--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using Xunit;
+namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests
+ public static class HelperMarshal
+ {
+ internal const string INTEROP_CLASS = "[System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests]System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests.HelperMarshal:";
+ internal static int _i32Value;
+ private static void InvokeI32(int a, int b)
+ {
+ _i32Value = a + b;
+ }
+ internal static float _f32Value;
+ private static void InvokeFloat(float f)
+ {
+ _f32Value = f;
+ }
+ internal static double _f64Value;
+ private static void InvokeDouble(double d)
+ {
+ _f64Value = d;
+ }
+ internal static long _i64Value;
+ private static void InvokeLong(long l)
+ {
+ _i64Value = l;
+ }
+ internal static byte[] _byteBuffer;
+ private static void MarshalArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ using (var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer))
+ _byteBuffer = bytes.ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void MarshalByteBuffer(Uint8Array buffer)
+ {
+ _byteBuffer = buffer.ToArray();
+ }
+ internal static int[] _intBuffer;
+ private static void MarshalArrayBufferToInt32Array(ArrayBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ using (var ints = new Int32Array(buffer))
+ _intBuffer = ints.ToArray();
+ }
+ internal static string _stringResource;
+ private static void InvokeString(string s)
+ {
+ _stringResource = s;
+ }
+ internal static string _marshalledString;
+ private static string InvokeMarshalString()
+ {
+ _marshalledString = "Hic Sunt Dracones";
+ return _marshalledString;
+ }
+ internal static object _object1;
+ private static object InvokeObj1(object obj)
+ {
+ _object1 = obj;
+ return obj;
+ }
+ internal static object _object2;
+ private static object InvokeObj2(object obj)
+ {
+ _object2 = obj;
+ return obj;
+ }
+ internal static object _marshalledObject;
+ private static object InvokeMarshalObj()
+ {
+ _marshalledObject = new object();
+ return _marshalledObject;
+ }
+ internal static int _valOne, _valTwo;
+ private static void ManipulateObject(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _valOne = (int)obj.Invoke("inc");
+ _valTwo = (int)obj.Invoke("add", 20);
+ }
+ internal static object[] _jsObjects;
+ private static void MinipulateObjTypes(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _jsObjects = new object[4];
+ _jsObjects[0] = obj.Invoke("return_int");
+ _jsObjects[1] = obj.Invoke("return_double");
+ _jsObjects[2] = obj.Invoke("return_string");
+ _jsObjects[3] = obj.Invoke("return_bool");
+ }
+ internal static int _jsAddFunctionResult;
+ private static void UseFunction(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _jsAddFunctionResult = (int)obj.Invoke("call", null, 10, 20);
+ }
+ internal static int _jsAddAsFunctionResult;
+ private static void UseAsFunction(Function func)
+ {
+ _jsAddAsFunctionResult = (int)func.Call(null, 20, 30);
+ }
+ internal static int _functionResultValue;
+ private static Func<int, int, int> CreateFunctionDelegate()
+ {
+ return (a, b) =>
+ {
+ _functionResultValue = a + b;
+ return _functionResultValue;
+ };
+ }
+ internal static int _intValue;
+ private static void InvokeInt(int value)
+ {
+ _intValue = value;
+ }
+ internal static IntPtr _intPtrValue;
+ private static void InvokeIntPtr(IntPtr i)
+ {
+ _intPtrValue = i;
+ }
+ internal static IntPtr _marshaledIntPtrValue;
+ private static IntPtr InvokeMarshalIntPtr()
+ {
+ _marshaledIntPtrValue = (IntPtr)42;
+ return _marshaledIntPtrValue;
+ }
+ internal static object[] _jsProperties;
+ private static void RetrieveObjectProperties(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _jsProperties = new object[4];
+ _jsProperties[0] = obj.GetObjectProperty("myInt");
+ _jsProperties[1] = obj.GetObjectProperty("myDouble");
+ _jsProperties[2] = obj.GetObjectProperty("myString");
+ _jsProperties[3] = obj.GetObjectProperty("myBoolean");
+ }
+ private static void PopulateObjectProperties(JSObject obj, bool createIfNotExist)
+ {
+ _jsProperties = new object[4];
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("myInt", 100, createIfNotExist);
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("myDouble", 4.5, createIfNotExist);
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("myString", "qwerty", createIfNotExist);
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("myBoolean", true, createIfNotExist);
+ }
+ private static void MarshalByteBufferToInts(ArrayBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ using (var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer))
+ {
+ var byteBuffer = bytes.ToArray();
+ _intBuffer = new int[bytes.Length / sizeof(int)];
+ for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i += sizeof(int))
+ _intBuffer[i / sizeof(int)] = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteBuffer, i);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void MarshalInt32Array(Int32Array buffer)
+ {
+ _intBuffer = buffer.ToArray();
+ }
+ internal static float[] _floatBuffer;
+ private static void MarshalFloat32Array(Float32Array buffer)
+ {
+ _floatBuffer = buffer.ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void MarshalArrayBufferToFloat32Array(ArrayBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ using (var floats = new Float32Array(buffer))
+ _floatBuffer = floats.ToArray();
+ }
+ internal static double[] _doubleBuffer;
+ private static void MarshalFloat64Array(Float64Array buffer)
+ {
+ _doubleBuffer = buffer.ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void MarshalArrayBufferToFloat64Array(ArrayBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ using (var doubles = new Float64Array(buffer))
+ _doubleBuffer = doubles.ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void MarshalByteBufferToDoubles(ArrayBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ using (var doubles = new Float64Array(buffer))
+ _doubleBuffer = doubles.ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArraySByte(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ sbyte[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat((sbyte)0x20, 11).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Int8Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static sbyte[] _taSByte;
+ private static void GetTypedArraySByte(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taSByte = ((Int8Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArrayByte(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ var dragons = "hic sunt dracones";
+ byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dragons);
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("dracones", Uint8Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static byte[] _taByte;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayByte(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taByte = ((Uint8Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("dracones")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArrayShort(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ short[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat((short)0x20, 13).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Int16Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static short[] _taShort;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayShort(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taShort = ((Int16Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArrayUShort(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ ushort[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat((ushort)0x20, 14).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Uint16Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static ushort[] _taUShort;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayUShort(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taUShort = ((Uint16Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArrayInt(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ int[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat((int)0x20, 15).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Int32Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static int[] _taInt;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayInt(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taInt = ((Int32Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ public static void SetTypedArrayUInt(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ uint[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat((uint)0x20, 16).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Uint32Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static uint[] _taUInt;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayUInt(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taUInt = ((Uint32Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArrayFloat(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ float[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat(3.14f, 17).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Float32Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static float[] _taFloat;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayFloat(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taFloat = ((Float32Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static void SetTypedArrayDouble(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ double[] buffer = Enumerable.Repeat(3.14d, 18).ToArray();
+ obj.SetObjectProperty("typedArray", Float64Array.From(buffer));
+ }
+ internal static double[] _taDouble;
+ private static void GetTypedArrayDouble(JSObject obj)
+ {
+ _taDouble = ((Float64Array)obj.GetObjectProperty("typedArray")).ToArray();
+ }
+ private static Function _sumFunction;
+ private static void CreateFunctionSum()
+ {
+ _sumFunction = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");
+ }
+ internal static int _sumValue = 0;
+ private static void CallFunctionSum()
+ {
+ _sumValue = (int)_sumFunction.Call(null, 3, 5);
+ }
+ private static Function _mathMinFunction;
+ private static void CreateFunctionApply()
+ {
+ var math = (JSObject)Runtime.GetGlobalObject("Math");
+ _mathMinFunction = (Function)math.GetObjectProperty("min");
+ }
+ internal static int _minValue = 0;
+ private static void CallFunctionApply()
+ {
+ _minValue = (int)_mathMinFunction.Apply(null, new object[] { 5, 6, 2, 3, 7 });
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Xunit;
+namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests
+ public static class MarshalTests
+ {
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalPrimitivesToCS()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._i32Value = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS("App.call_test_method (\"InvokeI32\", [10, 20])");
+ Assert.Equal(30, HelperMarshal._i32Value);
+ HelperMarshal._f32Value = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS("App.call_test_method (\"InvokeFloat\", [1.5])");
+ Assert.Equal(1.5f, HelperMarshal._f32Value);
+ HelperMarshal._f64Value = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS("App.call_test_method (\"InvokeDouble\", [4.5])");
+ Assert.Equal(4.5, HelperMarshal._f64Value);
+ HelperMarshal._i64Value = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS("App.call_test_method (\"InvokeLong\", [99])");
+ Assert.Equal(99, HelperMarshal._i64Value);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalArrayBuffer()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalArrayBuffer"", [ buffer ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(16, HelperMarshal._byteBuffer.Length);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalArrayBuffer2Int()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ var int32View = new Int32Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < int32View.length; i++) {
+ int32View[i] = i * 2;
+ }
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalArrayBufferToInt32Array"", [ buffer ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._intBuffer.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(0, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(6, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalArrayBuffer2Int2()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ var int32View = new Int32Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < int32View.length; i++) {
+ int32View[i] = i * 2;
+ }
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalByteBufferToInts"", [ buffer ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._intBuffer.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(0, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(6, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalStringToCS()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._stringResource = null;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS("App.call_test_method(\"InvokeString\", [\"hello\"])");
+ Assert.Equal("hello", HelperMarshal._stringResource);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalStringToJS()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._marshalledString = HelperMarshal._stringResource = null;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var str = App.call_test_method (""InvokeMarshalString"");
+ App.call_test_method (""InvokeString"", [ str ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.NotNull(HelperMarshal._marshalledString);
+ Assert.Equal(HelperMarshal._marshalledString, HelperMarshal._stringResource);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void JSObjectKeepIdentityAcrossCalls()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._object1 = HelperMarshal._object2 = null;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { foo: 10 };
+ var res = App.call_test_method (""InvokeObj1"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""InvokeObj2"", [ res ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.NotNull(HelperMarshal._object1);
+ Assert.Same(HelperMarshal._object1, HelperMarshal._object2);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void CSObjectKeepIdentityAcrossCalls()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._marshalledObject = HelperMarshal._object1 = HelperMarshal._object2 = null;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = App.call_test_method (""InvokeMarshalObj"");
+ var res = App.call_test_method (""InvokeObj1"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""InvokeObj2"", [ res ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.NotNull(HelperMarshal._object1);
+ Assert.Same(HelperMarshal._marshalledObject, HelperMarshal._object1);
+ Assert.Same(HelperMarshal._object1, HelperMarshal._object2);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void JSInvokeInt()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = {
+ foo: 10,
+ inc: function() {
+ var c = this.foo;
+ ++this.foo;
+ return c;
+ },
+ add: function(val){
+ return this.foo + val;
+ }
+ };
+ App.call_test_method (""ManipulateObject"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(10, HelperMarshal._valOne);
+ Assert.Equal(31, HelperMarshal._valTwo);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void JSInvokeTypes()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = {
+ return_int: function() { return 100; },
+ return_double: function() { return 4.5; },
+ return_string: function() { return 'Hic Sunt Dracones'; },
+ return_bool: function() { return true; },
+ };
+ App.call_test_method (""MinipulateObjTypes"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(100, HelperMarshal._jsObjects[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(4.5, HelperMarshal._jsObjects[1]);
+ Assert.Equal("Hic Sunt Dracones", HelperMarshal._jsObjects[2]);
+ Assert.NotEqual("HIC SVNT LEONES", HelperMarshal._jsObjects[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(true, HelperMarshal._jsObjects[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void JSObjectApply()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var do_add = function(a, b) { return a + b };
+ App.call_test_method (""UseFunction"", [ do_add ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(30, HelperMarshal._jsAddFunctionResult);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void JSObjectAsFunction()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var do_add = function(a, b) { return a + b };
+ App.call_test_method (""UseAsFunction"", [ do_add ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(50, HelperMarshal._jsAddAsFunctionResult);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalDelegate()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._object1 = null;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var funcDelegate = App.call_test_method (""CreateFunctionDelegate"", [ ]);
+ var res = funcDelegate (10, 20);
+ App.call_test_method (""InvokeI32"", [ res, res ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(30, HelperMarshal._functionResultValue);
+ Assert.Equal(60, HelperMarshal._i32Value);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void BindStaticMethod()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._intValue = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@$"
+ var invoke_int = Module.mono_bind_static_method (""{HelperMarshal.INTEROP_CLASS}InvokeInt"");
+ invoke_int (200);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(200, HelperMarshal._intValue);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void BindIntPtrStaticMethod()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._intPtrValue = IntPtr.Zero;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@$"
+ var invoke_int_ptr = Module.mono_bind_static_method (""{HelperMarshal.INTEROP_CLASS}InvokeIntPtr"");
+ invoke_int_ptr (42);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(42, (int)HelperMarshal._intPtrValue);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalIntPtrToJS()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._marshaledIntPtrValue = IntPtr.Zero;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@$"
+ var invokeMarshalIntPtr = Module.mono_bind_static_method (""{HelperMarshal.INTEROP_CLASS}InvokeMarshalIntPtr"");
+ var r = invokeMarshalIntPtr ();
+ if (r != 42) throw `Invalid int_ptr value`;
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(42, (int)HelperMarshal._marshaledIntPtrValue);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void InvokeStaticMethod()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._intValue = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@$"
+ Module.mono_call_static_method (""{HelperMarshal.INTEROP_CLASS}InvokeInt"", [ 300 ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(300, HelperMarshal._intValue);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void ResolveMethod()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._intValue = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@$"
+ var invoke_int = Module.mono_method_resolve (""{HelperMarshal.INTEROP_CLASS}InvokeInt"");
+ App.call_test_method (""InvokeInt"", [ invoke_int ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.NotEqual(0, HelperMarshal._intValue);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void GetObjectProperties()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = {myInt: 100, myDouble: 4.5, myString: ""Hic Sunt Dracones"", myBoolean: true};
+ App.call_test_method (""RetrieveObjectProperties"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(100, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(4.5, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[1]);
+ Assert.Equal("Hic Sunt Dracones", HelperMarshal._jsProperties[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(true, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void SetObjectProperties()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = {myInt: 200, myDouble: 0, myString: ""foo"", myBoolean: false};
+ App.call_test_method (""PopulateObjectProperties"", [ obj, false ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""RetrieveObjectProperties"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(100, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(4.5, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[1]);
+ Assert.Equal("qwerty", HelperMarshal._jsProperties[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(true, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void SetObjectPropertiesIfNotExistsFalse()
+ {
+ // This test will not create the properties if they do not already exist
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = {myInt: 200};
+ App.call_test_method (""PopulateObjectProperties"", [ obj, false ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""RetrieveObjectProperties"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(100, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[0]);
+ Assert.Null(HelperMarshal._jsProperties[1]);
+ Assert.Null(HelperMarshal._jsProperties[2]);
+ Assert.Null(HelperMarshal._jsProperties[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void SetObjectPropertiesIfNotExistsTrue()
+ {
+ // This test will set the value of the property if it exists and will create and
+ // set the value if it does not exists
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = {myInt: 200};
+ App.call_test_method (""PopulateObjectProperties"", [ obj, true ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""RetrieveObjectProperties"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(100, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(4.5, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[1]);
+ Assert.Equal("qwerty", HelperMarshal._jsProperties[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(true, HelperMarshal._jsProperties[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArray()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ var uint8View = new Uint8Array(buffer);
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalByteBuffer"", [ uint8View ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(16, HelperMarshal._byteBuffer.Length);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArray2Int()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ var int32View = new Int32Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < int32View.length; i++) {
+ int32View[i] = i * 2;
+ }
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalInt32Array"", [ int32View ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._intBuffer.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(0, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(6, HelperMarshal._intBuffer[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArray2Float()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var typedArray = new Float32Array([1, 2.1334, 3, 4.2, 5]);
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalFloat32Array"", [ typedArray ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(1, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2.1334f, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(3, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(4.2f, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[3]);
+ Assert.Equal(5, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[4]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalArrayBuffer2Float2()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ var float32View = new Float32Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < float32View.length; i++) {
+ float32View[i] = i * 2.5;
+ }
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalArrayBufferToFloat32Array"", [ buffer ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(0, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2.5f, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(5, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(7.5f, HelperMarshal._floatBuffer[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArray2Double()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var typedArray = new Float64Array([1, 2.1334, 3, 4.2, 5]);
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalFloat64Array"", [ typedArray ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(1, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2.1334d, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(3, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(4.2d, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[3]);
+ Assert.Equal(5, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[4]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalArrayBuffer2Double()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32);
+ var float64View = new Float64Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < float64View.length; i++) {
+ float64View[i] = i * 2.5;
+ }
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalByteBufferToDoubles"", [ buffer ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(0, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2.5d, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(5, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(7.5d, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalArrayBuffer2Double2()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(32);
+ var float64View = new Float64Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < float64View.length; i++) {
+ float64View[i] = i * 2.5;
+ }
+ App.call_test_method (""MarshalArrayBufferToFloat64Array"", [ buffer ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(4, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(0, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(2.5f, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[1]);
+ Assert.Equal(5, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[2]);
+ Assert.Equal(7.5f, HelperMarshal._doubleBuffer[3]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArraySByte()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArraySByte"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArraySByte"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(11, HelperMarshal._taSByte.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taSByte[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taSByte[HelperMarshal._taSByte.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayByte()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayByte"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayByte"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(11, HelperMarshal._taSByte.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(104, HelperMarshal._taByte[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(115, HelperMarshal._taByte[HelperMarshal._taByte.Length - 1]);
+ Assert.Equal("hic sunt dracones", System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(HelperMarshal._taByte));
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayShort()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayShort"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayShort"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(13, HelperMarshal._taShort.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taShort[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taShort[HelperMarshal._taShort.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayUShort()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayUShort"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayUShort"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(14, HelperMarshal._taUShort.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taUShort[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taUShort[HelperMarshal._taUShort.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayInt()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayInt"", ""o"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayInt"", ""o"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(15, HelperMarshal._taInt.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taInt[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(32, HelperMarshal._taInt[HelperMarshal._taInt.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayUInt()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayUInt"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayUInt"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(16, HelperMarshal._taUInt.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(32, (int)HelperMarshal._taUInt[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(32, (int)HelperMarshal._taUInt[HelperMarshal._taUInt.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayFloat()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayFloat"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayFloat"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(17, HelperMarshal._taFloat.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(3.14f, HelperMarshal._taFloat[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(3.14f, HelperMarshal._taFloat[HelperMarshal._taFloat.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void MarshalTypedArrayDouble()
+ {
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ var obj = { };
+ App.call_test_method (""SetTypedArrayDouble"", ""o"", [ obj ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""GetTypedArrayDouble"", ""o"", [ obj ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(18, HelperMarshal._taDouble.Length);
+ Assert.Equal(3.14d, HelperMarshal._taDouble[0]);
+ Assert.Equal(3.14d, HelperMarshal._taDouble[HelperMarshal._taDouble.Length - 1]);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void TestFunctionSum()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._sumValue = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ App.call_test_method (""CreateFunctionSum"", null, [ ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""CallFunctionSum"", null, [ ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(8, HelperMarshal._sumValue);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public static void TestFunctionApply()
+ {
+ HelperMarshal._minValue = 0;
+ Runtime.InvokeJS(@"
+ App.call_test_method (""CreateFunctionApply"", null, [ ]);
+ App.call_test_method (""CallFunctionApply"", null, [ ]);
+ ");
+ Assert.Equal(2, HelperMarshal._minValue);
+ }
+ }