0x80000008, 0, EAX, 7:0, phy_adr_bits, Physical Address Bits
0x80000008, 0, EAX, 15:8, lnr_adr_bits, Linear Address Bits
0x80000007, 0, EBX, 9, wbnoinvd, WBNOINVD
+# 8000001F: AMD Secure Encryption
+0x8000001F, 0, EAX, 0, sme, Secure Memory Encryption
+0x8000001F, 0, EAX, 1, sev, Secure Encrypted Virtualization
+0x8000001F, 0, EAX, 2, vmpgflush, VM Page Flush MSR
+0x8000001F, 0, EAX, 3, seves, SEV Encrypted State
+0x8000001F, 0, EBX, 5:0, c-bit, Page table bit number used to enable memory encryption
+0x8000001F, 0, EBX, 11:6, mem_encrypt_physaddr_width, Reduction of physical address space in bits with SME enabled
+0x8000001F, 0, ECX, 31:0, num_encrypted_guests, Maximum ASID value that may be used for an SEV-enabled guest
+0x8000001F, 0, EDX, 31:0, minimum_sev_asid, Minimum ASID value that must be used for an SEV-enabled, SEV-ES-disabled guest