPTHREADID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvLocalInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GROUPID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvWorkGroupId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_DOMAINLOCATION")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvTessCoord;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_DEPTH")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepth;
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_COVERAGE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvSampleMask;
- // TODO, these need to get refined to be more specific
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_DEPTHGREATEREQUAL")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepthGreater;
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_DEPTHLESSEQUAL")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepthLesser;
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_STENCILREF")
+ switch(builtIn) {
+ case EbvPosition:
+ if (language == EShLangFragment)
+ builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
+ break;
+ case EbvStencilRef:
error(loc, "unimplemented; need ARB_shader_stencil_export", "SV_STENCILREF", "");
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_GROUPINDEX")
- error(loc, "unimplemented", "SV_GROUPINDEX", "");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ qualifier.builtIn = builtIn;
++ qualifier.semanticName = intermediate.addSemanticName(semanticUpperCase);